Chapter 85: Freljordian Free for All
"To walk barefoot, skin to soil, is true grace." ~Morgana, The Fallen
New Volume! Hope you guys are still enjoying the story!
"The Frost Watchers have returned with some concerning news." She looked over the group surrounding her. "War is on the horizon. Our alliances with other tribes have fallen and the Winter's Claw are preparing to attack."
"So we fight." Gjura stated.
"Of course. There is nothing else we can do." Ashe nodded. "Giving in once would make them consider us as pushovers. Then this becomes a continual occurrence. Every time we get something..... they will try to stake their claim on it. We cannot back down. Not this time." She looked tired as she said this.
Gregori understood her thoughts. She was a pacifist at heart but the situation was forcing her to fight. And when push came to shove, she would not be the one to run away from a fight.
"We have to send a message with this battle." Tryndamere spoke up. His anger not present. He looked different from his usual self. He seemed regal. Like someone meant to sit on a throne. "They broke an alliance with us blinded by short time gains." His eyes flicked between everyone before finally landing on his Oathsworn, the seriousness in his eyes and face made her smile.
She had someone completely on her side. It felt..... nice.
"There has to be something they lose from this action." Tryndamere spoke coldly. "They had relied on our support and then threw us away after everything was said and done?" He slowly shook his head. "No.... No we show them the gravity of their mistake."
Roars of assent began in the group.
Everyone wanted blood.
Ashe raised her hand, silencing the group. "There is only one thing left for us to do. When we meet them in battle.... they must be no mercy. Do not back down from their challenge. Avarosa is with us."
Shouts of support erupted at those words.
Bang Bang
Someone banged their armor. Another banged the table. Eventually, the entire group started to slam their hands.
Gregori felt his blood rush.
The sounds around him transporting me back to his own days on the battlefield. His lust for battle grew along with the sound.
The bangs were in rhythm.
The drums of war had begun.
The Avarosans were ready and Gregori was willing to join them.
This was his home. As temporary as his stay here was and would be... the people of this tribe had healed his daughter. They had trained her. They had come to accept her. And him.
It had been a few weeks since he had returned with the kids and he was not tired anymore but there was no chance of him using Caalyx. His blood was still not restored. Maybe within the next month he would be able to but not sooner than that.
As the sounds subsided, Ashe turned to Gregori, "I know this is asking too much-"
"I'll help you." Gregori cut her off. "You have treated me and my children well and this would be the least that I could do to repay your generosity."
"There is no need to repay anything Gregori." Ashe spoke. "I was asking for a favor."
Gregori shook his head. "I don't do favors anymore Ashe. Those are more trouble than they are worth. I'll do this as a sign of goodwill." He waved as he explained his reasoning.
"Now how is the battle situation looking like." He asked as he turned to the map on the table in front of them.
Sigra stepped forward and pointed, "We are practically surrounded. The cliffs behind are the only safe spot but in the other directions?" She let out a heavy breath. "It will be difficult."
"Any famed warriors to look out for?" Gregori asked. "Iceborn or just not."
"There are quite a few. But it isn't fully reliable. Some of the stronger ones don't move for simple things. They stay behind. If any of them move for this battle then the difficultly increases." Sigra replied.
"Also.... what is this Winter's Claw?" Gregori pointed at a stone with a symbol.
Ashe stepped in to explain, "The Winter's Claw used to be our sister tribe. They are just as large as us and have quite a few alliances with other tribes."
"They are all moving?" Gregori asked. "Things change if an army of a similar size to us move."
"Will you back out?" Tryndamere asked.
Gregori looked at him and smiled. "No. I'll change the plans."
Tryndamere looked at him in confusion.
"Do you have enough people to cover for something like this?" He asked pointing toward the markers on the map.
Gjura shook his head. "We have three tribes willing to help us by staying true to the alliance but even with them, we will be stretched thin."
Gregori looked at the map and tapped his fingers on the edge of the table. His eyes darting across the map as if trying to find something that would turn the tides. "How many Iceborn do we have?" He raised his head to Ashe. "My daughter excluded." He added at the end.
"Five." Ashe replied.
"You, Tryndamere, Braum, Gragas and?"
"Kanna." Ashe completed. "She is one of the tribeswoman from the leftover alliance."
Gregori listened while tapping.
"Now do you know which group is attacking from where?" He asked.
Sigra ran her hand across the map, "The Winter's Claw is attack from the north. The tribes that broke the alliance are attacking from the other sides."
"So.... I can assume that the tribes that broke the alliance know of the surroundings well enough?" He asked.
Sigra nodded.
"And the Winter's Claw don't?" He confirmed.
"It's not like they do not know..... but they are not experienced with the surroundings." Sigra answered.
"But it won't be the entirety of the Winter's Claw." Ashe cut in.
Gregori's head shot up at her.
"Me and their Warmother have history. We won't move against the other without warning." She clarified.
Gregori's tapping stopped. "Then the ones attacking are probably tribes in an alliance with them..... only using the name of the Winter's Claw to scare and have their way with everyone else." He chuckled. "This is a lot easier now."
Looking up to the group, he asked, "Are the Frost Watchers still scouting?"
The Frost Watchers were a group of Avarosans who were extremely adept at moving through the snowy lands while avoiding being spotted and doing reconnaissance missions.
Sigra nodded. "Other than one from each group who stay here to relay information, the rest are still out."
"Fine." Gregori nodded. "Get the guys to scout out enemies and make note of the important people. The ones that need to be taken out first. Ones who lead."
"They will still fight to the death." Gjura countered.
"They will fight without a leader. In a battlefield that is asking for death." Gregori replied calmly.
"You were involved in war." Tryndamere surmised.
Gregori nodded, his eyes still on the map.
"The war in Freljord?" He prodded.
"Yes." He replied without looking up. "I was a soldier for Noxus a decade ago."
"Not just a simple soldier." Tryndamere continued.
Gregori slowly lifted his head to make eye contact and nodded.
"Against the southern barbarians?" He continued his questions. Tryndamere's fists were clenched.
Only to be met with a shaking head.
"I quit after three big battles, never got that far up Freljord." Gregori spoke. "War is not worth it. It never will be." He tapped on the map. "But this? This is to defend. That is fine by me. If you were invading some place? Then I would actively dissuade you."
Turning to Sigra, he ordered, "Get me the information of the invading Winter's Claw members and I will take care of that group alone." His eyes swiveled past everyone else. "You guys take care of everyone else."
"Are you sure?" Ashe asked, not feeling like he had usurped her position as the leader.
"They are not too familiar with the surroundings and are not the main force. Though I cannot rely on Caalyx I can still face them alone and win." He answered.
"Heh." Gjura snorted.
"What?" Gregori asked.
"You had to rely on the spear to kill the Draklorn. How are you going to take care of these guys?" He joked.
It got a couple chuckles.
Gregori's eyes hardened. "I had a time limit to finishing that mission. I had a daughter in Noxus and another who needed treatment. Killing them fast was my only option." He let out a sigh wondering why he was getting agitated at someone like Gjura. The man had already failed at proving a point the last time they had an argument.... What would he even do now? "Either way. I will take care of this myself."
"Braum will help."
"No. Your help is better appreciated with them. I am fine on my own." Gregori denied. "All I need is information on important targets." His eyes returned to the map.
Sigra nodded.
Gjura cut in, yelling "Are you not going to face them alone in battle? Are you going to hide in the shadows and kill them with no honor?"
Every weapon in the room, except the ones made of True Ice, were all pointed at Gjura. A wave of silence fell on the room.
"I can go alone into them all without any information and still win. Something I know you cannot do. Just because you are willing to go into battle unprepared and die doesn't mean I will do the same. So I suggest you sit down and shut up." Gregori spoke without turning his attention away from the map.
The weapon stayed in their position for a few minutes before they went back to their original positions.
Gregori got up and moved to exit. "Let me know when they return with useful information." He spoke without turning around as he left.