Chapter 48: A Great Reformer
They soon reached the Heroes Hall, with Dom and Lucius at the front, and Gregorios and Trojan walking a few paces behind them. Lucius had visible excitement on his face, he was enjoying being the Mayor of Riverside, but really did want an easy life where he could help when needed, but concentrate on farming the rest of the time.
"Are you ready?" Dom teased him.
"I am!" Lucius replied with a grin.
Gregorios and Trojan, both just stood still and watched the doors to the Heroes Hall. The Heroes Hall had given them Commander Gan Ning, Commander Tomyris of the Massagetae, Senior Commander Subutai and the Mayor Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus. All of which had added some impressive knowledge or skill to Riverside so far.
"Game Support, please role a Domestic Hero." Dom asked.
[Agriculture, Craftsman or Politician]
"I think Politician is what is needed." Dom replied, he had Lucius who was leading the agricultural growth of Riverside, and had a wealth of skilled villagers with different craft skills currently that he didn't need a leader for that yet. A Politician would hopefully bring in some direction and allow Lucius to concentrate on his strengths.
[Rolling for Politician Hero..... Shang Yang
Hero Grade - S
Hero Strength - Legalism and Reformation
Chinese Statesmen from the Warring States period of Ancient China whose reforms helped the smaller State of Qin, become the power house that would eventually unify China. Also known as Wei Yang and born as Gongsun Yang. He was originally born in the state of Wei, but wasn't appreciated by the State of Wei, so he joined Qin when they were recruiting talented people.
Versed in Confucianism and Taoism, the King of Qin wasn't aligned with either, so Shang Yang instead pushed the school of Legalism. Through his different reforms that he pushed, that had both a positive effect on the commoner, and a negative effect on the nobles, he helped create the building blocks that lead to the unification of China.
His key reforms were the allowance of people to move across classes, if you contributed you could become a noble, if you were a noble and didn't you could become a commoner. He promoted farming and taxation, whilst also outlining initial currencies of Ancient China. He also outlined many legal changes with the thought that the State was more important than the individual or the family.
He also outlined the different levels within a twenty level military, from initial recruit up to grand commander. Whilst similar to his Roman counterparts giving land to retiring soldiers based on the merit they had accumulated during their time of service.
Upon the death of the King of Qin, the ruling nobles created many accusations against him, causing the new King to have to punish him with death, alongside his family, by being torn apart by 5 horse drawn carts. A terrible end for a very important person.]
The doors to the Heroes Hall opened and a man in a white Taoist robe walked out, wearing the a matching hat of a scholar. He had a long black beard that reached below his chest. His eyes were dark and he had the look of a man that had not slept for a while. He seemed to be in deep thought as he appeared, before noting Dom and Lucius's prescence and lowering his head very low.
"Shang Yang meets the Lord." He said in a low voice that would make everyone around him go quiet to listen to him.
"Please rise!" Dom said, quickly stepping forwards and helping Shang Yang to his feet. "We are honoured to have you join us. I am Lord Lazarus, and this is Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, the Mayor of our humble Town."
"Thank you for your kindness." Shang Yang replied, "It is nice to be welcomed so kindly."
"Please, let's take a seat inside." Lucius said politely, also in awe at the aura the man gave off.
"Of course Mayor Cincinnatus." Shang Yang replied in a courteous way. He headed to the door himself and held it open so that Lucius and Dom could head in to the Heroes Hall before him. Dom just shook his head knowing that he wouldn't be able to defeat a man of his calibre in a battle of words or actions, so just followed his lead. Gregorios and Trojan both looked at each other, before shaking their heads and taking place outside the Heroes Hall doors.
Lucius headed towards his favourite Chaise Lounge, but didn't take a seat yet. Dom also headed towards a comfortable looking sofa, but waited for Shang Yang to enter. Shang Yang smiled politely at them both before standing in front of a small wooden chair that was near the mat Gan Ning often sat on.
"Shall we sit?" Shang Yang asked. Dom and Lucius nodded and they all sat down at the same time.
"Would you be happy to become the new Mayor?" Lucius asked straight away, not even giving Dom chance to ask any questions or get to know the new member of Riverside.
"I would prefer to advice and support from the back, rather than lead from the front for now." Shang Yang smiled back, "I would not be able to do a job as good as Mayor Cincinnatus."
Just as Lucius was about to reply, stating that he would be happy to take the back seat himself and follow Shang Yang's guidance, Dom interrupted him.
"Please, tell me about yourself." Dom asked Shang Yang.
"I am a humble man." Shang Yang replied, "not worthy of all of this attention."
"I understand." Dom agreed, "However, I believe you to be a man of skill and some worth."
"You honour me." Shang Yang bowed his head. "I do have some small skill, most likely not to the level of the Lord."
Lucius, who was normally a very straight talker, couldn't deal with the pampering any more. He may want to retire to his farmlands, but he was a man of action when it counted.
"Mr Shang Yang." Lucius started, "I understand that it is within your culture to be modest, but I am a man of action, and I can see that you are also a man of action. We are building ourselves a small Kingdom in the unknown frontier, please advice us."
"Very Well." Shang Yang smiled as he sat up, "Tell me more about this Kingdom."
"We are nothing more than a small Town currently." Dom started, "We call it Riverside. We have a small contingent of warriors, a combination of heavy infantry called Legionaries who wield short swords and spear, whilst also having Hoplite who are spear wielders, who work in tight formation. We have a few military commanders, primarily Senior Commander Subutai, Commander Tomyris and Commander Gan Ning."
"So a small military, this is good. If it was a big military it would be harder to arrange, but if it is small we can start properly from the beginning." Shang Yang responded, "Please continue."
"Geographically, we have a forest to the north, flatlands to the east, a river with a further forest to the south and a mountain to the west. We are well protected by nature and have abundant resource for growth." Lucius continued.
"Interesting, four directions is important, but working with eight would be better." Shang Yang replied, "Please continue."
"We have some key villagers, who we have defined as the leading families. With Woodsmen, Farmers, Merchants, Fishermen and others taking the lead." Dom said, "We also have a doctor called Hua Tou and a recently joined Architect called Sostratus. Lucius holds daily meetings with them all so we can work out our daily plans. We currently have less than 200 villagers and less than 50 warriors."
"It is important that you are allowing the commoners to lead from the front, rather than making all of the decisions yourself. Reward those that contribute, and punish those that do not." Shang Yang commented, "Have you created an ID system and registration system yet so track your members?"
"We have not." Lucius replied, "But that is a great idea, a register would allow us to track our newcomers easier."
"Of course, you could also track their age, skills and any other key defining information." Shang Yang replied, "With a small location it is easy enough to remember, but what if this Town becomes a City of thousands, or a Kingdom of millions? It is not unheard of to have armies of Millions of soldiers, with many millions more working to feed them."
"With our current daily spawns, I don't see that happening." Dom replied.
"Without ambition, you fail at the first step." Shang Yang responded, "With ambition, no goal is big enough. What of finances?"
"We currently have no currency, we supply food and are working as a collective." Dom stated, "However we have found a large treasure trove so do have some wealth incoming."
"Wealth is a leader in all thing production, if man can get rich then he will work for it." Shang Yang commented, "A currency is key, and should be implemented."
"We do not currently have anywhere to spend it." Lucius responded, "For new buildings we need schematics and designs, so it's going to be a slow process."
"We are just talking." Shang Yang responded, "I am sorry if I offend with my uncultured views. My opinions are opinions and can be ignored like a slight breeze."
"You have not offended!" Lucius exclaimed, "I wish I had your vision, with just a short conversation you have already come up with some long term ideals."
"Then it is settled." Dom stated, "Lucius will continue as Mayor, whilst Shang Yang will be our chief advisor."
"Until Shang Yang wants to be Mayor." Lucius added.
"This will work." Shang Yang announced, "however a regimented structure needs to be put in place for future growth, as promotions and demotions are important. We can discuss this in the future, for now I shall think on it."
"What should be our priority?" Dom asked.
"A strong home is key." Shang Yang replied, "Without a reliable base, all external factors are pointless."
"I shall leave you both be to discuss more." Dom commented, realising that he didn't have much longer before he needed to log out for food, nor the mental capacity to keep up. "I have full trust in Lucius and allow him to push in the direction he wishes, please support him Advisor Shang Yang."
They both said their goodbyes to Dom, who got up and left the Heroes Hall, tired from all of the high level discussions. Gregorios and Trojan were stood waiting for him.
"Did you have fun Lord?" Gregorios asked.
"He looked a very intelligent man." Trojan added
"He is someone whose brain is far greater than any of ours." Dom responded as he headed towards the Town Centre.
[Riverside member Tomyris has discovered a new location, would you like to name it?]
"System, what is the location?" Dom asked.
[A large body of water at the River's end]
"Can I name it upon her return?" Dom queried.
[You can, however if another player does before you, you will lose the right.]
Dom decided to wait for Tomyris to return before he came up with a name for this new location.
"Does that mean I have completed the mission?" Dom wondered.
[Correct, upon naming of the new location]
Dom soon reached the Town Centre with Gregorios and Trojan, and planned to log off quickly for food before returning, he hoped to be back before night fall so he could check in with those that returned from the Ancient Underground City.
"Gregorios" Dom asked, "Has there been any sign of Leon and Erastus?"
"Nothing yet Lord." Gregorios responded, "But knowing them, they will be ok."
"I'll be back soon, go and rest for a few hours!" Dom said, before walking into the Town Centre.