Wizard Lord of Westeros

Chapter 56: First Green Orb

***Fifth Bonus Chapter of the Week***

Dreadfort Castle

POV of Domeric Bolton

It has been a while since Domeric returned from the expedition of the True North. Since he upgraded his tattoo there, he has been waiting eagerly for this day. And finally, the time he awaited came.

He was at Godwoods, sitting cross-legged at the foot of the Heart Tree of the castle while meditating. His level two tattoo had nearly replenished its magic, and he was about to get his first level two green rewards.

Nothing happened unpredictably while he was waiting, and the Symbol of Deathly Hallows had finally totally replenished. He sent his consciousness into his tattoo.

From his experiments in the past, he knew that time would freeze in the outside world and only his consciousness would go into the tattoo, not his body. So, he didn't need to worry about his body's safety.

When he arrived at the endless void again, he looked around and saw three white orbs and one green orb. He was a little surprised by this sight. He expected that there would be only two white orbs and one green orb in this space.

'Shouldn't the number of low-level rewards be doubled, while one new level reward appears when the symbol rises to the second level? Where did the third white orb come from?' he thought.

But he couldn't get the answers he sought by standing so he wished, and orbs floated toward him until they stopped in front of him. To find an answer to his recent question, he inspected white orbs first and then he understood why there were three white orbs.

One of the white orbs wasn't a new reward but a reward from the last time when he came here. A book called 'Shoemaking'.

Well, as you can understand from the title of the book, it was a book containing all kinds of shoe-making techniques and methods. He didn't choose to get this reward last time but to sacrifice gathered magic to upgrade the symbol.

'So, does this mean that rewards I didn't choose to get wouldn't be lost but accumulated here? If that is the case, it is good. I can get them in the future if I need them.' He thought before looking at other white orbs.

A book called 'Clothes and Fashion' and a bracer?

He extends him toward them to gather their information. The book was about different kinds of clothes from different eras with their sewing methods from his past life. Well… it was good knowledge, but he didn't need it at the moment.

It might be another good way to earn money, but he had already a lot of ongoing projects at the moment and didn't want to start a new project just for money and fashion.

And most importantly he didn't have any knowledge about creating fabric. And without different kinds of fabric, he couldn't make most of the clothes in the book. So, it was an unnecessary reward for him at the moment. But maybe he could get it in the future if he needed it.

As for the third white orb, it was a bracer. When he got information about the bracer, he realized it wasn't a just bracer but a hidden weapon. A hidden blade that can be released with a wrist move. It was a cool tool for an assassin, but it was useless to him. After all, if he wanted to kill someone secretly, he could do it magic and nobody would know it.

'But this is the first time I have seen something different from books as rewards. Does that mean I can get items as well from now on? Is it because of the upgrade? Probably. Anyway, I will know in the future. For now, let's see the main reward.'

And finally, he looked at the green orb, the level two reward. He extended his hand towards it and information about the reward flowed into his mind.

It was a book called 'Flying Magical Items' which included different kinds of craftsmanship methods and runic enchantments to craft flying items. The magical ones. The book also included different types of spells and charms that should or could be used on flying objects.

He is disappointed. It was a good reward. He could make a flying broomstick for himself now. Maybe a firebolt or an even more advanced broomstick than a firebolt.

But he expected more advanced rewards. This reward was just another book that included some knowledge albeit a magical one. After all his ultimate goal was to resurrect his parents and his loved ones from his past life. How many times did he have to upgrade his tattoo to get that reward with this kind of improvement?

'Haah, I should have known it wouldn't be easy. Looks like I have to upgrade the symbol many more times to get there.'

With a depressed mood, he grabbed the green orb and left the endless void.

At least with this reward, he didn't need to constantly apparate to reach a new location that he'd never been to before while traveling. A broomstick would make his future journeys easier.


Outside of the Dreadfort Castle

POV of Villager Tom

Tom reached the final line and ran a little distance more before he fell to the ground in exhaustion. 

His muscles burned with an intensity that he had never felt before and he felt like retching out all the food he ate in the morning. And he was thirsty. Oh, so thirsty. 

Someone suddenly passed him a cup of water. He looked up with some difficulty and realized that it was a boy who was giving water to all the participants. 

He murmured a quick thanks, gulped down the water as quickly as possible, and gave it back to the boy who moved on in order to quench the thirst of the other participants. 

He looked around him to find how many people had arrived and found that only a hundred or so many people had completed the race so far. 

Thank the gods. It at least meant that he would pass this round. 

They had started the day with some 4000 men who arrived outside Dreadfort in order to join the Army. 

Of those, quite a few were disqualified because of their lack of height and unhealthy bodies. 

Of the ones that were left. They had to go through a lot more exercises. Like pushing himself off the ground 30 times with his hands and pulling himself up on a bar a dozen times. 

In the end, the selected participants were all told to run a long path that was created especially for them. They were told that only the top 500 people who arrived at the finishing line would be selected for the army. 

And he had clearly arrived among the top 500. He was sure of it even if he didn't know the numbers. 

He had no idea why they were told to run like this, but he was sure that the men under Lord Bolton knew what they were doing. 

As he finally stood up despite all the protest of his leg, he saw that more and more men were arriving at the finish line with each passing minute and was glad that at least he would be selected for the army. 

Now he just hoped that he wouldn't have to run so much every day once he joined the army. 

However, he did wonder how their instructors would train them in order to prepare them for the wars that they might have to fight in the future. 


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Ch.57: Whale Monopoly

Ch.58: All I See Are Children, Women, and Old People

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