Chapter 14: Chapter 14
It now being the evening time, a jiggle of the sound of keys came against the door. Honō had must've finally arrived back to Yuugi's apartment. Too bad— he came late, again.
" Hey Yuugi! I'm here. You do anything interesting today? " a happy Honō came in holding some bags as well. He must've came from grocery shopping for some food while he was out.
He looked around seeing that the living room tv was on, and the radio for music was as well. It was soft jazz and almost sounded depressing.
Honō didn't like the seen, it almost felt like he had walked straight into a criminal investigation. He quickly put the bags down and closed Yuugi's front door and locked it.
" Yuugi! Yuugi! Where are you? " he shouted through the apartment. Somewhat in a nervous state of mind. He didn't really know what was going on, so he turned off the music and headed to Yuugi's room.
He first knocked several times, but to no avail there wasn't any response. So he decided to walk in. Honō checked around seeing Yuugi's room was a mess, and his clothes everywhere.
' what the hell is going on here? ' Honō wondered as his eyes fixed on Yuugi's bathroom. He heard the water running and he sighed.
Feeling Yuugi was just taking a shower, but for some reason he wanted to really make sure. Sometimes, Yuugi pretend to take showers only to just have it running to do something stupid.
He tried to turn the doorknob but it was locked, Honō panicked for a moment and tried to continue to open it. " Yuugi! Yuugi! Answer me please! " he yelled.
He was having an anxiety attack, afraid that Yuugi could've overdose on medication. When he was younger he did that before, and got taken to the hospital.
Now, Yuugi could've done that— but he promised he wouldn't anymore, towards Honō. Although, for the past few days Yuugi seemed to be off, more than ever now.
It only made Honō more worried, hesitant to trust him alone by himself. Just when he was inside his own head, he heard the water stop running. Then the sound of bumping behind the door way.
He looked and saw that it was turning and a soft face expression Yuugi looked at Honō. His hair was wet along with he was wearing a bathing towel that was wrapped around him.
" Oh Honō... it's you.. " he said softly.
His eyes grew sad, when he said that— and Honō then without warning hugged Yuugi tightly. " Don't you ever! scare me like that again. " Honō said worryingly.
Yuugi jolted with a sudden shock as his pupils got bigger as Honō hugged him. He was conflicted to not comprehend why Honō was reacting that way.
" I called your name and thought you must've overdose again... Promise me Yuugi you shall never do it. " Honō asked him.
Yuugi saw the seriousness and concerns in Honō's hues something he hadn't seen before in a long time. He felt like he was lost in that moment, and was astonished, and stunned altogether.
" Honō, what are you—?"
" Promise me Yuugi Mutou! "
" okay—okay I promise.. " Yuugi said waving his arms off with Honō and being pulled into another hug. Yuugi gave in, wrapping his arms around Honō hugging him back.
Honō fought back his tears, making sure he wasn't going to cry and then sighing as he walked off. Honō left Yuugi's room, without another word about anything else.
——————— Time Skip ———————-
It was practically going on 10pm now, as the day was coming to a close. Another dull fast paste day, which resulted in something weird happening.
That's how left was meant to be, Yuugi suppose in his thoughts. Although, he feared that it'll only swallow him while if he stood there and took it.
He was wearing nothing but a shirt and some pants, when he walked out of his room. He noticed that Honō was simply watching a movie on his tv.
It wasn't unsuspecting but it was also unusual somewhat. Only because Honō normally played the game until midnight. However, he wasn't gaming, he was just watching an action movie.
He was lying on the couch with his pjs on, when he was eating popcorn and grab the remote. He turned down the volume as he rotated his head back and saw Yuugi.
" I'm sorry did I wake you. " Honō asked him.
" N-no.. " Yuugi said looking away, as he crossed his arms softly. Honō sat up as he smiled and patted the couch in content.
" Come sit with me. " he told Yuugi, as Yuugi at first was about to decline. Though seeing Honō and his calming aurora made him feel like something was wrong.
He decided he'd sit next to him and try to be there for Honō like he was always there for him in return. He didn't wish to be selfish as he walked over towards Honō and sat down on the couch.
Honō leaned over and gave Yuugi some popcorn, as he took a small portion of it. Turning his gaze back towards the movie, as Yuugi did the same.
For a few minutes everything was quiet, then Yuugi glanced over at Honō whom seem to be zoning out more. He felt like he had something on his mind and something he wanted to say towards Yuugi.
" Hey, is there something wrong? " Yuugi asked hoping he'd get an answer with ease.
" ..... " Honō at first didn't say anything, and even grip the popcorn bowl firmly as he started to tremble. Yuugi leaned his hand over to Honō's hand gently squeezing it.
" Please Honō tell me what's wrong. " Yuugi said afraid for Honō and what he was about to say. He hoped that every thing was fine with his and about his girlfriend.
He didn't wish to think of the worst, and didn't even know the answers to it yet. Honō gripped his hand back in the same manner, as he shook his head.
" I'm sorry it's just that— I feel so guilty. I can't help shake the feeling that Yaami came over here. Didn't he? " Honō said.
His eyes gaze went somewhat towards Yuugi knowing that Yuugi knew exactly where this was going. Yuugi looked down ashamed, and in that moment he however couldn't get Yaami off the mind.
Actually, Yaami was on his mind all day long, and for some reason he wouldn't be going anywhere else. Yuugi continued to play the same aggress he gave him over and over in his membrane.
Yuugi softly parted his lips, and touched Honō's cheek with his palm. He smiled a sweet soft grin, trying to reassure Honō in the best way possible.
" So, it's true then. You did tell him. Don't blame yourself—please. He didn't— rape me. We did have sexual contact with another but— I — weirdly — liked it? " Yuugi explained fumbling somewhat.
Honō eyes went huge, unable to fully know if what he heard was the truth. They had sex and he liked it? It seemed like it was just something he was meant to say.
It wasn't supposedly the truth, which Honō narrowed his gaze locked towards Yuugi and firmly gripping his hand now. " Yuugi don't lie to me. If he raped you. I'll punch him the fucking face. " Honō stated with a small tad anger.
Yuugi blushed and was somewhat enraged by that threat on Yaami. He quickly shook his head in a defensive presence. He dismembered that thought in all. " No— please don't. I promise he didn't rape me, I did like it— I can't explain it but honestly I want him to touch me.... I want him around me. " Yuugi said daydreaming now.
" It's weird and I'm so conflicted it's been bugging me all day long. That's why I was in the shower for so long. I couldn't get him out of my mind, his body, his arousal, his lips. His facial features, he's just everything but his personality is repulsive. " Yuugi finished saying.
Honō was shocked and continued to listen in on what Yuugi was explaining about Yaami. He couldn't. Relieve Yuugi found this guy attractive after the way he sounded towards Yuugi. He completely sounded like a jerk in Honō's eyes.
" I see. " Honō said as he looked down making his hues got narrow with thought. However it was more calmer than mad in such a way. Yuugi glanced over at Honō and saw he had a deep thinking expression.
" Don't worry about it, I have somewhere I wanna go tomorrow. I'll be taking the bus there. No! you can't come— and no I don't need a ride. " Yuugi stated to Honō grabbing both his hands.
Honō chuckled feeling Yuugi always knew what he was about to say before he even asked. He smirked realizing he had such a clever best friend like Yuugi.
" Well, at least promise me you'll be careful. " Honō asked of Yuugi as he touched his cheek softly as well. Yuugi simply smiled and nodded at his request.
" I promise Honō. "
The two smiled at one another and hugged once more. Yuugi leaned down resting his head on Honō's chest. Honō went down as well, wrapping his arm over Yuugi, and turning the tv back up again.