Chapter 34: 34 - Anakin Learns Some Things
Venator-Class Destroyer Sathanas
The ship had slid into lightspeed with only a slight tremor, enough that Anakin and R2 noticed, but the Clones ignored. Rolling his shoulders into the new clothes, he worked out the odd feelings that came from wearing the new suit. The hard outer sections were still being fabricated, and it would be some hours before they were ready for fitting, so he put on his Jedi robes over them as he went to find CTP-1479.
What sort of name was that, he wondered. He had learned from the tailor and supply officer that CTP stood for 'Clone Trooper Pilot', and that -1479 was his number in that training program. And while that was information, it wasn't understanding, as had been trained into him.
"Got the information, R2?" he asked his astromech droid. "I would hate for you to not know how to work our new ship."
The Droid sputtered indignities at Anakin, daring him to repeat that. Anakin laughed.
They quickly returned to -1479's office, R2 waiting outside.
"Sir," Anakin said as he entered. "The rest of my flight suit is being processed, and I was released to come back to you as ordered."
"Good," the CAG replied, not looking up from the computer in front of him. "I've scheduled a block of time in the Simulator for you. It's no substitute for the real thing, but it will let you get familiar with the control scheme for our fighters. For ease of training, they all have similar layouts and the primary difference between the ARC-170 and the V-19 is the weapons."
Anakin understood that. Commonality of controls was something that the Republic had struggled with for centuries, with so many species making it extremely difficult. But with the Clones all sharing the same qualities, having that sort of design made sense. "I look forward to learning," he said.
"Good." -1479 signed off on the last of the information in front of him. "Pass basic qualifications, and you'll be introduced to Black Flight. After that, we will attend the briefing with the Captain." He stood up, plucking his helmet off the table. "Come with me."
The Simulator was near the front of the hanger bay, on the starboard side. This necessitated crossing almost the entire thing to get there, Anakin drawing attention the whole time for being a non-Clone, and a Jedi.
Backed into the corner was the large machine that housed the fake cockpit, various mechanisms were installed to simulate motion, and a large data feed to the whole thing snaking off to one side where another Clone was busy setting up the training program.
-1479 greeted his brothers, and introduced Anakin, resulting in another round of misapplied ranks. Once that had been straightened out, Anakin climbed into the simulator and looked around as it was closed above him. Outside, R2 was attached to the system, both to act as Anakin's Astromech droid, but also to help run the simulation.
For a moment, the only lights were those emitted by the instrument panels in front of him, his practiced eyes flicking over them to determine purpose and range. Some were obvious. Speed, acceleration, local radar display. Others took a moment to associate with the ship's weapons.
"This is the primary layout for the V-19," a clone spoke over his headset. "It will be your primary fighter, Lieutenant. Please familiarize yourself with the controls as we initialize the scenario." Around him, the displays that were built into the windows flickered, moving from open space to a nebula to a planetary atmosphere. Anakin ignored that as he experimented with the circular display, finding the configurations for it, as well as testing the physical controls at his hands and feet.
"R2, do you read me?" he asked aloud, checking the channel to his droid. R2 responded instantly, speaking in binary that everything was looking good on its end.
"Great!" Anakin smirked. "I'm ready when you are."
R2 passed along the signal, and the clones approved. "We will start you out with basic maneuvers, sir. After that, we can move to more advanced modules."
"Fine by me!"
The screens flickered, then showed a series a rings, floating in deep space. "You weren't kidding when you said 'basics'," he muttered before beginning to accelerate.
* * *
Anakin pulled himself out of the training simulator, collecting his robes and lightsaber from where he hung them. "Well?" he knew he was good. He knew that he had beaten the simulator with his usual skill. Which was to say, the poor computer had no idea just how good he really was.
"The system was throwing some exceptions, Lieutenant," the closer Clone reported. "Apparently your reflexes are fast enough that the system had trouble compensating."
To one side, R2 seemed to laugh.
"I'm looking at the raw numbers," the second technician said, pointing to the screen in front of him. Anakin walked over to have a look for himself. "The system seems to be glitched. It's reporting that you were reacting to the changes that the simulator was making before you should have." He pointed at a couple columns of lines. "If you look here, it's registering your reaction times in the negative."
Anakin resisted the urge to gloat. Instead, he took the more humble approach. "I am a Jedi," he reminded them. "The ability to sense the future is natural to us. Your system is working perfectly. I just knew what it was doing before it did."
The two clones turned to look at him. The one without his helmet had an obvious look of shock on his face. "Amazing..."
"To be fair though, I am one of the best when it comes to flying," Anakin couldn't resist just a little self gratification. "Other than that, how did I do?"
"Like a natural," the un-helmeted Clone said, turning back to his machine, and saving the results. "Give us a few minutes, and we'll change the simulator to the ARC-170, then we'll skip the basics."
For a moment, Anakin was annoyed that he was going to go back into the simulator when he had just proven he was better than they were expecting before reminding himself that he wasn't in charge here, and they were obviously going to go right to the more 'challenging' scenarios.
Anakin and -1479 stepped off the lift leading into the open area behind the actual bridge for the ship itself. There was a holo-table in the middle of the round room, with open bulkheads leading forward. The blue glow of Hyperspace was drowned out by the internal lights this far back.
With his complete flight suit, Anakin could be mistaken for a slightly short Clone Trooper at a distance. Except for his hair, and the Jedi robes over the suit.
"Captain Corvell," -1479 saluted. Anakin added his own polite bow. "Reporting."
"Good," Corvell didn't look away from the holographic projection of his ship. "You're early. How did his orientation go, Commander?"
"Lieutenant Skywalker has passed all the technical requirements to fly a fighter," -1479 reported. "His skills as a leader have yet to be put to the test."
Anakin wanted to remind both of them that he was standing right there, but kept on his best behavior. He was here to make a good impression, and challenging them would not be it.
"Excellent. I hope you do well, Skywalker." Corvell deactivated the hologram. "Commodore Tarkin is aboard the Sunder, and will be starting the squadron briefing shortly. Is there anything either of you wish to speak about?"
"No sir," the CAG said stiffly. "Nothing to report."
"Not at this time," Anakin added. "I'm still learning my way around."
"Very well." Corvell nodded. "I expect that to change at some point. Ever been to Seswenna Sector?" He directed this at Anakin.
"No sir."
"Very well." There was a beeping from the holographic console, and Corvell pushed the button. Above the table, three holographics groups appeared, the only person that Anakin recognized was Tarkin himself. But through context, he could tell the others were the captains of their own ships.
"Excellent, we are all on time," Tarkin's blue image said. "Thank you all for being able to attend. While I know you have all met each other previously, introductions should be in order. I am acting-Commodore Tarkin. My flag will be aboard the Dreadnought cruiser Eriadu when we reach Eriadu itself. Captain Corvell of the Sathanas will hold the Flag if my ship is rendered ineffective. After him, Captain Algunt of the Sunder, our other Ventaor class Destroyer. If all three of us are out of commission, standing orders will be to retreat to Eriadu. Captains Giran of the Khevtoth and Rhaedd of the Ennead, both Acclamators." As each captain was named, they nodded, accepting the recognition of their place in the squadron.
"Each ship has their own fighter compliment, so I want all Commanders Air Group to contact each other and coordinate. When we reach Eriadu, and the squadron forms up, we will be conducting training exercises for two days. The Squadron will be working in formation, as well as practice battles as both the attacker and defender. I am uploading to each ship basic plans. I want each of you to review them and submit suggestions for improvements and scenarios by this time tomorrow."
The other captains indicated their assent. "Is there anything else that you wish to bring to my attention at this time?"
"No, sir," Corvell said first, followed by the other captains.
"Very well, dismissed. Captain Corvell, stay on the line, I wish to discuss something with you directly."
"Of course." Corvell waited as the other two ships vanished from the hologram, and Tarkin was left alone on his. "Sir?"
"I see Skywalker there."
"Yes sir," Anakin said, standing straight. "Thank you for this opportunity."
"Due to the short frame of time, you were the only Jedi who had the opportunity to offer his services to this training exercise. I will make sure to give the Jedi more time in the future. For all our sakes, I hope you do not disappoint me. Captain Corvell volunteered to have you on his ship, and it would reflect poorly on him if you failed." Tarkin addressed Anakin directly.
"The Lieutenant is already integrating into our squadrons," -1479 said. "I will make sure he is ready."
"Good," Tarkin noted. "Captain Corvell, I read the report of your previous Admiral. Would you care to elaborate on his decision to second you to me?"
Corvell's expression didn't change, but Anakin could sense some tenseness. "Admiral Wason did not take my late arrival to the rendezvous point for the Sector well, despite the recorded facts that my ship was responding to a civilian distress call at the time."
Anakin could tell that there was a deception there, but wasn't about to push for more information at that moment. "After our successful defense of the Rendevous, and the clean-up work, he was looking for a reason to transfer me."
"That fits with what I know," Tarkin agreed. "Admiral Wason is not as... flexible as this squadron will demand, so after reading his recommendation, and reports on him, I decided to give you the position of my second in command for the squadron."
"Thank you, sir!" Corvell's condition improved dramatically. "Is there anything else you wish to discuss?"
"After we reach Eriadu," Tarkin frowned, "I will have to deal with certain political meetings for the first day or two. I will leave Squadron training in your hands." The hologram shifted to look at Anakin. "You will be focusing on that, Lieutenant Skywalker. I know your Order trains for diplomacy, but you have your own objectives to complete."
"Yes sir." Anakin accepted that. "If I may?"
"Who knows I am here? I suspect that casual conversation will reveal my presence eventually, but from your briefing, I do not think you wanted to let the other ships know about me."
Tarkin paused. "Very observant, yes. I want each captain and their ship to operate as well as they can without you and your effects on morale. I could make it an order to not discuss your presence, but I suspect that would be nonenforceable. Is there anything else?"
"No, sir." Anakin felt oddly comfortable with the straight answer that Tarkin gave him, even if it was a case of 'I am keeping you a secret for the good of everyone else'. In a way, it reminded him of Katarn, the most un-Jedi Jedi he had ever met. Perhaps it would be worth it to get them to meet outside the High Council chambers?
"Very well then. Dismissed." Tarkin closed off the channel on his end, leaving the Clone, Anakin and Corvell by themselves.
Corvell turned to Anakin and -1479. "Thank you both for attending. I will forward the plans from Commodore Tarkin to you," he indicated the Clone, "and I want to hear back from you by 12:00 tomorrow regarding them, and any improvements you can make."
"Yes, Captain." -1479 saluted. "Come on, Lieutenant, I want to introduce you to the rest of your squadron now."
"Of course," Anakin agreed.
Flight Deck
Anakin stood beside -1479 as the rest of Black Squadron assembled before them. 17 Clones, and Anakin wondered what happened to the 18th, or even if there was one? If he wasn't here, would another Clone have been promoted into the squadron, and one of them would be Black One?
"Hello," he said after being introduced by the CAG. "My name is Anakin Skywalker, and I am a commissioned Lieutenant. Not a General as the rumors keep thinking." Seeing them all in their flight suits, he loosened his robe a bit to show that he too was wearing the same thing, something for the solidarity. "My assignment to this squadron as Black One speaks highly of your skills. I am one of the best pilots in the Jedi Order, and that means that you too must be the best on this ship."
The compliment earned him several grins. "I look forward to flying with you all once we get out of hyperspace. The Squadron Commodore wants us to run battle drills with all the ships, so look forward to practicing defending and attacking." He tried to gauge their reactions, but the Clones were all equally professional. And the Force wasn't helping all that much when dealing with so many identical people at the same time.
"To that end, I want to hear from you about how you've been trained. I may be good, but I'm not about to force you all to fly in ways you're not practiced with." Another lesson from Obi-wan, about working with what was already there, and not forcing your own ideas onto others.
Come to think of it, now that he was by himself, a lot of his Master's lessons gained new relevance.
And he still needed to tell his Master where he was. Unless Padme told him already.
That could wait.
"Well, sir," the pilot who had the call-sign 'Black 2' asked, "What did you want to know?"
"Well," Anakin already had an idea for a starting question, "this Squadron has 18 wings. Does that mean we'll fly with six flights of three? Nine flights of two?"
"Ah!" Black 2 nodded. "Right, basic organizational tables. Superiority fighters, like the V-19 or the ARC-170 once it's been fully rotated in will operate using fighter pairs. A lead and a Wing. As Black 1, it would be your task to assign those before and during battle."
Anakin nodded. Nine of two then. He could handle that. "Very well. Black 10?"
The indicated pilot raised his hand. "Yes sir?"
"You'll be flying with me. Black Two will go with Black Eleven, Three with Twelve and so on down to Nine and Eighteen."
"Yes sir!" Seventeen voices agreed as one. It was disconcerting, hearing that. And worse yet was that while he knew their CTP numbers, he found it easier to think of them by their call signs. Part of him revolted at the thought of his people being numbers, but at the same time, he hadn't heard a single name yet.
"Good," he said. "What about the bombers we'll be escorting?"
Jedi Temple
"Nejaa!" Kyle called out down the hall as he spotted the green-robed Corellian Jedi.
"You look a bit out of place," Kyle observed.
"Not all who wander are lost," Nejaa pointed out. "Though in this case, I wish it were true."
"What do you mean?" Kyle asked, starting to worry.
"Your mission to Dweem has resulted in several of the Iron Knights offering their services," Nejaa informed him. "And you've seen for yourself the Altisian Jedi."
"Yep, they've agreed to work with the Agri-Corps. Their ship will be a huge boon in that regard." Kyle was proud of that result, even if his only real contribution was in reminding people that they existed, and to send someone to ask. "So, what's the bad news?"
Nejaa wanted to not have to say this. "We need to talk to the High Council. The Teepo are missing."
"Missing," Kyle repeated.
"Yes. Their quarters have been abandoned for some time, and the droids who serviced there have had their memories erased sometime in the past few years."
Kyle swore. "I'll go with you to the Council. You're all my responsibility, so I need to deal with this."
"Thank you," Nejaa said. "I am sorry I could not have been more help."
"No. No, don't worry about that," Kyle placated him. "I can't expect perfection from anyone, let alone myself." Patting himself down, Kyle found his communicator in a hip pocket. "Let's see, should I talk to Master Windu, or Kenobi?"
"Obi-wan Kenobi? He is not on the Council," Nejaa pointed out.
"He's been promoted," Kyle said offhandedly as he adjusted the frequency on the hand-held device. "It's not official yet."
After a few aborted tries, Kyle was able to get a hold of Yoda. "Hrm?" the diminutive Master responded over the radio, "Problem, there is?"
Kyle quickly related what Nejaa told him.
"Troubling, this is." Yoda admitted. "Busy, the council is. I with the people. Master Windu, the captive has recovered. Others, their own duties. Alert you when, the next meeting, I shall. Investigate if you so choose. Yaddle, assignments has, for all Jedi. Seek her out."
"I understand, Master Yoda." Kyle deactivated the comm. "That's not good. But the Council can't drop everything they're doing just for us."
"I will leave the investigation into the fate of the Teepo with my people," Nejaa offered. "There must also be other sects out there that we have not yet petitioned, and with your permission, I will get more of my people to investigate and locate them."
Kyle nodded. "That's good. Thanks. Let's see." He stopped to consider everything that was going on. "Jan's got her thing. I've got to review stuff. You have your things," he shook his head. "We're all busy." He looked at Nejaa. "I trust you to do what you think is right. As I said before, I'm less your boss, and more keeping the Council off your back."
"I understand," Nejaa said. "We will stick to recruiting for now."
"Keep me informed, please."
"Will do."
Somewhere Dark
Darth Sideous reviewed the latest developments. Unlike prior Sith Lords, he had learned that plans could not be expected to go according to plan, and therefore built in some amount of leeway into his.
In this case, the raid by Tarkin was something he could spin into his advantage either way. He was not about to play into it directly, now was not the time. But rather, if Tarkin generated a success, he could bind the New Order member further into his clutches, generating more approval for the Clone Army and Navy, while at the same time showing the Republic that the Jedi were not needed, allowing him to further undermine their public presence. The works of Master Yoda, flailing in the dark, blind to the realities of the traps he had laid would prove most amusing.
On the other hand, if Grevious won, the loss could be presented as a need to reinforce the military arm of the Republic, over the opposition as led by Organna and Amidala. And he could put more pressure on the Jedi to take up the reigns of leadership, even as a 'stop-gap' measure that would extend as needed.
Dealing with the Jedi who rose to the challenge, who took to war with skill and success? Well, that was for later. Perhaps one might prove to be a good replacement for the aging Dooku?
In less pleasing news, his spies still had no idea who the Jedi Katarn really was. The best report given to him was that the identity itself was generated wholesale and new in response to the declaration of war, and that there was nothing to find in the first place. These people were currently brute-forcing records of Bounty Hunters and Mercenaries, to see if his face appeared anywhere, or rumors of events that were otherwise impossible, or deliberately avoided.
That would take time though, time that Sidious would use to decide how to isolate and remove the interloper.