Chapter 23: Duelling Round 2
Alice stepped forwards, her halberds head resting on her shoulder. Facing her was the the famous shut in, Princess Elizabeth Medici. Elizabeth had her sword held loosely in her hand, giving it a gentle rotation.
"Your speed was incredible against Kai." Alice complimented, "However, I really want to beat him up in the last round."
Alice pointed at Dom as she said this, an evil grin on her face. Dom on the other hand felt another cold shiver down his spine.
"I think she really wants to beat you today." Andrew said to him quietly.
Dom nodded his head in agreement, not sure what he had done to cause so many people to want to cause him harm today.
"Thank you Miss Alice." Elizabeth responded, "However, he beat my brother, so I have to beat him for honours sake. Please forgive me."
"That's another one." Andrew whispered to Dom.
"I've got to fight Florence yet, and she definitely doesn't like me." Dom whispered back.
"I don't think today is your day." Andrew commented.
"I don't think any day is my day." Dom replied.
Alice and Elizabeth both positioned themselves in the square. They both stared at each other and smiled, grasping their weapons tightly.
"Begin." Sergeant Briggs announced.
Alice charged with her halberd swinging towards Elizabeth, who dodged low and swung her sword back a her. Alice quickly blocked with her halberd shaft, pushing Elizabeth back before stepping backwards prepared to swing in again.
"This is fun!" Elizabeth exclaimed, charging at Alice, not allowing herself to be on the defensive.
Alice swung her halberd in a low angle in a semi circular fashion, causing Elizabeth to have to jump to dodge the oncoming swing. As she jumped, Alice lifted the halberd, catching Elizabeth on the ankle. Who rolled and stood up, ready to strike back.
"1 Point to Miss Roberts." Sergeant Briggs commented.
"Miss Medici." Captain Allard started, "You had a really good opportunity but you got carried away, please remember to think of what your opponent is planning, as well as what you are wanting to do."
"Yes sir." She replied politely, before charging at Alice again. This time Alice blocked the unpredictable slash from Elizabeth, but missed that it was a faint and ended up taking a tap on the back.
"1 Point to Princess Elizabeth Medici." Sergeant Briggs announced.
"Damn, you got me there!" Alice complained, completely unprepared to loose that point.
They both prepared themselves again, before charging at each other. They both sidestepped away from each other, expecting the other to be on the attack. They came to a stop at the opposite edges of the square and laughed at each other.
"I should come out to play more often." Elizabeth giggled, before charging back towards Alice. Alice this time went on the offensive and quickly stabbed her halberd forwards, before swinging it after Elizabeth when she went to dodge, catching her on the back and crashing her in to the ground.
"2 Points to Miss Roberts." Sergeant Briggs announced.
Elizabeth got up from the floor, covered in dirt with a slight bit of blood on the side of her lip where she had bit herself when she fell.
"Are you ok?" Alice asked in genuine concern.
"Never better!" Elizabeth smiled a bloody smile, with clear excitement on her face. She patted herself down, grabbing her sword and rotating it slowly in her hand. "Ready?"
"I am." Alice replied with glee, before they charged at each other.
They quickly went toe to toe, sword against halberd in a fast paced duel. Alice's strength against Elizabeth's speed. In the end though, Alice caught Elizabeth again with her longer range and won the duel 3-1.
"That was a good duel." Captain Allard commented, "I'll be back for the final."
With that he left and went off to watch one of the other rounds, clearly not interested in the fight between Dominic and Florence.
Elizabeth walked towards her Twin, who put his arm around her shoulder and whispered in to her ear.
"Thank you for the fun." She said to the group, "I'm going to return to my room, I hope we can play again before the year is over."
"Yes, thank you." Edward commented, "Let's hope we can do this again."
They both turned and walked away, leaving the exercise field and heading towards the private dormitory area where those who were the most wealthy or important lived. This was also the direction where Claire, Alice and Florence lived.
"Miss Florence Chan vs Mr Dominic Lazarus." Sergeant Briggs announced as the two stepped in to the square.
Andrew gave Dom a thumbs up. Andrew had whispered his plan to Dom earlier, Florence hated them both, but Dom more. By Andrew being nice and letting her win, and then her being defeated by Dom, Andrew would suddenly be a much greater person in her eyes. Dom didn't mind Andrew's plan, he wanted to win and he really didn't care to much on what people thought of him.
"Ready?" Dom asked Florence, as he grasped the new spear he had selected from the rack.
"Yes." She replied, clearly not happy to have won the way she had, and then having to fight another person she didn't really want to be associated with.
She swung her whip at Dom quickly, who was already prepared for it and had dodged away, before stabbing his spear at her and catching her in the stomach.
"1 Point to Mr Lazarus." Sergeant Briggs commented.
Florence's head went down, as she knew she wasn't going to win this fight. She angrily flicked her whip at Dom again, who once again dodged and poked her with his spear.
"2 Points to Mr Lazarus." Sergeant Briggs commented again.
This time, Dom went on the aggression, stepping to the side quickly and sweeping the tip of his spear low, catching her on the foot and making her loose her balance.
"3 Points to Mr Lazarus." Sergeant Briggs announced as the fight ended.
Florence got up grumpily and left the square, walking over towards Claire and Alice.
"Destroy him." She commanded Alice, who just laughed in response.
Andrew gave Dom two thumbs up, whilst Kai just stood there in shock at how easily Dom had dispatched Florence in that fight.
Rather than rushing straight in to the fight, Alice and Dom had to wait, as Captain Allard wanted to watch their final fight, but was currently watching another one in a nearby square between to muscular brothers who were both fighting with large wooden clubs. Soon their bought ended and Captain Allard joined them.
"How have you found the game so far?" Alice asked Dom, as he stood facing her in the square.
"It's good." Dom replied, wondering where this was going.
"What class did you choose?" She asked.
"A Warrior, I'm aiming to be the commander in Andrew's Guild." He replied, "What about you?"
"Warrior." She replied, "But I ended up having lots of fun in the gladiator arena's in the city I spawned in."
Here it was, Dom realised. This is where the extra competitiveness had come from. She had not stopped fighting since she had played, and now felt she could use that against him.
"I learnt some new skills." She commented, "Let's see if you did."
With that, she charged at him, swinging her halberd at him quickly, he blocked with his spear and was pushed back across the square. He span the spear in his arms and poked it towards her chest quickly. She blocked with her halberd upright, before kicking out to him. He took the kick and was pushed back a step.
"1 Point to Miss Roberts." Sergeant Briggs announced.
Dom smiled at her, before charging her himself, stabbing the spear towards her at multiple angles, blocking her from coming at him from an angle. She was on the defensive blocking with the shaft of her halberd where she could. Eventually she took a step back and also stabbed the tip of her halberd at him in the same way, rotating the bladed edge as she did it, hoping to catch his spear and create space.
In the end they both caught each other at the same time, stabbing each other in the opposite shoulders to the ones in their attacking arms.
"A Draw. 1 Point each, current score is 2 to Miss Roberts and 1 to Mr Lazarus." Sergeant Briggs commented.
The group who were gathered round were in shock at the current speed and aggressiveness both sides had shown. With both Claire and Andrew cheering on their best friends with renewed vigour.
As Alice prepared to swing her halberd, Dominic had already quickly rushed to the and rolled low towards her, sweeping the spear and taking her off feet of the ground, where she landed on her buttocks heavily. A grimace on her face.
"2 Points to Mr Lazarus, next point wins." Sergeant Briggs announced.
"That's going to be sore." Alice commented in fake hurt, "I'll have to get you back."
"Not giving you the chance." Dom laughed, before charging at her.
She took a leaf out of Dom's book. Rolling to the side and sweeping her halberd low, taking Dom by the ankles and driving him to the floor.
"Mr Roberts wins with 3 Points to 2." Sergeant Briggs announced.
Captain Allard clapped his hands and laughed as he made his way towards Dom and Alice.
"That was a fun bout to watch." He commented, "Dominic, your speed and battle experience has grown, it's like you have thought recently. Your downside is your versatility, you are adequate with many weapons but not an expert in one. Alice, you are learning from your opponents quickly, it's very impressive. If you decide to join the Military, which I'm sure your Grandmother would like, I will make sure to put a good word in with the more elite special units."
With that Captain Allard walked away, meaning that their part in the class was over. The group who had been watching came over and laughed, whilst they walked back to the wooden racks and placed their weapons on there.
"I'm going back to my dorm to play, where on the map are you?" Alice queried.
"I'm somewhere near the east coast, I believe just above the middle line." Dom replied.
"I'm quite north." She replied with sadness, "It's cold and I'm sure it's going to take me a while to head in your direction. Andrew, make sure you leave me space in the guild when I get to you, where are you based?"
"I think I'm on the east coast also, but it's like a desert where I am. Let's play tonight and when we are let's try and get some geography information so we can meet up." Andrew replied. "Kai is joining tonight and will be in a similar situation I suspect."
"Claire, Florence, will you be joining us?" Dom asked.
"No, Florence and I have our own plans for now." Claire responded, "Maybe in the future."