Chapter 19: Poltra Cavern
Emerging from the tunnel, we were greeted with the sight of a gorgeous cavern filled with various rock formations laden with materials and monsters roaming around freely, alongside some more adventurers moving in for the kill on some of those monsters.
Despite there being so many adventurers outside of the mountain there really weren't that many in this specific spot, so Izzy led us away from the groups that were and settled down near one of the more sparkly rock formations, away from everyone and away from the monsters.
It was a wide, sprawling cavern filled to the brim with mana that was taking all kinds of shapes, and the green hue of the stone made it clear where any and all material nodes were thanks to them contrasting the natural stone around them; and like the tunnel there were few patches of flora to be found, but the ones we could see were definitely special.
Maybe I just thought the cavern was beautiful simply because I had never actually been in a place like this before, but either way it was something else finally being in a place that was like all the ones I had spent so many hours reading about and playing in.
Monsters around me that were practically walking experience points and money, materials waiting to be harvested at set intervals... it felt so cathartic honestly, and as I stood over the other two I wondered if I was going to chase more extreme experience than this going forwards.
Did I want the thrill of hunting larger and stronger monsters, or was I going to just carve out a nice little life for myself at these lower ranks, earning what I can and living a calm life?
There was quite some intriguing pros and cons to both lifestyles, and as I stood guard and looked around I found myself getting a little bored by how simple this was, especially since it was Izzy and Ulya swinging pickaxes to mine up the ore and me just standing there using my eyes.
I wasn't doing anything at all, and even as the sounds of those metal tools cracking open the rock echoed around the cavern few of the monsters seemed to care; a small group of four goblins looked over curiously, chittering to one another quietly before slinking away, while a blue blob bounced around on a nearby rocky spire.
That was a slime, and after a few moments of lunging at the rock before bouncing off of it the blob rolled around on the ground for a few seconds only to then leap through the air straight at us, stunning me by how quickly it had gone from 'playing' to attacking us.
It was at that moment that I got to experience that odd disconnect from reality yet again, the rush of adrenaline slowing down time as I processed what was happening and how to deal with it; my mind pumped out situation after situation, idea after idea, fact after fact to prepare me for the best possible outcome that I could create.
It was a slime, so clearly blunt force trauma wasn't exactly its weakness, which meant the mace I had was rather... useless at this moment in time, but what wasn't useless was a magic attack; it was resistant to physical damage in it being a slime, but because of that it had to be weaker to magic, right?
And Izzy had prepared me by showing me how to attack using the mace as a catalyst for my magic, going from a simple crushing blow into a mana enhanced one, and that was currently my best option, at least to my current mind.
The mace was already in my hands, my mana was still at full capacity, and my adrenaline was high; all of this was processed before I could even feel my heart thump once, and the slime was halfway through the air towards us, giving me the time to twist myself, lower my arms and swing upwards to connect with the blue blob.
Like a baseball the slime hurtled at me in a relatively straight line, and like a baseball it got to feel the full impact of my 'bat' as I struck it midair, the mana gathering around the head and exploding upon contact.
Unlike a baseball the slime just exploded with the mana, my mace sinking into its body before the magic tore the monster apart and sent globs of slime flying all over the place, splattering to the ground nearby and even showering onto me.
Each glob sizzled against my skin or clothes, damaging it slightly and making me shiver as I felt a tingling followed by a sharp burst of pain in that area, like something just burnt me; it faded right away, but that just made it all the more mentally draining since I could feel the pain still even as it left me just as it flared up.
I was still a little jumpy as I looked all over the place, wondering if the slime would regenerate or something while also being scared that there was a chance another monster was going to attack, so when Izzy said "Good job, just keep the power tuned down a little next time." I almost spun around and swung at her.
The Reptilekin just chuckled at that and went back to mining, tearing through the rock and revealing another giant vein of reddish brown metal that made the Reptilekin crack a smile as she worked to extract it, her eyes almost turning into the coins we would get upon selling it back at the city.
Turning back around, I began to catch my breath and attempted to calm down my trembling hands as I stared at the various globs of slime, the realization that I had killed my second monster barely even registering since it was... well, a slime; they barely counted as a monster to me and were more of a funny lil guy that was in everything... even smut.