Chapter 20: Picking A Fight
"Look at all of that..."
Izzy wiped sweat off of her brow and smiled down at the large pile of ore that she had just excavated from the rock, before turning towards the pile that Ulya had made on the other side of the stalagmite.
"Look at all of this~! This is what money looks like, Tuzi~! All of this ore is going to be traded for better ore, and then we can trade that away for some more things before selling whatever we have for a higher price."
Each chunk was about the size of someones fist, with little chunks of 'chaff' clinging to the metal to further increase the weight of these nuggets of metal that were apparently going to make us a good amount of money.
"Now I know it doesn't look like it, but each chunk of this stuff is worth a couple Coppers each, and we have enough here to make a couple of Silvers if we played our cards right. And some of that slime is still usable too, so we could go ahead and bottle that up..."
"Let's just stick to the ore for now, Izzy. However, I think we should give Tuzi some more experience while we're down here before we head back up. So instead of just heading to another stalagmite and begin mining that, how about we hunt a little?"
The two warriors gave me a look like they were asking for my opinion on that, so I nodded and gripped the mace a little harder as I took in how they both efficiently packed the ore into bags before beckoning for me to follow them as we moved through the peaceful caverns.
Other adventurers were here - about six or seven people doing what we were doing - which kept most of the cavern relatively empty and free for us to do whatever we wanted without stepping on their toes, so we picked a group of goblins that were meandering around all on their own and targeted them.
It was just three of them, and like before I couldn't help but notice that the green skinned, long eared and beady eyed monsters were that perfect blend of hideous and almost perfected genes when it came to fighting and, of course, breeding.
Simple yet effective weapons made from sharpened stones attached to thick sticks were in their grasps, and unlike the goblin I had seen before these ones were at least attempting to utilize pelts as armor, but just like the goblin from before they were very clearly prepared to either fight or fuck.
When we stepped into their line of sight, one of them just grinned and brushed the loincloth aside so that it could flash its giant, bump riddled cock to all of us, like that was going to convince us to drop our weapons and give ourselves up to it.
The other two were more wary, though their penises twitched as they looked us over, clearly experiencing the same lust as their comrade but knowing that if they were going to get what they wanted it would only come from us being defeated.
"Go on, Tuzi. Fight the horny one, figure out how to fend for yourself. My only advice is to keep moving and never let your guard down."
Izzy pushed me forwards, and seeing that only I was advancing the goblins all shared a look before they allowed their more horny member to step forwards to meet me, treating this rather 'honorably' as they stayed back, watching Izzy and Ulya.
Licking its thin lips, the goblin before me thrust a little into the air and gave me a disgusting smile as it continued to attempt to convince me to agree to have sex with it, and again I was presented with quite the specimen as a thick, long cock was waved around at me with intriguing bumps and a clear need to breed...
However, I wasn't here to fuck monsters, and as I raised my mace its smile fell, replaced instead by a snarl as it hefted its stone axe and charged at me, its thin limbs moving quickly as it rushed straight for me.
Its movements were quick yet unsteady as it tried to get to me as quickly as possible, and as soon as it raised that hatchet I dove to the side and avoided the downwards swing, my eyes widening as I saw the stone head crack against the ground while remaining in one solid, sharp piece.
Mana also bubbled to life around the axehead, and the goblin glared over at me before lunging for me again, but this time I swung my mace around like it was a bat - just like I had for the slime - and caught its arm as it attempted to dodge as well.
A meaty thud accompanied by a crack sounded out, followed by a sharp cry of pain as the goblin stumbled past me, cradling its now broken arm as it tried to deal with the pain; before it could recuperate though I rushed at it and slammed my mace into the back of its skull, not trusting these monsters and pushing through the slight queasy feeling I had as I went for my third kill.
This one was far more brutal and graphic than either of the other two, my mace sinking into the goblin's head and shattering its skull with efficiency that was quite disturbing, allowing all of the pink brain matter to fly around alongside gobs of red meat and white bone shards as its head popped like a watermelon.
Blood showered on me from that single killing blow, and the queasy feeling instantly quintupled, my stomach rolling around as the sight of blood and the limp corpse of this monster engraved itself into my mind, all thoughts of its juicy, unique penis or the money we might make leaving my mind as I stared down at the now headless goblin, unable to stop my hands from trembling yet again.
And then I vomited all over its corpse, unable to keep my stomachs contents inside of my body as I witnessed the horrific sight of something being killed in such a brutal way... by my hands...