In the aftermath of a daring escape from the merciless King Ozul, Arya Athena and her band of young warriors find themselves stranded on the wild, unforgiving Island of Darth. The island's lush forests and silent waters hide more than just danger — they conceal a shadowy past, one that holds the key to overthrowing a tyrant who thrives on deceit and bloodshed.
Haunted by her mother's sacrifice and driven by a need to protect her sister Liza and their people, Arya navigates a treacherous path where survival is earned through steel and wit. But as they fight to stay one step ahead of Ozul's men, the island begins to unveil secrets that could shift the balance of power in Shinghaala forever.
When betrayal lurks behind every tree, and loyalty is paid for in blood, Arya's courage is tested like never before. Her fate — and that of her kingdom — hinges on a perilous rescue, a family lost to war, and an uncle believed to be dead. With a blade named Wraith, a heart filled with defiance, and the haunting memory of love sacrificed to war, Arya must choose: fight for survival or ignite a revolution.
In a world where darkness reigns and legends are forged, the Island of Darth may just become the battleground for freedom, redemption, and the rise of the lion-hearted.
The Throne of Betrayal novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy genres. Written by the Author Tanshu_Verse . Read The Throne of Betrayal novel online for free.