Chapter 31: Attractive To Fish
[Choice Complete, Roll Commencing..... Legio IX Hispania, Rome's Lost Legion, Legionary]
[Legionary - Grade A (can be upgraded)
Legionaries were the mainstay of Ancient Roman military, being involved from the early days of the republic until the end of the 4th Century where they slowly changed with the times to have more versatility. The Roman Legionary came to be after the reforms from a Roman Consul of the name Gaius Marius professionalised the fighting forces of Rome, making a life for a professional soldier, rather than campaign by campaign.
The Legion of the Legio IX Hispania is one of the first mentioned professional Legions of Rome. With the main force of it being the Heavy Infantry of the Legionary. The Legionary carried a curved rectangular shield called the Scutum, that could protect the majority of the body, they also carried a Pilum, a 2 metre long javelin that once thrown the tip would bend so it could not be thrown back. They also carried a short sword called a Gladius, that was sharpened on both sides to a sharp tip at the end, this sword was primarily used for stabbing from behind the shields. They also held a dagger called the Pugio.
The Legionaries worked in formations called Centuries, which were led by a Centurion and an Optio. a Century contained 80 men, or 10 groups of 8 Contubernia. A Contubernia was a singular unit of 8 Legionaries who would share a tent with each other on campaign. 6 Centuries would form a Cohort of 480 men, which was the bases of the Roman Legions. Roman Legions could go up to 5200 men in total. A Legionnaire would join the Military for 25 years, before retiring with land and gold.
The Legio IX Hispania was a famous legion that worked under the General, then consul and then finally Dictator of Rome Gaius Julius Caesar. They fought in many countries and campaigns in their history, across Spain, Greece, Gaul (France), Italy, Germany and Britain. They suddenly disappeared from history in the mid 2nd century.]
Dom was both shocked and impressed by this roll, a heavy infantry unit was ideal to protect the flanks, and an A grade unit was exceptional. He had hoped for something lighter and faster, but he would be an idiot to not be happy with Roman Legionaries. Dom continued to read on.
[Riverside Villages Legionaries are professionally trained units from the Legio IX Hispania Legion of ancient Rome, from 100BC to 100AD. They will come in their heavy armour and equipped with their weapons and tools.
Upgrade Options - Senior Roman General or Modernisation tactics discovered
Technological upgrades in Armour and Weapon smithing]
On the Archway above the Warriors Hall the roman numeral IX was suddenly engraved, with a shield with an eagle on the front in place. Dom was excited to tell Lucius, who was also from the same part of history, however Lucius was from a couple of centuries earlier and would not have seen the professional army of Rome.
"So what unit will be joining us?" Lucius asked, looking at the two Warriors Halls that were next to each other.
"We got Roman Legionaries." Dom replied, "They are Heavy Infantry who use short swords."
"Romans?" Lucius replied, "That's exciting."
"What's all the commotion!" Tomyris yelled from the chaise lounge, having been woken up by the shaking and the emergence of the new building. Almost rolling off the chaise lounge as it happened.
"We have a new Warriors Hall." Dom replied with a grin.
"You could have woken me first!" She grumbled, before asking in excitement. "More Hoplite?"
"No." Dom replied, "Something that can work alongside them to increase their effectiveness."
"Shall we spawn them in?" Lucius asked, genuine happiness on his face.
"Spawn Warriors." Dom commanded.
Soon the doors to the Warriors Hall opened and 5 heavily armoured men walked out in a tight formation. 1 Man in the lead, with the other 4 following in rows of 2, walking in perfect step.
"Centurion Octavius at your service my Lord." The lead Legionary announced, with a swift salute and a stamp of his foot, he held a cane which he also stamped on the floor. The following Legionaries followed his lead as they all stopped on gathering spot outside the Warriors Hall.
They wore shiny metal armour, that covered them from their shoulders to their waist. They wore a red skirt underneath and had shiny metal greaves to protect their shins. They all wore curved metal helmets that protected their heads, with only Octavius having a plume.
Octavian was a short man with olive skin, he had short grey hair and a clean shaven face, that showed scars from years of battle. He looked up at Dom who was taller, and then to the sides to see Lucius and Tomyris who were gazing at him intently.
"Welcome to Riverside." Dom replied, "It's an honour to have you join us."
"The honour is ours." Octavian replied, with his back held straight. "We are from the first century, of the first cohort of the Legio IX Hispania, our brethren shall join us over the following weeks."
"My Name is Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus," Lucius introduced himself, "And this is Tomyris of the Massagetae."
"By Mars, Consul Cincinnatus?" Octavian asked in shock. Thinking of the Consul from his own history that had once saved Rome on a couple of occasions.
"Correct." Lucius replied, "I look after the Agriculture and growth of Riverside currently for Lord Lazarus. Tomyris is one of our Commanders, who I expect as myself will be interested to see what you can do."
"We will not let you down sir." Octavian replied seriously, before nodding to Dom and Tomyris. "Nor you Lord, or you Commander."
"You will be fighting alongside Riverside's Hoplite, who are managed by Alexander, who is of the same level as you in their force." Dom stated. "We have just come back from a successful skirmish and he will return later. Ideally we can get you together with our other commander Gan Ning and our overall commander Subutai."
"Hoplite?" Octavian asked politely, "It will be very interesting to fight alongside those famed warriors. Their weakness is normally the flank, I am sure that my units will be able to help there. Are there any Spartans?"
"That is great to hear." Dom replied, "No Spartans yet unfortunately."
"That is a shame." Octavian commented, "I've always wanted to fight against one, I've heard they are almost impossible to beat in a one on one duel. I want to see if I can win in those odds."
"Their are a few of the Hoplite who I think would enjoy a good duel with you if you are interested." Lucius replied with a grin.
"For now, please make yourselves at home in Riverside, the main force will be back soon and we will be having a small feast to celebrate in the Town Centre. Some of the unit will return tomorrow, and we may send you as a relief force to protect the Villagers who are tasked with recovering any materials." Dom ordered, "Introduce yourselves to those you see and join us later for the feast."
"We will do as you command Lord." Octavian replied with a salute.
"I shall walk with you." Tomyris said to Octavian, "It would be great to get to know your capabilities and I can introduce you to the key members of Riverside."
Dom looked at Lucius, who smiled back at him. They stood patiently whilst Tomyris, Octavian and the Legionaries walked away towards the centre of Riverside.
"It's been a very successful day." Lucius commented, "Are we doing the next building?"
"Yes." Dom replied, "However I am unsure on where we should place it, as it may be something that does not fit in the relevant districts that we have agreed on."
"If it is a wooden structure like the others, then we can always move it if needed." Lucius replied, "But I do understand your thoughts. I suppose we first need to find out what it is we are getting. Let's head towards the market district as it is empty, at least then it won't impede on the set up in the other areas.
Dom and Lucius both headed towards the Market District. The area was quiet, with all members of Riverside currently cutting trees, building houses, preparing the farmlands or preparing food. There was also a couple of people beside the shallows of the river trying to catch fish with the limited materials they had. Dom was looking forward to handing them some of the fishing spears they had gathered from the Gluttonous Chief's Village.
"System, please roll the random building." Dom asked.
[Rolling Green Cube Random Building.....Dock]
Suddenly beside the river a Silver Wooden Dock appeared, The Dock consisted of a small wooden building that had a slightly larger barn shaped building attached to it. There was a wharf that went out in to the river slightly, that would allow small boats and ships to dock alongside it. Beside it a large square of grass had disappeared and a harder surface was left.
Helena, who was fishing with her family had fallen in to the shallow part of the river at this point in shock of the new building suddenly appearing, soaking herself through. However, rather than looking annoyed, she looked happy. As attached to the Dock were a couple of small fishing boats with nets inside them.
"Show Stats!" Dom exclaimed as he saw one of Helena's daughters helping her out of the water. Who was soon out of it and walking in Dom's direction with intent in her eyes.
[Dock of Riverside
Dock Grade - S
Dock Level - 1 (can be upgraded)
Level 1 Perks:
(Attractive to Fish - increases the amount of fish in the vicinity)(Well Managed - Allows for increased efficiency in loading and unloading of goods)
The Dock gives Riverside access to the water, allowing Fishing Boats, Merchant and small Military ships to have access to Riverside, by docking with the Dock. The Dock comes with a small management office and a small holding area for items and materials that are transferred through the Dock, this is both through the staging area and the storage area attached.
The Dock comes with an initial 2 fishing boats, and the schematics for them.]
"We have boats!" Helena yelled at Dom as she approached, still dripping from head to toe.
"We do." Dom replied with a gentle smile.
"This is amazing!" She exclaimed, as she ran towards the building and was checking it out.
"Do you need something to dry you?" Lucius asked politely.
"No, it's just a little water." She replied with a grin as she checked the fishing boats out.
"Do you want to manage the docks for me?" Dom asked, looking at Lucius who nodded in agreement.
"I would have even if you hadn't asked." She replied with a wide grin.