After The Apocalypse, I Was Transmigrated Into a Cultivation World

Chapter 31: Chilling realization

After Qiu Puyu had left, Mu Shen simply stared at the place where the young man had disappeared into. 

He also realized something — for Qiu Puyu to speak so calmly about becoming enemies, it meant that he was confident.

Did he have a way to kill me? Has he met the Arbiter? 

Mu Shen thought about it. 

That man had a spatial ability that allows him to travel from dimension to dimension, so he was not limited by distance. 

Is it the Immortal radish flower?


He had already broken the flower down and the flower's ability would not return until after a long time.

Then, what was it? 

Then someone approached him and Mu Shen's brows rose. 

"Wang Si." 

Wang Si was ecstatic. 

"I'm glad you remember my name. Now, here's the news. If my Wang's family stone of inheritance is not returned in the next twenty four hours, the entire Wang family is going to descend upon you. You might not like the outcome."

Mu Shen's pupils turned crimson as it flashed with a grey light.

"Is this a threat?" 

Wang Si's gaze was firm and he replied. 

"You may take it that way, it doesn't matter. I just hope you listen to me or this particular trial won't find you well."

Mu Shen stared at Wang Si for a while and said: 

"Your Wang family is nothing! You're all nothing but empty vessels. You simply just make the loudest noise." 

Hearing his Wang family called a vessel annoyed Wang Si. "You don't even respect Wang Jian or even Wang Tian, these ancient powerhouses had created one legend after another. They had also existed for so long and yet, you spit on their face?" 

Mu Shen did not like the look on Wang Si's face as if Wang Tian or Wang Jian would simply step out from cryostasis and punish him themselves. Angrily, Mu Shen spat:

"Wang Jian and Wang Tian can go to hell for all I care." 

Wang Si screamed maniacally, using the finger Dao which caused the void to rotate and spin. 

Mu Shen did not attack, instead he watched as the finger dao approached him. But then, the finger did not reach him and that is because someone stopped it. 

Wang Si was infuriated but he was forced to maintain his calm when an elderly man arrived in white plain gown, his hands behind his back and his expression, grave.

"You're breaking one of the rules of this Academy. You are not supposed to attack or hurt anyone until it is during the trial time or on the battlefield. Come with me Wang Si." 

The elderly man had incomprehensible power so Wang Si simply followed without complaining, knowing fully well that resisting would lead to dire consequences. 

After Wang Si and the elderly man was gone, Mu Shen's expression sank and he remembered something.

The stone of inheritance dropped from his hands when he had been brutally attacked by the being of pure death, and that was when he had tried to comprehend Yama's Needles Technique. 

The stone of inheritance had been left there, and even after he had transferred his misfortune over to the black clad figure, he had not remembered to pick up the stone. 

Who knows what the Wang family would do and how they would react. He could not brazenly enter the tower of fifths right now because he wasn't yet powerful enough. Not just that, the tower had been reset, meaning that the black clad figure is now alive, somewhere within the sixth floor guarding it. The only anomaly should be the stone of inheritance that lay stranded within that corridor leading from the twelfth floor to the thirteenth floor. 

Mu Shen sighed.

Now, he is definitely going to have Qiu Puyu and Wang Si to deal with. 

Are there any more enemies? 

Definitely more. Some would want to take their revenge once they get the chance. Is this trial going to be that chance?

Mu Shen did not know, but what he did know is that a lot will turn up on the day of the trial. Not just the enemies that he knows of, even those unknown enemies would simply try to get rid of him. So, he steeled his mind for a perilous journey ahead of him.

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