Chapter 13: WTGC 13: Level 6 (TW, R18)
"Hah.... Hah..." I can sense my breathe getting heavier and my heart is beating faster with the excitement I could feel. My front hip feels good.
I can feel a body weight on top of me and the rocking movement synchronized with breathing. The rustling of clothes and the rubbing on top of me is getting faster. It registered to me that it is a male private part rubbing on mine.
I slightly opened my eyes and a male figure is on top of me.
"No... please stop! I don't want this." He covered my mouth and his movements became intense. He kept on going despite me trying to fight back and crying.
"Shhh..." He brushed my hair aside, revealing my face. He's stared at me and continued.
"Father.... please stop...."
I suddenly woke up, bawling my eyes. My tears won't stop. My dream felt so realistic that I can't help but feel fear and weakness. I'm covered in sweat and tears, and I felt very filthy. This is one of my memories I would like to forget so why am I dreaming about it now.
After I've calmed down, I noticed that I'm at an unfamiliar bedroom. Alone. No signs of Damon.
There are two doors and I'm guessing one of them leads outside while the other one I would say is for the bathroom. I opened one of them and a startled Damon greeted me. He was standing beside the door, back at the wall and carrying a tray full of sweets and coffee.
"I ..... I brought lunch." He explained himself. He averted his gaze from me and I noticed it. I looked at my body and remembered how sweaty and disheveled I am.
"I'm sorry. I'll just take a shower, you could leave the food. I'll eat it after."
Instead of giving me the tray, Damon invited himself in. He walked to the coffee table by the window. He put the tray down and sat there.
"Go take your shower. I'll send someone to deliver you new clothes. "
As I entered the shower, the memories from before I passed out came flooding back to me.
"So embarassing...." Why did I do that? Was it because of the air at Level 7? I'm sure it has something to do with it. Should I apologize to Damon later? Of all people, I should've known better. Maybe that dream was the punishment for what I've done to Damon.
Once I finished my shower, I just slightly opened the door to see if Damon was still waiting. Instead, I heard quick tiny hoof steps coming my way. With the slight opening on the door, A round blush pink piglet is presenting me my clothes. Just like Tantan, he is standing on his two feet.
The clothes given to me smells sweet. It has licorice for belt and shoelace, white polo with macarons as buttons, grey pants that are glistening under the lights. The pants looks like it is covered with sugar crystals.
I stepped onto the room fully dressed. The piglet is changing the sheets of the bed while Damon is just sitting by the window. I sat beside Damon and asked.
"With this atmosphere, Am I right to assume we're not at Level 7 anymore?"
"You're right. We are now at Level 6 or what most known as the Land of Banquet. "
I looked thru the window and saw some familiar types of souls. There are those similar to our customers, multiple head, multiple mouths, fat, and skin and bones. But they do have something in common, their clothes all look delicious, similar to mine.
"How did we get here?"
"Your memories might be hazy because of Level 7's atmoshpere but I carried you allthrough the rest of the Journey."
"I'm very sorry you have to carry me. Also about...."
"Don't be sorry. Actually you did well for your first time at Level 7. Most souls will give in to the atmosphere just right after passing the gate thus the bodies we saw."
"Still... I'm sorry. I'll make sure that doesn't happen again. Besides the atmosphere here at Level 6 seems nice. Do we continue the Journey after Lunch?"
" No. We will continue tomorrow."
"If you're worried, I'm feeling okay now. "
"You're not going outside with that clothes."
"What's wrong with what I'm wearing? "
"Once we get outside the city, you'll end up naked. The souls at the Land of Banquet are gluttons and some of them are uncontrollable."
"Why would I end up naked though? "
"Most things here at Level 6 are edible including your clothes. And those who can't quench their hunger will not care eating your clothes while you're wearing them."
I instinctively clutched my clothes. Even with a sweet and happy atmosphere, it's not entirely safe.
"We're safe here. The residents of this house will not do that. To ease your worries, this household is where Liam used to live. You can be sure that no ones gonna eat your clothes so get some rest while HamHam here will take your clothes to Laundry."
HamHam? I don't why ... but its funny to hear Damon say such word. But who's HamHam? Then the piglet earlier came out of the restroom carrying my sweaty clothes.
Damon left the room with HamHam and let me eat by myself. He told me to get some rest but I can't find myself sleeping yet. So I just decided to observe through the windows.
Everything is related to food. This must be the reason why Liam's cooking is good. But I wouldn't have thought Liam was from Level 6. He just doesn't look like it.
From what I observed, the fancier the clothes they have the rounder and bigger their body is. Most of them are eating while travelling the streets. There are some who can't walk because of their weight so they use carts or other wheeled vehicles.
Morning came and we' ve said our goodbyes to the owner of the house. The clothes I was wearing was given to HamHam. He immediately gnawed the underwear. It was quite embarassing.
We continued our Journey and didn't experience any big troubles. The only problem is that the air smells delicious and will make you hungry but that wasn't a big deal. We've reached our destination. The gate to the next Level.