What If Naruto Had The Six Eyes & Limitless Curse Technique

Chapter 84: Hatred Can't defeat hatre, love can

Nagato's eyes narrowed, but he kept his calm demeanor. "You don't understand," he said. "Pain is the way to peace. Only through suffering can people truly understand each other. It's the only way to end the cycle of hatred."

I crossed my arms and smirked, keeping things light. "Really? You think more pain is the answer? That's like trying to put out a fire with gasoline. How does that make any sense?"

"People can only understand others' pain when they go through the same suffering they've caused to others," he replied.

"That's a pretty flawed idea," I said. "You don't get how people work. Sure, humans fight, seek power, and cause suffering to others for their own joy. But saying you'll bring peace through pain? That's just gonna add more suffering for everyone. Instead of being a voice for the suffering, you'll just become another source of their pain and create more hatred in the world."

"Darkness can't drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate can't drive out hate; only love can do that," I added.

After my words, Nagato seemed deep in thought, and the place fell silent for a few moments. He finally looked up.

"So you're telling me, even after I killed Jiraiya-sensei, you don't hold a grudge against me and won't try to avenge his death?" he questioned.

"Nah..." I replied.

"What? But why?" he exclaimed.

"You heard me. My answer is no because I know what Jiraiya-sensei would want. He'd tell me to forgive, not seek revenge."

Nagato's eyes flickered with uncertainty. "But how can you be so sure? How can you stay so calm after everything?" he asked, still skeptical.

I took a deep breath, keeping my gaze steady. "Jiraiya-sensei taught me more than just jutsus. He taught me about hope and believing in people, even when things look bleak. He wrote about it in his book. He believed someone would eventually break this cycle of hatred. And I believe I can be that person."

Nagato's expression hardened. "That book... I remember it. But those are just ideals, Naruto. Ideals won't change the reality of this world. People are driven by pain and greed. You think you can change that with words?"

I shook my head, a confident smile forming. "Dreams become reality when someone is brave enough to chase them. And I'm not just chasing it. I'm living it. With these eyes, I can see the world in a way no one else can. I understand people's pain, their struggles, and I know that adding more suffering isn't the answer."

Nagato's eyes narrowed. "You speak of understanding, but you haven't experienced what I have. You haven't seen the depth of mankind's cruelty. How can you be so naive to think that love and understanding will solve everything?"

I met his gaze, unwavering. "It's not about being naive. It's about choosing a different path. You're right, I haven't seen everything you have, but I've seen enough to know that revenge and pain only lead to more suffering. Jiraiya-sensei believed in people. He believed they could change if someone showed them the way."

Nagato's face was a mix of skepticism and curiosity. "So, you think you can change the world with just your words and ideals?"

I chuckled, rubbing the back of my head. "Yeah, pretty much. Look, I get it. You've been through hell and back. You've seen the worst of humanity. But that's why we need something different. We need hope. We need to show people there's a better way."

Nagato's eyes softened a bit, but he still seemed unconvinced. "And what makes you think you're the one who can do that? What makes you so special?"

I shrugged, a playful grin on my face. "Maybe I'm not special. Maybe I'm just stubborn. But I've got this feeling, deep down, that things can change. And I'm gonna keep pushing until they do. Besides, it's not just about me. It's about all of us. Together, we can make a difference."

Nagato sighed, "You talk a big game, Naruto. But ideals alone won't stop the wars, the suffering."

"True," I admitted. "But action combined with those ideals can. Jiraiya-sensei once told me that the real heroes are the ones who keep fighting for what's right, even when it's tough. That's what I'm doing. And I think you can be a hero too, Nagato."

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