A Search Through Runeterra (Arcane)

Chapter 84: Fun Times

"Welcome to Brazil." Mordekaiser, The Iron Revenant

I don't know why but this chapter came out like a sit-com episode? But it has some much needed character interaction.


Gregori got up off his chair in the kitchen and carried a warm cup of tea into the hall. He pulled up another chair and sat on it. He looked around the room and smirked.

A few minutes later, the door to the house swung open and in came a white haired girl.


Gregori looked at Daisy from his chair, his hand a hot cup of tea. "Yes?"

"Have you seen Sydell?" She asked.

Gregori smiled, "You know I cannot tell you where he is. The must be no adult interference in the game."


"The rules are the rules flower."

She crossed her hands and pouted. "Hmph! But he will win again. He wins every time!"

"Attitude is still not getting you the location Daisy."

"But I have looked everywhere!" She exclaimed. "Even Briar, Annie and Faye are searching with me but we cannot find him anywhere."

Gregori placed the cup on a nearby table and placed a hand on his chin, "Hmm.... What should I do? I can tell you where he is but then even if he is found, he still wins because I helped you." He looked at her, "Do you want to lose the game Daisy?"

Her eyes widened before she shook her head incredibly fast.

"Okay then." Gregori waved her off. "I suggest you get to finding him. Dinner is in...." He leaned over to peek into the bubbling pot in the kitchen. "Uhhhh about an hour."

Daisy nodded and turned to run outside. She took off faster than any normal child could.

"Tell your sisters as well!" He called out behind her.

After which he leaned back on the chair and sipped the tea. His head rested against the chair facing upward. 

"So I suppose you win one more time then?" He called out.

A chuckle sounded above him.


He was lying prone on the ceiling. 

"You do know that once they find out you'll be in a lot of trouble." Gregori spoke. 

Sydell whispered, "They didn't say I couldn't use magic."

Gregori shook his head, "I'm pretty sure that was not something that needed to be said."

"If the rules aren't clear, you can do whatever you want." Sydell whispered back.

"Maybe but Daisy doesn't do magic." Gregori told the lad. "And if one of you can't use magic then magic should be disallowed."

Sydell snorted.

"Is that attitude from you spider?" Gregori called.

"No sir." He replied. "But is it fair for us when Daisy can run faster than us and is stronger than us naturally."

Gregori shrugged with an impressed look on his face. "Yeah that's a little unfair."

"Who is the last to get caught usually?" He asked Sydell.


Gregori seemed surprised. "Really?"

"She just goes as far as possible and by they time the reach her, they find everyone else." 

"Ah.." He understood her tactic.

"Though I do expect Daani to be the winner if magic can be used." Sydell stated as he crossed his arms behind his head.


"He can turn into anything." Sydell answered.

"Anyone." Gregori corrected.

Sydell shook his head. "No. Anything. He can turn into a chair if he wanted to."

Gregori looked up at Sydell in shock as he took a sip. Before things clicked. He slowly stood up from the chair and looked in the kitchen.

Sure enough, there was a chair.

He turned to look at the chair in the living room.

Only one chair like this was supposed to be in the house.

His eyes widened as one of the chair's hands turned into Daani's green and blue hand and gave him a wave.


Gregori spit the tea in his mouth. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE!" He exclaimed.

Daani transformed back and looked at him in shock and fear. 

But Sydell above them roared out in laughter.

Noticing Daani's feelings, Gregori pulled the boy into a hug and apologized for sitting on him for a while.

"It's fine." Daani said.

Gregori couldn't let go of the topic, "Is it really? Did it hurt?"

Daani shook his head. "No. Chairs don't feel."

"I need to take a seat for this." Gregori said as he placed a hand on his forehead.

Daani smiled innocently, "I can help with that!" And turned into a chair.

"NO!" Gregori exclaimed as he jumped backwards. He waved his hands, "I'll just.... I'll just sit down."

"And you stop laughing." He pointed to the ceiling.

"Um.. daddy?" He turned to the side spotting Annie.

"Yes firefly?" He asked with his finger still pointed to the ceiling.

"Why are you talking to the ceiling?" She asked innocently.

"Uh.." Gregori struggled to come up with an excuse. "Um I was counting the number of logs that make up the ceiling firefly."

"Oh.." Annie spoke before turning to look up.

"Did you find Sydell yet?" He asked her as quickly as he could.

She stopped and looked at him. Her lips quivered, "I searched everywhere but I can't find him."

"Oh well firefly... how about you find the rest and then look for Sydell as a group."

"But we can't find Daani either."

"Really?" Gregori asked acting shocked.

She nodded before frowning.


"Yes Annie?" He asked, fearing if she realized.

"When did you get another chair?" She asked as her head swiveled to the one in the kitchen and the one in the room.

Gregori winced, "Th... That was a recent addition Annie."

"NEW CHAIR!" She yelled as she jumped into it.

His arms went to his head as the chair rocked back and forth with Annie on it. Gregori hoped Daani would be fine as the chair squeaked.

Pretty quickly, Annie got tired and relaxed fully into the chair and her head landed on the headrest.

But as she leaned back, the only thing she spotted was a Sydell with a hand over his mouth and eyes-wide open in fear.

"YOUUUUU!" She screamed as she pointed to the boy. A ball of fire appeared on her hand.

Gregori rushed over and picked her up. "Annie! Don't burn the chair!"

"You knew!" She yelled at him.

The commotion got the other children to return to the house as well.

Faye, Rell and Daisy walked in and looked at the group. "Did you find him/ them?" They asked the two.

Briar ignored the group as she walked into the room and sat on the cushion near the windows.

Annie frowned at her father then pouted before looking at the group and pointing upwards.

They group looked up slowly and looked at the offending child on the ceiling.

"YYYOUU!" Faye and Daisy yelled as they tried to reach for him by leaping. Both of them made it. Faye using her magic to push herself up and Daisy with her natural physical capabilities.

"NOOOOOO!" Sydell screamed as he was brought down by the duo. He looked up from the ground only to spot four angry girls looming over him.

"What do we do with you Mr. Cheater?" Rell glowered.

"Hic." Sydell felt fear seep into his bones.

After the sufficient harassment of Sydell by the girls, the attention turned to Gregori.

All four of them spoke at the same moment, "You knew!"

Gregori raised both hands at them trying to calm them but it was more to keep them at bay. "Hey.... No adult intervention...."

"We don't care!"

A few minutes later, Gregori was curled up next to Sydell on the floor.

"Now, we only have to find Daani." Rell spoke.

The girls nodded.

"Daddy I have a question." 

Gregori looked up weakly.

Briar continued after having gotten his attention. "So we were supposed to find the people even if they were at home?"

Gregori just nodded.

She stood up and walked to the chair.

The other girls looked at her confusedly.

Briar raised her hand and placed it on the chair. "Found you!"

The chair remained still. Daani didn't want to transform back. He had seen what had happen to Sydell and his father.

"That's a.... chair Briar." Faye pointed out.

Briar shook her head. "No. It's Daani. Smells the same as him."

All eyes turned to the chair.

"Daaaaaaniii?" Four voices echoed with various levels of anger.

That was enough for him to have a momentary lapse in concentration. A tail sprouted from the end of the chair.

Few minutes later, Daani lay with his father and brother.

The girls looked at the with disappointment and anger.

Annie turned to Briar, "Did you know where they were the whole time?"

Briar nodded.

"Then why didn't you tell us?"

"I thought you can only catch them if they left the house." Briar answered.

Faye and Daisy sighed, while Rell had her head in her hands.

"So now can we use magic in our games?" Faye asked. "It is only fair."

Rell countered, "What is Annie going to do? Hide in a fire?" She waved to Daisy, "And she doesn't have magic at all."

"Oh I know! We can-"

"Gregori!" A voice called out from outside. Sigra's voice. Rapid knocking was then heard at the door.

"Come in!" Gregori called out.

Sigra walked in and looked at the group and the three males on the ground in bad condition.

"Am... I interrupting something?" Sigra asked.

Gregori shook his head quickly.

"They are coming this way. We need you at the table." Sigra informed him.

Gregori pushed himself up to his feet, "How many?"

"A lot. Come as fast as possible. The Warmother is gathering everyone. I have to go get the others." She replied and then left the house hurriedly.

"What is it daddy?" Daisy asked.

Gregori looked at the children and spoke only one word.


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