What If Naruto Had The Six Eyes & Limitless Curse Technique

Chapter 19: The Chunin Exam [5]

As Sasuke loss consciousness, Sakura took him to the place where Naruto was taking a small nap.

After a little waiting Naruto woke up.....

"You woke up Naruto .... That's good.... "

"Sakura , You're here , are you okay ?" Naruto asked Sakura who was sitting nearby him.

"I'm good." Sakura replied as she walked to Naruto .

"What happened and what happened to Sasuke ?" Naruto said in worry tone seeing Sasuke unconscious.

"Well, after you felt tired and went for a nap , That man attacked again and Sasuke fought with him , that's why Sasuke-kun is exhausted after the battle & lost consciousness." Sakura explained the full situation to Naruto.

"It's my fault, I should've stayed with him....." Naruto said as he stood up from his place. "So where the man went."

"Don't know , But I think he retreated as after fighting you and Sasuke even he was exhausted & was bleeding." Sakura said.

"That's good...Do you have the earth scroll with you ?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah , Sasuke gave me before the fight started ." Sakura said as she showed the scroll to Naruto. "Now we need to find the heaven scroll from any of the team & we can return to the tower middle." Sakura said.

"well, we don't need to find the heaven scroll, I took the heaven scroll from one of the man we were fighting , during the fight they dropped it. " Naruto said as he bring out the heaven scroll.

"Well , than we've to wait for Sasuke-kun to wake up & we will continue moving towards the tower." Sakura said.

"No.... We shouldn't wait much as the man or his subordinates can attack any time , so we need to keep moving. " Naruto said to Sakura & looked at Unconscious Sasuke who was laying near him "About Sasuke I'll carry him." Naruto said as he carried Sasuke.

After that Naruto and Sakura started moving towards the middle of the forest while Naruto carrying Sasuke.

As they were passing the forest jumping one branch to another , Suddenly Naruto stopped in his place.

Sakura saw it and she also stopped "What happened, Naruto ?" Sakura asked confused at Naruto stopping suddenly.

"sshhh.... listen carefully....." Naruto whispered.

As Sakura went silent she heard a sudden rustle from the bushes drew Sakura's attention. From it emerged a frightened red-haired girl who was also participating in the exam.

Fear was etched on her face as she stumbled, panting heavily, her eyes wide with terror. Following closely behind her was a large, ferocious bear, its menacing growl echoing through the forest.

The panic had frozen Karin in her tracks. The bear was closing in, its massive paws ready to strike.

With a swift movement, Naruto stepped forward. He raised his hand, palm outwards, facing the bear. The limitless technique activated, stopping the attack from the bear.

The bear, moving at full speed, suddenly found itself halted, its forward momentum arrested as though it hit a wall. It roared in confusion and frustration, swiping its giant paws at the invisible force holding it back, but to no avail.

Naruto then swiftly moved, his speed enhanced In a blink, he was next to Karin, pulling her away from the bear and towards safety. "Are you okay?" He asked, his voice calm despite the dangerous situation.

Karin nodded, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She looked at Naruto, her eyes wide with awe and gratitude. "Thank you.," She managed to say, her voice shaky.

Sakura ran over to them, relief washing over her. "That was close," she said looking at both Naruto and the red haired girl.

"Wait.... Here...." Naruto said as he stepped towards the bear which was still there, Naruto went In front of it chains begun to come out from Naruto's back and wrapped the bear with it.

Afterwards Naruto returned to both the girls & Sasuke who was still unconscious.

"Well, are you sure you're alright ?" Naruto asked the red haired girl who was still shaking a little but calmed down after looking at Naruto's reassuring smile.

"Yeah, I'm alright." Said the red haired girl as she stood up.

"What's your name ?" Sakura asked the girl.

"I'm Karin..... Karin Uzumaki....." The girl replied.

"Uzumaki ? That's good..... I'm Naruto Uzumaki By the way...." Naruto said "so where are your teammates ? " Naruto asked With a confused look.

"Well.... They died in a fight against another team... " Karin replied as her eyes tells how afraid she was.

"I'm really sorry to hear that , what you gonna do now...." Sakura asked .

"I don't know , My teammates are dead so I don't know where to go now." Karin replied.

"Well, come with us than , you're one of my clan member so I can't leave you behind . " Naruto said.

Karin nodded at Naruto.

At that moment Sasuke woke up ,"What's Happening here, where are you ? " Sasuke asked as he was obviously confused about everything around him.

"I'll explain, but let's move towards the tower first , I'll explain on the way.. " Naruto said .

As they Continued to move towards the tower in the middle of the forest, Naruto explain everything to Sasuke.

"So, she's your clan member... Huh ?. " Sasuke asked as Naruto explained everything to him.

Naruto nodded.

During this time Karin explained them how her village treated her badly exploiting her capabilities.

After sometime they reached their destination, the tower where they were told to bring the scrolls.

"Finally, we've reached the tower," Naruto announced, as they found themselves standing before the looming structure.

As they ventured inside, their eyes fell upon a banner urging them to unroll the scrolls in their possession.

With a sense of anticipation, Naruto unfurled the 'heaven' scroll while Sasuke took to the 'earth' scroll.

Suddenly, they were engulfed in a thick cloud of smoke that erupted from the scrolls. Recognizing the signs of a summoning jutsu, they hastily released their hold on the scrolls.

An unexpected figure emerged from the smoke. "Hey there!" It was Iruka. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

A broad smile lit up Naruto's face. "Hello, Iruka-sensei!"

"You completed the mission in the first day ?" Iruka said in astonishment.

"Yes , What can I say we're too strong for this test anyway." Naruto said with a grin.

Iruka returned the smile, and began to explain, "The second exam is designed in such a way that we chuunins meet the contenders. So, congratulations, all three of you have passed the second test."

He took a moment to survey them, then noted, "Seems like you'll are fine. And who's the redhead?"

"The girl with the red hair is Uzumaki Karin, she's a relative and will be staying with me." Naruto Replied.

Sasuke nodded in agreement with Naruto's words, causing Iruka to chuckle, "Ah, I see... My apologies for assuming you two were the only exceptional ones. And what do you mean she will be staying with you?"

"Well... Her village treated her poorly, just look at her arm. They exploited her exceptional bloodline capabilities, using her like a makeshift medkit and biting her arm to heal themselves," Naruto explained.

Iruka's expression hardened as he surveyed Karin's arm, marred with bite marks. "That's abhorrent. Regardless, know that you are welcome in the hidden leaf village, Karin."

With a grateful nod, Karin accepted the welcome.

"Well , as you completed the test in just 1st day , you'll have to wait 4 days for the test to finish and other teams to show up." Iruka instructed.


Kabuto materialized within the tower, Orochimaru's presence at his side, neither of them concealing their identities outside the tower. Orochimaru inquired, "What was the outcome?"

Kabuto expressed her despair with a shake of her head. "I Didn't even have time to join them , they left for the towers so quick ."

Orochimaru chuckled, "That boy is undeniably a beast. With a single jutsu, he shattered the 'Five-layer Rashomon.' Fortunately, it depleted in power towards the end, but not before draining most of my chakra."

Kabuto affirmed, "Yes, I witnessed it from afar. It was an eerie sight."

Orochimaru, displayed a smile. "Here's another uncertainty we need to consider when we strike Konoha."

Kabuto knelt down, responding, "Understood, Lord Orochimaru."


After 4 days of waiting , all the teams came back to the tower with their pair of scrolls, well only 7 teams including team 7.

After some treatments Naruto sent Karin to his apartment for the time being for rest , during the Chunin exam.

Naruto & Sasuke both were at there best now, they took treatment for the little wounds that they had during the clash against the man.

Naruto and Sasuke told about the attack to Kakashi & kakashi said he would talk it with Hokage-sama.


Inside the Hokage's office...

"Orochimaru was here?" Hiruzen questioned, a frown creasing his face as he inspected Anko's seal.

Anko, her face mirroring Hiruzen's frown, confirmed, "Yes, he was. I believed my seal had been deactivated, but during our fight, he triggered it, resulting in a numbing sensation throughout my body."

Hiruzen exhaled a sigh, asking, "Are you still in pain?"

"No, I feel much better now," she replied.

A Jounin from the back chimed in, "Isn't Orochimaru one of the legendary three Sannins and a class 5 missing ninja from the handbook? From what I've heard, even the Anbu can't get close to him. I thought he was already dead."

Another Jounin wondered aloud, "Why would he return to the village?"

As Anko prepared to answer, Hiruzen interjected, his face stern, "It's Sasuke, isn't it?"

"Anko-sama!" An urgent voice called from outside the office.

Everyone's attention pivoted to the incoming ninja who announced, "Twenty-one have successfully passed the second test. As per the rules, for the first time in five years, we will commence preparations for a preliminary round before the third test. The second test is concluded."

Hiruzen responded, "Let's proceed with the exam as planned. We'll handle Orochimaru separately."

Anko, her face pale, managed to respond, "Understood..."

"By the way," Hiruzen added, "after the preliminaries, come see me. We'll have Naruto examine your seal. He might be able to handle your cursed seal."

Anko, taken aback, questioned, "Naruto? The blonde kid?"

"Yes," Hiruzen confirmed, "according to him, Fuinjutsu is just a series of codes. He makes it sound effortless. He's what you might call a prodigy. He learned Fuinjutsu in less than a week."

Within the Chuunin Exam Arena (Preliminaries)...

"Firstly, congratulations to those who passed the second test," a voice rang out.

Gai, standing next to Kakashi, smirked and commented, "Your team isn't too bad, Kakashi. Perhaps they were just lucky. However, as long as my team is in the running, progressing any further will be impossible. From now on, reality will set in. Youth is a mixture of sweet and sour times, right, Kakashi?"

Upon hearing Gai's comments, Kakashi looked at him, "You were saying something ?"

Gai was dumbfounded seeing Kakashi not even hearing him.

Kakashi merely shrugged, raising his palms nonchalantly.

"Typical of you, Kakashi. You exude a cool demeanor that truly grates on my nerves," Gai thought, his energy brimming with youthful spirit.

Amidst their banter, Hiruzen observed with a smile as Anko announced, "Hokage-sama will now provide an explanation for the third test. Pay close attention."

"For the upcoming third test, it's crucial you understand the true purpose of this exam," Hiruzen began, drawing confused looks from the Genins.

"Why do we invite all allied countries to participate in the exam together? Is it to foster friendships among nations or to elevate the level of Shinobi? I don't want any confusion surrounding the true meaning of this exam. This exam serves as a substitute for war among the allied countries."

The Genins, still confused, listened as Hiruzen continued, "In the past, the current allies were once enemies, warring over dominance. To avoid unnecessary conflict, these countries chose this stage for battle. This is the origin of the Chuunin exam."

"The exam indeed determines which Shinobis are eligible for the Chuunin rank. However, it also serves as a platform for Shinobis from each country to risk their lives in defense of their homeland's honor."

"Watching the third exam will be leaders and influential individuals from various countries, all of whom are potential clients of the Shinobi. The leaders of these countries will observe each of your battles. If a country is perceived as strong, they will attract more clients. Conversely, if deemed weak, they may lose clients. This sends a political message to potential enemy countries about the power of our village."

Kiba, agitated, asked, "But why? Why must we risk our lives in battle?"

Naruto with confiden replied, "It's obvious. The Genins are expected to display their full strength. How can one demonstrate their strength without putting their life on the line?"

"The strength of a country lies in the strength of its village, and the strength of a village lies in the strength of its Shinobi," Hiruzen added, smirking. "A Shinobi's true strength is born only through life-risking battle. The exam is a place to showcase a country's strength and your individual power. It only has meaning because lives are at risk."

"But then why do you talk about it being for 'friendship'?" Tenten asked, confused.

Hiruzen looked down, replying, "As I said at the beginning, I don't want any confusion about the exam's purpose. This is the form friendship takes in the Shinobi world. Without strength as a foundation, you risk vulnerability, and others may exploit that. That is why lives are at risk in the Chuunin exam; it's meaningful and a testament to the dream of becoming a Shinobi."

The Genins listened, a sheen of sweat forming as they absorbed this information.

[A.N : Drop Power stones if you are liking this story..... Thanks.]

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