Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Raining down on a endlessly tired shift, Mutou Yuugi is behind the counter as he was cleaning off the tables customers were on.
He was tired, and slowly exhaling from the exhausting day. He glanced up looking at the television that was up in the corner of the wall.
He saw that it was sports, he wasn't really into sports, so therefore what was going on wasn't very entertaining to him.
He sighed, as his apron was shorter than most of the workers. He'd assumed it was because he wasn't very tall either.
He didn't have a lot of muscles, his tender skin and soften of his lips, his eyes being bold and soft with kindness.
He had purple orbs that shimmers in spotlights and hair that was spiked but smooth when you touched it.
He had pouty lips, and smooth hairless skin as well, yet he had no outer area that was really outgoing.
The other men whom had order drinks, continued to watch the sports that was on the television. As they sipped their drinks pressed against their lips.
Chuckling and some of them getting angry at the pass the red socks was giving to the others.
Yuugi never understood why men was so absorb into sports when reality it was nothing but a big conundrum.
His bold eyes had turned to the door when someone else walked in and had on a drench coat along with a top hat, as they seemed to be covered with rain.
Yuugi noticed this, and realized he'd have to walk home in the rain now. ' great... ' he told himself sarcastically as he got annoyed by the weather.
He hated rain, and didn't like the fact that it was raining right now, especially when he told himself he'd had plans.
He wanted to go out to the store and grab a few things for his apartment. He had recently moved in away from his parents, and finally on his own. However, that was all the more worrisome.
He was only 20, and usually some left at 16 or even 18 but Yuugi had a rough childhood, and even then it was hard getting out on his own.
When he finally had done so, he was proud and gratefully for the owner of the lakeside apartments to lend a helping hand. He had changed his mind about Yuugi unable to move in once he had spoken with him.
Yuugi thought it was really sweet and generous of him to do so, for the most Yuugi was extremely different in a way the most sexiest, lovable guy you'll ever meet.
The reason for this Yuugi never knew, was it because he talked so sweetly and had manners?
Could it be that he never argued back, normally went with others plans and just nodded in agreements?
Perhaps, it could be because his body looked so much like a woman's with his lips and skin being soft and his apple shaped Booty.
The cases, was too many of them, and Yuugi never knew and didn't wish to assume. He had to take a guess and went with his personality.
He could've been extremely wrong however, but no one seemed to tell him the reason anyhow. He weather not think or dwell on it, as the man came to the counter.
" The usual. " he told Yuugi.
Yuugi nodded and smiled softly, his complexion was matching perfectly. His eyes dazzling with each blink, and eye lashes long and elegant.
The man smirked at Yuugi in a more sexually way than most man, as he bit his bottom lip gently. Yuugi walked over to grab a glass for him, and then asked what kind of drink he wanted.
He stared at Yuugi for awhile, and then stop hitting his bottom lip, as he licked his lips softly. He then smirked again as he leaned over somewhat towards the counter.
Yuugi didn't know what to do, and for this moment ge simply just looked normally at the customer. He'd thought he must've been already drunk, by the way he was acting.
Thinking that Yuugi was a woman, and reality he'd probably be disgusted knowing he wasn't in the end. He wished for him to stop, because it was weird, and strange for customers to do this to him.
" Umm— is,—is something wrong? " Yuugi asked, as he was hesitant to speak. His lips parted for that moment, as the gloss on his lips was left on as well.
" No. " the man said vaguely as he continued to lean on the counter way.
" well—o—okay then. Your drink sir? What kind? " he asked politely hoping the man would just move on.
The man slowly sat down at the counter as he smirked and took out a cigarette from his pocket as well. " did anyone every tell you, you look very beautiful? " he asked Yuugi.
Yuugi blushes softly as he realized what the man asked, and felt his toes curl against his soul shoes. He gulped softly to himself as well, and felt himself getting hot.
" N-No." he said calmly and hesitant again.
" well—you are, very beautiful. " he said once more and took out his lighter. The male lit the cigarette and took a deep breathe with the smoke.
He continued to look at Yuugi as Yuugi glanced somewhere else, having the glass in his left and right hand. He tried to turn of his blushing, as he didn't want to get any ideas.
He heard the man once more, which made him open his eyes from astonishment. " you look, like a delicious meal. Honestly if I wasn't over this counter right now.... I'd — " the man then stop in his sentence.
Yuugi felt sweat dripping from his face, down against his cheeks as he listened to the detailed he described. The young male suddenly heard the sounds of the kitchen door opening, as his manager came out.
He was a roundish fat man, whom was Italian and had came to Tokyo, Japan for a business opening. He wished to open his bar to others around the world, and thus this was his opportunity.
" Yuugi! " he shouted deeply, as Yuugi jolted somewhat squeezing the glass a little. " y—yes sir? " he said back calmly not taking his eyes off the other man. The manager walked over and snatched the glass from him.
Yuugi blinked suddenly feeling the notion and turned in his direction, as he heard his boss sighing. " why didn't you get him his drink yet!? " he asked harshly.
" I — I was, but I — "
" gazing at the stars again? Staring isn't polite ya know, it's actually quite rude. " he told him. Yuugi eyes went down, ashamed as he glanced back over at the man, as he continued to smirk.
He knew he'd get into trouble, and for that moment it made Yuugi gasped softly knowing this.
However, Yuugi couldn't defend himself, he was already self conscious about his appearance and body, so his defense wasn't going to be stronger either.
" This customer is a regular, he likes bud lit, as usual so make it snappy! " he yelled towards Yuugi. Yuugi nodded once again, and quickly went to the beer's.
Pouring up a glass, as he wiped off the remaining droplets so it wasn't sticky. Grabbing a coaster and placing it on the counter in front of the man.
His small lips, parted as the gloss somewhat popped when he did. His orbs soften with concern in a way. Almost feeling as if he'd was about to cry, because of these emotions.
" I—I apologize sir for your wait. Here's your drink. " the male told the other, vowing ever so quietly. The older male slowly grab the glass making sure to touch hands with Yuugi.
Yuugi looked down seeing the contact, as he slowly looked back up at the man again. The man kept his confident smirk, and then winked softly towards yuugi.
Yuugi blushed once again, and also felt like he wanted to cry all in one. He moved his hand slowly, and walked off as he went to grab the dirty towel.
Rushed to the back fast, and closed the door gently knowing he wanted to slam and lock it shut. The manager shook his head as the man kept his eyes on yuugi.
At least until he was invisible to see anymore, as the manager turned his attention to the man. They started a conversation as Yuugi was in the back softly crying.
He was washing dishes, as he felt his heart beating fast, and his hands sweating. He was shaking on the inside and it was being exposed on the outside.
His tears touched down on his cheeks, and his palms sweaty with remorse and pain. He hated being treated like a common sex doll. He knew it was something more to men, especially with him.
He felt used in that moment, and he wasn't the only customer whom had being doing that lately. For the past few weeks, working at other places had been the same results.
Yuugi felt ugly, and understood people only liked him for his body, and what he was looking like. Never did they wish to really start a conversation unless it was to compliment his appearance.
The boy hated looking so soft and elegant like a woman, never did he comprehend why but he knew it was for pleasure. He rotted his head and saw the mirror reflecting his body and face.
His features really did resemble such as a woman's and his tone and attitude was all that like it. Yuugi saw the apron and saw how short it was and tightly fitted.
It fitted like a woman's dress, and almost showing off his hips, and skinny waistline. His nipples was hard underneath the thin shirt he was wearing, due to it being cold in the bar.
He wasn't completely feeling like he was covered up, if anything he could've been stripped down with ease. He looked back at the dishes and had finished most of them.
Yuugi took the rest of them and decided to place them in the dish washer. Bending down he slowly inserted the plates and remaining cups and closed it up.
Turning it on high, with soap inside as well, as locking it up and pressing the start button. The young male got back up when he felt someone behind him.
Turning heel around and got startled by the manager being so close. " nice ass. " he teased laughing off his frustration. Yuugi eyes widened hearing that, and then pulled tugging on his apron trying to pull it down.
He felt so embarrassed and so uncomfortable with these comments and ways. Nevertheless, he couldn't do anything or say anything either. He knew this was just how this town was.
Someone of his status, being so young and pretty it wasn't like he could have some police assistant either. They'd just do the same thing, and say there was nothing wrong.
Yuugi felt his lips prying in a way to say something, but before he could he felt a grasp around his throat. He then felt the manager squeezing his throat as he jolted.
" Look here, Yuugi..." he said narrowing his eyes down more, and fiercely. " do your job, or I'll make sure your job applies to you somewhere else, in someone's bed.... " he mocked.
Yuugi held into the manager's tight hand around his throat, as he was trying to breathe. He couldn't, bare the thought and the feeling as his hues were beginning to faint.
" P—Please... I—I, can't breath... " Yuugi said gently as some tears came against his cheeks again. " do you understand me!? " he demanded towards him again.
Yuugi tried to speak but couldn't as he slowly nodded in the grip that was his. He then felt the release of him as Yuugi fell to the ground. He exhaled and inhaled deeply coughing, and trying to catch his lungs.
The manager walked off as Yuugi eyes was watery and he was slowly holding his own throat. Without a word the manager walked in the front of the bar, as he left Yuugi in the ground.
Yuugi slowly got back up, and fumbled to his own two feet. Of course, he fell down against a cabinet and looked up at the window.
His orbs was paling with redness and filled with tons of tears. Their lips quaking and shivering with their legs as well. Yuugi's shows flat and stylish as they were Egyptian fleeting shoes.
Something royal kings worn when they walked around, hit the ground as his toes curled and he felt compelled to speak. He continued to gasp slowly trying to catch his breathe more.
Yuugi cried some more to himself as he knew this would happen every time. He was tired of it, but could never do anything for he was nothing more than a woman.
Even as he was a male in reality, in their eyes he was weak, and weakness was a sign of no strength. For Japan, in this life, women didn't know or understand anything.
They had " so say's " in anything, and was just a show for men to drool over and fight over. They had to pleasure and that was that — Yuugi fit that description.
His soft crimson hues slowly closed, as he heard his manager telling him it was closing time. Yuugi wobbled for a moment, and then stood up as he wiped his tears.
The manager came in the back, as Yuugi already had the keys out and handed them to him. He smirked and thanked him, as he slowly kissed Yuugi onto the cheek.
" I love ya. " the manager told Yuugi and whistled softly as Yuugi sniffed and made no comment. The boss glared back at Yuugi as he awaited a response, and went back towards him again.
" hey... " he spoke towards Yuugi whom zoned out for a moment.
" y—yes? " Yuugi said as he came too.
" I said. —- I love you.. " he said touching Yuugi's cheeks gently. Yuugi felt his heart ache and the tears dropping again. " I —I love you too. " he said almost choking in his own wrangles.
He felt his manager slowly lift up his chin, and use his thumbs to remove Yuugi's tears away. Yuugi closed his eyes softly and then he felt him walk away, as he told him.
" We're closing up, the night is over. 12am, let's go home. " the manager told Yuugi cheerfully. Yuugi nodded and grabbed his bag and slowly walked from the back, as the manager closed it behind him.