Adventure Time:Family By Major144

Chapter 29: Chapter 30 Ninja Attack


Chapter 30 Ninja Attack

By: Major144

Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time. This is just a story for fun.

A few weeks after the strange attack at the Marauder Village Finn and Jake decided to up their games a bit. They traveled to the Ice Kingdom to seek help from Simon. They would the old ruler feeding his penguins and Marceline was floating nearby strumming her guitar. Finn went over to Marceline.

"Sup Finn?" She asked.

"Not much, fought three crazy tough magic guys at the Marauder Village." Said Finn.

"They weren't rouge wizards were they?" Asked Simon as he went over to join them.

"Well one guy had a wand, but the other two didn't really look like wizards." Said Jake.

Finn gave Simon a description of the attackers.

"Hm they don't sound like anyone I know, but I'll look around Wizard City if I can find anything." Said Simon.

"Thanks Simon." Said Finn as he turned to Marceline. "Hey Marceline can I ask you something?"

"Sure go ahead." Said Marceline.

"Can you bite me and turn me into a vampire?" Asked Finn.

"Finn...why do you want to become a...vampire?" Asked Marceline.

"I...need to become stronger to protect all of Ooo. I I just got lucky with my fight with the Lich. I could barely keep up with that Crimson guy...and I have a feeling he wasn't taking me seriously. Next time I won't be so lucky. I have to become stronger by any means necessary." Said Finn with determination in his eyes.

Marceline just starred at Finn.

"Man you hero types are always ready to sacrifice everything to do your duties. Finn I'm not going to turn you into a vampire." Said Marceline.

"But why?" Asked Finn in confusion.

"Finn your mortality is special and its part of what makes you who you are. You go rushing off to help others not matter what the situation is or how dangerous it is. Your living your life to the fullest. Think about it if I turned you into a vampire, you would be the same age forever. You would be forced to watch the people closes to you grow old and die. You would never find love and even if you did the one you loved would age and fade away. I refuse to let you feel that kind of pain and loneliness. I was lucky. Simon has magic that keeps him alive and allows him to stay with me. You don't have that luxury and I refuse to turn Jake or any of your other friends into vampires. The power of the vampire has the tendency to corrupt people. You would probably stay pure, but anyone else I turned into a vampire could be corrupted and turned evil." Explained Marceline.

"I see." Said Finn in understanding as he looked at the ground.

Simon stepped in to cheer Finn up.

"There are other ways to become stronger Finn and I will help you."

"Your going to teach me and Jake magic?" Asked Finn.

"No. Magic is complicated and takes a few years to master the basics. However I can teach you something else that you'll love." Said Simon as he turned around and flew towards his house. A few minutes later he came out carrying the book 'Ninjas of the Ice: The Art of Fridjitzu'. Finn and Jake starred at the book in awe.

"Your...going to teach us to be ninjas?" Asked Finn.

"That's the idea." Said Simon.

"Teach us Sensei Simon." Said Jake.

Simon chuckled a little and began to show the two young heroes the illustrations in the book and demonstrate the movements. A few hours later Finn and Jake had learned a few tricks. Finn seemed to be catching on really quick, apparently the karate skills he learned in his past life really helped him out. After a few more hours Simon decided call a break. They went to go rest underneath a tree with Marceline.

"Man that was a tough workout. Hey Simon are there any cool ninja legends in that book?" Said Finn.

Simon opened the book and looked through it.

"Well there's been one story I've been able to translate and it has a good moral." Said Simon.

Finn, Jake, and Marceline sat around Simon and listened.

"Long ago there was a powerful ninja warrior named Tobe Ishida. Tobe was considered to be one of the greatest warriors that ever lived. His skills attracted a powerful deity named Iroh, who decided to train Tobe in the art of magic and bending the elements. Iroh was a deity of wisdom and compassion, who wished to forged Tobe as a warrior to defend the weak, unfortunately Tobe only desired to become stronger and be the greatest warrior ever. At one point during their training Tobe was supposed to learn Fridjitzu, but Iroh sensed the darkness in Tobe's heart and refused to teach him. Tobe became angry and hateful at Iroh. Tobe's hate attracted another deity. This one was called Shen and he was Iroh's younger brother. Shen was a deity of evil and strife, he convinced Tobe to steal the book and kill Iroh." Read Simon as he turned the book around to show the listeners a illustration.

The illustration was of a man in a dark blue ninja outfit carrying two swords, he wore a ninja mask that showed his eyes and a X shaped scar in between them and headband decorated with three X's. To the right of the ninja was an old looking man with white hair and a beard. He wore a white robe and carried a wooden staff. To the left of the ninja was a man with black hair and a beard dressed in a black robe carrying a bisento decorated with a dragon carved around the staff.

"Ok so I guess the guy in the middle is Tobe, the guy to the right is Iroh and the guy to the left is Shen." Said Finn.

Simon nodded and went back to telling the story.

"Tobe snuck up on Iroh in the woods and tried to assassinate him. Iroh avoided the assassination and faced his student demanding to know what he was doing. Tobe told Iroh that he was going to prove his greatness by killing Iroh and stealing the book of Fridjitzu. Iroh told Tobe to stop, but Tobe refused and attacked him. The two of them had a big battle, Tobe was strong, but Iroh defeated him and knocked him to the ground. Iroh then turned around to walk away saying that he would no longer train Tobe if he was filled with hate. This made Tobe furious and he violently attacked a few nearby villages, killing people. This attracted Iroh, who fought his former student again and managed to beat him. Iroh was furious with Tobe, but he refused to kill his former student, so he imprisoned him in stone and turned him into a statue."

"So what's the moral of the story?" Asked Finn.

"I believe the moral of the story is that you should not become strong for the shake of being strong, you need to become strong to defend others. That's part of being a hero." Said Simon.

"Well I'm totally going to be strong and defend others!" Declared Finn.

"I know you won't bro cause I'll whack the crazy out of you if you started acting like that!" Laughed Jake as he playfully tackled Finn to the ground and they wrestled a little.

Simon and Marceline just watched and laughed. A few yards away Gunther watched them and her eyes briefly glowed red.

In his office Crimson stared at the heroes with his crystal ball. The masked villain had listened to the story Simon told with interest. The part about Tobe being turned into a statue caught Crimson's attention. He left his office and went to a storage area of the lair where artifacts and mystical items were kept. Crimson walked over to a black tarp covered object and took the tarp off. Before Crimson there was a statue of a man wearing ninja gear and holding two swords. Crimson had found statue at the remains of a dojo. The villain had sensed life from the statue and decided to store in the lair for future purposes. Now it was time to free this warrior and use him against those heroes.

"Time to wake up Tobe. There are battles that need to be fought and blood to be spilled." Said Crimson as he shot a blue light at the statue.

The spirit of Tobe was still trapped in the statue. For nearly three thousand years the ninja's memory played back on a loop. He remembered his conflict with his former master demanding to know why he wouldn't teach him Fridjitzu. Iroh replied that Tobe lacked a compassionate heart and he refused to give knowledge to one who would abuse it. Tobe screamed in rage and attacked the master, but Iroh defeated him. Iroh then cast a powerful wave of energy over Tobe and turned him into stone. Tobe was slightly aware of what was going around his stone body, he remembered first being used as a garden decoration for a reach noble, then year's latter he was shipped to a strange place where he was put on display and people gawked at him. This went on for thousands of years, until he ended up at a dojo. Then for the next few hundred years Tobe was alone, until a strange figure in a mask took him to a strange place and put a tarp on him.

Tobe was furious, he hated his prison and wanted to be free, but most importantly he wanted vengeance and the book that told the secrets of Fridjitzu. Tobe was lost in his angry thoughts, when he felt something strange hit him and he felt tingly and a slight itching feeling. Wait itching? Yes Itching! It had been so long sense Tobe had felt anything, but whatever was going on with him he had the feeling that he was fixing to be free and then he would get what was rightfully his and have his vengeance.

Crimson starred at the statue as cracks appeared on it and then the stone crumbled away like dead skin to reveal the form of Tobe underneath. Tobe collapsed to his hands and knees breathing hard as he stared at his hands. He was free at long last! Tobe reached up to his head and removed the ninja mask and headband taking a deep breath of fresh air. The taste of air had never tasted so sweet. Tobe had a handsome face with the exception of the X shaped scar between his eyes and he had black hair in a ponytail.

"Welcoming back to the world of the living." Said Crimson.

Tobe looked up at Crimson and studied him. The masked figure was shorter then him, but Tobe could sense a powerful dark killing aura from him. The fact that the strange being freed Tobe from his stone prison proved that this was a dangerous person. Tobe cleared his throat and began to speak. He had learned english from his master and from traveling merchants from distant lands.

"Who are you and why have you freed me?" Asked Tobe in slightly accented english.

"I am Crimson as to why I've freed you I have a problem. A certain group individuals have been causing me trouble and they just happen to have the book of Fridjitzu." Said Crimson.

That got Tobe's attention. Crimson used his powers to teleport them to his office in front of the crystal ball.

"If you want the book all you have to do is kill them." Said Crimson as he pointed at the crystal ball which was showing Finn, Jake, Simon, and Marceline.

Tobe saw them and the book, his hands tightened around his sword hilts. The book was close.

"Consider it done. None shall stand in my way." Said Tobe.

"Very good." Said Crimson as he teleported Tobe and himself to the Ice Kingdom.

The two of them were a few hundred yards away from the heroes. Crimson teleported himself to the top of a tree. Tobe looked at the four heroes who haven't noticed him yet. The ninja reached into his outfit and pulled out four pieces of paper with an odd eye symbol on them.

"Let's see what we're dealing with." Said Tobe as he threw the papers to the ground and clapped his hands together.

The papers disappeared in a puff of smoke and in their place stood four men with dead white eyes wearing black ninja uniforms and carrying swords.

"Ninja Soldiers go and test the skills of those four." Ordered Tobe as he pointed to the group up ahead.

The Ninja Soldiers raced towards the group swords drawn. Tobe stepped behind a tree to watch. Crimson sat atop his tree grinning with anticipation. This would be good.

Finn and Jake were still wrestling, when Jake's ears heard a strange sound, he got off of Finn and turned his head west and saw the four Ninjas racing towards.

"Whoa Ninjas!" Said Jake in awe.

Everybody else turned and saw them.

"Are those guys humans?" Asked Finn.

"No I don't think so. Those don't look like normal human eyes." Said Marceline.

"Um...why are they charging at us?" Asked Jake.

"I think the want to fight us." Said Simon.

"Awesome, we each get to fight ninjas!" Cheered Finn as he pulled out his sword.

The Ninjas arrived and they each faced one of the heroes.

Jake squared off against one ninja. The ninja charged at the dog swing his sword forcing Jake to stretch and dodge about. The ninja slashed at Jake's gut giving it a little scar.

"Hey man that's where I store delicious food! Time to go sumo on you!" Shouted Jake as he made himself and his gut giant size and slammed down on the ninja with tremendous force.

Instead of hearing bones break or a scream of pain Jake heard a weird poof noise. He returned to his normal size and got to his feet. There was no sign of the ninja. Jake just looked around in confusion.

Marceline was blocking several sword slashes from one ninja with her bass guitar. The ninja got through and managed to cut Marceline's hand. The vampire gave an angry shout as she changed her right hand into a claw and grabbed the ninja by his outfit and tossed him in the air. As the ninja fell back towards the ground. Marceline reared her fist back and punched the ninja in the face. There was a puff of smoke and the ninja vanished. Marceline looked at her fist in confusion.

Simon was firing icicles at his ninja, who dodged about and then charged at the wizard swinging his sword. Simon dived out of the way and fired a blast of lightning at the ninja hitting him in the chest. The ninja vanished in a puff of smoke. Simon looked around in confusion wondering what happened.

Finn was exchanging swords swings with his ninja. The two of them clashed a few times and then Finn threw a punch catching the ninja off balance. Finn swung his sword to the right and slashed into the ninja. The ninja vanished in a puff of smoke leaving Finn confused.

"Um did your ninjas vanish in a puff of smoke?" Asked Finn as he looked over at his friends.

Everybody else nodded. Tobe stepped out from behind a tree and stood before the group.

"Very impressive, you managed to beat my Ninja Soldiers, but now you face Tobe Ishida!"

Everybody starred at Tobe in shock. It looked like the ninja from the story had walked right off the page and was now facing them. Finn was slightly shocked to see another human especially a ninja.

"What do you want?" Asked Simon.

"I want the book of Fridjitzu, it belongs to me and I want it's secrets." Said Tobe.

Finn thought about the story Simon had read and about how bad Tobe had turned. It was obvious that the ninja was still bad.

"No way man. Iroh kept that book away from you, because you were a power hungry nut job. Your still a nut job, so we're not giving it to you." Said Finn as he took a fighting stance.

"Boy I was imprisoned in stone for nearly three thousand years, my spirit was still alive and aware of what was going around me. One of the only things that kept me sane was the thought of getting that book. I will get that book and I will kill anyone who gets in my way. I don't care if it is a women, a children, or a beast I will kill those who stand in my way!" Shouted Tobe as he raced forward with incredible speed.

Tobe reached into his outfit and pulled out a couple of pieces of paper that had some strange writing on it and stuck them to Marceline and Jake's foreheads and jumped away. Marceline felt her body go stiff and she fell to the ground paralyzed.

"What the Glob? I can't move!" Said Marceline.

Jake starred at the piece of paper on his forehead, he didn't feel any different. He calmly reached up and pulled the paper off and tossed it to the ground. Tobe studied Jake.

"It appears your not a demon like that girl, otherwise you would be paralyzed by the anti demon magic." Said Tobe.

"Nope just have awesome magic powers." Said Jake.

"No matter. I will kill you all." Said Tobe as he pulled both his swords out and faced the group.

Jake swung a giant stretchy fist at Tobe. The ninja nimbly jumped onto Jake's fist and ran up his arm towards Jake. Jake swung his other fist at Tobe, but he jumped over it and delivered a powerful flying kick into Jake's face sending him crashing to the ground moaning.

"You going to pay for that!" Shouted Finn as he charged forward swing his sword wildly at Tobe.

Tobe calmly blocked all of Finn's attack with one sword. Finn threw a punch at Tobe's head, but the ninja dodged it and dropped one of his swords. Tobe then slammed the palm of his free hand into Finn's chest sending Finn flying and bouncing off the ground a couple of times before he stopped and laid on the ground moaning. Tobe picked up his sword and turned to Simon, who held the book.

"Give me the book old man and I promise to give you all a quick and painless death." Said Tobe.

"Never." Said Simon.

"Then you will die." Said Tobe as he charged forward swinging his swords.

Simon fired several icicles at Tobe, who sliced through and reached Simon. The ninja thrusted his sword into Simon's chest! Simon gasped and then he bursted into a bunch of snowflakes. Tobe was stunned and taken off guard by this, suddenly a chunk of ice the size of Tobe's head slammed into Tobe's right shoulder spinning him around and making him crash to the ground. Simon stood to the right, his hands crackling with magic. Tobe staggered to his feet angry.

"Give up Tobe, we don't want to fight you." Said Simon.

"Never! I will have the book and my vengeance!" Shouted Tobe as he reached into his outfit and threw ninja stars at Simon.

Simon quickly countered by throwing ice ninja stars. The two weapons knocked each other out of the sky. Tobe snarled and charged forward swinging his swords. Simon forged a sword out of ice and went on the defensive against Tobe.

Finn groaned as he staggered to his feet, he glanced over and saw Tobe and Simon fighting. Simon was managing to hold his own, but Tobe was like a whirlwind with his blades. It was only a matter of time before Tobe sliced through Simon's defenses and did him harm. Finn knew that the usually way he fought wasn't going to work against Tobe. It was time to use his past life's karate skills and Simon's training. Finn charged forward using Fridjitzu to create ninja stars and throw them at Tobe. The attack took Tobe by surprise and forced him to leap away from Simon. One of the stars caught Tobe in the shoulder and gave him a large cut. Tobe grimaced in pain as he turned to face a charging Finn. It appeared that Finn was going to try to punch Tobe again, but this time the young hero did something else. He grabbed Tobe by the front of his outfit and preformed a Judo Throw on him! Tobe was completely taken by surprise and slammed to the ground on his back. Tobe rolled to his feet, but Simon came forward and slammed a mighty gust of ice wind at Tobe and sent him crashing into a tree.

Tobe groaned as he staggered to his feet every part of him hurt and he felt himself growing angry. Tobe yanked off his mask and headband and let out a savage howl.

"I will not be beaten!"

Finn charged at Tobe, who raised his right sword to strike the young hero, but Finn was faster. He delivered a karate chop to Tobe's armpit making him drop the sword and shout in pain. Finn then punched Tobe in the face knocking him to the ground in a heap.

"We did it!" Cheered Finn in victory.

Jake regained consciousness and removed the piece of paper from Marceline's forehead freeing her. Finn and Simon dragged Tobe over to them and laid him onto the ground.

"What should we do with him?" Asked Jake.

"We could kill him, but that doesn't feel right, he is a human after all and maybe we can get him to change his ways." Said Finn.

Tobe groaned and opened his eyes. He looked up at the heroes.

"Kill me. I have nothing left to live for." Said Tobe.

"Man your nuts, we're not going to kill you." Said Finn.

"Then what is to become of me?" Asked Tobe.

"You could go back to being stone." Said Crimson as he suddenly appeared before the group.

"Crimson." Said Finn as he turned to face the masked villain.

Simon and Marceline recognized the villain from the festival. Crimson turned his attention to Tobe.

"You were completely useless. I think I'll just turn you back into a statue." Said Crimson as he raised his right hand and it started to glow black.

Tobe felt a cold dead feeling in his feet, he looked down and to his horror he saw that his feet were already turning into stone. Tobe let out a scream of anguish. Crimson laughed cruelly. Finn pulled out his sword and sliced at Crimson forcing him to retreat back and stopping the spell. Tobe's feet returned to normal.

"Come on Crimson let's fight!" Shouted Finn.

"As much fun as that would be, I'll have to pass. You can keep the ninja his useless to me anyhow. Farewell." Said Crimson as he teleported away.

"You ok man?" Asked Finn as he bent over to help Tobe up.

"You saved me, but why?" Asked Tobe in confusion.

"Because that's what heroes do. They help people no matter what. Besides I think you already did your time in the stone." Said Finn.

Tobe starred at Finn in confusion. They had been enemies a little bit ago, but then Finn rescued him. Simon walked over to Tobe and handed him the book of Fridjitzu.

"Your letting me have it?" Asked Tobe.

"I'm letting you look at it. You can have a look but you can't have it." Said Simon.

Tobe nodded and opened the book. To the ninja's shock all the pages were blank. He toiled through trying to find some writing or teachings, but there was none. Then he found a page with some writing on it from Iroh.

Dear Tobe,

If you are reading this that means you have been freed or have broken out on your own. I'm sorry for how things went. I tried to find you, but your were shipped off to overseas and handed over to several museums. I did find you at one point, but the voice of a higher power told me not to and it was not the right time to revive you. I'm sorry for that. As to why all the pages appear blank, only a person with a good heart can see them. If you can't see them, then there is darkness in your heart still and only when you understand compassion, will you be able to see the writing on the pages.

Best of luck to you,


Tobe starred at the letter and slowly closed the book. He handed back to Simon, picked up his swords, and began to walk away.

"Where you going?" Asked Finn.

I'm going to go find myself." Said Tobe.

"Will we see you agin?" Asked Jake.

"Maybe, until then thanks for saving me." Said Tobe as he continued to walk away.

"That's a cool ninja dude." Said Finn.

"His a troubled man." Said Simon.

"Yeah, but maybe he'll find himself and become a better person." Said Marceline.

"Maybe he will." Said Simon.

The four heroes decided to head back to Simon's place for some dinner.

On the outskirts of Ooo a teenage girl was arriving. The girl had the look of a human with a white skin tone, and long white hair. On the left side of her neck there was a circle of bite marks. The girl was dressed in jeans, tennis shoes, and a black and white T-shirt. Across her back was a blue backpack that had a large silver war hammer sticking out with guitar strings on it.

The girl sniffed the air and sighed with pleasure, she had a feeling she was going to like this place. The girl then started to change and grow. White hair sprouted all over her body as her feet and hands turned into paws. A bushy tail grew out of her rear and two ears popped out at the top of her head. The girl's face became more canine like. After a few seconds the girl had transformed into a ten foot tall werewolf, with the backpack still strapped to her back. The werewolf howled and raced off on all fours into Ooo for a little run.

Strange people seemed to be popping up in Ooo.

(Author's Note: Da Da Cliff Hanger. The new girl is a special character, I've whipped up and she's going to have an important role in the story. You'll see in the next chapter.)

To be continued.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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