Chapter 17: Overwhelming

"Stand back, Maria," Eva warned, her voice firm. "You're no match for this beast. I'll handle this alone."

Eva transformed her bow into a slender wooden staff, its length unfolding like a branch from an ancient tree. A golden yellow glow erupted from the staff as she spun it, yellow mana dancing around it.

Maria nodded slightly, concern etched on her face, acknowledging Eva's command. Eva leaned forward, her legs coiled and ready for maximum speed. She launched herself towards the knight, shattering the sound barrier with a deafening boom.

The explosion left a trail of pebbles and smoke. Eva swung her staff at the knight with a lightning-fast strike, matching its incredible speed. Her first blow aimed at the knight's head, but it was swiftly blocked, generating sonic waves that rippled through the air.

Undeterred, Eva launched a relentless barrage, targeting vulnerable areas: ribs, legs, and neck. Each strike was expertly parried, the knight's sword flashing with precision. The beast deflected every impact, creating sonic waves that resonated through the surroundings.

As the battle raged on, the impacts grew more devastating. The ground shook, and the air reverberated with sonic booms. Maria, caught in the gust, closed her eyes, her maid dress fluttering wildly.

The knight's sword charged itself with devastating electricity, fueled by dark mana. Eva's eyes widened in alarm as she sensed the attack's lethal potential. The air crackled with energy, anticipating the impending release.

Anticipating the knight's strike, Eva spun backward, creating distance to reduce the impact. The lightning-charged slash followed, its fury unrelenting. Eva stabbed her staff into the ground, enveloping herself in a yellow mana shield.

"Divine Shield!" she called out. The slash struck her shield, unleashing a massive explosion that engulfed the area in smoke. The ground trembled beneath their feet.

"Eva-sama!" Maria called out, concern etched on her face.

Eva stood, her figure shrouded in the settling dark fog. The impact had sent her stumbling backward, her clothes torn and bloodied. As she raised her head, blood oozed from her mouth.

"Eva-sama!" Maria cried, attempting to move forward.

"Stand back, Maria. That's an order," Eva commanded, her voice firm despite her injuries.

Maria hesitated, frustration etched on her face. "She's right... I'm no match for this beast. If I try to help her, I'll only get in her way. I've never seen Eva-sama pushed this far."

Eva's mind wandered to her past.


A beautiful church stood amidst a lush, isolated field. The surrounding greenery enveloped the sacred structure.

"Congratulations, Eva-chan! You've awakened!" exclaimed a towering nun, beaming with pride. "Your mana is off the charts! You'll make an amazing hunter!"

Eva, only ten years old, blinked in confusion. The nuns and fellow hunters swarmed around her, congratulating her on awakening her skill.

"Everyone said I'd be an amazing hunter," I recalled, lost in thought. "Those who awaken their skills can become hunters, exploring dungeons and becoming famous... I never understood what the fuss was all about.

Though it wasn't just me who was awakened during that time in the orphanage; there was another kid who was the same age as me, his name was Zarek. His skill wasn't impressive; it was a basic skill that all hunters have. I didn't know much about it, even though he was awakened, no one congratulated him. He was pretty silent, never talking to anyone, or maybe no one cared about him."


A little girl sobbed, her eyes fixed on the balloon tangled in a tree across the steep slope. A wooden wall stood guard, protecting against falls into the dense, shadowy forest below.

"My balloon!" she wailed.

Ten-year-old Eva approached her gently. "What's wrong?"

The girl pointed, tears streaming down her face. "My balloon."

Eva's expression softened. "Don't tell anyone what you saw here, and I'll get it for you."

The little girl nodded, sniffling, as Eva's words calmed her.

As Golden Mana enveloped Eva, she leapt onto the tree branch, retrieving the balloon with ease. But her triumph was short-lived. The branch creaked ominously, cracked, and gave way beneath her. Eva plummeted through the steep slope, her stomach lurching as she fell into the dark, mysterious forest.

Dazed and disoriented, Eva opened her eyes to an eerie landscape. The sky above was a deep, fiery crimson, casting long shadows across the forest floor. Trees loomed, their branches like skeletal fingers.

A stabbing pain shot through Eva's leg, and she winced. Blood oozed from her ankle, mingling with the dirt and leaves. Tears streamed down her face as she wept.

Suddenly, the rustling of leaves snapped her attention back. Her breath caught in her throat. A figure emerged from the underbrush – a wild rabbit, its gentle eyes a stark contrast to the forest's foreboding atmosphere.

Relieved, Eva struggled to stand, her ankle throbbing with every movement. Pain rang out with each step, sending shivers down her spine. Fear crept in, threatening to overwhelm her.

As she walked through the darkening forest, voices of birds and squirrels circled around her. "My leg hurts," she winced in pain.

She spotted a huge shadow ahead and assumed it was a person. "Excuse me, can you help me? I'm lost," Eva asked, tears streaming down her cheek.

But suddenly, the shadow enlarged, emerging from the darkness. It wasn't a person - it was a massive bear.

Terror hit Eva as she started screaming. The bear growled, charging towards her.

With every ounce of strength left, Eva started running, her pain forgotten. She charged herself with Golden Mana, using its power to evade the bear's grasp.

Despite her ankle's damage holding her back, Eva ran straight. But suddenly, she stumbled, losing balance.

She slid across the steep slope and rolled to a stop in front of a cave. Scrambling to crawl away, Eva realized the bear was still closing in.

Her back hit a rock, and the bear loomed mere feet away. Terror consumed her. "I don't wanna die!" she screamed in her mind.

"Someone, help me!" Eva shrieked.

Just as all hope seemed lost, a rock hurtled through the air, striking the bear's face.

"Get away from her!" Zarek's voice cut through the tension.

The bear's attention shifted to Zarek, its slow steps approaching him. Zarek's hands and face were covered in small scars, his essence tinged with the scent of blood.

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