Alpha Adryan Romano

Chapter 2: chapter 1

'Why now'? That was the question circling his mind. After eight years of waiting for his mate, he had finally given up. He had secretly wished he would find her, but all he got was disappointment instead. He, too, had thought that the moon goddess wouldn't bless him with a mate. Who wanted a monster of a mate anyway?! But the fates seemed to have other plans. She came running into his pack when he least expected her to when he had already moved on.

Feeling the anger take over his senses, he rips away the t-shirt clinging to his sweaty body, he can't stop thinking about her emerald green eyes.

"Baby?" A whiny voice calls out, turning around he faces Lucia, the pack's slut. He had been fucking around with her for the past few months, and now the bitch thinks that she's his mate.

'We don't want this bitch as our mate, we want our real mate' his wolf, Vince growls out. Vince was his dominant side. Adryan wasn't sure what he would do if he took control of his human side. He could feel a headache forming, which caused him to block his wolf out of his head.

He wanted to release some tension and the only way to do that was through the female before him since he had killed off all the other rogues present in his dungeons last week when he went through a fit of rage.

"Come here" he orders her. Lucia eagerly steps towards her Alpha. Wrapping a muscular arm around her waist, he picks her up, causing her to wrap her legs around his waist.

He carries her off to the bed present in the room beside his office, the room where he took every female. He never liked anyone to be in his room, he loathed it especially for his one-night stands to be there.

She woke up with a sudden jolt in the middle of the night, she felt a burning sensation in her chest. It felt like someone had lit a forest on fire. It was burning like an uncontrollable itch.

A gasp leaves her lips as the pain leaves her breathless, the pain hitting her like waves. One after the other. Her back arches off the flatbed she was lying on in pain.

What is happening to me? She thinks to herself.

Tears roll down her eyes like a waterfall. Her hands grip the sheets on top of the mattress in pain. Her legs thrashed in the air, wanting to push out the pain from inside her in any way possible.

Mate...her wolf whines inside her head through her hazy state.


A scream bubbles up in her throat, and she lets out an ear-piercing scream filled with pain as the pain keeps getting worse. It hurt so bad to move her hands and legs. It felt like the energy was being sucked out of her body.

Her wolf keeps whining inside her head.

Mate...mate is being unfaithful. Her wolf whines, causing her breath to hitch in her throat as the tears continue to roll down her cheeks. The thought of her mating with another female made her wolf sad and angry at the same time.

Claws extended from her hands as her wolf came to the surface, her wolf was more dominant than her human side, so for her to shift meant that whatever she and her wolf were going through was too much for her human form to handle. Her clawed hands rip the sheets on top of the flatbed in agony.

Her figure tumbles down from the

mattress onto the hard concrete floor, her clawed hands come to rest on top of her chest where her heart was beating beneath the skin and bones. She starts clawing at the area above her heart without a second thought.

Seconds later, a metallic scent overpowers the air. Blood.

The metallic scent hung heavily in the air.

She could feel the blood coating her dress in its reddish crimson colour, it dripped down her clawed fingers in a steady manner, but she didn't stop, her wolf continued to growl and whine inside her head.

The pain was the last thing she felt before she blacked out.

▪ ▪ ▪

Her eyes open and her vision is filled with the usual blackness, groaning in pain she groggily sits up on the bed and the first thing that she notices is that she's not in the dungeons anymore.

She starts panicking, and she hears a beeping noise in the background, soon a door is opened and someone enters the room. She starts to stand up, but her hands hold her down and tell her to calm down. Furthermore, she struggles for a bit, and eventually, the fight leaves her body when she feels pain travel throughout her body once again.

Furthermore, she could feel a tightness around her chest area, and she realised that her wounds were cleaned and wrapped up.

"Miss Estrada" an unfamiliar voice speaks up.

"Yes," she replies knowing that he's referring to her.

"Are you okay?" She opens her mouth to speak, but her throat feels sore and scratchy, she closes it instantly and just nods her head in reply. The person seemed to understand her dilemma as they extended a cup of water towards her lips and she drank from it greedily, her throat instantly felt a lot better.

"Miss Estrada- I'm Doctor Bain Newman" he starts to say, but Jade's voice cuts him off.

"Please call me Jade," she tells him in a small voice

"Oh okay Jade, you were found unconscious by a prison guard while he came this morning for a check, and he instantly brought you to the pack infirmary" She nods her head, It's only now that she noticed the strong scent of chlorine overpowering her surrounding and she realized that she might be in the pack infirmary.

Last night's memories come rushing back into her mind, and she instantly feels a dull ache in her chest.

"Jade" Dr. Newman snaps, bringing her out of her reverie, her head tilts up towards where his voice is coming from.

"Yes Dr. Newman" she replies to him, and he instantly tells her to call him Bain, which she hesitantly does as so.

"Do you know what happened to you?" He asks her hesitantly.

His hesitancy makes her realize that he might know why and what exactly happened for her to land herself here in the first place, and she just nods her head as tears prickle the corner of her eyes.

"Uh the Alpha has been informed about your-" he says, and she cut him off instantly, she usually hated cutting someone off while they were speaking, but his words made her panic also being in an unknown territory, that too on the pack grounds of one of the most feared packs in the world has her and her wolf, Kira on edge.

"He knows?" She asks him sceptically.

"Of course he does, he needs to be informed about all the things happening in and around the packhouse" he replies, and she doesn't know how to feel about that piece of information, does he know she had tried to harm herself because of his actions?

"So Alpha will most probably send in someone to guide you to the packhouse," he says, and she's about to ask him why she would be going to stay in the packhouse but a new voice cuts in.

"That would be me" a feminine voice speaks up, causing Jade's head to snap up towards the direction of her voice.

"Aaahh Violet come in, I was just telling Ms. Estra- Jade here that she will be guided to the packhouse" he speaks to her.

"Yes Bain, Adryan had asked me to guide Jade here, to her room in the pack house" she replies to him Jade is shocked by how casually this she-wolf called him by his name, which made her realize that they might be close.

Jade felt her presence next to her body and an awkward silence filled the room, Violet called out Jade's name and spoke up "So Jade, are you excited to go?" She asks her in a friendly way, causing Jade to nod her head nervously.

"So should I help you stand up or?" She asks, and Jade replies with a yes.

Violet gently helps her up and walks them towards what Jade thinks is the direction of the door, she accidentally hits her head on the door causing pain to spread throughout her head, Violet starts to apologize "Oh my God, I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where-" Jade decides to stop her from rambling by saying "it's okay Violet, this happens a lot as I'm blind".

The deafening silence that followed her words lets Jade know that Violet was unaware of Jade being blind.

"Oh" is only what she replies with and Jade chuckles at her reaction. She was thankful as she wasn't the type of person who said 'sorry' when they came to know about Jade's condition, she didn't want people to sympathize with something she was born with.

This time she guided her towards the pack house carefully and strangely Jade felt comfortable with her presence, it was friendly and calmed her nerves.

"So, which pack are you from?" Violet decides to ask her, causing her body to tense immediately. She might have picked up on her silence as she changed the topic, "So how did you come across our pack?" She enquires and Jade clears her throat nervously at the question not knowing how she will react "Uh- umm I'm a rogue" she replies.

She waits for her reply and suddenly she gasps causing Jade to flinch back with the suddenness "Oh My God, you are the rogue everyone's been talking about, Brian my mate, told me about you the other day about how a pretty rogue girl was captured, and you were the Alpha's m-" she stops speaking instantly making her curiosity rise, what was she going to say?.

Furthermore, she instantly blushes at the part where she mentions Jade as pretty.

She instantly realizes that she hasn't replied to her little rant, "Brian is your mate?" She asks in confusion and she replies almost instantly "Of course silly" and giggles, the way she said it made Jade realize how much she must love her mate, and her mind instantly wanders back to her mate, who didn't even want anything to do with her.

"Hey," she says and snaps Jade out of her thoughts and speaks up once again "So we are officially in front of your new room" Jade instantly realizes how she didn't even notice how they had climbed up the stairs to the second floor.

She could pick up a lot of different scents around them, and that made her fidget in her spot.

Violet of course notices this and decides to help her out by saying "So let's show you the room" and she gently guides Jade inside, Jade's hands touch all the things inside the room to feel round, the walls, the closet the table, chair and everything else present in the room.

It's nighttime, Jade spends the day mostly in her new room as she wasn't comfortable enough to meet anyone else in the pack house apart from Violet, who she had lunch with. She also promised Jade that she was going to show her around the pack house tomorrow, which Jade was excited and both nervous about.

She put on the nightwear Violet had given her a few hours before wear as she had nothing of her own to wear, it was a silky nightwear which exposed most of her skin, it reached up to her mid-thigh along with a peak of the top part of her chest, and it wasn't something she was used to, but she didn't want to be rude and be a brat about it, so she accepted it.

Furthermore, she laid down on the soft bed which smelled of detergent, she was about to close her eyes when the burning sensation in her chest started again and a gasp left her lips as pain took over her whole being, just like yesterday.

She tries to sit up and accidentally knocks over the lamp which was situated at the side of the bed, and it makes her flinch back and bring her legs close to her chest as pain takes over again.

She lays her head on her knees, a sudden voice reverberates throughout the room, and she realizes that the door to her room has been opened, and her head instantly snaps up at the sound.

The scent of vanilla instantly washes over her, and she realizes that it's him, her mate.

Tears stream down her face in fear.

He walks up to her curled figure and speaks up "Sit up" and she immediately shakes her head nervously.

He growls and picks her up in a swift movement from her curled-up position.

She flinched back as his warm hands came in contact with her body which was cold due to the chilly air outside, her wolf instantly purred in delight at the touch of her mate, but it was short-lived as she could smell another scent mixed with his.

He smelled like flowers and sweat mixed, the flowery scent mixed with his, and it made her instantly realize that it belonged to another female.

He was seconds away from having sex with Lucia when he felt his mate's pain through their bond causing Vince to take control of his body, and the next thing he knew he was rushing towards the direction of her room, he had asked Violet to settle her in the room next to his, he didn't want her to be too far from him.

She instantly moves away from his body and this doesn't sit well with him "Stop moving mate" his words make her freeze up, this was the second time he had addressed her as his mate. His hands come in contact with her exposed arms and trail down them slowly causing her to shiver in pleasure at the tingly feeling, but she instantly remembers his reason for being in her room and she jerks back in his hold.

"Please don't hurt me" she says with a quivering voice which makes him growl throatily.

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