Chapter 27: The dream
Kei's POV
Today has been really tiring. What was up with this sudden change? And this conversation at dinner? Daisuke and Alex were right when they said something suspicious was going on. As more those creepy emails keep coming! And I have no clue about the sender! Huuuf. I must remain calm. If I don't keep my cool I won't even get answers, even less will I stop the culprit. Woah. I missed my room's comfort. The difference between the two houses is too great. This room is three times bigger than my other one. How did I even full all this space when I was little? It seems that other than giving in charity the toys I didn't want, they left it unchanged. The bookshelf is still full of all those books about complicated stuff that they were teaching me. Now I only remember half of it, but it's to be expected, while my siblings passed almost all their time doing what they liked and were super good at, I didn't find any of the two, and instead of studying all the time, I always hurried to see Shizu every time I was at home alone or Chiyo-nee shutted herself in the basement. Well, I don't regret it. Besides, those topics aren't even in the program. Well, I don't excel even in the ones in the program, even though I started studying them at six years old. I usually get around 85, while Chiyo-nee seems to always get 100 in some topics. Though absurdly speaking, nobody is as good at studying by heart as Alex. I still feel bad for him. A lot of people started swearing at him, which is no surprise. But did he even notice? Ah. He answered my message. 'Tomorrow tell me everything'. Oh, he wants to know. Well, if I want him to help me I gotta provide information. If it doesn't get dangerous. But it won't. Right? I hope Shizuku won't follow us again. After she got found out, she blatantly lied. Her eyes were looking down and spinning crazily. If she wants to support her father, she should do something about it. Her father use a lot of half truths to conclude contracts. Dad told me. Wait. It's almost midnight. Mom will start screaming tomorrow if I don't wake up the moment the alarm rings. Ok. I'll sleep.
'And closing my eyes, I disappeared (for half a second, though to me they seemed years).'
Where am I? It's so~ weird. I seem to be fluctuating in midair. And everything's white? No, wait, black? Rainbow? Ahh, I'll wake up with a headache. I don't have photophobia, but I don't think there's anyone in the world who would feel well after having seen this. It seems that green and red prevail. More specifically, I think they are emerald and ruby, but I'm not sure.
It's all so weird. Ahhh, I'd like for it to stop moving. Wait. Wait wait wait wait wait. It stopped?! Okay. Let's verify if it's because of me. Hmm. Yellow. Yep. It works. Wow. I think this is called lucid dream. Wooow!
'And then I enjoyed my time there, having fun with my imagination.'
I gotta keep this fantasies a secret from my friends. In particular Daisuke. Oh, maybe Tanaka would like it. In reality I feel bad for Daisuke, but Alex's right. It's kind of funny.
'And then I woke up. And it was midnight. Yes, midnight.'
Arghhh. Why?! Ok, I'll go to sleep again. What was that noise? It looks like there's someone on the other side of the door. But I'm too dizzy. If I get up, I'll definitely fall. Besides, it's probably just someone going to the bathroom. As more, midnight is not even that late. I'm the weird one for not waking up before seven hours have passed.
'Then I fell asleep again and morning arrived. I turned on the lights and prepared as usual. Strangely, I remembered quite well everything's place. Or maybe it's not that strange. After all, I lived here for ten years.'
What? My wardrobe was blue, wasn't it? Wh-y is it yellow? Okay. My memory must be playing with me. Let's just ignore it for now. No. I can't. I'll ask mom. "Mooom! Was my wardrobe yellow?""Y-yes!". Okay. She sounded weird. Gre~at. Another suspicious thing going on. Woo-hoo. Yup. For now I'll ignore it. I already have a bit of a headache. Let's not worsen it.
Storyteller's POV
Oke~y. There's actually something that I can tell you about what happened that night. Kei's hair were shining(?) in an ethereal ruby colour and in that same moment, all the people living in that house (Kei excluded) smiled.
Kei's POV
'And so I went to school as usual'.