Across the Multiverse with Entry System

Chapter 9: Chapter 9 - New York

(This chapter is paraphrased using Grammar Check. Let me know if you prefered I paraphrase my future chaps.)

After witnessing the massacre caused by Vorrak, Kirabo felt a surge within him. His desire to inflict pain on his foes intensified.

It felt like an eternity, but Vorrak finally wiped out all the invaders, leaving one survivor – a guy who looked completely wrecked and hopeless.

Vorrak then stepped away from Kirabo and walked straight toward the surviving guy. He was an Italian who knew a bit about geography, was skilled in hand-to-hand combat, and could handle weapons pretty well, not to mention he was a decent marksman.

With his upgraded vision, he could easily become the best sharpshooter in the whole army. But he had no plans to join; he was only headed to America for three names: Abraham Erskine, Howard Stark, and Arnim Zola.

With those three around, he'd probably be the smartest person on the planet.

"Now that you've seen what I can do, I'll give you a choice: come with me or stick around here," Vorrak said, confident that Kirabo would go along but still asking out of formality.

"I'll go with you, Master," Kirabo replied without a second thought, bowing his head.

Vorrak gave a calm nod and then turned away from the Italian soldier, who wasn't even worth mentioning by name.

"Alright, for your first job, take care of this guy," Vorrak said without a hint of emotion.

Kirabo nodded and approached the soldier who had given up completely. He didn't hesitate and swiftly twisted the soldier's head off.

Blood sprayed everywhere, and the spine came along for the ride. Kirabo's face was splattered with blood, and he grinned as he licked it off, looking downright maniacal.

Vorrak watched, feeling a swell of pride. He wasn't fazed at all.

Since becoming a symbiote, his sense of disgust has vanished. Though his taste buds worked differently from humans, he actually preferred raw meat to cook.

Seeing the headless human didn't bother him in the slightest.

Without wasting time, Vorrak used Kirabo's body to sprout a pair of wings and took off toward America.

Cruising at about 600 km/h, Vorrak figured they'd get there in 8 to 10 hours since North Africa and America are about 5,000 to 6,000 km apart.

Knowing this, Vorrak made sure to stock up on supplies for Kirabo along the way. Even though they were starting to bond, Kirabo was still pretty skinny.

And of course, Borrak didn't forget to help him fill his belly, stopping at a store and making a quick steal.

The owner attempted to stop the guy from swiping his stuff, but after a little shove, he backed down, scared, and handed over what the thief wanted.

This ended up giving Kirabo a pretty good stash of food, making his backpack look like it was about to burst.

Still, that's just not as fast as the Vorrak's flight.


After nine hours of flying without a break, Vorrak had been on the go the whole time while Kirabo caught some much-needed sleep. Since Vorrak was the one flying, he made sure to keep Kirabo comfortable during the flight.

When they left North Africa, it was noon, and now that they've touched down in America—specifically New York—it's 2 PM there. New York is 7 hours behind Africa, so they definitely traveled quite a bit.

As soon as they landed, Vorrak found a remote field with no people around.

To wake Kirabo up, he used their bond to release some hormones. This was the longest they've ever connected—nine hours, the most for Vorrak with any human.

When Kirabo opened his eyes, he saw a wide-open field, surrounded by trees, with birds chirping and flying around, leaves drifting down, and branches swaying in the breeze.

"Where are we?" Kirabo asked, fully alert and taking in the unfamiliar scenery.

"We're in New York, I think we're at a place called Two Tree Island or something like that," Vorrak replied, sounding a bit uncertain about their exact location.

Kirabo nodded. Like Vorrak, he had no clue about this place since he hadn't learned much about the world back in his village.

"We have to find some locals here. While we are here in New York. The task for you will be to establish yourself as a prominent figure. Create a business, use this war as an opportunity to grow the business you'll create." Vorrak said, having the confidence of Kirabo to achieve his task assigned.

"While doing so, I will leave my son to you, a part of me. This would protect you from harm as this son of mine had almost had all my strength" Vorrak said, before parting a part of him to Kirabo who accepted it with gratitude.

He knew that Vorrak would leave, but he didn't know it would be too soon. Thankfully, by bonding with Vorrak, his strength had also increased except for the side effect of increased bloodlust.

Overall, it was beneficial for him to have met Vorrak.

'Of course, my son doesn't have the system I hold. Only the previous entries are in them. Even then, we are a different entity but also the same, with Sovereign Swarm entry, ensuring that the sons I have left behind will not betray me.'

Vorrok thought while giving Kirabo some advice and some knowledge he got from Kedu Okonjo.

As a skilled craftsman from Wakanda, Kedu Okonjo has a ton of knowledge about crafting, especially compared to others outside Wakanda, where technology isn't quite there yet.

So, with Kirabo being smart—something he'd noticed before—and having a strong will to survive, he's determined to do whatever it takes to get the job done. He's a tough kid, and with his son by his side, he'll make it through.

"So, where are you headed, master?" Kirabo asked, a bit hesitant to leave Vorrak, the one who basically saved his life. He would always be thankful for that.

"Me? I'm going to track down the genius of this time, Howard Stark. If I recall correctly, he should still be in New York City," Vorrak replied straightforwardly.

Not that it really mattered if he shared that or not, since he knew Kirabo was loyal. And even if he wasn't, he could always tell his son to take care of Kirabo. But honestly, the chance of Kirabo betraying him was super low—like winning the lottery low.

"I get it. Just take care on your journey, Master. I'll be here waiting, no matter how long it takes," Kirabo said firmly, showing his loyalty, and Vorrak gave a nod in response.

"Great, but first, you need to learn the language. If you don't, you're not going to make it here at all. So, until you get the basics down, I'll help you out," Vorrak added. Coming from the Philippines, he knew they've always been taught English from a young age, even if it was just the basics.

Now, he's ready to teach Kirabo some of the basics.

When Kirabo found out that Vorrak would stick around for a few days—or maybe even months, depending on how quickly he picked things up—he was super excited and really happy about it. But he tried to keep a cool demeanor; he didn't want to show just how thrilled he was.

What Kirabo didn't realize was that Vorrak could pick up on his joy through their connection. Vorrak smirked a little, keeping Kirabo's excitement under wraps.

For the last few days, he's been teaching Kirabo some simple words like eat, sleep, and talk, along with creating an alphabet for him to study on his own. He even put together a book with all the English words he learned and their meanings, doing everything he could to help Kirabo grasp the language.

Kirabo really appreciated the effort Vorrak was putting in to help him learn faster. This motivated him to absorb everything Vorrak had to share.

In just 20 days, Kirabo managed to learn almost everything Vorrak knew about English. Vorrak wasn't surprised at all; he always knew Kirabo was sharp.

He couldn't help but feel a bit bummed about how unfair life could be—some people are born smart, rich, strong, attractive, while others aren't so lucky.

And yet, here he was, grateful to be alive and given a second chance alongside this system.

In the last few days, Vorrak managed to collect 20 new entries, mostly green ones, plus three blue ones and eight white ones. The blue entries include Kirabo, a brown black widow from Wakanda, and an earthworm.

[1. Widow's Dominion(Blue)

Description: Enhances venom potency and silk manipulation by 5x, allowing lethal strikes and near-indestructible webbing for entrapment. (Brown Black Widow)

2. Indomitable Survivor(Blue)

Description:Enhances adaptability and intelligence by 4x, allowing rapid skill acquisition, strategic thinking, and unyielding survival instincts. (Kirabo)

3. Burrowing Sage(Blue)

Description: Enhances soil manipulation and regeneration by 3x, enriching the land and reforming its body from severe damage. (Earthworm)]

Most of his green entries boost his survival skills and strength. Since he's from Wakanda, he's already evolved into a more advanced being, which means most of his DNA has green and blue entries, with a few random white ones popping up occasionally.

Every little boost matters though. With his talent entry system, it's only a matter of time before he becomes super powerful. Unfortunately, even that wouldn't be enough to take down the strongest character in the Marvel Universe.

That's why he really hoped he'd reincarnate in the MCU instead of the comics—otherwise, he wouldn't even know how he met his end.

It's been a while since he checked his status, and today he decided to take a look.

[Name: Vorrak (Carl)

Species: Symbiote

Talent Entries:


- Symbiote Apex (Red) (Corrupted Symbiote)


- Sovereign Swarm (Blue) (Queen Ant)

- Widow's Dominion (Blue) (Brown Black Widow)

- Indomitable Survivor (Blue) (Kirabo)

- Burrowing Sage (Blue) (Earthworm)


Silverback Dominance (Green) (Silverback Gorilla)

Titan Strangler - Silent Execution (Green) (Titan Python)

Velocity Predator (Green) (Cheetah)

Phantom Stalker (Green) (Black Panther)

Sky Sovereign (Green) (Eagle)

Titan's Might (Green) (Elephant)

River Juggernaut (Green) (Hippopotamus)

Iron Sentinel (Green) (Pangolin)

Stoneback Endurance (Green) (Honey Badger)

Silent Reaper (Green) (Praying Mantis)

Thunderous Roar (Green) (Baboon)

Night Phantom (Green) (Barn Owl)

Titan's Clutch (Green) (Giant Tortoise)

Bladed Warden (Green) (Pangolin Beetle)

Goliath Sprinter (Green) (Wilde Beest)

Verdant Hunter (Green) (Tree Monitor Lizard)

Storm Diver (Green) (Peregrine Falcon)


Rhino Charge (White) (Rhinoceros)

Swift Burrower (White) (Mole)

Silent Skitter (White) (Cockroach)

Dew Forager (White) (Antelope)

Cunning Hopper (White) (Grasshopper)

Scale Shroud (White) (Armadillo Lizard)

Clutch Grappler (White) (Gecko)

Aqua Sentry (White) (Terappin)

Sharp Scent (White) (Civet)]

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