In a world torn apart by a 400-year war between humans and dragons, an unknown dragon hatches from its egg, awakening to a chaotic landscape filled with conflict, land disputes, and power struggles. Born into a time when dragon-slaying magic is just beginning to emerge, this dragon must learn to navigate a world where its existence is a threat to humans and where survival means confronting both ancient enemies and new challenges. As the war rages on, the dragon's journey unfolds, revealing its place in a narrative shaped by betrayal, power, and the struggle for identity in a war-torn realm.
Main World: Fairy Tail. as of right now
First world: Fairy Tail
Second world: Solo Leveling,
Third world: Fate Series
The Multiversal Dragon novel is a popular light novel covering Anime & comics genres. Written by the Author Ryughaa . Read The Multiversal Dragon novel online for free.