A Blossoming Flower (Falling Petals)

Chapter 79: Old Memories.

"Your highness!"


Two women came running toward the child held by a young knight. Tears glistened in both women eyes and they reach out to give the young child a hug.

"Ivy! Daisy!"

Sakura signaled for the young knight to put her down and came running straight to the outstretched arms of both women.

"Your highness! We were so worried!! We should have gone with you!!"

The ever so clear headed Ivy was crying while hugging Sakura with Daisy. On the other hand, Daisy was just bawling her eyes out and anything she was trying to say was incoherent. She was too expressive of her relief and joy that it was hard to understand a word she said.

But Sakura didn't find it tiring or annoying, she felt warm inside that they cared so much for her.

"I'm fine. Don't worry! Look! There’s no bruises or anything! I wasn't hurt so don't feel bad."

Sakura giggled while hugging the two women. She snuggled right between them and felt comfort in their arms.


Mihkael and Raphael decided not to say anything seeing her conceal the truth a bit. Witnessing this scene made them notice how truly mature she was.

Normal children would have cried and whined about small things, so something this huge would have at least made her cry and demand comfort for going through such a traumatizing experience.

Children tend to be selfish and cry and blame others for bad things that may have happened to them, especially if they lived a comfort and trouble free life. Yet here Sakura doesn't want to worry them or make them feel any other type of negative emotion if they learned of her experience, so she covers it up and acts like she hasn't gone through anything too bad other than a small scare.

Both men looked at each other and can see what both are thinking.

'Before we became aware of more things, we just thought she was just a bit more advance than other children, now that we understand more hidden facts, we can see how much advance in intelligence she is, even her emotional aspect was much higher than what we expected… Just how far into the future and how much was revealed to her that she matured in a way that we can't fathom how deep her mind thinks and how far she is thinking ahead in her words and actions.'



She turns to Raphael and still keeps herself in the arms of her nannies. While watching this both men expression soften and gave an apologetic smile toward her.

"Your uncle Seraph wishes to see you again. Are you ready to see him?"

Both men didn't bring it up after arriving to her room that one of the Stewart's informed them Seraph was waiting in Mihkael's meeting room. The others who arrived with them went ahead and told them to take their time so Sakura can meet her nannies.

"But her highness must be tired-"

"I'm fine Ivy. I promised to see uncle Seraph when I get back so I should go and see him. While I'm away, can you prepare my favorite dessert? I want to eat the key lime pie that you make, so can you?"

Sakura looked up at Ivy and Daisy with pleading eyes, eyes that she knew they can never say no to.

"Don't you worry Sakura! I'll make the best one yet, just for you ok!"

Through teary eyes Daisy eyes sparkled with resolution and she stood up while sniffling and getting ready to head to the kitchen.

Ivy was more calm and looked at her princess. She can see something changed about Sakura, but she can't place her finger on what.

'She seems... more calmer in her actions. Her usual strain to hold back or keeping a front changed. She seems... more at ease. I can still see her hiding her thoughts, but something did change in her temperament.'

Ivy was someone who was known for her perceptive nature. So she was able to see every little detail Sakura wasn't able to hide and knew she hid things that she didn't want others to know. But surprisingly, as if sensing Ivy gaze Sakura would subconsciously give off an naive childlike sense and act as her age to the point it is hard for Ivy to tell if it is an act or not anymore.

But that never made Ivy think any difference of Sakura; she never got creeped out or weirded out like those maids or few knights who would talk about how sometimes her highness didn't act like a child, how they would sometimes say she was ... Creepy. Of course, those people would be thrown out immediately for judging and saying such hurtful things about Sakura.

'If any of the things those bast- evil people said was heard by her highness, I always worried how it would hurt her feelings, even if she is a mature child, she is still a child. One who needs protection and care, not judgment and condemnation by those who didn't truly know her like me and Daisy do.'

If Raphael is considered to be first in knowing Sakura best, then Ivy would be placed second or third. She was someone who raised Sakura since she was 3 and watched over her even more than she did with her own sons. So to her, Sakura appears mature and levelheaded and can even be said to calculate her reactions and speech to gain others goodwill, however Ivy knew well that Sakura was just a lonely child, one who wanted to be loved but was scared to ask for it, or even to receive that love she so desperately wants.

"...I'll make sure you receive the best key lime pie that you wouldn't want anything else but that one for the next month."

"Hehe! I can't wait!"

Seeing her highness smile, Ivy gave her rare smile to Sakura and lightly kisses her forehead.

"Then make sure to take care and return soon."

Sakura eyes widen when she felt warm lips gently and lovingly peck her forehead, the warmth gave love and care that cause her to tremble at the sudden memory of her past life. A life far away from the name Sakura and the many painful memories of past failed Sakura's.



"What ma!"

"Escuela! You'll be late so hurry your ass up!"

"I'm hurrying! I'm hurrying!! You have no patience mama!"

"I have no patience for sloths like you! So muévete!"

"Ya ma!"

A black haired girl comes running down a flight of stairs and rolls her eyes when she sees her mom standing by the door with her arms crossed. Her mother with her light olive skin raises a brow as if to say "Got something to say?" Her finger taping her arm as if to display her impatience with her child.

"I'm moving! I'm moving!"

The girls runs out the open door and was heading to her brothers car so she can take a ride with him to her school. But a loud noise stopped her.

"Uh humph! Aren't you forgetting something?"


The girl who inherited her mothers light features turns and frowns with her petite small lips, her eyes displaying her unruliness and annoyance.

"I'll be late!"

"Oh now you care if your late or not? Rapido! Come over here."

The girl again rolled her eyes and flinched when she saw her mother narrowing her eyes.



The girl hurries back to her mother side and can see her mother doing a small blessing for her protection.


"Almost done! So stop complaining."

While listening to her mothers words she felt her moms callous hands gently grab her cheeks and her being brought down to reach her mothers height and can feel a light kiss in her forehead.

"Que dios te proteje mi niña."

"You too ma."

"Ya vayate! You'll be late."

"Ok ma!"

The girl who was taller than her mother lightly return a peck on the cheek and turned while waving goodbye.

"Ciao ma! See you soon."

"Ciao! Make sure to get back for dinner!"

"Haha ok!"

Turning away she smiles and hurries on the car to head to school.


Amber forgot those memories that felt so long ago and thought she forgot her mother's face. But when feeling that kiss, it reminded her so much of her mothers kiss and care that she grimaced in pain that wasn't physical but emotional. She quickly looks down so her emotions wasn't shown.

She nods to Ivy's words and turns to hurry out the door like Daisy did. Hiding her feeling the best she could.

"Sakura! Don't run, you might end up tripping!"

Raphael did a light nod of goodbye and hurried after Sakura. Mihkael was heading to follow but stopped and turn around to say something to Ivy.

"Thank you for always being beside Sakura. For being there for her as more than a nannie. I appreciate it."

Ivy smiles at Mihkael and remembers an old memory of the past.

A 6 year old boy with red hair glared while holding the arm of a 11 year old Gabriel, while a 7 year old Ivy and her younger brother held the other arm. Both Ivy and her brother Azure were fighting Mihkael for Gabriel's attention.


"You kept him all this week! We wanna hang out with him!"

"So? I don't want to. We're going to play with Ariel and Seraph today so let go."

The scarlet haired boy glared with his beautiful eyes and pulled the arm he was holding.

Looking at that glare Ivy wasn't discouraged, rather she was even more adamant in taking Gabriel.

"What type of tone is that? You should be more polite since I'm older than you."

Ivy did all the talking while her brother Azura shyly just pulling Gabriel's arm as well, doing what his older sister asked of him.

"If were going about that type of logic, then me being the crown prince, you should follow my every command."

"Please. Don't I have any say in this?"

Gabriel felt his arms soaring up and can already feel like he may end up losing his arms if this kept up.


Gabriel sighs and looks to the side, he grew frustrated when he saw two kids close to their age just eating cookies and drinking some refreshments that the maids brought over.

"Can't you do something about this?"

"I'm fine. This is a new type of entertainment I don't want to miss."

A boy who was bespectacled just stared at this whole ordeal while having his legs grossed in a noble and lazy manner. His grey hair that almost matched a stormy night and appearance that if not knowing, can be mistaken for a pretty young girl made many approach him yet run away crying when he speaks.

"Haha! You guys seem to be having fun!"

While another boy was stuffing his face while laughing at the scene. His hair a teal-ish mint green and his mixed turquoise and lavender eyes shined with laughter when he spoke.

"Tsk. My puppy leaves less of a mess than you do."

"Well you spoil it by having the maids feed it by hand, and by hand, I mean feeding it by spoon like a baby."

A usual situation of bickering between the two ensued while poor Gabriel cries for help was ignored.

"Return my big brother Gabriel to me!"

"He isn't only yours! We seen him first!!"

"I won't give him to you!"

"And we won't hand him over to you either!"

"Please! Enough! If you guys cant reach an agreement, then I won't play with either of you guys!"

Gabriel let out a shout of exasperation and quickly pulled away and ran. Both sides were dumbstruck by his sudden escape and weren't quick enough to chase after him.

"Well look at what you did!"

"Me!? You guys should have just let me take him!"

"You always take him away when it's our turn to play with him! You should learn to not be so demanding!"

"What!? Wanna fight?"

"I was waiting to beat a snot nosed brat like you!"

Mihkael was pulled back by Ariel who saw the situation going downhill as always, while Azure hugged his sister from the front to stop her rampage, his eyes blistering with tears at the strong act of the two.

"Well it was all fun but it is getting tiring with the same routine. How about this; both really want to play with Gabriel because you both like him alot it seems, has it ever occured to you both to play with him together? You guys play the same game either way and isn't it more fun to have more people to play with?"


Both held a look of realization as if they hadn't thought of that. Making one remember that even if they can seem a bit mature, they are still children of ages 6 and 7.

"There is that option..."

"Why didn't you suggest this from the beginning Seraph?"

"Because it was fun watching you guys."


They had nothing to say to that.

"Then should we do that?"

"... I have no issue with that. As long as I can get to play with brother Gabriel."

"Me too. Me and Azure want to play with big brother Gabriel too."

"... is Mihkael going to be our brother too?"

Azure shy voice spoke was heard clearly even with his soft tone and both Ivy and Mihkael looked at him. Azure was less intelligent than them, but it was more because he was a shy and innocent child, who was protected by Ivy and his family because he was the youngest.

Since Ivy and Mihkael both called Gabriel big brother, then that would make them share Gabriel as a brother, so in his little mind it made him think that they became siblings too.

Mihkael looked at this shy innocent boy and remembered that he would actually be the youngest out of all of them there. He would even be younger that Mihkael who was the youngest in his group of three friends!

A sense of responsibility filled him at the thought of finally being a big brother yet he tried to look undisturbed and looked away.

"...sure, why not. I'll take you as siblings and keep you by my side as an older sister and younger brother."

Even when he said it with a nonchalant attitude, it was obvious from his redden ears that he was shy and a bit happy at the thought of getting more sworn brothers/sisters. And he didn't have a problem with them since Gabriel seems to trust them quite a bit.

Ivy watched this and raised an eyebrow at this haughty attitude, but can see the boy was actually quite happy about the thought. She decided to leave it be and sighs.

'Seems like I earn myself another younger brother. Well, it's fine. The kid may be haughty and has a bit of an attitude, but he is bearable and less annoying than other noble kids I've seen. And since Azura seems to like the kid, so I'll accept him as a younger brother.’

"Since we became siblings, you now have to call me big sister Ivy or just Ivy rather than 'hey!' Or 'you!' Got it!"

Ivy narrowed her eyes when she looked at Mihkael, remember his rude attitude towards her when they always clashed to get Gabriel's attention.

"Sure, then Azura has to call me Big brother!"

Mihkael quickly turns to the hidden boy and waits to hear it. Azure was hidden behind Ivy and shyly stepped away from her back and showed his face.

"B-big Brother..."

He mumbled his words in a stutter but it was like music to Mihkael's ears. He puffed up his chest and seemed quite happy to be the oldest for once.

"Then little brother Azure! We have to go look for Gabriel so we can go play together! Let's go!"

Mihkael pulled the shy boy to a run and quickly headed to the direction Gabriel ran to. Azure followed along and Ivy watched the two go. She smiled but quickly followed after.

"Don't run to quickly! Or else you guys might end up falling!"

While saying that she stops and turns to the two that might have felt left out.

"Aren't you guys gonna move? Since Mihkael always seen you guys as brothers I bet, then we should all go play as a family, so move it!"

Saying that and not giving them a chance to say anything, she ran and followed her two little brothers.

Ariel and Seraph both looked at each other.

"Family huh?"

"Tsk! Too many brats to watch over now."

"Haha! Well what can we do. We are now older brothers of two more kids. Let's go before they end up falling somewhere."

Seraph sighs and rolls his eyes.

"How annoying."

Yet he follows along while quickly running after them to make sure none of them fall.


"An older sister will always have her younger brothers back."

She smiled and waved him off while he chuckled and began leaving.

"True. I'm really lucky to have an older sister like you."

A/N:it has been awhile!! Sorry I haven't updated much, had a moment of writer's block and really didn't know how to go on. But because I made you guys wait so long, of course I'll make this chapter free. I hope you guys like it and I love reading comment s or people's rating for it. And I'll try to quickly make the next chapter, but I won't be making promises. So thanks for still reading if you are.

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