Alpha Adryan Romano

Chapter 3: chapter 2

"Shhh" he whispers and trails a finger along her jaw, causing her to shiver in delight as the tingles spread through her body and her wolf Kira purrs in her head.

"You smell so good" his voice deeper than usual which makes her realize that his wolf was in control and If she had eyesight she could've easily known as the eye color tends to change when one's wolf takes over, she couldn't resist asking him about it.

"Are you his wolf?" She asks him, for some bizarre reason she was not stuttering around him like usual, maybe because it's his wolf, and she knows that he wouldn't harm her.

"Yes, I'm mio fiore. Call me Adryan" he says. (Translation: My flower)

"Adryan" she says his name making him groan, and she suddenly feels his warm breath on her neck, and she stills with fear, thinking about the worst. As if reading her trail of thoughts, he places an open-mouthed kiss on her neck which causes her to tilt her neck towards the side to give him more access in pleasure.

"You like that, little one?" He asks huskily, and she nods her head as she couldn't comprehend and form an actual sentence when her body was reacting so strongly to his presence.

She snaps back to reality when she smells the flowery scent again which she knows is from him being near a female and by the pain she had woken up to earlier she knew that she would only end up hurting herself in the end, she opens her mouth and asks him before she could stop herself.

"Were you in a female's presence?" Her question seems to bring him back to control from that of his wolf's, she could sense the instant shift in the air. Dominance and power lingered around his presence.

She tries to scoot back and move her body as far as possible from that of his, but that doesn't work as his rough hands instantly clamps down onto her jaw in a deathly grip causing her to whimper in fear.

"That's none of your fucking business, do you understand?" He asks, his voice hard as a frozen ice, she nods my head in fear.

"I need words" his grip tightens more even so, if possible, and she manages to choke out a "ye-es". His grip instantly leaves her jaw and storms out of the room, and she would've thought she had imagined his presence if not for the lingering scent of vanilla.

Tears threaten to flow down her face, but she doesn't let them, why waste tears on someone who doesn't even care?!.

She was currently having breakfast with Violet as she was adamant on having it with Jade, which made her smile, at least someone cares enough about her. Violet seems to notice Jade's damp mood but doesn't comment on it and instead tries to distract her, which Jade was thankful for.

Jade clears her throat as she wanted to ask Violet a question.

"Violet" she could feel her confused eyes set on her.

"Yes Jade" she shifts nervously in her seat. "Um...uh... Is it okay If I take a walk around the pack house?" Jade asks her.

" Oh... Of course why not, but first let me finish my breakf-" she starts to say, but Jade interrupts her. She seemed relieved for some weird reason, almost as if she thought Jade was going to ask her about something else.

"Violet, it's okay, and I wanted some alone time" she tells her with a smile on her face.

"Are you sure? Um...I mean u know u can't uh-" she seems to be at loss for words, she doesn't say the actual words because she doesn't want to offend Jade by being insensitive. Jade understood what she wanted to ask her, how could she navigate around the pack house when she can't see?.

Jade laughs,"it's okay to tell me whatever is on your mind Violet, I wouldn't eat you if you say the word 'blind', and to answer your question I may be blind, but I have good sense of direction, and you showed me around the pack house the other day remember?!" She asks her and wink at her playfully.

"Ooh, yeah stupid of me and don't you think for a second that I'm going to call my best friend 'blind'" she says and Jade realizes that she might be pouting, Jade laughs at her words. But her calling Jade her 'best friend' didn't go unnoticed by her, in fact Jade felt happy that she has someone to talk to and that too, someone as great as Violet to call as her 'best friend'.

"Okay" Jade stands up from her seated position in front of the kitchen island "bye, I'll see you later" she waves at Violet, and she replies with a "bye" of her own.

Walking towards the front door of the pack house and instantly feeling the fresh air whipping her loose hair around, causing a smile to graze her face with the familiar feeling.

She always loved walking outside, in fact she used to spend a lot of time in the backyard back home tending to her flowers and playing with the pups. Thinking about home makes her think about the loved ones she lost not so long ago.

She shakes her head to clear off the sad thought, guess walking would help her as running in her wolf form wouldn't be a smart idea as no one knows her real identity here, and she doesn't want hunters to know about her whereabouts and hunt down this pack too like they did to hers, she couldn't possibly handle the guilt.

She walks around the pack grounds that is around the edge of the forest, she could hear shrieks and laughter of pups and their parents telling them to be careful, she instantly realizes that it's a playground for the young children as she walks towards where she could hear their voices.

Furthermore, she keeps walking when she suddenly feels herself colliding with someone else, and she instantly feels small hands wrapping around her legs, she realizes that it's a small pup as she bends down, so she could pick up the pup, and her hands comes in contact with short smooth hair letting her know that it's a boy, she always loved small babies and toddlers and this just made her heart melt.

She picks him up and places him on her hip, the little boy instantly snuggles into her side by nuzzling his head into Jade's neck and hair as if to hide himself from others making her as his hair tickled the skin on her neck.

"Hello baby" she speaks up, and she feels small hands circling around her neck, and she hears a muffled cute voice saying "Hello" back.

She places a hand on his back while the other rubs his back and his tiny body instantly relaxes in Jade's hold, she wished to have a child of my her own one day, but now she wasn't so sure of herself as her mate doesn't 't 't even want her and plus she was blind for god's sake. How can she take care of a child if she can't take care of herself properly.

"What is your name, honey?" Jade asks him softly and he lifts his face from his initial position on her neck.

"My nwame is Lwion, and I'm four ywears old-d" he says proudly in a baby voice, causing Jade to swoon at his cuteness.

"Hello Lion, my name is Jwade" she replies in a baby voice which makes Lion giggle. He suddenly clamps both his tiny hands on her cheeks, and he seems to be looking at her face for some time and then blurts out the words which made her feel like keeping him to herself, but she knows that it isn't possible, and his parents wouldn't approve of it.

"You lwook beawtifwull Jwade" he says, and she hugs him tightly, not enough to hurt his small body.

"Aww, aren't you a handsome little man" that makes him fold his hands on his chest and say in a cute angry voice "I'm not a small man, I'm a bwig boy" and she ticks him to which he squirms and giggles in her hold trying to free himself.

"Lion" a male voice calls out which seems to snap both Lion and Jade out of their previous actions and, Jade scrunches her face in confusion.

"Lion, where are you?" The voice calls out again, and it sounds a bit worried.

Lion instantly reclaims his earlier position by nuzzling his head into Jade's neck, she stands there confused for a moment and smile afterwards when she realizes the situation.

"Lion, are you hiding from someone" she asks him, and he nods his small head with his face still in her neck, she laughs and shake her head at his antics. Kids

" Lion- oh" she feels the presence of the male in front of her causing her to tense up, she could feel the stare of several other pack members on them, which she didn't seem to notice before as she was distracted by Lion and his cuteness.

"Aahh, it's you" the male says almost sounding surprised, he seems to be a top ranked warrior as he excludes some amount of power but not as strong as an Alpha or Beta.

"Um...who are you?" She asks him "oh where are my manners, I'm Nathaniel the Gamma and this little man's uncle" he says, and I instantly relax.

Lion chooses to come out of hiding by replying to his uncle's statement "I'm not a lwittle gwuy uncwule" he states and both Nathaniel and Jade laugh at this.

She smiles at him and decides to introduce herself "I'm Jade, and nice to meet you Nathaniel" she says, and he laughs.

"Nice to meet you too Jade, and I know who you are as I was among one of the guards the night we caught you, and please call me Nathan" he replies, and she instantly likes him. She felt at ease in his presence, normally she tended to stay away from male species, but something about Nathaniel just seemed so calming.

For a moment she tenses up when she heard him say that 'he knows her' as all her life she had been sheltered and kept as a secret by her parents to protect her and the pack from the outside world. She feared the fact that he might know about her secret that she had worked so hard on keeping hidden.

Nathan seems to go quiet all of a sudden, causing to furrow her brows in confusion, he seems shy all of a sudden.

"Nathan? Are you okay?" She asks him concerned.

"I- I uh- would you like to go out on a date with me, Jade?" He asks her nervously, fearing that she would reject him. She was shocked at his request, no guy had ever asked her out as no one wanted a blind girlfriend and being the Alpha's Daughter scared away boys.

"Uh- me? I'm blind" she asks him confused, he has definitely made a mistake like who would ask her out...

"Of course I know that, but that doesn't bother me and yes, I'm asking you out... I mean look at you, you're young and beautiful" he replies, and she instantly blushes as no grown man has ever called her 'beautiful'.

She contemplates it for a moment and replies with an "okay" and a smile.

"Then it's a date" he says, and she blushes again.

"Uncle Nwathwan has a dwaattee" Lion exclaims and bounces in Jade's hands causing her to blush even more if possible.

She hands Lion over to Nathan, who was sad to leave her arms, but after promising him that she would play with him the next day he went willingly.

Among all the stares of all the pack members, she failed to realize one of them was watching their whole exchange with a furious expression from the window on the top floor of the pack house.

Adryan felt red-hot fury take over his senses when he saw her speaking with Nate, his Delta. He felt like strangling him. His hands grip the side of the windowsill in a tight grip, causing small cracks to form on them.

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