Wizard Lord of Westeros

Chapter 47: Shocking News from the Wall

Winterfell Castle

POV of Robb Stark

Robb Stark was sitting in his father's solar and learning how to rule the North from him when they heard a knock on the door.

"My lord." Maester Lewin's voice came from outside the door.

"Come in." His father called out and the old Maester entered the room and gave him a small nod before he walked up to his father and handed him a missive.

"Letter from the Wall?" his father asked and Maester Lewin nodded.

"Yes, my lord. A rider named Yoren just arrived from the Wall with this letter." Maester Lewin said.

"Rider?" his father asked, "Why would they send a rider and not just a raven?"

"I'm afraid we'll only find out the reason once we read their letter." Maester Lewin said, and his father gave a nod before he opened the letter and started reading it.

And the more his father read, the more incredulous his expression became until he became curious about the letter too.

Why would a letter from the Night's Watch elicit such a response from his father?

He remembered hearing the rumor that his friend Domeric led a thousand men across the wall on an expedition.

No one knew why Domeric would do such a thing, and most people had guessed that the boy lord would die at the north of the Wall, but Robb doubted that such a thing would happen.

He had seen Domeric when he arrived in Winterfell while riding on top of his large black Direwolf and had spent a good amount of time with him when he stayed in Winterfell before he went to participate in the Greyjoy war.

And he knew that the boy didn't seem the type of person who would make foolish decisions and die such a wasteful death.

No, there must be a good reason behind Domeric's expedition to the north of the Wall. And if his guess was correct, then this letter probably contained some news about his friend. Otherwise, why else would the Night's Watch send a rider to deliver it instead of a simple raven?

After his father finished reading it, he looked at the letter incredulously for a moment before he controlled his expression once again and looked at Maester Lewin.

"Perhaps I need to meet this Night's Watch brother after all." His father said and Maester Lewin gave a nod before going out to call Yoren.

"What does the letter say, father?" he asked curiously once the Maester had left the room, and his father looked at him with apprehension and he thought that his father wouldn't tell him for a moment. Then his father let out a sigh and said.

"Lord Domeric Bolton had come back from his expedition from the north of the Wall." His father said and stayed silent after that as if wondering how to say the next few words.

He grew impatient and asked, "And…"

"And it seems that Lord Domeric Bolton had brought back some giants and wargs with him." It took a few moments for him to properly register what his father had said and then his jaw dropped.

Giants? Wargs?... Weren't those things from myths? How did his friend Domeric find them in the north of the Wall and how he brought them back from the True North if this missive told the truth?

While Robb was thinking about his friend and supposed achievements, Maester Lewin came back to his father's solar with the man named Yoren, a brother from Night's Watch.

"Brother Yoren, the letter you brought has some hard-to-believe news. Is it true that Lord Bolton returned from his expedition to the Wall with giants and wargs?" his father asked.

"Yes, my lord. It is absolutely true. I saw them with my own eyes like all Night's Watch brothers in the Castle Black. There were dozens of giants with huge mounts. I think Lord Bolton called them Mammoths. And some Wildlings could control animals. Some of them even control bears and direwolves." Brother Yoren reported his father.

"I see. I assume Lord Bolton arrived at the Wall about two weeks ago. How was the Lord Bolton's men's situation? Did he lose most of his men? Did he stay at the Wall to recover or leave for the Dreadfort?" his father asked again. Looks like his father is more interested in news about his friend Domeric than he thought.

"Lord Bolton men mostly unharmed, my lord. From what I heard they only lost a few scouts in the expedition nothing more. Walton, Lord Bolton's war commander, even boasted at the feast that this expedition was a huge achievement that would go down in the history books." Brother Yoren dropped the shocking news.

His friend Domeric went to the north of the Wall and brought giants and wargs back with him while losing only a few men. This achievement was really something that could go down in the history book. 

He could already hear the songs that Bards would sing about Domeric and his achievements. He really envied this friend of his. While he was sitting in his father's solar and learning, his friend was exploring the lands no other lord thought or dared to go.

"What? How could he lose only a few men after meeting with giants and wargs? Are you about this? And what is this feast you are talking about?" his father asked after receiving the shocking news.

"No one really knows how Lord Bolton achieved, that my lord. But we all saw that both giants and wargs were looking at Lord Bolton with awe and respect. And about the feast my lord. After Lord Bolton returned from his expedition to the Wall he talked with Lord Commander and held a feast for his achievement that lasted a week. I heard that all the costs were reimbursed by Lord Bolton himself. Oh, and Lord Bolton and his men returned to Wall about three weeks ago, not two, my lord."


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