A Blossoming Flower (Falling Petals)

Chapter 83: Are this things Valuable?

"Then from that moment of the... accident. You had been receiving Oracles or prophecies from the God of Death. Who has called you his dear child and has given you his blessing, he even said you had the blessing of the world."

"No wonder the magic she leaks out is dark magic rather than that of earth or healing or even spatial magic, which are the most obvious from her features."

Ariel spoke after Seraph and dropped a bombshell that Sakura didn't expect him to reveal.

"Wait! You guys knew I had an attribute with dark magic!? When did you guys notice it!?!"

"Ah.... so you already knew?"

Seraph spoke with a raised brow and quickly understood that Sakura was aware of her abilities yet hasn't told anyone of it.


'Damn! I was gonna let it out gently on them. Now I can't act ignorant to them when asking about magic.'

"You knew? Wait. How would you know since the last time you had an outburst was when you were only three? We sealed it for safe measures so you wouldn't accidentally use it and harm yourself. So you shouldn't have noticed it any time soon."

Mihkael frowned at her awareness to her strange abilities to even have any magic at all for her age and how she would have even know she was able to use it at all.


"You seem to not mind us finding about your body's peculiar trait to collect magic energy from the atmosphere and even be able to release it, yet the thought of us knowing your attribute of dark magic seems to surprise and disturb you. Why may that be your highness?"

Seraph narrows his eyes when he starts to think more of her reaction.

"I'm most interested to know when you found out your abilities, was it recent something you know from a long time?"

Gabriel was most interested in how she knew of her abilities when the last time she ever displayed it was when she was 3. After that, Gabriel sealed it with the help of his apprentice, a barrier mage. They created a barrier over her heart. Because that is where magic energy is collected, it would then spread it around the body to cultivate and increase magic abilities over time.

They created a high tier barrier around her heart to block it from the magic energy so it would not be collected automatically like it has been when she was a child.

"When me and Adaline were running. I was getting overwhelmed with the situation we were in and ended up being overly emotional, and ended up releasing dark magic from my body. Ray- the guard who was placed beside us with the driver: quickly noticed it and calmed me before our location gets tracked."

She calms herself and swiftly made an excuse at the moment. She knew she couldn't really use the prophecy dream excuse for this one because it was something well know by all those who are said to be give prophecy of visions of the future; you will never get a direct dream of yourself; all dreams happen by the point of view of the gods or by nature or even the view of a bystander. But the person who is receiving the prophecy will never get their point of view or see their future in a direct way, if they want to know something will happen to them in their future, then they have to interpret the scene to get a glimpse of what's to happen to them.

That's why when Gabriel received that "oracle type dream" they quickly interpreted it as him maybe accidentally interfering in a vision a god may have sent to Sakura since he was seeing from his point of view; so it must mean it wasn't for him.

So if she had said because she was able to use it in a dream or something, then they would have quickly caught on that something was fishy about her "dreams."

"I see."

Seraph kept his eyes into her own but decided to let it go because he couldn't see it being anything else other than that that caused her to be aware of her abilities. Maybe the stress of the situation overwhelmed her and cause the barrier around her heart to weaken and ended up breaking sooner than they intended it to.

"Well since we have that out of the way. It seems we will need you to have a magic teacher train you sooner than expected because of your unique condition to collect magic to your body without the need to train or control it."

"Wouldn't it have a negative impact it people found out she had that type of ability? If they discover she is able to collect magic energy around her without trying then she may get targeted for it."

Uriel was concern to the thought of her being harmed if being discovered to be able to collect and even release magic at her age with no type of guidance of a tutor.

"Who ever said we'll tell the truth of her capabilities? We'll just say that just recently she tried to learn magic in secret and surprisingly discovered she can be able to collect magic energy with no side effects. And then discovered she was able to use magic. However we would hide her compatibility to dark magic and have Gabriel teach her until she reaches a certain tier. We can have her dark magic become a type of trump card. No one would suspect she has dark magic become she doesn't reveal any type of connection to it, unless someone looks deeply into her eyes, no one would notice unless she reveals it."

Seraph already had it planned and knew it was already a risk to reveal her capabilities, yet he as well knows she will grow stronger with no proper training if they let it be till her 8th birthday. Seraph can already see that it will be harder to hide her powers because of how her aura displays a sense of cultivation in magic now.

'When she was a toddler it wasn't that obvious that her body was collecting magic energy and circulating throughout it, yet now if someone is in late mid tier or in high tier; then they can quickly notice her peculiar condition. So it will be best to tweak the truth a bit and just say she is a protégé who knows how to collect magic while training on her own.'

"It will have its risk, but it will leave less of an impact than the truth. It is safer then her being left to hold on till her 8th birthday or if revealing she was already able to automatically obtain magic energy from her surrounding at a tender age."

They haven't recommended in creating a barrier again till her 8th birthday because they don't know if that may effect her body if they kept blocking and unblocking her bodies capabilities. It may even burst forth when the barrier break and cause an injury to her heart.

"Then after today we get someone to train her in magic that she will be compatible with other than dark magic while Gabriel will use a bit of his time to teach her dark magic in secret."

Mihkael sighs and decides to end that conversation because they believe they already found the reason why she was even able to use magic in the first place.

'She was blessed with more importance than others when the god of death blessed her as his own, even more when he said she has the blessing of the world. So it can be understandable why her body collects so much magic energy even without trying, must be because of the world blessing her with its energy.'

That was what everyone concluded from the conversation and then waited to hear more that she has to say.

"Then Sakura. Since we found why you have such frightening talent to use magic, let's return to one of our main reasons for this little meeting: How much did you plan for Adaline's rescue."

Seraph was quick to changing the topic back because he felt they had changed course too much in the conversation, yet he did not mind how they found a solution to her predicament.

'Here it is!'

Sakura sat straight and squeezed Raphael's hand and did a quick glance at everyone until she reaches Raphael's eyes.

"You all won't judge me if I tell you right? Won't think I'm too wicked or bad right?"

"Sakura? Oh my dear princess."

Raphael looked her in the eyes and displayed his full love for his little princess by holding her hand tightly in his.

"I would never think of you to be wicked. Not once will I ever judge you to be able to do wrong because I will be beside you to stop that from happening. Believe it that much my princess."

Everyone else nodded to Raphael's words as to display their agreement to it.

Hearing his words and seeing their actions caused a wry smile to reach her lips.

'True, you always stood beside Sakura and always was the voice of reason that reached her clouded mind. Yet even you were trying your hardest to save her, she was too weak to defeat the corruption unless she dies. And the rest always ended up turning their backs to her until it became too late to regret their actions.'

Unknowns to her, her expression fully displayed her feelings while being immersed in her thoughts that they all noticed quickly her melancholy smile.


"... The futures the gods show me have different things yet the outcome is always the same. Yet there are moments where I am not shown the future of our actions."

"Why are you bringing that up? Aren't we going to talk about Adaline?"

Sakura nods her head and looks across from her to stare directly to Seraph's eyes again. She knows she can't directly tell them the truth of how their lives are replayed again and again with no end seen. How each life something changes yet the end will always remain.

"I actually only told you a bit of what is shown to me, bit truth be told; prophecies and oracles sent by the gods can show me the outcome of some actions. They display different pathways for each action but the outcome always remained the same. An example can be Adaline's kidnapping. Something can be changed, the day, the time, or even the guards sent to protect her; yet in the end she was taken and everyone that was with her died. The outcome was already fated for her death."

This was what Sakura noticed in a few dreams she received over the years, she would have dreams of past Sakura's views in Adalines death and she quickly noticed a few changes in them. All Sakuras seem to not have the advantage of remembering the setting of the game like she did, she wondered why but knew she wouldn't find the answer on her own.

But when seeing those memories she quickly notices some of the Sakuras would have a foreboding feeling when listening to how Adaline would have her first outing. Some interfered a bit and was able to keep Adaline and her mother alive for a day or two, the longest being a month in one life, some even found ways to increase the guards that are sent with Adaline and her mother. Yet the moment they go out the ending was always the same: both die with all their guards.

Sakura would see this dreams and wake up with anxiety, in anger and then hopeless; she would question if this time she would be able to change anything, what if the outcome was the same?

What if all she did was for nothing and Adaline and all the rest die like they did in all the lives?

What if this time she ends up dying because she placed herself in the situation too?

Those thoughts always overwhelmed her and she would hesitate in keeping with the plan, but she would remember how Adaline would laugh, how she ran around and made her hate this world even less.

So she snapped away from her pessimistic thoughts and continued on, she would think this time was different, she would be there, she would control the flow of things and she would make sure Adaline's fate changes.

She would make sure Adaline lives to be 8 and then 9, 10 and longer. The only way to make sure she does is if she succeeds in saving her. She already felt she was going to win against fate when she saved her uncle Igor, so this should be successful as well!!

But this battle made her understand something: she is weak.

She succeeded this time, but what if the next time she tries to change someone's outcome it wouldn't be as positive as this?

She barely save Adaline and the guards, even Kano was in danger because of her plan.

Well in the beginning she already placed his life as disposable because of his future connections with Rose, but she had to remember, he was a living person, one that hasn't done any wrong to her, yet. Luckily she changed her mind in the last second when she found her conscious and formed a type of bond with him.

But she understood that all the planning she could do, all the preparation and scheming won't always go as planned.

She got lucky when she was able to save her uncle Igor, she barely survived saving Adaline. The next time could even end up her dying prematurely because of her overconfidence in her plans and forgetting fates strong hold.

What lesson she learned from this was that she needs help, not just having them follow her commands but help in having a countermeasure to her plan failing, she needs connections to keep her safe from the hidden enemies that she knows are working in the shadows.

And to do that, she needs to trust this group of men with at least enough information that they can block those who has fate by their side.


Ariel was one of the first ones to understand what her words indicated. He widen his eyes when looking at her.

"What you are able to see aren't just one future repeating again and again until the day of it, but multiple different ones that only lead to the end of that prophecy you see."

"Then were you able to see the outcome of your actions and knew you were going to succeed?"

Uriel asked with widen eyes but then confusion clouded them when he saw her shake her head.

"The actions that I in the present time take isn't shown in those dreams, rather it is considered something against fates path which is why even the gods cannot show me the outcome. That's why Adaline future after this won't be displayed to me at all, as well as Uncle Igor fate after I saved him that time. They weren't supposed to have a future so I won't be able to see them in any of the prophecy or oracles of the future after their "deaths." Their existence is an abnormality as well as all those guards and people who lived or died when I actually won against fate this time."

She used this as an excuse to explain why if she ever receives a "prophecy" why Adaline or Igor aren't displayed in it. That they are irregular existence fate already erases from the future.

It will save her from future troubles of how people alive in the prophecies or oracles when dead or how their dead in the visions but are alive in their present future.

"I see! That is something I haven't thought of!"

The realization came to Uriel of how immeasurable Sakura actions were truly are.

'She changed fate which is something no one has really able to do. If fate seems you to die at that time or anywhere soon at that time then that is how it should be. So her actions is something that went against the person fate in this life. In a way, she gave them a new life that isn't controlled by the fate of this world.'

"Then Adaline and all those who lived. Is their future something you cannot see any longer?"

Sakura nods her head to Gabriel's words and turns away from Seraph to look at him.

"The unborn child in Sapphire's belly is something that never once existed in those memories, a life created out of fate is an existence I do not know how it'll effect this world. Protect the child because fate does not like to be trifled with."

"If you know that, then why did you go against it to save Igor and Adaline? Wouldn't you become a casualty fate would seem necessary so the world will go on as it should? Isn't your actions of going against it again and again not deem you as something to get rid of?"

Seraph narrows his eyes at the thought of her putting her life on the line in such a way and not expect her death in it.

What surprised him was her reaction. Rather than looking a bit down or fearful of what he said, she just shrugs her shoulder and gives him a pathetic smile.

"Because my time to die isn't now. Rather, it seems that my life may actual mean more that the need for fate to take out those I aim to save. I can’t die now."

"What do you mean by that?"

Raphael was the first one to ask her when he saw her expression.

"There are a few more peoples who lives end with death, brother Nolan and my mother being another... then there is..."


She threw two bombshells on them that it took them a while to process what she said and distract them from her sudden pause And change of subject.

"Nolan will die..."

Seraph expression displayed a sense of loss and his eyes widen at the sudden news his son was destined to die in the future. The others as well didn't expect to hear that. But then they realized something else from Sakura's words.

Everyone turns to Mihkael and can see the pain in his eyes at the news.

Mihkael didn't want to believe it but understood that her illness was bound to take her life since they still couldn't find the reason for it.

Sakura looked at him and a pang of pain and guilt entered her heart when she saw it. She bites her lips but decided to keep quiet of what her mother has and what truly is wrong with her.

'One at a time. I have to do things one at a time and catch those who are working against us in the shadows so I can fully save my mother in this world, even if it means she has to stay bedridden for a few more years. Let's just think of it being better for her to keep laying there away from the dangers until it is ok to cure her. She is actually safer in that bed that her being awake.

"How does Nolan die."

Seraph quickly composed himself and asked it calmly but his eyes are kept to the floor. But she can tell what she told him stirred him up when she saw his clenched hands.

"... He was assassinated."

"!! Why!?"

"I can't tell you now. Just somewhere in the near future I would tell you. Trust me on this uncle Seraph. Know I would do my best to save him before that happens."

"Why can't you tell us now?"

Azrael was the first to ask the question before Seraph would.

"Because me telling you this is dangerous enough. He will die somewhere in his 20s, too far into the future. Right now I'm just given a few glimpses of it but I don't want me telling you too much leading fate to change something I cannot see so I wouldn't interfere in it. So that's why I can't allow you guys to change too much what will happen until that moment occurs."

That was what Sakura really is afraid to do. She changed too many things in the last few years that she didn't know how much it'll effect the future, she got lucky not too many things changed between Igor and Adaline's situations so she was able to go on as planned, but if she moves too quickly she wouldn't tell what will happen next. Her having two nannies and not maids watching over her changed the future situation of Sakura being infected by a high tier corruption lessened exponentially since now an unfamiliar maid would look suspicious if they approach her in this life.

"That's why you did just little changes before the moment came for her kidnapping. Because you didn't want any big actions causing a negative change against you, just like with Igor."

Sakura nodded, but truth be told she just didn't have any trust in them and didn't wan them to know that she knew what's to come. The only reason she came up with this bullshit was because of her lie of seeing the future so she can save Kano from suspicion.

"I see... then I will wait when you can tell me."

Seraph sighs and Sakura can do. Nothing but admire him for being so patient when it's about his sons future end.

"Then Adaline.."

"Is safe because the main culprits in her death should be in disarray from your attacks in their hidden base and may even keep a low profile to regroup and do other things. But just to be sure, have her protected till her eighth birthday. Because her life is more vulnerable at this age until she gains protection from the magic tower as a future mage."


"And in mothers case... it is safer she remains in where she is, but with protection of those you trust."

"Why does she need protection?"

"Is there something about her death that is more that we think of it?"

"... just listen to what I say and I'll be able to explain later, just for now, trust me."



Mihkael sighs and decided to listen to Sakura's words which earn him a bit more of Sakura's trust.

"Then lets go back to Adaline's situation and what I planned so I could save her."

'But I'll let out the pieces of drugging the anniversary gift for Uncle Gabriel and where I even got the medicine and how I was actually planning to use Kano and the guards lives as tools.'

She began telling them what she planned and how she expected it to go, she even told them a bit of how she got them to fight amongst themselves and escaped from their view to go and look for Adaline. But she did omit about the files and vials she took from the office.

'.... wait... the files and vials I stole!!'

Her eyes widen in horror of those important objects she took and abandoned in the dress she wore. She quickly glanced at Uriel and wanted to ask him about it, but didn't know how to.

"What's wrong?"

"Why you stop talking?"

They question her in confusion at her abrupt pause and can see something was bothering her. The glance toward Uriel confused them even more but then Seraph narrowed his eyes in realization.

"You stopped when you reached his office and grabbed a cloak. What else may you have grabbed from that office?"

"!?... That.."

"Would it be this?"

He moved his hand over the table separating them and a few vials clattered together and a few files of papers fall to the table top.

"Is this what you grabbed from that room?"

Looking at all the things she wanted to keep a secret, she quickly knew she was pushed to the wall again. Taking a gulp she didn't know what to say.

"Would are dear princess tell us what they are? Seeing as you grabbed them. They must have quite the value. Hmm?"

'... Fuck.'

A/N: uh oh. One thing she didn't want them to know was already in their hands. Now what type of BS is she gonna make? Till the next chapter!

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