Chapter 28: Gluttonous
Dom entered the large Chiefs hut that was at the centre of the Village. Inside it smelt musky and dirty, with hints of rotten food and human waste. As he looked around he initially saw what seemed to be the bones of animals and the remains of food.
"Wow, that Chief was really fat, but I didn't realise he would be this disgusting." Gan Ning commented from behind Dom as they entered, covering his mouth and nose as he stepped in.
As Dom stood in the centre of the hut, he looked around and saw dirty fur that people had obviously been sleeping on. It was peculiar as the villagers themselves seemed clean and well kept, and Gan Ning had reported that they often cleaned in the river from his scouting notes.
[Congratulations on completing Quest 2 - Conquer a Town
Town Grade Conquered - D+
Mission Difficulty - C+
Pass Grade - A
You conquered this hidden village with minimal damage to your own forces, and defeated the enemy Chief. Most D Grade villages would have surrendered if not for their terrifying leader. Additional points have been added for destroying an evil before it could grow.]
"Success!" Dom exclaimed.
"What is?" Gan Ning asked.
"We have conquered the Village and completed the quest." Dom replied.
[Mission rewards have been placed in your personal chest]
"That's great news!" Gan Ning replied, "Can we leave this building and let Subutai and the Hoplite search it please? It stinks."
Dom nodded his head in agreement, he expected he would have to collect a random item like a town core to complete the mission, but he didn't see anything of the sort in the large hut that they entered which he assumed was this D Grade villages version of a Town Centre.
"Let's inspect the Warriors Hall and other unique building then!" Dom replied with a smile, 2 out of the initial 3 quests were complete, and he only had 2 unique buildings left to go and he could upgrade the Town Centre.
They soon left the Chief's hut, and were back in the centre of the Village, seeing Hoplites moving from house to house as they searched through them vigorously. There was a small pile of fur and other items being gathered in a pile, which Dom assumed was the good stuff that they had collected so far.
"You'll want to send someone in there to search!" Gan Ning shouted to Subutai with a grin on his face, pointing a thumb over his shoulder to the large hut that they had both exited. "Too much good stuff inside for us two to sort out!"
Subutai noted the grin on Gan Ning's face before ordering the nearby Gregorios to go inside with two other Hoplite to deal with it. He then looked back at Gan Ning with a "I'm not falling for it" look on his face.
Soon there were grumbles from inside the Chief's hut as Gregorios walked out with his hand covering his mouth and nose.
"It's disgusting in there!" Gregorios moaned to Subutai, who shrugged his shoulders in reply.
"Well I'm grateful I have you to sort it out for me then." Subutai replied innocently, before turning away to search somewhere else.
Gan Ning looked laughed loudly, and then began following Dom who was now heading for the Warriors Hall. This version was much smaller than his, just another large hut with the carved image of a wooden Jaguar above it.
[Warrior Hall of Gluttonous Chief's Village
Hall Grade - D
Hall Level - 1
Spawn Rate - 1 Warrior a Day
Spawn Level - Up to grade D, type dependent
Spawn Type - Aztec Trainee Jaguar Warrior
Jaguar Warriors were citizens of the ancient Aztec Tribes. They were the entry level of the professional warrior class, trained from an early age in the art of warfare. They thought on the frontlines, where honour was higher to capture an enemy than to kill them, so they could be sacrificed to the gods. To become a full fledged Jaguar Warrior and a member of the noble classes of the Aztec's, the Trainee would have to capture 4 enemies in battle to be used as sacrifice. These units in Gluttonous Chief's Village are at the level of having caught 1 enemy units.
The Jaguar warriors wore the Jaguar style clothing, in response to one of their many gods Tezcatlipoca, the god of night sky and conflict. They believed that by wearing the Jaguar dress of war, they were using the strength of the forementioned Jaguar. They primarily used wooden clubs covered with obsidian glass, as well as javelins and spears.]
"I'm happy we were only fighting the trainee's" Dom mumbled to himself.
[Would you like to relocate the Warrior Hall to Riverside, or reroll it upon your return]
"Reroll!" Dom replied quickly, as much as he needed more units, he'd rather have something more useful to their overall force and plans. These trainee Aztec Jaguar Warriors wouldn't fit in with his current style. He felt a great relief wash over him when he realised he could reroll it. Even a basic town guard class would be more useful.
"What an interesting animal." Gan Ning commented as he looked up at the Jaguar Motif on the top of the building. "It's not like a big cat I have seen before."
"I haven't seen one either." Dom replied, Jaguars were long extinct in the real world, and they were not a key animal that was replicated in the virtual zoos and museums that were available in the Western Kingdoms. "I've seen some that are similar, but not these. Stunning animals."
They soon reached the final of the unique buildings. It was a small barn like structure, with double doors that opened outwards. Above the doors was the carvings of boars and pigs. Gan Ning stepped in front of Dom and opened the doors slowly, to make sure that their was no nasty surprise that was inside. What was inside wasn't a nasty surprise at all, and instead Gan Ning's belly started to rumble.
[Animal Husbandry of Gluttonous Chief's Village
Building Grade - D
Spawn rate - 2 Animals per day
Spawn Type - Wild Boar
The Animal Husbandry is the spawn point for the selected animal within the town, it will give an ample environment and housing for the creature that will spawn in it. Animals spawned within the husbandry can spawn their own kind through natural means.]
"Here piggy piggy piggy!" Gan Ning sang at the 2 Wild Boar that were inside, there were no others, and Dom assumed that these had been eaten by the villagers already, some of the carcasses were still lying inside the Chief's hut.
[Would you like to relocate the Animal Husbandry to Riverside, or reroll it upon your return]
"Reroll." Dom replied. Wild boar would be a great asset for the food, but 2 a day was not a huge amount that could feed everyone. If he could reroll and get something more useful than just meat if would be ideal, such as more sheep, goats or chickens.
"Can I have one please?" Gan Ning asked Dom with an endearing look.
"We'll share these between all of the Warriors that have fought." Dom replied. Gan Ning looked hurt, as he had been the main reason for all of the success they had achieved. "You can have first pick though of anything we eat!"
"Ok, but can I have the chief's club?" Gan Ning asked with a grin.
Dom was about to agree to this request, feeling that Gan Ning at least deserved a trophy from today, it was his plan after all.
"No, I think not." Subutai interrupted from behind, causing both Dom and Gan Ning to jump in fright, once again appearing when not expected. "It would look good on the wall of the Town Centre, to celebrate our first victory."
"Fine." Gan Ning lamented, "Can I have anything?"
"First pick from the loot pile?" Subutai offered, looking at Dom for permission.
"I think that's a great idea." Dom agreed.
Gan Ning was happy with that and followed Dom who headed towards the centre of the town where Tomyris was stood talking with her prisoners, and Alexander was looking over the growing pile of loot.
They first headed over to Tomyris who was stood over the seated prisoners, who were sat on the hard floor. The two females were sat talking to her calmly, whilst the man had succumbed to his wounds and died, his body being taken to a pile that was gathering at the edge of town of the fallen bodies.
"We'll be here all night tidying up." Tomyris commented, "Hopefully it won't be too long until some relief arrives from Riverside."
"It's a long journey both ways, It'll be at least another 2 or 3 hours." Dom replied.
"I think we'll need a small group to stay here tonight." She commented, before pointing towards the prisoners, there now only being two left. "The man died, his wound was worse than expected."
"That's a shame." Dom replied, "I didn't want this much death. What of these two?"
The two women looked at him emotionlessly, they both had very similar features, with small button noses and large round black eyes. They were much slimer than Dom had realised when he had first saw them, with their ribs clearly on show beneath their bandaged chests. They also had many bruises on their arms and legs.
"These are Atzi and Tayanna." Tomyris replied, pointing the two sisters out. "They are sisters who work in this village. I'll let them tell you the rest of their story."
Dom looked at the sisters, waiting for one of them to speak. They looked at each other, before the one who Tomyris has explained was Tayanna spoke.
"I am Tayanna." She introduced. "We were both slaves here. We were originally from a small community further up the river, but the Chief attacked our village. He sacrificed all of the men to his god, and took the women as his prisoners."
"We have been beaten and abused." Atzi interrupted. "But we also had to work to survive. We caught fish in the day, and served the warriors at night."
"We didn't want to fight." Tayanna then took over. "We stayed as far back as possible. If we hadn't charged, they would have killed us."
"I am sorry to hear your story." Dom interrupted them, before pointing at the pile of bodies that was growing. "Where any of them your family, I am sorry if they are."
"No." Atzi replied, "They have all died already, either from starvation, beatings or being sacrificed to appease the Chief's wishes. We were hardly fed and the other villagers treated us badly as well. I am happy that they are all dead."
Atzi spat on the ground in anger. Gan Ning who was stood behind Dom this whole time looked down trodden, his earlier glee gone as he heard the sad stories from the two sisters. This was a world where the strongest survived and the weak suffered.
"You can join us for now if you wish." Gan Ning commented, causing both Tomyris and Dom to look at him in surprise.
"I'm not sure if that is the correct way to do things." Tomyris replied, "They are our prisoners and we need to investigate matters further."
"I understand." Gan Ning replied, before looking at Dom seriously. "I will claim these as my loot then."