Chapter 25: Chapter 25
It was at least an hour after the accident that occurred upstairs on the highest floor of the mansion. Quietness inside the mansion, which sounded loud.
Small droplets from outside, that turned louder, and washed down on the trees and plants. The clocks ticking in the hallways, making seconds and minutes pass.
Ramsley sitting inside the room, along with Lisa, as she clutched tissue in her palm. Ramsley closing his eyelids slowly, as he heard footsteps approaching.
It wasn't long before those footsteps grew louder, and the door handle started to twist and open. Another butler opened the door and walked inside moving out the way.
Allowing Mr. Sennen to walk into the room, and notice both the others. His attire formal as usual, only this time he had a long red shaw that was attached to his coat.
It was on the edge of his shoulder, as the whole outfit was black. Wearing black gloves, as he scanned the room for a moment or two. The room was silent.
Ramsley slowly opened his eyes again, as he shifted them towards Yaami. Slowly rising from his seat, as Lisa sniffed and looked up. Noticing that her Master had walked in.
She as well rose towards her feet, as the both of them said nothing. Yaami continued to not speak, as he slowly approached the window.
It was now closed, but the male walked to the edge, and unlatched the top of the window seal. Releasing the windows, as they swung open, giving him access to look outside.
The rain loud, and also soothing, like a calm storm in the cool evening. The male shifted his purple eyes to look downward.
Seeing the spot in which Daisy had put her fate towards. The blood and her body already gone, as the only thing that Sennen was staring at now was the remembrance.
" Keep this window open. " Yaami would finally say. His demeanor and expression quite calm and collected.
" .. Sir? " Lisa would softly whisper, her voice clearly still broken.
" ... We could use some air... don't you agree Ms. Lisa. " Mr. Sennen would continue to calmly express, as his face glanced towards her.
Lisa feeling a cold shiver against her spine, feeling her throat become tight. As if she couldn't breathe, her hands trembling a bit.
Yaami orbs narrowing down, as he turned heel and gradually begin to walk towards her. Ramsley eyes shifting between the two, as he eventually landed on Lisa.
He had hoped she wouldn't say or do anything foolish, as it wouldn't be in her best interest to do so. Lisa feeling the presence, and intimating stature of Yaami.
Yaami within an inch of her, as he continued to eye her. Her eyes locking into his own, as she would eventually nod slowly in agreement.
" .... It's a shame... " Yaami would part his lips to say.
" Such... a young woman... falling to her death, over such a.. simple misunderstanding. I can assure you, Ms. Lisa... I will find out fully what happened. " he addressed.
" Of course, Sire. " Ramsley would chime in to say, making Yaami quickly shift his orbs towards him and then back at Lisa.
Lisa holding into the tissue, feeling the small parts crumble under her sweaty and gripping palms. Her air feeling less and less as he spoke directly to her.
She wanted to faint in that moment, but dare not too, as she would look down, and nod. The others in the room dare not to even speak or make a sound.
Mr. Sennen sighing in a deep pause, as he would look at the others. " Now now, let's not all get scared, just yet... " he would coldly speak, his words feeling almost empty.
With that alone, Yaami would turn around and head for the door, walking out the room leaving his workers to themselves. Immediately, Lisa would collapse on the floor, as Ramsely would follow suit.
Comforting Lisa as she cried deeper and into her lap. She was devastated at this entire ordeal, because of what she felt she could've done.
Lisa felt responsible for all the maids, and their duties, but also their lives. She has been working for Mr. Sennen for such a long time, she was older than all the other maids.
However, she was also fully aware of what the stakes, and also requirements were for, when working for Yaami. They were high, and because of this, Lisa always tried to do her best.
She knew Daisy was a sweet and fragile girl, from the very first moment she saw him. Traumatized by her old life, as she came to Yaami almost seeking redemption.
Lisa was also upset with how Mr. Sennen went about his remarks sometimes. It was as if it was nonchalant and uncaring. She couldn't very much explain that towards him.
She herself feared what that would bring, but overall, she never thought or seen Yaami do anything wrong. Perhaps, it was simply his aura, that gave her these deeper and painful feelings.
The real question that she had, was why did he want where Daisy killed herself, to be opened up. It didn't make any sense to her, afterall— a girl just died from that.
Nightfall came around, as the rain subsided with a full moon in the night sky. The calmness of the mansion seemed almost deadly.
It was as if it was a ghost town, however no one within the mansion seemed to be discussing the ordeal. They were working, doing their daily duties as usual.
The room where Daisy had committed suicide was sealed off, guarded as well. However, the window that she leaped from was still opened all from the time Yaami opened it.
Yaami was inside his office, but he wasn't alone, as he had Yuugi and Rebecca as well. He was writing down what Rebecca had told him, and also what Yuugi had.
The two seemed to be at odds with one another, and it was true that they had tension. Yaami could clearly see that tension— and was becoming annoyed by it.
He felt as though he was a teacher of some kind, and he had misbehaved students. He also felt like a parent, and whenever he felt something he disliked, it only fueled that anger.
" Enough ! " he would finally shout.
The two of them quickly becoming quiet, as Yuugi shook his head at Rebecca's remark, and as she rolled her eyes at him.
" I am quite displeased at both of you... this has nothing to do with Daisy's death, but more so at the lengths you both took— " Yaami explained.
" Do you know how this looks..... I not only have so many souls working for me— but I also have so many that trust and rely on me. "
Yuugi listening, as his orbs tweaking a bit in his pupils. Hearing Yaami's words, which felt like jabs.
" ... You both are acting like children, and it's starting to get on my nerves ... " the male would tell them both harshly.
" .... I — forgive me, Master Sennen~ " Rebecca would try and say softly and gently.
" .... Get on your nerves... " Yuugi would say quickly back, almost in a rude tone.
Yaami would look up once again, narrowing his orbs down at the other. Rebecca would glance over at Yuugi, and watch as the two talked.
Yuugi trembling a bit, feeling himself about to explode as he jolted up from his chair. " A girl just died and that's all you have to say ! " he shouted.
" She had no where ! And no one ! To come too and she chose you ! And for what ?! For you to sit behind your desk ! Allowing Rebecca to walk around as if she did nothing wrong ! " Yuugi argued.
Yaami now squinting his orbs down, listening intensely, but also as if he had a deadly glare.
" D... Daisy.... She killed herself ! All because Rebecca wouldn't let her help me ! She was trying to make things right ! .... And she— she— " Yuugi would try and finish saying, as he choked up his words.
His face becoming hot, as small tear droplets would start to fall from his face. The boy would gradually put his head down, as he started to weep angrily.
Yuugi shaking his head more aggressively, as he shot his orbs back open and stared at Yaami. Yaami on the other hand hadn't moved an inch, his gaze remained the same.
" I didn't think someone would die... and now... we should notify her family... someone needs to know... the police... something— " Yuugi was softly saying, his orbs gazing away from Yaami.
" .. Are you done. " Yaami would jump in to say, as he quickly cut Yuugi off. Yuugi eyes opening wide as he heard him.
" Rebecca ! leave us. " Yaami remarked in a somewhat loud and demanding tone. Rebecca jolting up from her seat, as she would bow quickly in a panic and head to the door.
" I ... y— yes sir.. " she would rushingly say.
As soon as Rebecca closed the door, as Yuugi had turned to watch her leave. The male feeling a thousand and one emotions. Emotions that was more from pain and anger.
He just allowed Rebecca to get away with this, and he himself had to sit in here. What kind of man would allow such a thing, Yuugi wondered.
The other would slowly turn his head back but as he did so Yaami was now directly in front of him. That made Yuugi quickly feel a shock of fear, as Yuugi wanted to back up.
Although Yaami had moved so fast that Yuugi couldn't gather his voice or thoughts, before feeling a firm grip against his wrist. Yuugi wenching a bit from the grip.
" I ! — What are you ! — " Yuugi shouted a bit to start and say before Yaami gave the coldness and most demonic look. That in itself made Yuugi feel his heartbeat in a race that he never felt before.
" Stop talking. " Yaami said.
Yuugi jolting a bit still feeling Yaami keeping a firm grip on him.
" It's obvious, you don't know how things work here. So let me explain this to you.... Absolutely under no circumstances.... Do I ever wanna hear you mention police... ever.... again. "
" ... I ... " Yuugi feeling his voice breaking from immense fear.
" Is. That. Clear. " Yaami demanded in a serious deep tone.
" .... Y.... Yes.... " Yuugi replied softly almost barely able to hear him, but Yaami heard him loud and clear.
" ... And let me make something else clear.... I'm in charge here and you don't tell me how I should go about punishments.... " Yaami continued to explain.
" You didn't even know Daisy ! I did ! So how dare you tell me how I should feel about her death ! " Yaami aggressively asked.
" You don't understand how I cope ! How I go about my personal feelings ! If I was to act like you — shout, panic and even show the slightest bit of nervousness... "
" This place would fall to its knees ! I understand you are upset at how I run things— but you only feel this way because you don't even know me ! " Yaami would say angrily.
Causing Yuugi to once again open his eyelids wider at the remark Yaami would make at the end. It was true— Yuugi didn't know Yaami, and that perhaps was why.
Yaami would eventually release Yuugi's wrist, as Yuugi would fall to the ground gripping it. Yaami looking down at Yuugi, his orbs a bit softer now, although that cold icy gaze never faltered.
" ... So do us both a favor and shut your mouth and do your job. I don't have you around to open your mouth shouting about things you can't even grasp.... "
Yuugi looking down at the floor, as his shoulders begin to move up and down indicating he was crying.
Yaami seeing his composure, squinted his orbs down once more before breaking his eye contact entirely. The male would move past the other and head for the door.
Yaami would stop mid way, hearing Yuugi continuing to cry his heart out. His hands shaking on the carpet as he shut his eyelids tightly.
The male keeping back to back with the other, not even slightly turning his head to see him. Yaami would inhale deeply, before grabbing the door knob and walking out the room.