World Conquest Online

Chapter 2: Noodles

"Well that went well!" Exclaimed Andrew as they left the Auditorium after the exam. "I mean they could have given us an easier question."

"You're telling me, I know its a military school, but that was unnecessary" Added Kai Dawson, one of their dormmates. He was short and had some excess weight that was a surprise with such a rigid exercise regime at the academy. Kai was part of the Dawson family, and had their tell-tale blond hair. The Dawson family were ingrained deeply in to the food and logistics of the Western Kingdom. Kai wasn't an Orphan like Andrew and Dom, but after meeting the pair in class 2 years ago, he requested to transfer dorms to be with his friends.

"It's fine guys, it is what it is!" Replied Dom unenthusiastically.

"You say that Dominic, but we all know it isn't fine!" Replied Kai. "That was a targeted question that was set. Gargoyle has it in for you! Your family are heroes, and making you question their decisions in an exam is unfounded. I'm in my mind to complain to father!"

"It's ok Kai, seriously. It's the past, let's just look to the future." Dom replied.

"It's your father she has something against." Andrew added.

"That's the only thing we can agree on." Dom replied

"How did you approach it?" enquired Andrew.

"I wrote the exact thing that my mother ordered on that night as I wouldn't have changed a single damn thing that she did." Dom replied seriously.

"I went for a false retreat, followed by a heavier ambush from the left flank, re-deploying the limited heavy infantry that was available to support there, pushing the Empire's back against the river." Andrew commented, "I calculated it would be a Pyrrhic win, I doubt it would have worked any better than what happened. Plus we have hindsight now. What about you Kai?"

"Erm, Strategy has never been a strong point for me, and I couldn't agree with the burning of the supplies as a diversion, no offence Dom, food is just too important to an armies morale. So I went for a full frontal assault."

"Yeah that wouldn't have worked." Dom and Andrew replied.

"I'm all about logistics and peace, not killing." Kai lamented.

"You mean Logistics and food?" Andrew joked.

"Talking about food, lunch anyone?" Kai replied happily.

The three of them walked from the Auditorium towards the Canteen for lunch. The Canteen was a large hall that served a small variety of planned meals that had been notified to all off the students on a month by month basis. There where rows upon rows of tables, with each year group being clearly divided. Today's specialities included a Spaghetti with a Tomato gravy, a Pea Soup and a Noodle dish. The food options had a reduced meat offering most days, due to the increased cost of meat as the land recovered from the previous war.

"What do you fancy today?" Asked Andrew to Kai and Dom.

"Soup" Replied Kai, "Can never have enough soup.

"It's probably a good idea if you eat soup." Andrew joked.

"You just like the Peas because they are imported from your family. Noodle's for me" Replied Dom, "I'm fed up of eating Porridge for breakfast, and Pasta for lunch!"

"When do you ever make it in time for breakfast?" A voice called from a far.

Dom turned around to see a group of girls approaching. In the lead was Claire Thompson, the daughter of General Edward Thompson, a hero and also a member of the Western Kingdoms Council. Claire being the girl that Dom often had in his dreams. Beside her was Alice Roberts, granddaughter of Dean Lisa Roberts, the Dean of the Military School that they studied at. She was slim with Blonde hair tied in two pigtails, she was popular on campus for her strong independent attitude. The final member of their group was Florence Chan, a member of the renowned Chan corporation that funded the majority of the military projects in the Western Kingdoms.

"If someone didn't keep sending me gaming requests at stupid o'clock, maybe I would be awake in time!" Dom replied frustratedly.

"Well someone has to play with me." Replied Alice grumpily shot back.

"Why do you even speak to him?" Florence commentated. Florence looked down on Dom and Andrew, both Orphans from successful families, but the ends of the lines in her eyes with little left to give to the nation going forwards. It was all well and good rewarding families for military success, but only if they were around to use it.

"Because she pities him." Claire laughed half heartedly, "Good Afternoon boys, how did you find the exam?".

"Well isn't this lovely conversation!" Andrew lamented, looking at Dom's uncaring reaction to the comments.

"It went well." Kai replied happily, "But I think the question was a bit unfair."

"She wasn't asking you." Florence interrupted, Even though Kai's family had a similar backing to her own, she disliked the crowd he spent his time with.

"It was unfair." Alice commented, "The Battle of Rivertown was an unwinnable situation, how can anyone answer that correctly."

"Can we not talk about this any more?" Andrew added, nudging his head towards Dom.

"He's' fine." Claire commented, knowing very well the uncaring attitude Dom had to most things. "Go get some food. We'll see you in class later." She added, before turning her back and walking away.

"Wait, wait!" Alice rushed, pointing towards Dom "Are you playing World Conquest tonight?"

"World Conquest?" Dom replied, "I couldn't afford the headset, I'm waiting on my monthly allowance, next month maybe."

"You'll fall behind." She commented, "And I'm not carrying you through the ranks on another game again!"

"It's fine!" Andrew interrupted, "I've bought him a set up, we'll join you later!"

Alice nodded happily, before following the group of girls towards another table in the canteen.

"You bought me a set?" Dom enquired.

"Yes" Andrew replied with a grin, "You owe me another one."

"World Conquest?" Kai questioned, "Is that the new Immersive MMORPG?"

"Yes," Andrew replied, whilst joining the queue for his lunch. "The world map is 10 times that of earth, so you've got years of gameplay and exploring there. Plus there are multiple different gaming styles and professions you can play, from Adventurers and Warriors to Lifestyle classes and even Lord classes. But I expect that the Lord classes will be limited and most will be bought up already."

"Yeah, my brother mentioned it, it seems that everyone is getting involved with it?" Kai asked, handing his bowl to the server that was handing out the Pea Soup. The server was wearing the Military School Staff uniform, which was black, with a thin red stripe on the collar and the sleeves on their shirts.

"It's going to be huge, so much investment has gone in to it. The key thing is, its going worldwide, it's being sold in the Western Kingdoms, the Eastern Empire, as well as the many Southern Empires and the Combined States." Andrew replied, now with the Spaghetti with Tomato Gravy placed on his plate, making his way towards the table they usually sat on.

"Supposedly the game is going to be ever evolving, so it should keep us entertained for many years to come." Dom added, whilst getting his noodles put in a bowl.

"That big? I suppose I should get it as well?" Kai commented, as he sat down opposite Andrew. He wasn't much of a gamer himself, preferring to watch cartoons and anime after studying, before sleeping for additional hours of the day where possible.

"I really appreciate you getting me a set up." Dom thanked. He himself enjoyed the escapism of gaming. He would usually finish studying, eat with Andrew, before heading to the gymnasium for additional exercise. He would then be dragged in to a game by either Andrew or Alice.

"Of course I would, you are too stubborn to spend the money yourself, and I need a right hand man for the adventure guild I am going to create." Replied Andrew.

"What about me?" Kai asked?

"You can afford your own." Andrew replied, to a laugh from Dom.

They started to eat their food, when Kai suddenly looked at his silver wrist watch.

"Guys, we have 15 minutes until gym class." Kai exclaimed!

"Damn, I'm not being late twice in the same day!" Dom replied, quickly standing up and grabbing his tray.


Dom looked down at the tray that was now squished in to the chest of a muscular student, with blonde hair and green eyes.

"Sorry!" Dom shouted, as he ran off towards the Gym class.

"DOMINIC LAZARUS!" The student bellowed, noodles dripping down his crinkled top.

The other two soon finished lunch and headed to their afternoon gym class, which to Kai's depression was Track and Field.

Dom and Andrew raced competitively as usual around the field, against the rest of the class. They were normally in the top 10, but struggled against the pure athletic students, who always had a strong lead against them. Dom was uncaring, as long as he was ahead of Andrew, and Andrew was uncaring as long as he was ahead of Dom. Whilst Kai lagged along near the rear with some of his other friends that studied at the same Academy as them.

As they turned the second to last corner, Dom had a slight lead over Andrew, who was tight on his heels. In the middle of the of the track the rest of the class were practicing Javelin throwing, something that had been a sport since before the Ancient Greeks even had a Kingdom.

"Hey Dom, I think Claire is checking you out" Andrew breathed exhaustedly from behind.

Dom turned to look, as Andrew sprinted past him on the outside down the final straight.

"She's not even there!" Dom grumbled to know one as Andrew sprinted away. "Damn it Andrew!" He yelled jokingly.

When the class eventually ended, exhausted, they said farewell to Kai and headed towards their rooms in their dorm. Kai had a separate club that he joined on some afternoons. Andrew had a big grin on his face as they headed away, having beaten Dom on the track.

"I had the delivery team pop the game in your room earlier," Andrew commented as they walked home. "I'll make us some noodles whilst you set it up."

"I had noodles for lunch!" Dom moaned.

"And you are having Noodles again." Andrew jokingly replied.

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