Why Did I Write So Many Tropes?!

Chapter 23: Why Does It Hurt So Much?!

"Mana blockage is rare and scientists still don't understand where it comes from," he explained. "For some reason, people like us initially struggle with magic due to our mana pores being obstructed."

I think that was the longest sentence I've heard from him, I thought as I attentively listened. He's normally very brief with his words.

Mr. Booker continued. "Furthermore, mana blockage is hard to detect until someone begins learning magic, so some people say that approximately half the population actually has mana blockage and simply have never been diagnosed."

"You are impressive," he suddenly said. His gaze seemed to change.


"Mana blockage makes magic difficult to cast and dulls the senses. You managed to enter the Academy while debilitated." The powerfully-built man nodded his acknowledgement. "Be proud of that."

I felt guilty once again. This wasn't the product of my efforts, but the old Mav's.

"Thank you," I said with a forced smile.

"Now," the red-haired man shook his long hair out of his face. "I will explain how you can fix your mana blockage and start learning magic."

Mr. Booker lowered himself so he could look me in the eye. 

"Be warned-- this process will be intensive and painful," he rumbled seriously. "Are you sure you want to learn magic? You can always remain as a physical fighter."

I swallowed nervously. Something that even the strong-looking teacher said was painful…?

But I knew that I had to do it.

Magic would open up many opportunities for me.

Most importantly, I was focused on the fact that "mana blockage dulls the senses."

My senses lagged far behind the other Class A students.

Enhancing my senses would exponentially increase my chances.

"Yes," I nodded firmly. "I understand, but I want to continue."

"I can see what allowed you to enter the Academy," he rumbled. The long haired teacher suddenly smiled, revealing white, pointy teeth.

I was surprised. This was the first time his normally impassive face had shown any emotion.

He gestured for me to turn around while explaining. "The only known way to fix mana blockage is with sheer force. I will flood your body with mana and force open your mana pores."

Wait, this sounds like a very crude method--

"Ready? Three… two… one…"

Suddenly, he placed his large palms against my back.

Crackling energy entered my body. Every nerve screamed in agony.

My vision turned into various shades of blue and black and red, resembling an impressionist painting. Steam began rising off my body like when I consumed demonic cores.

Beneath my skin, pure blue lightning crackled through my veins.

After what felt like forever, Mr. Booker took his hands off my back.

"How do you feel?"


"I will go get the school nurse," Mr. Booker said apologetically, before dialing his smartwatch.

Meanwhile, I was surprised when I checked my ID.

[Name: Mav Callahan]

[Age: 14]

[Year: Freshman]

[Overall Ranking: 21st - Class A]

[Strength: F++]

[Endurance: F++]

[Dexterity: G+]

[Agility: F+]

[Mana: E- → E]

[Affinity: Earth]

My mana ability had increased slightly. The effect was probably from the demonic cores that I had consumed combined with Mr. Booker's mana blockage "treatment."

"Altogether, that was very beneficial for me…"

Then, I winced. My whole body felt sore like I had been pushed to my very limits.

"You're going to need plenty of bed rest," another voice spoke.

I looked up to see Dr. Andre peering at my condition.

"I can help treat some of the superficial wounds, but using healing magic too much can be bad for your body…" The nurse quickly checked my pulse and breathing before using some healing magic. 

The soft blue glow from the doctor's hands immediately granted some small measure of relief.

"No more magical practice for the next week," proclaimed Dr. Andre. Seeing my expression, he shook his finger and sternly knocked my head. "No arguing, my favorite troublemaker. You need rest."

I slumped, defeated.

Dr. Andre smiled, patting my shoulder before walking towards Mr. Booker.

…his aura turned dangerous.

I turned towards the other direction as the school nurse began chewing the earth magic instructor, though I couldn't help but overhear some phrases such as "you irresponsible idiot" and "should hospitalize you for one week and see how you like that."

Something like that.


After one week had passed, Mr. Booker began giving me intensive training afterschool.

Though, "intensive training" was just a nicer way of saying "school-mandated remedial lessons since I was falling behind the other students."

Also known as the dumb kids' class. When I arrived, I was the only one there.

The mana blockage had left me stuck with beginner practices while the others were already working on practical magic.

However, although I felt frustrated, I didn't feel discouraged.

Mr. Booker was standing where he usually stood during class, observing the other students. 

The moment I opened the door, his gaze landed on me as I walked forwards.

"Hello, Mav," he greeted roughly, but not unkindly.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Booker." I bowed my head. "Sorry for taking so much of your time."

He waved his hands in the air dismissively. "I'm a teacher. This is my job."

Then, the red-haired man crossed his arms. "Show me the first exercise."

I nodded and placed my palms on the ground.


The ground shook slightly, before a pillar about the thickness of my arm shot out of the ground.

After several seconds, the column of packed earth crumbled.

Immediately, I felt some of my mana deplete.

"How many times do you think you can do that without collapsing?" asked the dark-eyed teacher.

"...maybe eight or nine more times?" I cautiously estimated.

"You need to work on your mana efficiency," Mr. Booker sighed. "I also struggled with this when I first unblocked my mana pores. Can you do that one more time?"

I did as he said, causing another pillar of earth to push out of the ground.

His gaze sharpened. "Yes, that's what I expected. You're leaking mana from your whole body."

Confusion twisted my expression. "I am?"

"Since you're not used to having your mana pores unblocked, the mana simply flows wherever there are openings," he explained. "Before, you struggled with getting the mana out. Now, you'll struggle with keeping the mana inside."

I couldn't help but groan. The powerfully-built man chuckled. "I have an exercise that I developed when I used to struggle with the same problem."

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