Worlds Away (JJK AU)

Chapter 66: Love

When they arrive through the portal and enter the Zenin estate, Elska is finds herself in awe over the sheer size of the corridor they've ended up in. The room is massive and well decorated with large expensively framed paintings of the Zenin lineage from generations past. The midnight blue walls that line for nearly 50 ft, the grey linoleum meeting it at the base and extravagant cherry blossom structured soft lights, "It's beautiful!" She feels Naoya walk up behind and relaxes to his hand grazing along her lower back. Twisting and looking up to him, she contemplates on how there are very few alive that she would ever act for but without of doubt, her prince is one of them.

"This is where I usually live, baby. Soon it will be yours too.", the Zenin offers sweetly, hoping she's impressed by the show of familial wealth, "After this is over, I'd like you to see my quarters. A while ago, I had it renovated just for you."

"Yeah, I called that shit…", Toji snickers to Naoya's admission and drops Chonan on the ground, huffing over the diabolical attempts the rouge man made until he notices Peaches quickly approaching them. Toji recalls hearing the rumors about Naoya spending thousands to reconstruct his wing and even though the Zenin wasn't receiving love from Elska then, Naoya's behavior suspiciously stated that he was willing to give it. He's still beside himself with his younger cousin's determination to bring her into the clan as all he can think about is how unlikely this is to happen, considering she's with Gojo as well.

"Oh my, Master Naoya!", the old Zenin pleasantly whispers, embracing the blonde, "I'm so glad you came!" He reaches out to Toji, with hints of pride, "You too, my boy?", grinning to the reunion, "The more the merrier! Thank you for showing up so soon." The old man darts his view down to Chonan and is made to pretend like the eldest Zenin son's egregious state doesn't faze him.

When Peaches finally turns around, he sharply inhales upon recognizing Choso; still fearing the absolute darkness that comprises the being but like a professional, he's quick to hide that too as he understands Choso is a friend, not foe. His eyes fall upon Elska now and with a sincere bow, he cordially adds, "Lady Oda, thank you for supporting young Master Naoya in this. I feel your presence here will make all the difference."

Elska curtsies with a soft smile but counters it with, "What is it this clan needs to see to understand their inferiority to my turned?" She comes off as cold and indifferent but its merely because of her lack of appreciation for Naoya's strife, "I will uproot everything if they do not bend." Peaches reasonably seems on the fence with this statement but nods and accepts her rashness regardless, knowing that it would take quite the reformation to mold this estate into a healthy environment.

Toji walks up next to Elska, grabbing her hand with a depressing tone while he informs, "Doll, they want to know if you submit to Naoya or not. Your powerful, strong-willed and a woman so you're basically a natural enemy. They would never accept you as you are.", he sighs, "This is going to be a lot uglier than I think any of y'all are aware of…" He squeezes her hand which makes her lean her head into his arm and in turn, the fear he held in regards to her blending continues to slowly fade. "They may try something distasteful…", he continues, "…no…it's more like the definitely will." He hasn't any true feelings for the Zenin clan but he also doesn't want her going on a killing spree either since that will complicate her existence in their shaman world even more.

Naoya is quick to add, "Baby, he's right. I am going to have to go into Master Mode in there.", jumping his eyebrows as she blushes to his reference, "But I will not let them do anything to you though, just follow my lead okay?" He leans down to connect their lips, humming to her demonstration of becoming a dainty little woman. Naoya maintains his collected demeanor but not knowing what to expect from the others or his father, the anxiety he bears begins sticking to his skin in the form of sweat.

"Well…", she chuckles quietly, "It wouldn't really be that misleading…", she cups her prince's cheek, "I really am submissive with you." The glint those amber eyes bring her to a genuine smile as Naoya has done nothing but show to her that he accepts her regardless of how she evolves, leaving her with the internal thought, 'I will make sure he gets his place on this throne…'

Sensing the sexual air fluttering around them, Toji clears his throat, "Ahem...good rehearsal.", barely hiding his agitation over yet another man that is not himself being honored with the most effective ability of all; flaunting Elska.

Peaches quickly grabs Chonan's ankles and announces that he's going to drag him to their healers to help smooth over the incident, "Good luck, young Master Naoya. I will return to you once I get him looked over."

Everyone gives temporary goodbyes but Toji watches Choso slink up behind Elska to hug her, warning the being, "Woah. You can't do that here Choso, we'll end up having to fight the entire clan if they catch wind that anyone other than Naoya is involved with her like that."

"Use your brain, Cho!"

Choso slumps away knowing that Toji wouldn't say something like that if it weren't true, "I'm sorry…", he sighs, "I just like holding her…it feels so nice!" He's not given much time to pout as he feels Elska's hand brushing along his own; the comfort of her touch reinforcing him to behave.

Naoya chews on his lip and straightens his posture, nerves splintering into nausea as he anticipates, 'What if this doesn't work? Will I become their enemy?'. He then proceeds to imagine the bleak reality that leads to as his heart swarms with uncertainty, 'Will they keep trying to steal her away?' The thoughts cause him to look back at his princess, adoring her for going along with this but wishing they weren't in this situation to begin with.

A lot rides on this meeting. What happens here will determine how they move forward as a group, individuals and as shaman entirely, 'No pressure though, of course…', his mind ridicules.

Naoya's mood improves when he sees the proof that Toji is coming around with this whole Elska Zenin topic as well as with Elska herself however. He's grateful to have the giant's support as well since secretly to him, there will never be anyone more formidable than Toji himself.

Everyone around Naoya blends into the scenery as he swallows and takes a deep breath. Closing his eyes, he faces the chaotic buzzing that is his mind and asks it to quell for the sake of survival. After feeling that he's as centered as he's going to get, he dons a brave face and reaches for Elska's hand, "Baby, are you ready?"

Elska can't trust this clan after they targeted Naoya. Looking into her beloved's eyes, she thinks to him, 'If things go weird, please allow me to navigate the situation before entering. I need them to understand that they are reaching beyond their station. I've borrowed a strategy from our Sweet Sati for this one...', to which Toji nods with partially squinting eyes and an inquisitive air.

"I'll stay put as long as I can…", Toji's tone lowers, "But I'm not taking any chances today."

Giving a playful but appreciative smirk to Toji, Elska replies to Naoya, "Yes, I am, my prince.", yet continues in her mind, 'But if they try anything shady, I'll shred through every last one of them.' She wouldn't dare want her turned to be in danger for any reason, especially if the reason is her.

Naoya pushes open the large 18ft doors while noticing Toji and Choso are choosing to wait outside for the time being, 'That's not a bad idea at all.', he surmises as they walk through the old style, equally large room that holds roughly 30 Zenin men; all of who cease to speak upon their entrance. Naoya recognizes these wanna-be elders, the same stifling individuals that encourage him and his family alike to normalize abusive and cruel behavior. Despite that being his entire life, there's no way he could adhere to their teachings anymore but what bothers him is that he can sense that they seem to be aware of this as he brazenly guides Elska beside him instead of leading her while they approach the Hei.

Elska lowers her head to give the impression of an obedient wife as small whispers splash around them like stormy waves striking shore.

"Why isn't she walking behind him?", "That skinny twig is the key?!", and "So this is her? Not too bad I suppose."

The ignorance of which they speak riles Elska newfound temper but makes herself remember that these lowly humans will soon serve a purpose under her prince so she refrains from bearing her fangs. She hears Toji in her head, 'Doll, we will be here in case something happens, don't worry.', and instead of anger, a smile creeps along her face to the fact that her beloved is still on her side. It makes the biggest difference in her mood; they make her indestructible.

Naoya stops walking and takes Elska's hand, now facing his father who sits in a well-lit, gaudy Zenin throne; the boisterously designed chair he's always dreamed of. "Father, I am here to settle this business you've allowed a certain faction to engage in." Holding his head high, he hides all other emotion to guard as he's unaware of their true intentions.

"Is that so? What a nuisance.", Naobito leans forward in his chair, menacingly disappointed in what he sees. 'So, the girl is with him then?', he ponders while sifting through the reports of his son sharing Elska Oda with other men such as Toji and even Satoru Gojo, their clan's greatest enemy. He says nothing at first but stoically stands and hones in his attention to Elska while looking her over, unimpressed with her so-called beauty.

Feeling his gaze, she lifts her head but is met with his dissatisfaction as Naoya's father is clearly disgusted with her making direct eye contact. She takes a deep but quiet breath, not appreciating the audacity of this decrepit old bastard assuming so little of her. 'I could bleed you through your balls…', she internally comments while morphing her expression to be more innocent.

"So, this is the Elska Oda…", the Hei states unenthusiastically. Demonstrating his authority, he takes a step towards her while raising a hand in the air to quell the bustling side conversations stirring the room. He observes Naoya defensively acting as a barrier so he starkly demands, "Move.", upset with the clear indications of his son veering from the just path in which he was taught to take.

"You seem to misunderstand, father, she is not here for your display.", Naoya gathers Elska behind him to show that he's obviously not going to let anyone near her. His father creeps towards them still however causing Naoya to narrow his eyes and silently communicate threats. He snarls when the man that gave him DNA fails to stop, clearly intending to get a closer look, "I'm warning you…"

Once a couple feet away, Naobito abruptly yells, "I said MOVE." He can see the defiance in his son's eyes and he hates that but when they begin to glow red, Naobito's stomach turns.

Now knowing that his son has become like her, he feels the act is a great indicator of Elska actually having more control than she should. Disappointed, he shoves Naoya aside, enraged by this hint, but now landing his piercing eyes upon the small woman that he needs to mold to fit his clan. "You…what have you done to my son?", he asks all while knowing the answer as he became aware of this ability after hearing about what happened with Toji.

Elska lifts her head once more, emotionlessly eyeing the tall geezer before her. His slicked back grey hair and unruly mustache catch her eye; the beauty that is her prince eluding this man's design completely.

"I have loved him, that is all.", her words calm and poised, not threatened by his attempt to make her squirm. Sensing the debauchery within the Naobito's intent, Elska guesses that he's about to do something fowl, 'Change of plans…', she thinks to Naoya, 'But don't do anything yet.'

Naoya nervously glances down and over to her, wishing he would never have brought her as the Zenin men around them slowly inch closer. 'They're really going to try this?', he feels her squeeze his hand and it reassures him that she's actually alright, though it doesn't make him feel much better knowing it's his fault for subjecting her to this. While staring down at the floor, he perceives an arm swing into view and then immediately feels a fist collide into his gut. The harsh pain bends Naoya forward with a surprised gasp where anger ignites but he comprehends that his father is merely trying to antagonize a response. It's how Naobito parents.

Elska growls, "Don't do that.", glaring heatedly towards the clan's leader. Her natural reflexes cause her to twitch since no one on this planet is allowed to smack her turned around. It's taking everything in her to not bite the Hei's throat wide open, the very image causing her to become oddly aroused.

Naobito haughtily cackles while shaking his head, "Or else what, girl? Naoya's arrogance is proof that I simply didn't beat him enough when he was younger. I need to make up for this…" Naobito then raises his hand in the air once more and without a second to spare, Naoya is swarmed by Zenin men who tackle him to the ground.

"Naoya!", Elska feels her sanity leaving with every hit and kick her prince receives but does her best to refrain.

Naobito sees the patience leaving Elska, daring her true colors to show so he can put an end to this charade. He feels his son has ultimately failed to tame her and has instead welcomed her as an equal, that being something Naobito cannot allow.

Elska tenses to the sounds of Naoya's struggles, hating that her prince is pinned to the floor but she knows this meeting is important to him and can make the difference of him inheriting the clan peacefully or with blood. She takes another deep breath, clenching her fists to his humiliation, not enjoying this demonstration of pathetic strength at all. With malice in her tone, she asks the room, "This is a strange welcoming for your new daughter in law, is it not?!", loving the gasps of disbelief that judge her words. Her exacting eyes throw daggers at the corrupted old Hei as her desire of wanting to rip him limb from limb expands as if air is being pumped into the concept.

Naobito's lips curl in disgust, "Why would I be any different when you do not know your place? You show up here, unrestricted by responsibility and with little respect as to who you came to see." He grabs Elska's chin and yanks her face upwards followed by Naoya's angered roars filling the room. Staring into her features, he experience mild confusion as Elska feels more attractive than seconds ago; as if something about her draws him in. Noticing his own defective thoughts, the Hei reiterates to himself that her womb is her only true virtue, "Be frank Oda, it's not like you're truly Naoya's alone…are you, whore?"

Naoya releases a wave of energy that expels the men off of him; he was only holding back to play along but he can feel his father's intentions and aura changing and comes to terms with the fact that not only did his father do nothing to stop the Chonan's rouge faction… it's very likely that Naobito initiated it.

"How could you?!", the blonde launches to his feet and dashes towards his princess but is instead met with Naobito's projection and catches a stiff fist to the face. He hears, "How could you be of my blood...what a disappointment you are!", but Naoya battles hesitancy and finds himself disinclined to actually take his father down. As if that wasn't enough on his plate, he feels a deep pit in his gut when Naobito puts that together. 'Baby?', Naoya thinks to her, on edge as the atmosphere darkens.

"You.", Naobito condescendingly barks, "hey, whore!"

Elska eyes become dead and disconnected but she allows the old bastard to grab and spin her around to face everyone in the room. 'How is Naoya's dad so ill informed of what we're capable of? It's obvious that he hasn't the first clue…', she considers with a rush of sympathetic malevolence.


Elska glances over to Naoya and calmly explains, 'Don't worry my prince, I am not at all bothered by this nor am I in danger. Let him have his last 5 minutes of power.'

Confusion blankets Naoya's expression but it soon boils into fury when Naobito's hands inappropriately travel her body.

Grabbing her breasts with both hands, Naobito massages them roughly while scoffing, "See? She'll let anyone have their way…", and then hikes up her yukata to show her thighs before slipping a hand down to her rear. He can't deny that she feels right for breeding; her young, tight skin gleaming before them all but he wants to take this opportunity to teach his son a lesson.

Naobito's eyes dart down to his son, "Young Naoya has failed this clan and will not be recognized as the next Hei." He now spins Elska back around to face him, shoving two fingers into her mouth while she unaffectedly stares at him with unusual patience, "I will impregnate her myself and create the heirs we need but in no way will Elska Oda have any kind of station or influence." With a demented air. Naobito glares down at Naoya while he seethes, "But for now? You boys have fun with her. Just don't damage the goods."

Naoya venomously roars but Elska closes her eyes to listen to his cries as she absolves herself of all the peaceful ideas and becomes wildly rejuvenated by the prospect of this night now evolving into something far more exciting. Upon opening her eyes, she playfully questions the room, "Are you sure you wish to take this stance?", but instead receives a harsh slap across the face that actually knocks her to the ground. Bearing fangs, she palms the spot and snarls to her hair becoming disheveled in the process but still, with Naoya in mind, she asks through thought, 'My prince, please…do not make a move yet. We will show them our nature.'

Naoya becomes swarmed with more Zenin men again, feeling them topple and bury him beneath their weight. He knows he could destroy every last one of them with ease and is definitely leaning towards doing that but then Elska asks him once more to calm down. 'Baby?! WHY!?', he ponders to her while his wrists being fastened by fabric behind his back. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!", he yells with vigorous hatred while he's forced to listen to the pieces of shit exude enthusiasm sleeping with Elska, "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH HER!!!!"

Naobito kneels down beside Elska, "You do not ask the questions here, whore.", slapping her again. If he didn't know any better, he'd swear a smile crossed her lips as she hit the floor which irritates him further, 'What the hell is up with this woman? Is she not afraid?'

Discomforted by her lack of discomfort, Naobito orders his right hand man, Shinji, to force Elska onto her back; the savage Zenin doing so instantly, prying her legs apart as he crawls between them.

As Elska's wrists are being pinned above her head, the Hei looks to his son and sneers, "This is how you break a woman, Naoya. This is how we Zenin rule.", lusting now over the thought of watching Elska perform. Unaware as to why this is all taking such a seedy turn, Naobito is influenced to make a show of this event and becomes innervated with the idea of trampling Elska's spirit and body alike. Clamor lives all around the stars but everyone seems to quiet down as his right-hand man exposes himself from the slot in the robes.

Naoya screams again, wildly. The very sight of his princess enduring such brutality sends him over the edge and with his determination exacted, he allows the golden light to travel over him with such intensity that it burns all of the hands holding him down. The smell of searing flesh fills the corridor and is sprinkled by shrieks of surprise erupting from the men that dared to keep him down, "I will fucking kill all of you. ALL OF YOU.'

Naobito lifts his head, looking to his son whose absolute ferocity and raw power sends a chill down his spine. 'Since when did Naoya become this strong?' Still gawking, the stunned Hei soon feels a wrenching grip around his throat and becomes even more dazed when his feet are lifted right off the ground. The weightlessness he experiences sends him into a delayed stupor for he didn't even have time to comprehend what is occurring.

Toji heaves in air, driven completely mad by what was going on in this room. He squeezes Naobito more, huffing through his teeth with maniacally radiating eyes, "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING TO THEM?"

Not needing an explanation, Toji flings the Hei into his own throne, knocking it backwards with the old man's body awkwardly tumbling over it and into the wall behind.

Naoya uses his projection and topples the Zenin man that dared to mount Elska, and lividly beckons,"You-think-you're-getting-away-with-that?!!", before snatching Shinji's throat and ricocheting the begging shit's head off the floor hard. After a few slams, the bastard loses consciousness but Naoya seizes the moment and beats Shinji's face in, nearly losing himself to turned nature. Recognizing the convoluted cannibalistic thoughts seeping into his psyche, the blonde is somehow able to bring himself back but screams over the soon-to-be empty shell out of sheer rage.

Toji picks up Elska and cradles her but sends a nod to Naoya as he stands that it is officially time to flip the script.

Clamor erupts once more but Toji leers around the room and stomps an energized foot and then basks in the anxiety of the cowering Zenin men that are obviously terrified by his showing up, "YEAHHHH THAT'S RIGHT FUCKERS, I'M BACK." To add salt in the wound, Toji allows his energy to flow without restriction and menacingly grins to the fear it conjures.

Naoya rushes over to Elska and frantically runs his hands over her, "Baby, why would you want to let that continue?!", upset with himself for not stopping that shit sooner. He grabs her by the back of the neck, pressing their foreheads together, "WHY?!" His heart breaks at the thought of any man inflicting acts like that against her will, but his soul also simmers to the recollection of it being his at the order of his own father nonetheless.

Elska giggles, "I wanted them to think they were in control so they would know exactly where they stand when they found out that they weren't!", but then cups his cheek and stares with adoration before her voice drops off, "I'm sorry it didn't go the way you wanted it to though…"

Toji chimes in, "I tried telling y'all…", disturbed by the knowledge that he shares these losers' lineage.

She's elated by her turned's devotion to her and loves how strong of a team they truly are. But when Elska notices Naobito standing up disoriented and not understanding what has occurred, she kisses her beloved and asks to be set down. Once she's back on her feet, she grabs both Naoya's and Toji's hands and proudly leads them towards the Hei. With his full attention on them, she places their hands on her body and announces, "Yes…I am shared with them both. I love them both.", and quietly moans to her turned's reflexive groping.

Naoya's father seems to be both offended and astounded by this display so she continues, "Your son will rule this clan whether you like it or not. I am not sorry to inform you that the choice is no longer yours." Licking her lips into a smirk, she guides Naoya's hand down between her legs and whimpers pleasurably when Toji briefly caresses her breasts. Against her better judgement, part of her wants them right here and now; their touch dangerously adding to the arousal building within.

Naobito is at a loss for words as he soaks up this confounding scene. He eyes one of his generals and nods to signal that he wants his son and company dealt with immediately but the words, "SLEEP", echo through the large room leaving the Hei dumbfounded when half of his men fall unconscious and collapse to the floor.

"What the…", he asks out loud not grasping the reality of his deteriorating empire, "...H-how?" This is when Naobito's wide eyes find the hybrid who exudes such darkness that he doesn't even know what Choso could be. He's left speechless when the being with a tattoo across his nose casually steps over the mess of fallen men only to then gently brush his hand across the small of Elska's back and smile to her like he's mockingly pretending to be any kind of human.

Toji would usually frown on this kind of violence but he can't help but to enjoy the situation's developments. The remaining Zenin men in the room cower together, Naobito wears a face of horror and he smirks knowing that Elska is doing her best to force a surrender without bloodshed. Her effort on this front moves him actually since it would most definitely be the same type of plan his doll would devise. Toji lifts Elska's chin and turns it towards him before passionately sending his tongue into her mouth; swallowing her beautiful whimpers as animalism ignites within.

Elska wasn't expecting her beloved to do this but as he demands her attention, she melts in place and gives herself to him. Sending a quick side-eye to Naobito, one can only revel in his disapproval as Naoya comes up behind her, panting heavily and obviously overcome with the same strange lust that is captivating all of them.

She always meant to show their true nature but figured that was about to involve gore and not sex but the Master inside is not against this one bit. Toji is soon clawing at her chest, causing her brow to furrow as she's prompted to imagine them taking her on the spot. She reaches behind to undo her obi but Naoya's hands are already pulling it apart, his desperation to feel her skin becoming evident.

Choso's mouth hangs open with desire as he watches Toji and Naoya go at her. Toji's hands push her yukata off of her shoulders and then Naoya's grab the fabric to shimmy it down to her waist, exposing her breasts. "Master…", he whines wantonly, distracted by their sensual dynamic until a few Zenins begin charging them. He tugs at his growing member but swiftly blocks his friends, sighs, and engages in hand-to-hand combat.

"Doll…", Toji gasps her name out, heating her skin with his breath as the overbearing urge to take her consumes. Naoya's hiking up her yukata, prompting Toji to say, "Pick her up, just like that.", to which his younger cousin does. Raking his eyes over her and how Naoya's hold on her thighs forces her legs apart, he notices Elska leaning her back into the blonde's chest. Her eyes cry for him; his body and heart doing the same for her.

Out of the corner of his eye though, Toji sees Naobito about to lunge at them so he sends a powerful wave of energy into the Hei and relishes in Naobito's expression as it's clear the fool was under the impression that Toji couldn't consistently produce cursed energy. When the old bastard collapses, Toji bites his lip and redirects his attention back to Elska and frees his erection. He embraces his devious side knowing she loves it and asks, "Want me to fuck you, doll?", running his thumb across her lips as her expression beseeches exactly that.

Naoya forms his fangs and pierces Elska's neck, latching himself into her to enhance her pleasure. He's glad to see Toji lowering his guard around her again and although this is the exact opposite of what he was planning for the evening, now that they are in this moment all he wants to do is facilitate this steamy situation. Elska moans relentlessly to his bite, her sounds causing him to throb. 'My naughty princess, what have you done?', he teases through thought while silently appreciating Choso for handling the rest of the Zenin as he rubs his growing member into her rear.

"My beloved, I want nothing more!", she breathlessly pleads to her turned. Toji's hand wraps around her throat, making her clench around nothing as he maneuvers himself between her thighs. She comes to terms that she truly feared that she wouldn't feel his warmth again. She alienated Toji in the worst of ways but her heart happily breaks when he aims his tip through her folds and stretches her as she begins arching in Naoya's hold.

Toji groans, his legs nearly giving out after feeling her pull him in. He wedges one of his hands between Elska's rear and Naoya but leaves the other free to lightly choke her while he slowly strokes his way deeper into her. Her cries are so sharp, his mind reeling from her distinguished need. He moans as his length becomes submerged and begins working his hips in order to split her with aggressive care. Their eyes meet and he curiously taps into her thoughts to find that she's overjoyed with his barbarism.

While studying her wonderful reactions he realizes that there's no way he could ever truly turn his back on Elska, the very notion staining his soul with weakness. "I'm so sorry doll…", he pants out, "I'm sorry I wavered before…", sinking himself into her completely and resting there as she contracts around him. Not even thinking, Toji then glances up to Naoya and finds it strange that he's not made uncomfortable by the wanting gaze his cousin holds; it actually fires him up more. They smirk to each other and it's shown that although Naoya is obviously wanting to join, this little ordeal is more about him and Elska making up.

Choso, having defeated all of the lower clansmen, picks up the throne and sits down, sprawling out his legs while savoring the view of Toji taking Elska. He's so turned on that he can't help but fondle himself, enjoying the observations of her being man handled in such a way. "Master...", he whines out as his toes curl and a hand drifts inside his oversized pants.

Naoya removes his fangs to speak, "Yeah baby? Are you liking this?", feeling her body jolt each time Toji hammers his hips. His own member is in agony but part of him loves hearing Elska's broken syllables and feeling the way she bounces from this dirty little dance.

She has declared on his behalf that he will become the new head of the Zenin clan and her devotion to his dream makes him weak in the knees. He wrenches his grasp underneath her thighs as he smells the wonderful scent seeping from her, twisting his neck to place his lips to her cheek while her parted lips sing.

"Shit…", Toji whimpers under his breath, huskily moaning when the coil within his core threatens to snap, "Get out of the way!" He waits for Naoya to move out of the way and as soon as this happens, Toji crashes his lips down to Elska's while grinding his pelvis into her own.

"Doll…", he whispers into her open mouth, "I'm going to fill you.", thrusting his tongue into her when she starts spasming uncontrollably and coats him further. He hisses to her sensuality, her voice, her scent, everything. He takes a second to reach into his pocket and shows her the ring as he slides it onto his finger before saying, "Ours."

Elska throws her head back and heaves in response to her awesomely timed orgasm, loving how they dominate her with affection. Her eyes tear up happily when Toji gives her the gesture she was dying for, the action to show that she has indeed kept his love. The wild look in his glowing eyes fuels her with pure instinctual bliss; his large girth pummeling her while she's folded in Naoya's arms. It's almost too much for her to bear but that exact euphoria is what dilates her eyes as Toji hones into her with sweat appearing along his face. He angles perfectly and though the intensity of his movements are beyond the usual stimulation, she takes it and him so that he can find his own release within her soaring walls.

"I can't wait to do this some more!", Choso bites his lip and cheers. He definitely wanted to jump in but he figures it was important to allow her and Toji this time to repair their relationship. He hears pained complaints behind him and realizes that Naoya's dad making them so he stands up and pushes the chair out of the way so it doesn't obstruct the fallen Hei's view. "All of those nasty things you said to her…", Choso frowns, "…that upset us a lot." The man tries to look away so Choso physically turns his head back towards the scene, "No. You will watch as your son and nephew stake their claim to the most powerful woman alive. You should also thank her for keeping your clan at the top with this gesture."

Naobito spits on the being, utterly disgruntled by everything that has taken place and wishing there was something he could do. "They are not my kin.", he cruelly jests, still not being able to fathom how his most promising son ended up becoming such a charlatan. He's forced to listen to Toji's lustful moans as the giant throws his head back and makes good on his word, filling Elska and in turn, causing him to want to vomit.

"Too bad father, you could have just been kind but now…", he hums to hearing them both finish, "…now you are nothing. Obsolete." His lips travel over Elska's face where the salted hint sweat on her skin makes him understand that he is the most fortunate man in the world. Stuck in the high of what they all just did, Naoya whispers to her, "Do you feel better baby? Was Toji good to you?", cackling deeply when she nods and incoherently mumbles her pleasure. "Our stunning princess…", he soothes while nudging his face into her hair. He readjusts Elska in his arms and hands her over to Toji with his cousin embracing her and showing minute signs of becoming emotional over their conquering of issues.

Toji quietly sniffles as she wraps around him, "Doll, I will never give you reason to doubt my devotion ever again. I was just confused, upset…" He feels his own contents leak from her and dribble down his the front of his shirt and pants, still beside himself with how they just did that but is unwilling to take it back, "I fucking love you, Elska…"

"I love you too, my beloved...", she whispers as she pants breathlessly in the crook of his neck, "I will never cross you like that again. It was a mistake that I wish I could erase…" She couldn't be happier in this moment, nor more fulfilled. It's amazing how wrong their anger feels and how right their acceptance is.

Squeezing her arms around Toji's neck, she absorbs the fact that she's not the same cold woman she used to be. They've helped her become greater than that, greater than anything either world could solely produce. She lifts her head to look at Naoya who's kneeling down before his father, gratified that her prince will gain the position he deserves. 'How did such wonderful man come from that horrible excuse of one?', she wonders but only for a minute as Toji lifts her up to remove himself from within her, inciting an incredible moan.

Elska is gently placed back to her feet, all messy and the exact opposite of the well put together princess that entered through those massive doors. She pulls up on her yukata, feeling a chill in the air and receives assistance from Toji who sweetly shifts it back into place on her shoulders. She reaches up to hold his cheek, him leaning his face into it with a beautiful sigh.

Everything feels likes it's magically falling into place until she hears, "Over my dead fucking body!", which instantly irritates her. Walking over to the disgraced Naobito she leans over and tells him, "That can be arranged if you so wish…", snarling, "…all you have to do is ask for mercy."


Genghis chokes when he comes to, doubling over as blood pours from his mouth and onto the floor. Baidal, who was anxiously leering over Gojo becomes startled and rushes over fearing Temujin's dismantled state, even despite their previously bad rapport. "Genghis, what happened?!"

After coughing a few more innards up, Temujin warily throws his head back against the couch to collect himself.

"I succeeded in what I set out to do but the means I chose were far more detrimental than I predicted.", he weakly states, not having the strength to delve into detail. He smiles though, laying his hand on Suguru's ankle while thinking, 'Now you will be able to do what only you can do.' Baidal lowers to the red, slickened floor to check him out; Genghis can sense his concern.

When he hears the young Titer ask, "Is there anything I can do? Anything! Literally, I'll do anything to be of some use!!", Genghis twitches, grins and nods. "There is actually…but you'll have to come closer…"

Baidal heeds and leans in just a little further, wanting to contribute, "W-what is it?", eager to serve. In his ear, he listens to Genghis wheeze and heave as if there is no oxygen to be had but is patient to give the Titer time to articulate his next mission.

"You know…", Genghis chuckles and hacks, "It's not too often that I am wrong but you Baidal…", he places a hand on the loyal Titer's shoulders, "Had I known that you would prove to be such a valuable asset from the start of this, I would have better planned your place in the future…"

Baidal's blood runs cold. He can't understand why he suddenly feels so uneased but his heart begins rapidly picking up pace while all of his muscles simultaneously seem to freeze. There are a thousand questions blaring off in his mind but the only words that seem to come out are, "W-what...what d-do you m-mean?"

The young Titer is not even given a second to react before Genghis's fingers curl around the back of his head and yank him towards the couch. Baidal tries to cry out when he feels something small stab into his neck but he loses his voice due to sheer apprehension, thinking, 'YOU'RE LIKE ELSKA ODA?!!!'

Genghis digs his teeth into the young man and drinks his essence in order to heal. He's surprised by how delicious Baidal is though and how the innocence in his seasoning is truly baffling considering he used to directly serve Kokoro.

Perplexed yet intrigued, Genghis continues to pull more from him, basking in the comfort of his organs repairing. He feels the boy begin to struggle so he sinks his fangs in even deeper to immobilize him in fear, being victorious. The thoughts, 'I'll have to kill him now…that's my own error in this. What a shame to lose such a loyal servant...', soar through his mind for it would be too risky to let the boy live after showing his truth.


Megumi hears someone crying in the hall and becomes alarmed. Sachiko asks him to stay put but his curiosity overrules his mother's request. After hastily opening the door, his eyes find a female Titer who's curled up against the wall, sobbing.

'Wow, she's really pretty…', he thinks while slowly approaching her without any sort of plan. "Hey…", he timidly offers, "…are you alright?"

Amnessia jumps to her feet and wipes her eyes after turning away in embarrassment. She says nothing to the handsome man that is inquiring about her, not really desiring to mingle with anyone at all right now. 'He's really cute though, who is he?', she wonders as she straightens her robes, reluctantly orienting herself back around so he doesn't gain the impression of her being rude.

When their eyes meet, Megumi's heart thumps like something out of a movie. He's actually taken back by how attracted he is to her, his entire being wanting to interrogate just so he can harbor a single fact about who she is. She hasn't responded to him yet but as he gives her more time to, he overlooks her long braids and beautiful melanated skin. He perceives her rubbing her arms and isn't sure if its just an insecurity thing or if she's cold but something tells him that he doesn't want to take the chance.

Amnessia wishes she would have said something, anything really because in her absence of words the cute boy disappeared back into his room.

Aggravated by her own damn self, she kicks out her foot and curses everything for being such a mess, 'What are the odds that this would happen right after that asshole dumped me? There aren't even that many cute shaman but he appears like a spikey-haired angel sent from above?! And then I RUIN IT?!' She turns away, feeling despondent and humiliated but as she takes her first step down the hall, the words, "Hey, wait!", cause her puffy eyes to widen.

Megumi jogs up behind and lays his comforter over her shoulders, "You don't want to get sick do you?", he chuckles, being relieved that she accepted it instead of reacting like he's some creep. They stand there in an awkward silence for a bit, his hands fidgeting around with nothing in his pockets while he thinks of what to say. His mother's voice breaks through, "Amnessia? So it was you out here...", which snaps Fushiguro's head in her direction.

Amnessia turns around in confusion until she indeed matches the voice to who called her, "Sachiko?!!! You went missing! What in Mictlan are you doing he-", but then her eyes dart back to Megumi, squinting feverishly while her brain pieces together their resemblance, 'Wait a minute…no waaaay…"

"Mom, do you know her?", questions Megumi, uplifted by this segway into conversation when she nods yes.


Snickering to mysterious girl's shock, the junior shaman interjects, " name is Megumi Fushiguro…", holding out his hand while taking in her expression that radiates surprise. She accepts it, shaking it gracefully but it still seems like there's something on her mind.

"Your Toji's son too then?", she asks dumbfoundedly.


Washing her eyes over him, Amnessia finds it hard to believe that he and the giant are related but it becomes clear to her the longer she stares, the physical traits of his father shining through like they've highlighted, 'Wow…'

Sachiko distrusts the pretty Titer's appearance because of her relation to Genghis but she offers the young lady to join them in the room anyways. It isn't until she catches the way her son watches Amnessia that she decides that she'll be open minded until given a reason otherwise. 'Does he have a little crush on her?', she teases internally, being happy to see his mood finally improve after the whole Elska incident.

"Sit here, it'll be more comfortable!", Megumi gestures Amnessia to head for the edge of his bed since he hasn't much furniture. She gives him an interesting look and he sharply inhales to the possibility of it being too forward so he instantly adds, "I just don't want you taking the floor! T-that's all!"

Amnessia giggles and continues to collect herself as the handsome boy sits on the far side by the pillows. She's concerned with Sachiko's thoughts though, wondering if she is even truly welcome here because of her involvement with everything. To her bewilderment however, she stands up and relays that she's going to get them all some tea leaving Amnessia blushing to the fact that they'll be left alone.

Megumi as well becomes nervous over this and is slightly embarrassed that he was obvious enough for his mother to catch wind of his interest. The room falls silent, him tapping his foot absentmindedly until her small voice states, "I like your father, Toji. He seems like a really good guy." This catches him off guard but he nods and reddens while saying, "Yeah, he's a little rough around the edges but I'm lucky to have him."

A few more quiet moments pass until Amnessia's depression becomes evident when she sighs and admits, "I'm so exhausted, this has not been my day…" He frowns to this but offers, "Why don't you rest then? I won't do anything, I promise. I'm a gentleman through and through.", humorously saluting in order to make her laugh.

Amnessia giggles to his words and feels through his energy that he's being completely honest. She's unsure if its because of the heartache or if its because of Megumi himself but as she crawls over to the pillows behind him, there's an inkling of a wish to be held. He doesn't make such a move though and she understands that she's actually safe from being bothered by her own rash processing.

'This has to be the weirdest thing ever!', Megumi thinks while watching her snuggle up into a comfortable position. He's beside himself with how this meeting just took place and how there's undeniable chemistry between them. Megumi struggles with the insane urge to slink down and lay with her but shakes his head to remind himself of chivalry, causing him to remain as he is.


"Wh…wh…", Baidal can't speak as he battles in and out of consciousness, collapsed into the essence littered floor and writhing to gain control of his bleeding-out body.

Genghis however, stands up and stretches, feeling anew. He regrets this happening, knowing that regardless of his own interpretations of the boy, Baidal was truly a servant of Suguru's. "I wish this could be different, I apologize for disrespecting your loyalty to our cause…"

He would've kept feeding but he was becoming full and didn't want to feel sluggish or drunk because of it.

"You're abnormally delicious though, especially for a man.", he casually mutters while bringing his vision to his pupil.

Suguru is showing subtle signs of movement but Genghis knows that it will still be an hour or so before he's able to wake. He smiles while considering, 'Lady Oda will absolutely adore your new form…', noting how incredibly fearsome Getou's potential is now.

While slandering existence and enjoying success, a crippling streak of energy magnetizes within the room, inadvertently striking Genghis with staggering fear.

"No…this can't be...", his widened eyes slowly guide his head to turn until his view is falling upon Satoru Gojo, "How is he able to…", but his body refuses to respond to the developing crisis.

Gojo starts to radiate an unfathomable amount of wicked aura, it pulsing to the increase of his heart rate. First the silver shaman's fingers curl into a light fist but then growls begin fountaining from his throat.

Genghis snaps his head towards Suguru and realizes that they've run out of time.

Gojo has awakened.

"SHIIIITTTTTT!", Genghis screams through his teeth, doing his best to gather Getou into his arms while every hair on his body erects.

"I hate to leave you Baidal but as you know, Master Suguru's survival is imperative. I must take him now and leave you to your fate."

Light blue static like energy surges around Gojo's body, electrifying his surroundings and leaving a low hum that demonically reverberates and drowns out all other sounds in Temujin's ear.

'If I do not get Suguru out of here, we're both fucking dead.'

After lifting Getou with incredible struggle, Genghis closes his eyes despite every instinct within him screaming for him to not lose sight of Gojo. Panic ensues but decides it's time to bring Suguru closer to Elska. He knows where they went and knows where they will be. With that, he bids farewell to his fellow Titer and disappears.

Baidal winces on the floor, a small cry expressing his despair as he's left defenseless before his master's biggest threat.

He thinks about Sain and also his late sister who died at the hands of Elska. His reasoning is foggy but the severity of the situation impacts him greatly as he knows this is likely his last day. He's forgiven Elska since, knowing that she acted upon self defense and that it was ultimately Genghis himself who orchestrated her and Kokoro's demise.

A tiny smile alleviates his features while he thinks, 'I'll be with you soon sis…'

The raw presence that releases from the silver shaman distills the greatest fright into him though as he understands that Suguru will still be one of Gojo's targets.

"I have to…", he mumbles while failing to lift himself up, "I have to try."

A tear falls down his face while ruminating over how he'll never see Sain again. The hunter had become something of an older brother to him, someone he looked up to. Protecting those he cares about from a nasty encounter with Gojo allows him strength.

With weak and shaking arms, Baidal gradually pushes his body up from the floor, worrying about slipping amongst the mess but luckily, doesn't. He can hear Gojo moving around in the bed, hear the wild grunts and a deepest snarl ever echoing the room as the shaman comes to.

Finally brought to his knees, Baidal grasps at the air, anything to help him stand but finds nothing as his vision begins to fade.

"NO!", he cries, wanting to at least go out a hero, "NOOOOOO!"

His frustration resounds frantically through the room, his hands still waving around as he tries to feel for anything at all. His search comes to an end when a cold wave stings him and his wrist is caught by something unforgiving.

"In the end…I couldn't do...anything…", Baidal bawls it out, hopelessly weeping over what he feels is an immense failure.

Gojo roars into the Titer with eyes manically honing in on the broken man. Without hesitation or thought, he tugs on the boy's head, lifting him in place while Baidal's fearful cries lash against reality.

"PLEEEEASE!", he begs, wanting to experience more of life, "DON'T! PLEAAASSEE!!!"

His suffering is swiftly brought to an end however as Gojo tears his head from his shoulders and stands there staring into nothing while the boy's blood sprays him like a warm shower.

"LUUUUUV", strenuous noises leave Gojo as his fingers smear the essence down his eyes and cheeks.


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