Adventure Time:Family By Major144

Chapter 28: Chapter 29 Theft


Chapter 29 Theft

By: Major144

Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time. This is just a story for fun.

In the secret lair Crimson, Me-Mow, and Sylvester were going on a mission. The mission was to retrieve a couple of powerful dangerous items from Finn and Jake's tree fort and use them for the organization.

"So how are we going to deal with the two young heroes?" Asked Sylvester.

"I've created a few special henchman using my magic to keep them busy." Said Crimson walked over to a large door and opened it.

Three beings came out of the door.

The first was a large green muscular creature wearing two black metal gloves and a black crown that emitted a small flame. The creature held a flail with multicolored eyes in its right hand and a spiked club in it's left hand.

The second figure was small with green skin, light orange hair, and eyes that shined like starlight. He was dressed in a large black coat in hood, with light yellow armor underneath and metal boots that resembled rhinos. He carried a magic wand in his right hand, a crystal ball in his left hand, and had a bag with a sword in it over his shoulder.

The third figure was tall with dark red skin, he wore a red tunic, with a orange coat that seemed to be made out of flames and a black pointed helmet. He carried a sword made out of fire in his right hand and a wand that resembled a spider in his left.

(Author's Note: I used the bosses from the Dungeon Train episode for these characters, with a few changes to the third boss.)

"Allow me to introduce my wizard guards. The big guy is called Grub, the short one is Hood, and the tall one in the coat is Fury. They'll keep our little heroes busy." Said Crimson.

"Oh but I wanted to kill the dog." Grumbled Me-Mow.

"You'll get your chance later." Said Crimson before he snapped his fingers and teleported them out of the lair.

The group appeared a few hundred yards from a village known as the Marauder Village, which wasn't that far from Finn and Jake's tree fort. Grub, Hood, and Fury headed towards the Marauder Village and began to attack it. Grub and Fury set houses on fire, while Hood blasted at Marauders with lightning.

Hundreds of yards away at the tree fort Finn and Jake saw smoke off in the distance. Thinking it was trouble the two heroes rushed off to go see what it was. They soon reached the Marauder Village and confronted the trio of villains.

"Alright creeps what's your deal attacking this place?" Demanded Finn.

The only answer he received was a blast of lightning from Hood. Finn and Jake barely dodged the attack.

"So that's how you want to play it? Fine by me!" Said Finn as he pulled out his sword and charged forward.

Jake followed after Finn fist raised for a fight. Jake went after Grub, while Finn went after Hood. Fury stood by and watched them fight. Grub swung his flail and club at Jake forcing him to dodge about. Hood had put away his crystal ball and pulled out his sword to fight Finn and the two of them clashed blades.

From afar Crimson, Me-Mow, and Sylvester watched the fight for a few minutes before teleporting to the tree fort. The three villains went inside and found themselves facing BMO.

"Aaaaahhhh! Robbers!" Cried BMO.

Sylvester stepped forward pulled back the left sleeve of his lab coat to reveal a bulky computer device on his wrist. He pressed a button on on it and BMO suddenly powered down. Sylvester walked over to BMO, picked him up and began to fiddle with him.

"Let's see what kind of programs you have on you." Said Sylvester.

Crimson and Me-Mow moved on ahead towards the treasure room. Mountains of treasure were piled everywhere. Crimson and Me-Mow started to search through it. Me-Mow stumbled upon a elephant trunk and gave a started squeak of surprise, when a large creature stood up from a pile of treasure. Crimson stared at the creature.

"Ah there you are Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant."

The Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant had two heads elephant that wore some kind of orange skier goggles with a yellow triangle in the middle on both faces. It's skin was cream-colored, and it had a pink and purple tandem saddle. He had toes that were like little rocket ship stands, golden, double-barreled shotguns for his tusks, a little pink ball at the end of each trunk, and a gem on his foreheads.

"Who are you masked one?" Asked the War Elephant.

"I'm your new master." Said Crimson as he fired a bolt of mental lighting at the War Elephant invading it's mind and making it his servant.

"Yes master." Said the War Elephant in a hypnotized voice.

Crimson and Me-Mow continued searching through the treasure, until they came across a large piece of gold armor.

"The armor of Zeldron." Said Crimson

The Armor of Zeldron consisted of a golden helmet shaped like a skull adorned with pink horns and two blonde braids that have bone-like ribbons attached to them. There were golden breast plates and two white wings on the back.

"We got what we wanted. Me-Mow go get Sylvester." Said Crimson as he levitated the armor with his magic and placed it next to the War Elephant.

Me-Mow scampered off to do her master's bidding.

Sylvester was still fiddling with BMO, when he came across something interesting. A game called 'Guardians of Sunshine' seemed to have living creatures imprisoned on it. The creatures were a frog called Sleepy Sam, a bunny called Hunny Boney, and a bee called Bouncy Bee.

"I think I'll take these creatures, they'll make nice minions." Said Sylvester as he downloaded the creatures onto his wrist computer, he also deleted BMO's memory of he and the others entering the tree fort.

Me-Mow came in and told Sylvester that it was time to go. Sylvester joined Crimson and Me-Mow in the treasure room and they teleported back to the lair with their stolen goods. BMO woke up later without a memory of what happened.

At the Marauder Village, Grub, Hood, and Fury vanished in a flash of light leaving Finn and Jake confused. The two heroes thought they won and returned to the tree fort unaware that their home had been broken into and some valuable items had been stolen.

At the lair the War Elephant was stored in a cell and Crimson brought the Armor of Zeldron to the Lich.

"You did well my most faithful servant. Now behold my powers as I reshape this armor." Said the Lich as he waved he pointed his arm at the armor.

The armor floated in the air as a neon green circle of flames surrounded it. The armor turned black and it seemed to melt and take on a new shape. It became a full set of armor with tiny legs and arms, a skull was in the middle of the armor, there was no longer a helmet, but a high collar, with a grinning demon head with red eyes and horns on both shoulders, and instead of angle wings, the new armor had black bat wings.

(Author's Note: for those of you who want to get a better picture of what the armor looks like type Evil Peppermint Buttler, you should find a picture of him wearing armor somewhere.)

"Behold my servant the Armor of Destruction." Said the Lich as he waved his hand at the new armor.

The armor set itself on the ground and the bat wings disappeared to be replaced by a red cape.

"It's magnificent." Said Crimson, with awe.

"It is and I'm giving it to you my servant. You have proven you loyalty and your skills. You are the most worthy of this armor." Said the Lich.

"Master I am truly honored." Said Crimson as he bowed.

"Good. Now go back to the Candy Kingdom and continue to manipulate Princess Bubblegum. The time for you to don the Armor of Destruction will come and then we will crush all who would dare stand against use." Said the Lich.

Crimson nodded and teleported away. The Lich sat in his throne anticipating the coming war and destruction with pleasure.

To be continued.

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