Wildly Yours

Chapter 9: CHAPTER 9

Isabella stood outside Leofric's room, her heart racing with anxiety and a mixture of anger. On her way to the room, a part of her began to question her decision to talk to the man, but she knew it had to be done. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door and, without waiting for his reply, she opened the door and stepped inside.

Leofric stood by the window, his back to her, examining his sword with an intensity that made Isabella's nerves flutter. She couldn't help but imagine the man on a battlefield, cutting down his enemies or scaring them away with his height. What if the man takes her rejection to heart and decides to cut it into two with his sword? She shook her head to get rid of such absurd thoughts.

"Sir Leofric," Isabella called out, her voice barely above a whisper.

Leofric turned, his eyes narrowing at her tense posture. "Isabella, what brings you to my room? His voice was low, smooth, and unsettling.

The man's nerve to act like he didn't know what brought her to his room. Her eyes darted to the sword still in his hand before meeting his piercing blue eyes. "Your proposal, Sir Leofric. I have come to discuss it."

Leofric's gaze didn't waver, and his expression was as unreadable as ever. " I see. Proceed." He placed the sword on his bed, giving her his full attention.

"I don't want to marry you." Isabella's words tumbled out in a rush. "We barely know each other."

"We will get to know each other better during the marriage." He replied, "And as for your consent, I don't recall anyone asking for it. Your father has agreed to the union. It's for the best."

"For the best?" Isabella's voice rose. "You can't truly believe that. Do I have to remind you that it's not my father you are getting married to? You need my consent. I am the one you are supposed to ask, not my father"

"And why would I ask for your consent?" Leofric's arms folded in front of his chest. "A man sees a woman he likes and proposes marriage, I don't see anything wrong in that."

"No, you proposed to my father."

"Because he is the one that has the final say, young woman." Leofric's face darkened. He didn't understand why the girl was fussing about it."

Isabella tried to take a deep breath to control herself. "Sir Leofric, this marriage would be a prison for both of us."

"Speak for yourself."

"See, that's my point. We don't know each other. If we did, you would have known I don't want to get married. At least not now."

Leofric's eyes narrowed into slits, his anger surging forward. "When do you plan to get married? When you turn thirty? Forty? Fifty?"

"I don't see how that should be a thing of concern to you, Sir Leofric.

Leofric shook his head in annoyance. The girl was finally showing her true colours. Indeed, she was stubborn, just like her father had described. "You would do well to remember your place, Isabella. This is not a matter of personal feelings but of duty and obligation."

Isabella's anger boiled over. "Duty and obligation? You dare to mention those words to me when you have never considered mine."

"Your feelings are not valid. You are simply being selfish."

"Call it whatever you want, I don't care. Don't you get it? This marriage would suffocate me." She flailed her hands in frustration. "Okay, tell me, what do you expect from a wife?"

"What I would expect from you as my wife," he began, "Obedience, submission, and discretion. A wife should support her husband, not question his decisions."

Isabella's fear simmered, but she stood firm. "What of my own desires? I value my independence and my freedom to make my own choices."

Leofric's expression turned serious. "Those are frivolous pursuits, Isabella. A wife must prioritize her family. As my wife, you will have different responsibilities. You will manage our household and oversee our lands. Though they might not be as big as your father's own, it is something to hold on to. And if you are scared that I won't be able to provide you with the luxurious lifestyle you are used to, then I would like you to put your worries at ease, for I am not a lazy man."

Isabella knew at that moment that she was doomed. Her freedom was slipping right through her fingers. The man wasn't going to take back his offer for any reason. "You would regret your decision."

"Shouldn't you be picking out a wedding gown or something? Do you have any wedding ring in mind?"

As she exited the room, she felt Leofric's eyes burning into her back. She quickened her pace, her heart racing with anger and frustration. She was tempted to try her luck with her father but she knew it would be a waste of time. For the second time that day, she collided wth someone, and thankfully it wasn't Lady Sarah. She wasn't ready for another earful reason why she shouldn't marry Leofric. Instead, it was Judith.

"Blimey, my lady, be careful," Judith exclaimed, steadying Isabella. "Are you alright, My Lady?"

Isabella forced out a smile. "I am alright, Judith."

Judith's expression turned sympathetic. "Oh, my lady! I am sorry for how things turned out. Oh, your poor soul. Having your freedom snatched from you in such a manner is so cruel."

Isabella's stomach churned. Judith was one of the few people who knew how she felt about life, and hearing those words from the girl made her want to scream and cry. "I have everything under control."

"I know you must be feeling frustrated right now with everybody, but know that you still have me by your side. I mean, why would that devil's spawn do something like that to you?"

"That is because he is the devil's first son and Christ's least favourite."

"Or maybe he is the devil himself."

Isabella couldn't help but smile at that. Judith was her handmaid for a reason. "Yes, perhaps."

"What is your plan, My Lady?"

"I don't want the wedding. I don't want to marry the man."

"I know, but it would be hard to talk Sir Leofric out of it. I heard the man has ears made of bricks and a heart made of rock, which makes it impossible to talk some sense into his head. How can such a beautiful man be so infuriating?" Judith's brows pulled together in concern as if searching for the answer to her own question.

"I wish I had an answer to that, Judith."

"Just be careful around the man. I also heard his ire is as fierce as the dragon's breath."

"And so is mine!" Isabella looked around, making sure no one was within earshot. "I plan to run away tonight."

Judith's eyes widened in surprise. "My lady, you can't do that. It will break your father's heart."

"He is breaking mine now. He is putting his pride and ego before my happiness."

"My lady, your father's heart isn't the only thing involved. You running away will soil the family's reputation for decades to come."

"So, they will survive."

"I won't be gone for long. Perhaps after a year or two, I will return. By then, everyone must have forgotten everything about marriage."

Judith was conflicted. She didn't want her lady to do something she would regret for the rest of her life. "Lady Isabella," She began, "I don't think running away is the wisest choice to make."

Isabella's brows drew together. "What else is there for me to do?"

"Perhaps you try talking to your father or Sir Leofric again. Heaven's might take pity on you and make them change their mind."

"There is no need to do that. We already know the outcome." Isabella palmed her face.

"Yes, we do, but perhaps marriage to Sir Leofric won't be as bad as you think." Judith almost smacked herself in the face for saying her thoughts out loud.

"Bite your tongue!" Isabella glared at Judith. "Nothing like that is going to happen."

"But you two got along well. One who didn't know better would have thought you two were already married."

"That only happened because I was pretending. I was fulfilling the promise I made to my father and look where it landed me." To even remember she had once thought of the man charming and gentle made her want to puke.

Isabella massaged her temple. "Are you going to help me or not?" She asked, hoping Judith wouldn't chicken out.

Oh, the question Judith dreaded. Just like Lord Griswold, Isabella was equally stubborn. She couldn't say no to Isabella and at the same time, didn't want to say yes. " When do you plan to leave?"

"Tonight," Isabella whispered.

"Tonight?!" Judith exclaimed, "Blimey, my Lady. that's too sudden."

"I know, but I have to do it today." Isabella bounced from one foot to another. "Will you help me?"

"Of course, I will help you on one condition."

"What condition?"

"That you take me with you."

Isabella shook her head furiously, rejecting the condition. She couldn't take Judith with her. She wasn't even sure of where she was going, and bringing the younger girl would by no means slow her down and make her worry. "I can't take you with me, Judith."

"Why not, my Lady?"

"I don't want you to suffer for something that has nothing to do with you."

"But my lady, if word were to ever get out about my involvement in helping you escape, I will be beheaded by either your father or Sir Leofric."

Isabella bit her lower lip in thought. "All you have to do is not say a word about any of it."

"But I want to stay with you and make sure you are okay."

"This is what will happen. Once I get settled somewhere, I will write to you to join me."

"Promise me you will do just what you said, My Lady."

Isabella hesitated, but she said what Judith wanted to hear. "I promise."

Judith smiled in triumph. "What do you want me to do?"

"Come to my room by midnight to help me prepare."

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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