Chapter 33: 33 - The Republic and the Jedi Get to know each other
Republic Navy Staging Area
Coruscant Orbit
Anakin stepped off the Navy shuttle, R2-D2 rolling behind him. Aside from the Astromech Droid, his only possessions were his robes and lightsabre. Leaving Padme early in the morning was not a decision made lightly, but in the end it was the only way he could safely reach public transportation to the nearby starport where his name and rank were enough to get him onto a series of transfers that ended on the Venator class ship that was his assignment.
It felt weird, taking an assignment from someone other than Obi-wan or the Jedi Council. But here he was none the less. The flight deck was buzzing with activity. He saw mostly ARC-170 fighters being examined and tested by their Clone technicians, while a few V-19's, new designs were off to one side. In the distance, other star fighters were indistinct in the light and distance.
"Jedi Skywalker?" A non-clone appeared from the rolling crowd and approached him as the transport shuttle behind him closed up and prepared to return to the planet below. "Greetings. I am Captain Corvell of the Republic Naval Ship Sathanas. Welcome aboard."
"Captain," Anakin bowed as was proper. "Thank you for having me aboard."
"Well, it's good have a Jedi on the ship," Corvell gestured for Anakin to follow, so he did, R2 sliding in behind. "I had a Jedi be a guest on my previous posting after his ship suffered a malfunction when the war broke out. He helped repel boarders, so when Captain Tarkin asked for someone to take you on, I volunteered."
"Thank is good to hear," Anakin said, wondering if he could find out who this mysterious Jedi was, and to thank them for the friend of the Order that they made. "I must confess some ignorance though, as to my place on your ship."
"Well, as you can see, we are a Battle-Carrier, technically a Destroyer." Corvell swept his hand across the hanger bay. "We are capable of handling up to 300 starfighters, as well as having sufficient direct firepower and shields to engage in ship to ship combat directly. You have been assigned as Assistant CAG. The actual Commander Air Group is a Clone pilot by the number of CTP-1479. You will be shadowing him in learning how to command a full Squadron."
Anakin nodded. It was just another form of apprenticeship. He watched the operations of the Hanger deck with interest as the Captain led him to a door in the armored walls of the hanger, which opened into a small office. "CTP-1479, this is Jedi Skywalker. He has been assigned as your assistant, so please make sure he is trained and equipped properly."
"Captain!" CTP-1479 snapped to attention, offering a salute which was returned by Corvell. "General!"
"I'm no General, Commander." Anakin said with a smile, channeling his inner Obi-Wan of politeness. "I believe I will hold the rank of Lieutenant Commander, serving under you."
"Understood, sir!" CTP-1479 moved to parade rest, face expressionless. "Welcome aboard."
"I want him properly checked out on the ARC-170, as well as the V-19, Commander." Corvell ordered. "I know your pilots are still learning the new fighter's systems, so incorporating Skywalker into that will give him good hands on experience.
Anakin loved the idea of testing a new starfighter design. It just felt right to do it.
"Understood, Captain. Commander Skywalker, is that your Astromech Droid?"
"Yes," Anakin said, "He is R2-D2." So introduced, R2 greeted the Clone Trooper Pilot in binary.
"Please check him in with the Droid maintenance post three doors forward, sir." CT-1479 suggested. "That way they can upload it with the necessary programming to operate the systems on our fighters."
"You heard the man, R2," Anankin turned to his droid. "Head over there, and get the software."
R2 beeped in agreement and turned around, rolling out the door without supervision.
"One last thing," Corvell said to the two of them. "There is a squadron briefing at 1800 hours. I want both of you in attendance."
"Yes, Captain." "Aye-Aye, sir."
"Good. See you both then." With that, Corvell left the small office, leaving the Jedi and Clone alone. For a moment, there was an awkward silence as both expected the other to take the lead before training asserted itself, and CTP-1479 remembered that on his flight deck, he was in charge.
"Do you have a flight suit?" he asked.
"No sir," Anakin said. "Just my robes."
"You'll need one, if only for the life support it provides." The Clone Pilot made a couple notes. "We do that now, and I can brief you on the way." He stood up, and Anakin made room for the pilot to step out of the office in front of him.
"As my assistant, you will be responsible for your own squadron. As the Captain suggested, I will put you in charge of our V-19 flight. 18 fighters under some of our more adaptable pilots. You will be given the call-sign 'Black-1'. I am White-1."
"You will train with your squadron, and because they are still in the testing phase, you will report to me directly any technical difficulties you encounter with them so I can prioritize those reports. As CAG I have command over all the fighters on this ship, though Captain Corvell, and only him, can over ride my orders if the larger situation permits."
Anakin nodded. "Where will I be bunked?"
"With the other pilots," CTP-1479 said reflexively. "I know the bunks were made for us Clones, so I apologize in advance for that."
"Don't worry," Anakin said. "I've slept in worse."
They entered a small room filled with dozens of uniforms, and another Clone Trooper stood there, coming to attention when -1479 and Anakin walked in. "Comander, General."
"Commander," Anakin reminded the Clone. "I am to be working under the CAG here."
"The Commander, -1479 said, "needs a proper flight suit. Modify one of ours for him, then he is to report back to me."
"Yes sir!" The Trooper snapped a salute, then looked at Skywalker as the Commander left. "I'm sorry sir, I am CT-62790. I am the chief supply officer for the Flight Squadrons. If you don't mind, I have to ask – why are you not a General?"
"I'll answer that if you answer me an equally relevant question."
The Clone was unsure of how to respond to that, but a gentle nudge in the Force from Anakin helped him think it would be a good idea to agree with the Jedi. "Of course, sir."
"Your question first then," Anakin said. "The simple answer is that we are not ready, not trained for such a thing. Therefore, we are learning, and part of that learning is working with with you clones before learning to lead you."
"Ah, makes sense. We've spent all our lives training, so I hope you can catch up."
"I am Jedi." Anakin said with pride. "Now, my question?"
-62790 pulled out a scanner. "Please disrobe so I can get your measurements, then ask."
Anakin did so. Flight suits were important, and while he was the best, he also knew that the Force could not protect him from everything. Accidents could happen, or as a Jedi, he could be expected to put himself into danger to protect others. Having a life support suit was only sound. "Why does every Clone address us as General?"
"Well sir, as part of our training, we were taught that the Jedi were supposed to form the leadership corps, directing the Clone Army and Navy, leading from the front."
"No one told the Jedi that," Anakin stood still as the scanner was waved over him, getting his dimensions for the suit. "I am required to carry my lightsabre with me, is there an attachment on the belt I could use?"
"That won't be a problem. All CTP's carry sidearms, in case they get shot down and have to defend themselves, so your weapon will be easy to incorporate." The scans were done, and Anakin put his clothes back on while the Clone input the measurements into his computer. "This will still take a few minutes. Thankfully we were prepared for non-Clone pilots for support roles."
"Do you not fly?"
"I'm qualified, but there was an incident in training. Nerve damage. So I got moved to supply."
"You have my condolences."
"It's not bad. I support my brothers, making sure they're at their best, and they fight for me. We all do our duty."
There was an honesty in the Clone's voice that impressed Anakin. That the Clones really believed that they were all part of a greater whole. It was endearing to him for its relationship to how the Force connects everyone. "I can only hope that I do not fail you or your brothers," Anakin said with equal honesty.
Jedi Temple
"Pardon me, Miss Ors?" Obi-wan knocked on the loading ramp as the woman in question loaded some things onto her ship. "Have you seen Anakin around?"
"No, not for a couple days." Jan replied, setting down the box and wiping her brow. It was a small job from the Senator, and she could be back in a few hours unless things went bad. "Have you checked with Kyle?"
"I have not located him yet either. The possibility of them together... does not worry me," he said, trying to hide his worry.
"Hold on." Jan fished the comm out of her shirt and toggled it. "Kyle?"
His response was quick. "Hey Jan! What's up?" There were sounds of fighting in the back ground.
"Kyle! Are you fighting?"
"What? This? No! Masters Cin and Paradus wanted my input on their new training droid. It's not bad actually."
Jan relaxed. "Listen, Obi-wan is here, looking for Anakin. Is he with you?"
"Skywalker?" Kyle sounded thoughtful. "No. Haven't seen him since the High Council meeting."
"I was afraid of that," Obi-wan muttered. "Thank you, Knight-Errant."
"You're welcome!" Kyle said as he continued to do what he was doing, then Jan clicked off the channel.
"The Force not any help?" She asked as she stepped down the ramp, ready to get the next load.
"No," Obi-wan admitted. "Normally it would be, but not today."
"What about that Senator?" Jan prodded him into the next most obvious connection.
"Senator Amidala? That was my next guess. However, I wanted to check out the places in the Temple he might be first."
"Makes sense. Well, good luck finding him."
"Thank you. And a good day to you."
Office of the Chancellor
Armand Isard sat across from the Chancellor, the elderly man having regained some of his lost vitality when it became apparent that the Republic was not some empty thing that could be knocked down with one war.
"I'll make this quick," he said, knowing that many meetings with the Chancellor ran over time. "We've been investigating the possibility of security breach vectors, and I am pleased to report that so far we have found no leaks within the Senate."
"What have you checked?" Palpatine asked, curious as to the lengths his Intelligence representative was willing to go.
"We began with another round of background checks on all current Senators and their aides. We were interested in connections with the Senators who have left the Republic," Armand said simply. "We found more than an few had transactions with the Banking Clan and the Trade Federation, and we are investigating them further. However, none of those were in a position to be compromised through this office, and it appears to be normal levels of corruption. But we are still investigating in case it goes deeper."
He paused to take a sip of water. "As for the droids, we've gone through the ones in your offices and apartments, as well as those of your closer associates and supporters. We found evidence of tampering with one of the droids in your office, and we have isolated it until we can properly splice into its memory."
Palpatine fell back in his chair. "A spy! In my office?"
"Yes, Chancellor. I've already taken the prerogative to wipe all the droids in your service, and had them reprogrammed by people I trust."
"Oh my!"
"It has to be done, Chancellor. For too long, we've had this festering wound in our side, and now we must excise the small, poisonous remnants before we can begin to heal and win this war."
Sidious approved of his vehemence. "I don't think we need to go so far..." Palpatine said. "Surely it is enough to know who has two masters?"
Armand nodded. "We will be leaving some of them alone, yes. Specifically for that purpose."
Palpatine could only shake his head. "This is still a most unfortunate business."
"Yes, it is, Chancellor," Armand agreed. "But it has to be done. For the good of the Republic."
"Yes, for the good of the Republic."
Jedi Temple
Yoda waited in one of the meeting rooms near the main entrance to the Temple, one of the ones set aside for encounters with people new to the Temple, and the Jedi in particular. It was also his third such meeting today, and he was glad that the Force had not led him astray yet.
"Hello?" The door opened, and a young Jedi trainee showed a male Duros in.
"Hello," Yoda said from his elevated chair. "Master Yoda, I am. Come in! Come in! Refresments, yes?"
"Thank you, Master Jedi." The soft spoken Durosian took the offered drink and sat down at the table beside Yoda. "Thank you again for this opportunity."
"Not the only ones we speak too," Yoda warned him. "Your name?"
"Ah, forgive me! I am Cad Mardusii, of the Pan-Galactic Advertising Corporation."
"Thank you, Mardusii. Know of what we need, do you?"
"Yes, Master Jedi. You are looking for an organization to raise up your stature with the Galactic Public. To make the people believe in you again after your failings with the war so far."
Yoda did not like how it was phrased. He had heard these words before. "Not quite," he said. "Understanding, we must have. Why the Jedi, the people have lost their faith in."
"Ah, that is very difficult," the Duros shook his head sadly. "The Galaxy is a wide place, and it would take a lot of time, a lot of money to get that information, you see."
Yoda could feel the greed, and knew that this person was not what they needed. No, he knew that the Jedi needed someone who was willing to help, not simply try to take the Order's finances and use the Jedi to raise their own profile. But he still had to try and convince this single sentient of that.
"No," Yoda shook his head. "To dictate, to manipulate the wills of the people, we cannot do. Education, we must offer. Understanding between us and the people."
The Duros opened and closed his mouth, thinking hard about how to get the most lucrative contract in the history of the galaxy. "Well, perhaps some agreement then? The people do want to know more about the Jedi. Have you considered doing tours of the Temple to start raising awareness? It is well known that this marvelous place houses more history in it than some planets."
It would also, Yoda recognized, prevent those who could not come to the Temple from seeing what was being proposed. However... an idea formed in the back of his mind, from long ago. If the people could not go to the Jedi, perhaps the Jedi could go to them...?
"Perhaps too large an idea," Yoda mused aloud. "Smaller, more local, perhaps? More... controlled?"
Mardusii saw the idea. "You suggest that instead of trying to present the Jedi as a whole in a positive light, work with a limited scope first, then expand outward from there?"
"Correct," Yoda said. "The Altisian Jedi, emergency response, they are. Good for all to see, Jedi helping in a time of need."
"I think we can work with that," Cad said, pleased with himself. It may not be the best contract ever, but it was a step in the right direction. "And the Galaxy has no shortage of problems that you can help with. Even disregarding the War."
"Indeed. Many problems, the Jedi should help with, but could not before now."
Former Quarters for the Teepo Knights
Nejaa Halcyon looked around the empty room. "Nothing?"
"No," Master Paloh said sadly. "No matter what leads I put my finger on, they all wither and die. Wherever they went, no matter when they left, I cannot find them."
"Thank you for your efforts," the leader of the Corellian contingent knew that some measure of failure was to be expected. But not like this. "This is still worrisome, and I will speak with Katarn and the High Council. Perhaps they will have some notion of where they went."
"May the Force guide you in that." Paloh said quietly.
"Indeed. However, we still have to hear back from the men we sent to Dweem, and there is one more group that Katarn has in mind for his recruitment drive. Hopefully we will have better luck with the Jensaarai."
"What do you know about them, Master Halcyon?"
"Not much," the Corellian admitted. "Just that they exist, and have been affected by the Dark Side in their teachings."
"Be careful then."
"I will," Nejaa comforted his fellow Jedi. "For now, return to our quarters. I will find Katarn."