Welcome to Gatori Cafe

Chapter 2: WTGC 02: New recruit

The inside of the elevator is dark. No buttons and no screen to tell which floor I am currently at. All I can I hear is the whirling of the elevator as I wait for the door to open. It feels like forever to get on the top floor.

I tried to feel around to see how big the elevator car is. It looks like it can only handle 2 people at most but it will be very cramped. This is too exclusive. If this kind of establishment is like this, does that mean the price range are high. Can I even afford it? Do I even look like I belong there?

"Maybe I should go back down immediately as soon as the door opens" And as I was saying that, the elevator dinged timely. And the bright light as it opens blinded me.

The door is fully opened and there I see one man in the kitchen cooking, one lying at the sofa and the last one is shirtless sitting on the sofa. Their gazes landed on me. I slowly looked around but this doesn't look like a cafe to me. That woman!!!

"He he.... I must've gotten the wrong floor.." I laughed as I repeatedly tap the card on the scanner hoping the elevator closes and will bring me back to the ground floor. There was no response as if the elevator completely stopped working.

Did that woman really tricked me? Is this really her hotel room? But why are there 3 men here? Is this her harem?

The shirtless guy sighed, stood up and went inside one of the rooms. The one lying down, hurriedly walked towards me, and pulled me inside. The elevator door closed.

"Oh thank you. Now, can you open it again so I could go back down. "

"You're just right in time" He said as he drags me towards the dining area. "We were just about to have dinner. And Li am actually cooked for four people cause we were expecting you."

"You were expecting me? "

"Yes, the owner told us that the new recruit will be coming today and make sure to serve a feast." Liam explained as the waft of freshly cooked meals surrounds him.


"That's what we call her. The old lady with golden hair, who always wear a big sun hat"

They were talking about the woman I talked to earlier but she's not that old as I recall. And Owner? so these men are really hers? Why am I imagining a BDSM scenario? And me? A new recruit? Am I the new pet?


"Oh my name is Jo Han, but mostly they call me Han. How about you? What should we call you?"

"My name is Eu gene"

"And as Han has mentioned earlier. I am Li am and the other dude over there is Da mon." Liam responded and pointed behind me.

When did he came back? Was he here for the entire conversation? I turned around and Da mon is standing only 2 feet behind me. He is wearing a shirt now but his chest was in front of my face. He's tall and to be honest.... exactly my type.

As I gaze up Da mon, I can clearly see how handsome he is with sharp jaw line, V faced shaped face, beautiful eyes, and his ash gray hair perfectly suits his face. Not to mention, he has lean buff body. I didn't clearly saw it before he was shirtless but you could still tell even with a shirt on. Him looking down on me with his deep blue eyes is truly mesmerizing. We could stare at each other for a long time.

"Ahem" Jo han intervened as he turned me around, back to looking at the dining table. "Let's talk more over dinner." He added.

Da mon went ahead and took his sit. Jo han offered the chair in front of Da mon to me and he sat next to me. As soon as Li am, have finished setting the table, he sat next to Da mon.

"This will be our welcome gift to you. So I hope you enjoy the food." said Li am and flashed a very beautiful smile.

"Show off." Da mon scoffed as he crossed his arms.

While eating, Jo han is the most talkative and welcoming among the three of them. He keeps offering me food, recommending and explaining the food Li am has cooked. Li am occasionally joins the conversation while I barely get to hear Da Mon. He just elegantly sits there and eat. I can't help but steal glances.

"How about we discuss your recruitment over some desserts" Li am offered. My eyes sparkled as I saw him putting down the same colorful macarons I saw on the poster earlier. I can hear the three of them, including Da mon, chuckled as they looked at me.

"Is this from Gatori Cafe? So it does exist?" I asked.

"Of course, Gatori Cafe exists. I'm sure it is one of the main reason why you're here anyway." Da mon answered.

"But this place doesn't look like a cafe. Or is this the theme of the cafe? Am I the only customer? How does it work? But I didn't order yet? Do I have to pay for the meals earlier? But that was a lot?"

The three of them looked at each other, worried. It seems that they realized that I really had no idea on what's going on.

Jo han answered to feed my confusion. " The owner or well known as Lady Gum has told us that starting tomorrow one new recruit or employee will be starting and help us at Gatori Cafe. And the three of us are sure that you're the one she's talking about Eu gene"

"Did she really not explain anything to you?" Da mon asked and I just shook my head. He let out a sigh. "I should talk to her. She needs to stop doing this."

" Our owner actually likes recruiting good looking guys. But....." Liam added and grabbed me by my chin. He inspected my face. "... you're not the owner's usual type. I would say you're more like...." He added as he side eyed Da Mon. Da mon removed Li am's hands and signaled Jo Han.

Jo Han continued the explanation. He explained that where we currently at, is not the cafe itself but the employees dormitory. There are four rooms one for each employee. Mine will be beside Da mon's and the two doors across are for Li am and him. There are shared bathroom for each two rooms so I'm sharing with Damon.

Beside the elevator is a stairway going to Gatori Cafe. But they suggested to continue the discussion tomorrow to go over my duties as its already getting late and we need to wake up early for preparation.

For now, all I know, is I'm the new recruit for Gatori Cafe.

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