Am I the only one normal in this family?

Chapter 28: Rumors

'After arriving at school, I met up with Alex, who was full of questions.'

"Hey, Kei, yesterday you sent me a weird message. Is it fine if I come pick you up?""Alex, what you just said is even weirder. I think you don't understand the meaning of those words". Why are you staring at me like an innocent child? Please, stop. Oh, wait, don't tell me... Daisuke heard it too?! Ok, now two things might happen: he will either tease me or ask me what's up. "What's he talking about?". Ohh, thank goodness, second option. "It's just... You do remember that I live with my mom, right? Well, now I'm living again with the rest of my family""Ah, so does Alex know where you live?" Daisuke is looking at me with a doubtful expression. Oh, right, Alex doesn't know it. Thanks for reminding me, I was starting to get worried."No, he doesn't""Then you should tell him, shouldn't you?". Ah, I talked too soon. A~nd, here's the teasing.

'Right when we were chatting, I ended up hearing (not eavesdropping. It wasn't on purpose) some boys in class.'

"Hey hey, did you hear? Apparently Kishimoto-senpai has a little brother who hasn't made his debut in society yet. He goes at that preparatory school where Yuki-sama and Aoki-sama goes". Wait, debut in society? We aren't in the Middle Ages, you know? And who spread the word? Did they just address my little siblings with -sama? At home mom and dad said that they have everything under control, but I wonder. Well, let's hear what they have to say. "Yeah, I heard. Some are even saying that he goes to this school, but wouldn't he stand out? Those who saw him at that school said that they understood the moment they saw him. There's just one thing about which everybody's wondering about: why was he with the human disaster?". Hmm. I think Alex obtained a new nickname. "Yeah, it's enough wonder why Daisuke stays with them at school". Hey! "Right? I mean, isn't he one of the central members of the karate club? Why would he stay with them all the time?". Humph. Just shut up please. Ah, right, I was chatting with Alex and Daisuke before getting caught up in that conversation. "Kei, you are making a weird face". Ups, it showed on my face. I should be more careful when I eave-hhmg hear that kind of conversation.

'After having finished morning and afternoon lessons I hurried home to do my homework before that cram school.'

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