Chapter 15: The Banquet
Dom soon arrived at the Hero hall, preparing for his final roll for 14 days, unless he was awarded any from a quest, but as the Hero's were so key to the lord class, he doubted it would be easy. Initially he thought he needed his friends to join him to help him complete the quests, but the NPC's so far seemed more capable than any game he had ever played before, so he doubted if Andrew or Alice could compete with them.
He had briefly discussed with his leaders, Lucius, Gan Ning and Tomyris. They had agreed between them that the best option would be for another Warrior. They had a high level of skills arriving and with the Family heads involvement they could manage domestic affairs easy enough at this level. In 14 days, when they potentially had a minimum of 140 more people, they would need the support then. But for now, an additional Martial hero meant they had more scope to complete the conquest mission, which had the highest difficulty, but also hopefully the highest reward.
What he hoped for was a grand strategist or a tank like warrior. With Gan Ning he had speed and cunning, whilst with Tomyris he had a steady warrior with a bloodthirst. A strong shield or a mastermind would give him another angle and further support.
He wanted to complete the missions quickly, and with the limited force he currently had, he had to use more brains than brawn.
He had discussed the missions with Lucius, who had explained that, to build more buildings, they first needed knowledge on how best to make them, so schematics or designs would be needed, where as houses and the like where simple enough structures that they could replicate. Ideally with a family of builders, they could come up with some schematics of their own, but the current priority for them was increasing the housing capacity for the town.
They had also discussed learning new skills, where Lucius had advised him that he could learn to farm with himself and the farmers when they started trying to prepare the land. Dom had felt he was playing with him and would ask Gan Ning, Tomyris or one of the Hoplites under Alexander to teach him some of their techniques. As the game felt so real, he wondered if what he could use some of these skills in real life, it would be great if this game had started before the physical exams, as he would have had a higher chance of beating Andrew in the hand to hand if that was the case.
One thing Dom and Lucius had agreed on though, was that growing the town's space through plundering resources would be the quickest way to grow, so mission 2 should be a priority.
He headed inside the Heroes Hall, noting that Lucius was lay on the chaise lounge he had claimed for himself earlier near the fire, his eyes closed whilst he relaxed and waited. Tomyris and Gan Ning were currently continuing to explore the surrounding with a couple of Alexander's Hoplites, whilst the villagers prepared for the banquet.
"System, please roll a Martial Hero."
[Rolling for a Martial Hero, please answer the following question: The wings of an Eagle, the fist of an Ape or the fins of a Shark?]
"Wings of an Eagle, fist of an Ape or Fins of a Shark?" Dom repeated to himself. "Wings would allow me to see far and plan ahead, where as the fist could knock through any barriers. These two are closest to what I'm looking for, as we still have no naval units and Gan Ning can work with that when we do. I could be completely wrong though, but that's my educated guess."
He stood in silence for a few seconds whilst thinking it through before responding.
"Wings of an Eagle." Dom responded.
[Rolling Hero....]
Suddenly inside the Heroes Hall, fireworks noises went off and the room flashed a gold sheen. Lucius opened his eyes and looked around in confusion, almost falling of the chaise lounge he was lying on.
[Congratulations on rolling S Level Hero - Subutai
Hero Grade - S
Hero strength - World Conqueror, Sophisticated Strategist and Leader of Men
Born in the 10th Century, Subutai, was one of the most successful generals in history. Working as one of Genghis Khan's top generals, rising through the ranks from a commoner to the most powerful man in the world behind Genghis himself. After the death of his leige, he loyally followed the Great Khan family, conquering large parts of what was China, Europe and Russia for them and his Mongol people. If not for the death of Genghis successor, some say that he could have even conquered the mighty empire of Rome. A beloved man by his people and a trusted ear to those that needed him.]
Another door opened, this time the one next to Lucius's room, a bird flew out from it, squawking as it entered the room. It flew in a circle around the room before landing in the hands of the man that exited the room behind it. He was a medium sized, middle aged man, with a long black braided beard, his hair was as long to his shoulders and loose.
He wore a similar Toga to everyone else, with armour similar to Dom's, Gan Nings and Tomyris. On his waist was a quiver on one side, and a sword on the other. On his back was another quiver and attached to the quiver on his back was a short silver curved bow.
On his wrist was a leather bracer instead of the greaves, which is where the bird now rested. It was an Eagle of some kind, and Dom would have to do some research, as many species had gone extinct in the last few hundred years.
"Greetings my Lord." Subutai started. "I am Subutai, I am at your service."
Subutai bowed low, showing a clear sign of respect. Dom himself felt in shock, this was a warrior he had studied himself at the academy, to see a game version of him bowing in front made him feel like an imposter. He quickly went forwards and helped Subutai raise.
"Welcome Subutai, it's our honour to have you join us." Dom replied.
Lucius at this point had stood up from his seat, getting over the initial shock of the lights and sound, and now gazing intently at the bird on Subutai's arm.
"This is Lucius." Dom introduced them quickly, "He is in charge of the civilian matters, I have two Commanders who currently over see military matters. We are a new Village of 40, no 41 People. We expect more to join us daily, as we slowly grow in to becoming a power in this world."
"The small numbers do not matter, what is key is the people within that." Subutai replied, "With strong ideas and quick action, a small number can easily defeat and incorporate the losers numbers in to their own. What are the current military numbers?"
"A smart philosophy." Lucius commented, "I think we will get along. What a mighty creature you have there. Military wise, there is yourself, the lord, our two commanders Gan Ning and Tomyris. As well as that we have our key warrior unit, which consists of 5 Hoplite warriors and 2 village guards. You could say 11 or 12, if you include me."
"A small raiding party in size. Any horses?" Subutai replied honestly, before continuing "This is Genghis, my Golden Eagle. He can scout far ahead and help hunt and direct me to where I need to go."
"Well Subutai, it's great to have you here, and Genghis. We do not currently have any horse, nor know how to gain them." Dom added, wanting to get back involved with the conversation and not just looking like a fan boy on the side. "I do expect that soon enough well discover a way. Tonight we are to hold a banquet with all of the fellow Villagers. It would be great if you could join us?"
"Of course." He replied with a smile, "What else will I do? Plus every one loves a good meal."
The three of them soon finished talking and headed to the Town Centre, where food was being prepared and people were entering and a brisk pace. Dom noted that Paul was at the front entrance, directing people inside.
They soon entered the Town Centre, Dom smiling at Paul as he did. As they walked down the pathway in the centre of the Hall, the usually quiet tables and benches were buzzing, now full of the Villagers happily chatting amongst themselves. Family units mainly sat together, with the Hoplites and Commanders sat at the top. Gan Ning and Tomyris were sat near to Dom's seat, with a space empty next to the both of them for Lucius and the new commander they were excited to meet.
Dom quickly introduced Subutai to them, who sat next to Tomyris, before taking his seat on the raised chair.
"Welcome all," He started, "To the first banquet of Riverside, I would like to take this as the opening of our home. Together we shall grow and conquer these lands, making Riverside the awe of all that hear of it. For tonight let's feast on food kindly provided, for tomorrow we start with our work."
The crowd clapped and cheered at him, before quickly starting to eat the simple food that had been prepared. It was mainly vegetable dishes that had been made from the food stored in the Granary, but as Dom bit in to it, he could taste the exquisite flavours. Some of the ingredients used he had never tried before, and the taste felt so real, he expected the gaming helmet would be covered in drool.
Throughout the evening, he walked around and spoke with different members of the Village. Some of the family heads had introduced there daughters to him, whilst he tried to maintain a straight face and show politeness and not interest. Gan Ning however showed plenty of interest and had to be taken back to the Heroes Hall relatively early by Tomyris for an early night.
Soon the village fell in to darkness and everyone slowly left for their new homes. The Warriors to the Warriors Hall, the Heroes to the Heroes Hall and the Villagers to the houses. Leaving Dom alone in the Town Centre. He slowly made his way up the stairs to the giant bed in his room, he felt exhausted and wondered how long he had been in the game.
"Game Support, how long have I been playing?"
[It is now 00:00, you have been in game for 5 hours in real time, and 15 hours in game time.]
"Wow, so long!" Dom replied, "Time to see if sleeping in game will really save me from being late."
He climbed on to the giant, comfortable bed, feeling the smoothness of the fur blankets on his skin. The bed was hard, which was how he liked it, and he soon found himself falling to sleep. Tomorrow would be the first day on his quest to conquer World Conquest Online.