Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Gywn Dyeus
The facility is called the Gaia Exploration Association. William's personal project he has worked on for a while now. The basic motivation of the G.E.A. is to just explore the planet, try to understand it.
The G.E.A. is split into three different divisions:
Catalyst and Exploration Division. The CED.
Research and Development Division. The RDD.
Knowledge and Understanding Division. The KUD.
Our protagonist is apart of the CED. Specifically in the very first squadron.
The completion of the entire association took a couple centuries which is worth nothing for Gywn Dyeus as he turns into an adult today.
Gywn was flat asleep in his room. The curtains shut out any sign of light and the soft whisper of the air conditioner comforted the teenaged Dragoon. This was the squadron leader's room. Not anything impressive, its just.. normal. He hasn't shown any signs of interest to any idols, authors or anything. The walls of his room are empty except for a single clock that ticks every second, creating a weird but soothing lullaby that easily puts the Dragoon to sleep every night.
But the alarm has sounded, waking him up from the his deep sleep.
"Urrghh.." He groans, reaching his hand over to the drawer and rummaging through the top to find the source of the blaring screech.
The clock stops its irritating rant, welcoming back the soft ambient noise Gywn loves as the clock readies itself to wake him up tomorrow.
The Dragoon waves the blanket across the bed, freeing his body from the warm captivity of his bed.
"Why am I so tired..?" His scaled legs land on the cold floor, shocking his nerves with a very familiar wintry sensation. The cold air in his room brush past his face, forcing him to shut his eyes from the frost.
"Got anything.. Today?" He seeks out his phone on the same drawer of the demonic clock, yawning and rubbing his eyes as he reads through the messages in his lock screen. "A meeting..?" He sighs and groans, obviously annoyed at this world-ending news.
But he can't just sleep for an entire day, even though he could. Being the leader of the First Squadron and the son of the Director, heavy weight has been placed upon his shoulders to set an example for all the other squadrons.
Thus, in the shower he goes. Turning on the hot water, he feels the cold layer being peeled away as his scales are bathed with a comfortable warmth. As they said, 'heat is a Dragoon's best friend.'
He leaves the shower once he's done, heading for the mirror in his bathroom as he dries his hair. It was still a mystery to him why he had white hair, white scales, white horns and basically white everything. His mother possessed scarlet hair and scales, perhaps the genetics just didn't carry on.
Brushing and flossing finished he headed for his cupboard and got dressed. A simple T-Shirt and jeans. Weirdly enough, the association hadn't set any dress code for its members. Possibly because this is much more comfortable for everyone, but no one really understands what goes through the director's mind when he exacts his decisions.
The living room of the squadron's dorm were dimmed. Of course, since he was the only one currently in there, the others were sent out to complete missions as part of their division. "Some.. food in the main hall, then." Tucking his phone and the dorm keys into his pockets, he enters a giant hallway that connects the other dorms.
Posters of advertisements plastered on the towering walls, members of other squadrons communicating, the association held some resemblance to the corridors of your schools. Bustling and alive, Gywn very much liked this atmosphere and had always appreciated the noise, even if they were irritating sort.
"A-AHM! M-MISTER DYEUS!" Someone shouted his name, prompting Gywn to turn around to see.. Ah yes, A Beast.
"What do you need?" Gywn inquired.
"I-I just wanted to ask you how to get stronger! I-I just have dirt magic and I don't really know how to use it! C-can you help me?" The girl asked timidly. Dyeus was a surname held in high regards, of course, but Gywn was at the absolute peak in the association, essentially the strongest person there.
Gywn drew a blank expression before stating sternly. "Knowledge and practice." He walks away immediately, leaving the Beast woman confused.
He wasn't wrong. Getting stronger with magic is very similar to how you work out, learning about each exercise and your own body, time to exact the exercise and practicing it, all are equal contributions to allow yourself to become stronger.
The main hall, as the name suggests, is where everyone gathers to talk, to eat, to have fun. It was a city in this building that everyone had access to. Gywn stepped on a conveyer, heading towards the market to get some food.
"Meeting.. then a mission? Is there already another Catalyst I have to scout?" Gywn reads through his messages, seeing mentions of a weird increase of Catalysts lately. "I'll deal with that later.." He sighs, getting off the conveyer and heads into the buzzing market.
Countless stalls, selling numerous oddities: apples that look like oranges, clay utensils(?), they look like utensils, nonetheless, this market is where the member of the association come to relax, eat and just get their groceries. "Yo! Granny!" Gywn exclaims, shouting at an old lady with a crest on her head.
"Oh! Gywn! You're back!" The lady responds gleefully, smiling ear to ear as she welcomes the Dragoon to her stall.
"What do you need, dear?" She sold an abundance of items, mostly food, but the selection varied from culture to culture.
"Some skewers, please. I have a meeting I got to go to." He answers.
"Of course." She had, as he wanted, some skewers displayed at the front of the stall, hanging over a bed of hot coal, the smell of the meat and vegetables attracted more customers over as she finished packaging Gywn's breakfast.
"Please come back!"
"Of course!"
Now, he needed to go to the meeting. Specifically, with the director of the association. Another ride on the conveyer quickly brought him to a set of elevators and one that he needed to reach the director.
"Missed the taste of these skewers.." He mumbles to himself as he's slowly brought higher and higher into the association, happily munching on the skewers. Now, he arrives on the highest floor.
It resembled a hotel. Not that he'd been in one, I'm sure you all would be able to imagine the cushioned and echoed footsteps as he made his way through the corridor, reaching a set of double doors and opening it. "Father."
The man's head was down, staring directly at a sea of papers with patterns of glass shrads imprinted onto them. "Gywn? You're here?" He raises his head, noticing the white Dragoon as he disenchants the paper.
"You're here, finally. We have a good bit to discuss." William stated, pointing at a chair in front of his desk which Gywn sits in.
"What do you need?" Gywn questioned him.
"Two major things." William had two fingers raised.
"First, you will have a new recruit joining your squadron." He puts down a finger, enchanting a piece of paper with glass shards and slides it over to Gywn, allowing him to see the face of a woman.
"Is that.. A Dragoon?" Gywn was bewildered, of course.
"From the Shatterwilds. She wasn't caught up in the calamity in Volthorim and has no concept of what the Shatterwilds even are." The girl seemed to be of similar age with Gwyn. The scarlet hair and alarmingly short, stubby horns protruding from the side of her head were the most defining features of her.
"Then.. why'd you even let her join my squadron? She seems to be so lost."
"She possesses two different Runes." William moved the glass shards on the paper, shifting the hologram to show the girl with red arcs surrounding her chest and blue circuit-like veins covering her limbs.
"Two?! I thought- Weren't you were the only with Two different Runes!"
"Only in the Known World it seems.. I am unsure what magic she uses.. but I am putting her under your care." William disenchants the paper and slides forward another enchanted one.
"Now, the second thing. Around this particular region, it was reported to be 'much colder than it should be'." A hologram appears to show a plain forest with nothing out of the ordinary. "You and I will head over there to investigate it, understood?" William stared with his blank eyes, pressuring Gywn with this sudden situation.
But, he only sighed. "Alright.. Kouki comes back today, I'll have him greet the new recruit and we can head out tomorrow for.. Winter." William disenchants the paper as Gywn stands up and heads for the door, intending to quickly leave.
"Gywn." But he was called.
"Don't do anything reckless... Please."
Gywn went silent. His head droops, raising it again as if he wanted to speak back, but he doesn't, leaving the room silently.
"..." William sighed.
"Don't let me kill you, Gywn."