(Why Here)

Chapter 2: Is This Really a Beginning/Pt 1.

"What empire and year should i choose." I thought with a sigh and looked back down at all the options on the paper which has tons of empires i could choose from to be reincarnated in.

The administrator woman finished packing her stuff and looked up at me and asked "Have you chosen."

"Not yet bu....." I said, only to be interrupted.

"Bye now." Said the administrator woman with a smile and snapped her finger that reverberated throughout the entire white dimension.

"WAI...." I said loudly, only to black out.

(Administrator woman's POV)

"Finally i can go on vacation." Said the administrator woman while getting up from her rolling chair and stretching which almost made her breasts break free from their cage.

As the administrator woman finished stretching she grabbed her purse and started leaving but suddenly paused and said with a laugh at her own memory "Hahaha, i almost forgot."

The administrator woman walked back to her desk and and pulled up my file and started typing in the perk section which had perfect health and after she finished typing on the perk section she scrolled to the section that said downside, background and year and started going all out.

As the administrator woman finished typing she powered off her computer and grabbed her purse and started leaving while clapping for the dimension to shut down and said "I hope you survive."


Europe / Niebla: 1538

It was a beautiful day for the people of niebla who where going about their daily lives with smiles despite their circumstances, but if you turn your attention just a little to a certain location you can see a huge luxerious castle, inside of it you can see a beautiful mature chocolate skinned woman with short curly stylish hair, dark brown eyes with a heart shaped face, 5'4 in height who looks to be in her mid 20s screaming.

(The woman's POV)

"PUSH MISTRESS JUANA." Said an old woman screaming at the top of her lungs.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH." Said the woman screaming at the top of her lungs while drenched in sweat and gripping the covers.

The old woman seen the baby was halfway out and said loudly again "ONE MORE PUSH."

"GAAAAAH." Said the woman screaming again with her teeth gritted, pushing the rest of her baby out.

The old woman grabbed the new born baby and wrapped it while cutting the umbilical cord and said with immense joy "It's a healthy boy."

The woman smiled and finally relaxed with a maid helping her drink some water and said tiredly "Let me see my son."

The old woman nodded and made her way over to the woman and gently handed her the baby

The woman gently grabbed the baby and started rocking him in her arms but stopped and asked with worried eyes "Why isn't he crying is he stupid."

"No mistress he is perfectly healthy." Said the old woman while gently opening the sleeping baby's eyes only to see cold light chestnut brown eye's and was shocked and started whispering a prayer and doing the cross motion with her hand.

"Mistress nothing is wrong with him but his eye color is unique, maybe you can try spanking his bottom" Said the old woman, offering suggestions while secretly praying and taking glances at the newborn baby with frightened eyes.

"Ok." Said the woman, and slapped her newborn son's ass hardly.


"Waaaah, waaaah, waaaah." Said the baby crying, out of nowhere.

The woman smiled and thanked the old woman while looking back down at her newborn son and gently embraced him while planting a kiss on his forehead and said "Your name will be adan alfonso de niebla the first of your name, you will see the world at a broader perspective than others my beautiful son, you will be a survivor."


"HIS LORDSHIP COUNT ALFONSO JUAN DE NIEBLA IS ENTERING PROSTRATE YOURSELFS." Said a middle aged muscular guard bursting into the room shouting with 5 other guards following behind him in the same guard attire.

The old midwife and the young maid behind her who helped with the childbirth immediately prostrated to the floor, hearing footsteps make it's way towards the room they where in.

As the footsteps got closer a handsome 6'5 chocolate skinned man who looks to be in his late 20s with mid length dark brown slicked stylish hair that looks blackb and light honey brown eyes with a honed muscular body that showed years of training, walked into the room and made his way towards the bed his wife was in.

"Let me see my son." Said alfonso sternly.

The woman stared at alfonso for a moment and scoffed and said "I don't even get a thank you for giving you a heir."

"Be careful with your attitude woman if you weren't my concubine i w...." Said alfonso with a pissed face at her attitude, only to get cut off.

"Or you would what, have me executed." Said the woman calmly with no fear in in her eyes in the slightest.

Alfonso waved his hand indicating for the servants to leave, the servants immediately got up and started leaving the room.

After all the servants left alfonso sat on the side of the bed and got very close to the woman's face and said darkly "Oh my sweet beautiful juana i wouldn't execute you because i need you to give me more children in case something happens to my future heir or my wife, because if something dose remember whore i have the means to kill you and your father who sold you to me to appease my anger so you better watch your tone when you're speaking to me in the future."

Suddenly juana realized what alfonso meant and and thought with a sneer "So he basically means that that he would fuck me repeatedly until i get pregnant as a way of teaching me to respect him and also warning me that he can wipe out my entire family with just a word alone."

Juana took a deep breath to calm her nerves but ended up stuttering which exposed her hidden anxiety "Y....y....yes....h....husband I'm s....sorry for showing you....s....such an unsightly manner unbefitting of my status."

Alfonso ignored her and stared at adan for a moment with uncaring eyes and said while taking his leave to attend to his duties "It seems that old midwife jew bitch didn't try to circumcise my heir because i would gladly kill her and thankfully you did did your job properly you whore and before I forget he will be my bastard from now on and should be addressed as such, good day my beloved slut"

As alfonso was taking his leave the guards who stayed behind in the room also started following behind him while closing the door.

"I hope you survive." Said juana while taking another deep breath to calm her nerves and planting a kiss on adan's forehead with emotion.

TIMESKIP: Europe / Niebla: 1548

Inside a huge castle in one of the rooms you can see a rather tall 5'5 handsome young chocolate skinned boy who appears to be around 9 or 10 years old with a defined diamond shaped face, slim toned muscular body despite his age, short hair with a clean lineup, unique light honey brown eyes, a luxerious outfit with silver, gold, red, blue and white designs on it but the weird thing about the boy is that he is unconscious in a chair at a desk.

(Leonard's POV)

"Ugh...w...what happened." I said shooting awake, only to immediately remember being shot by my crazy patient.

I sighed and looked around to assess where i am and seen a luxerious room that looked medieval and said with shock "What the fuck."

While i was in shock memories suddenly poured into my mind and was even more surprised and thought "How is this possible did i really transmigrate"

I started taking slow deep breaths to calm my mind since I'm a psychiatrist and know when to keep myself in check but I'm still human and every being has fear of the unknown especially when your in a unknown place.

While i was taking slow deep breaths to calm my mind i started concentrating on the memories inside my mind to get information on as to where i am and thought "So I became a 10 year old illegitimate first born bastard named adan alfonso de niebla, which is basically adam just in spanish, who is the son of the 169th count of niebla named alfonso juan de niebla of spain that is mostly by now still at it's peak since it's currently 1548 and spain started declining somewhere in the late 1500s if i remember correctly and his wife countess eleanor de aragon y gurrea who is my new stepmother an married him from an arranged marriage between her father alonso de aragon or alfonso de aragon who was the archbishop of zaragoza, archbishop of valencia and lieutenant general of aragon. born in cervera, he was an illegitimate son of ferdinand II of aragon by a catalan noblewoman called aldonza ruiz de Ivorra and my new father's father who's name is juan carlos de niebla, 7th count of niebla, who are both my grandfather's and are deceased.

I sighed at my current situation and closed my eyes to relax my mind, only to hear a loud commotion coming from outside the room i was in.


"Sir adan I'm coming in." Said a man's voice from outside the room.

"Come in." I said calmly while straightening up my luxurious outfit.

A man servant came into the study with his head raised high and said with a uncaringly "Sir adan there is a letter from the count."

I nodded and sighed and got up from my seat and walked around my desk and grabbed the the letter from his hand and seen the seal on it and thought "I can't even get the chance to register my current situation and already have to deal with politics"

I opend the letter and started reading it which asked me to contribute to the empire by participating in the war as the eldest son by leading house niebla's soldiers and to take along some resources of the county as support to the empire as one of the most loyal and devoted servant's of god and the king which almost made me burst out laughing.

I took a deep breath to not lose my composure and through the letter on my desk and thought "It's funny how he thinks I'm the former adan because from my memories the former owner participated in the arauco war in 1546 along with some soldiers of the county and most of the count's resources which wasn't small in number to the empire but again my new father would say different since county of niebla is very rich and the first bayana war if my history is correct is this year and seems to be starting"

I walked back to my desk and sat in my chair and picked up a pen and dipped it in the ink and started writing on a blank piece of paper that explained that I'm able to provide my services and soldiers or resources due to me lacking resources and that my father count alfonso is also aiding as a loyal servant of god and your most gracious and humble majesty, not that I have a choice.

After i finished writing my gaggable letter i folded it and poured some red liquid over it and stamped it with a seal and threw it at the servant and said "Deliver it swiftly and without fail."

The servant's man's face twitched visibly and bowed stiffly and immediately picked up the letter that landed on the floor and immediately got up and bowed again and left the room in a hurry.

"I should have expected this because this empire is already in shit" I thought with a sigh and crossed my legs and started thinking of what i should do now.

Suddenly my mind wandered if i had a cheat and said softly to myself "Do I have a system or something."



[Name: Adan Alfonso De Niebla]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 10]

[Health: Healthy [+]

[Perks: Perfect Health]

[Skills: [Etiquette: Master], [Swordsmanship: Intermediate], [Horsemanship: Intermediate], [Psychiatry: Grandmaster]

[Titles: [Sir Adan], [Bastard Of The Count], [Burnt Chocolate]

[Storage: None]

"Uhh....is it just a status window i thought i was gonna get a machinery system to help me build missiles or something but i guess not and what the hell has the former been thr....oh" I thought, only for memories of the former owner getting degraded by his stepmother and looks of disdain from servant's and other nobles of high society an even went as far as to try to assassinate him a couple of times and even had a servant throw horse shit at him, the list could go on.

"Well this is interesting." I said with a hideous smile.



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