Wildly Yours

Chapter 5: CHAPTER 5

Isabella led Leofric through the winding corridors of the manor, the soft glow of candles casting warm shadows on the wall. "Welcome to your quarters, Lord Leofric." She said, pushing open a sturdy wooden door.

Leofric stepped inside, his eyes scanning the cosy room. "Thank you, Lady Isabella." He replied, his deep voice filled with genuine appreciation.

The guest room was a haven of warmth and comfort. A roaring fire crackled in the hearth, casting a golden glow over the plush furnishings. His eyes lingered on the plush bed, adorned with soft linens and a vibrant tapestry.

"Do you like your room?" Isabella asked, She was unable to decipher what the man was thinking.

"Yes, it is impressive." He said, turning to Isabella.

Isabella smiled. "I am glad you approve. I wasn't sure how you liked your room."

"You did this?"

"Partly. The servants did most of the work." Isabella's smile widened, "Oh, I must use this opportunity to congratulate you on your victory. It means a lot not just to the king, but also to us. Your bravery is renowned and will forever be appreciated, Sir Leofric."

Leofric's face softened. He couldn't help but think of what would have happened to Lady Isabella if they hadn't won the war. Would she have been forced to flee with her family, seeking refuge in distant lands? Or would she have been trapped in her own land? It was no secret that the mad prince planned to replace the existing lords and vassals and their titles and lands redistributed among his loyal followers.

Leofric's jaw clenched. The sheer audacity of Edward's plan had driven him to fight with every ounce of strength he had. Their realm would have been plunged into darkness, its people suffering beneath the yoke of tyranny.

Leofric's became neutral. "Thank you, Lady Isabella. I am glad we won. The victory has saved us all from being at the mercy of a man who had little to no idea of what leadership is all about."

Isabella's eyes sparkled. "I can only imagine. What drives a man to face such danger?"

Leofric raised a brow, not expecting the question from her. He cleared his throat. "Duty, honour, and the desire to protect." He replied, his voice low.

"Tell me, Sir Leofric, what fuels your sense of duty?"

"The desire to leave a lasting impact."

Their conversation deepened. Time lost meaning as they stood before the fire, the room aglow with warmth and intellectual fervour.

When Isabella realised she was taking the man's time, she said, "I must apologise for keeping you here. I must leave you now to freshen up as planned.

Before she could leave, he asked, "How old are you, Isabella?"

Surprised by the question, she asked, "Why do you ask?"

"Is it wrong to ask about a beautiful lady's age?"

Against her wish, her cheeks flushed. The man thought her beautiful! She knew she was good to look at but to be complimented by a man as beautiful as Leofric made her feel a sense of pride. "I am twenty-and-four years old, Sir Leofric."

Leofric nodded as his eyes roamed her body. "Thank you."

"You must be weary from your journey. Do well to come down for dinner." Leofric nodded. Isabella withdrew, closing the door behind her.

The dining hall was abuzz with conversation as the guests gathered around the lavish table. Candles flickered, casting a warm glow over the assembly.

Isabella, seated between Henry and Sir Eric, smiled politely as the evening's discussions began. Sir Leofric, opposite her, caught her eye repeatedly, his gaze lingering before darting away. Isabella didn't know what to think of the gesture.

Meanwhile, Sir Eric, to her right, seemed determined to capture her attention. He leaned in, his voice low and charming. "Lady Isabella, have you tried the venison? It is exquisite."

Isabella nodded, taking a bite, "Indeed, Sir Eric. The cook has outdone herself."

Eric's eyes crinkled. "I daresay, you shine brighter than any dish on this table."

Isabella's smile faltered, sensing the flirtation. She glanced at Henry, hoping for a rescue. The young lad was trying hard to get Leofric to talk about his adventures, but the man barely paid attention to the ongoing conversations.

Leofric's gaze snapped back to Isabella. His eyes narrowed as he observed Sir Eric's attention to the lady.

Isabella suddenly felt trapped. She was stuck between a man who couldn't take his eyes off her for reasons only heavens knew—maybe he didn't find her beautiful anymore, that would be great— and beside her was a man whose flirtations were beginning to irritate her. She wasn't accustomed to the intricacies of courtly romance, but she recognised the signs.

As the main course was concluded, Lord Griswold announced, "I have organised a special performance just for the night. Our travelling minstrel, Thomas, will entertain us with tales of chivalry."

The room erupted into applause and cheers, and Isabella seized the opportunity to excuse herself from the crowd, saying she would fetch more wine from the kitchen. She returned some minutes later with a maid following behind her with a jar of wine. Though the time away from the drama was short, she was still grateful for the brief respite.

As she took her seat beside Sir Eric, she caught Sir Leofric's eyes, his expression more intense. For a moment, they just looked at each other. Beside her, Sir Eric, ever diligent, did his best to reclaim her attention. She couldn't wait for the drama to come to an end.

Finally, the evening came to an end. Isabella strolled through the moonlit gardens, the evening's chill carried on the gentle breeze. The dinner had been overwhelming with Sir Eric's flirtations and Leofric's piercing gaze vying for her attention.

As she walked, the sound of gravel crunched beneath her feet, filling the silence. Her thoughts swirled. Sir Eric— his charms were evident, but his intentions seemed shallow. Sir Leofric? She couldn't tell.

Why did the man keep looking at her? Did he see through her faćade or just the lady her father wished her to be? There was something about the man that put her off, but she had yet to pinpoint it. Lost in thought, she didn't notice the approaching footsteps

"A penny for your though, Milady?" Leofric's deep voice startled her as it broke the silence around her. Isabella turned around, her heart skipping a beat. He stood before her, his eyes gleaming in the moonlight.

Isabella smiled. "Merely enjoying the peace," she replied, her voice measured.

"I find solace in quiet places too. The stillness helps clarify my thoughts."

They walked side by side, the only sound heard was the crunching gravel beneath their feet. Isabella's awareness of Leofric's presence grew, and her senses heightened. She couldn't shake the feeling that he was watching her, studying her even.

"You seem troubled, Milady. What bothers you?"

"Nothing bothers me, Sir Leofric." She replied quickly, putting on her best smile.

His eyes narrowed, his gaze probing. "You seem distant." He pressed.

Isabella's defences rose as she wondered if she was that easy to read. "I am merely tired and nervous about tomorrow's ball." She said, a reassuring smile gracing her lips.

"Then let us walk," he said, his voice like the night breeze. "The night air will clear your mind." Isabella didn't have the heart to turn down the man's offer as they strolled and talked.

As their time together came to an end in the garden, Isabella made a promise to stay away from the man until they departed.

Henry's head darted outside Isabella's window. A deep frown adorned his face as he turned around to face his sister. "I don't think you should do this, Bella. This is not the right time."

"Oh shush, Henry." She beamed at her brother as he buttoned the coat she had borrowed from him. "I won't be out for long. I just want to clear my head for a little while."

"But there are other ways you can do that. I can even get you a few jars of whiskey from the kitchen if you want."

Isabella giggled. "I would have loved that, but it is not going to feel half as good as it will when I drink it with those old men at the pub while talking about women and societal happenings."

"You are being absolutely reckless right now. What if you get spotted by one of our visitors?" Henry shook his head,

"You worry too much. Can you help me with the hat behind you?"

Passing the hat to her, he said, "It won't be good if this wild behaviour of yours gets out of this manor. Father won't be pleased."

"I know, which is why I am being extremely careful in my doings."

"Isabella, don't you think you are too old for all these things you are doing? You should be in your husband's house by now."

"Have you and father been talking about me?"

"What? No. I am just beginning to get concerned about you. "

"Bother not yourself about me." Just as Henry opened his mouth to counter her, she asked, "What do you think about Sir Leofric?"

Under the candlelight, she saw her brother's eyes shine with admiration. "I love the man. Sir Leofric's strategic mind is unparalleled, and his tactics are rebellious." He chimed happily. "I like the way he carries himself. He is a just and honourable man with an incredible sense of duty and loyalty that inspires me. I want to be like him someday."

"You aspire to be like him,t?" Isabella's gaze softened.

"Yes," Henry nodded, his eyes shining. "I want to make a difference, just as Sir Leofric has."

Isabella nodded, her hands tightening the leather belt around her waist. "Alright, young man. Time to go." She placed herself in between the window.

"Be careful," Henry called out.

"I will. Get out of my room quickly before Father finds you here" As usual, she made her way out of the manor with precision, excitement coursing through her body.

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