Archer Empress

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Third person's Pov

It's been three days after the attack, today lady Miya visits the training ground with Hilda. Wearing a simple dress which is good for training .

She can train a bit openly making the last attack as an excuse for her training if someone among the prince's saw her but instead of using her sword she'll have an arrow training because the crown prince already saw her during the hunting event.


Miya's pov.

I can finally step foot on training ground even if I can't use my sword my arrow will be worth it.

" My Lady are you sure it's okay for us to be here alone?" Hilda ask again for how many times already I look at her as I take my bow in position and an arrow to take my first shot.

" Hilda, calm down will you? Just trust me its fine really . You worry too much" I said .

" But..." I didn't give her time to finish " Now just watch " I said.

I pull the arrow and aim for the target far ahead of us . I release it and I sure am didn't missed it.

" Oh wow my lady you sure is good now I know why you won the hunting " She suddenly say enthusiastically forgetting what she's worried for how many minutes earlier.

I give her a playful smirk before saying " Don't you forget who I really am ? I didn't get that title for nothing" I tell her a lot seriously this time.

" Of course my lady how can I forget , though I'm still surprised that you are...." I stop her mid sentence.

" We'd rather not talk loudly of that matter in an open air. I don't want someone to hear it and ruin my cover " I said which she nods eagerly.

" Yes my lady I'm sorry for that" I smiled softly and say" It's fine now just let me continue" .

I soon get one then followed by another and another arrows as I hit my target simultaneously.

This is getting old and boring. I want something more exciting and challenging.

" hmm Hilda?" I ask having a great evil idea that might scare her. Just play a bit of a prank.

" yes may lady? " she curriously ask.

"Can you be my target next?" I ask innocently. Not realizing what I said she answered " yes" happily and a moment later her eyes gone wide understanding what I said. She paled and look at me didn't know what to do looking if I'm serious I keep myself from laughing and look at her seriously this time.

" M...My lady b..but I?" I shake my head in disappointment to give more effect on my acting . I don't know that I can do something this crazy .

" I'm sad that you won't trust me ,do you think I will hit you?" I said trying to look upset and hurt.

" Oh no.. oh no my lady it's just that I'm honestly scared but I truly trust my Lady " She said almost crying . I guess that's enough so I let myself let out a laugh.

" lady?" she ask "Waaaah I'm really sorry my lady Im going , I'm going" She said then she almost run toward the target place when I stop her but I'm still laughing .

It's been a long time since I laugh this much " No, no, wait " I slowly calm myself.

" I'm sorry I'm just kidding. Hilda you should have seen your face" I said giggling a bit which is new to me. I'm becoming someone whose far from being a commander.

" My lady your evil " she pout and I smiled at her " That I am " I said and laugh a bit before I ask her to pull the rope on the moving targets so that I can hit more.


Alucard's Pov.

We've been watching the princess for a while now from afar I can say that she's really good in Archery the other three beside me can't help but watch in awe as she hit each target without missing any.

Later she suddenly stop and turns to her maiden because we're too far to hear what they're talking about we can only see their faces.

From what the princess said the maiden suddenly turns pale and I frown in that . What are they talking about it seems serious until the maiden almost burst crying and move to walk but the princess stop her.

The next thing we knew we've heard a very beautiful laugh that comes from the princess. I myself can't help but be amazed by it.

" Oh wow" Kaja mutters

" Yeah wow" thats Valir

I look at them for a while and I saw Roger nodding ,he seems to agree with the two who wouldn't ?

I finally seem to understand what's happening when she say something to her maid that made her maid pout.

The princess might be teasing the poor maiden the question is what she ask her to do that made her look like that.

This princess Miya really is something else . Everytime she do something new I can't help but want to know her more because of everything she does seems to stir my interests.

Anyway if I want to I can just accept father's invitation for me to go back with him to the capital. I think it will be worth it. Also for aome reason I would like to know more about the princess whose like a puzzle to me. Aside from that I know that evertime I see her I also can think of my sister who I failed to protect.

Maybe this time through the princess I can ease my guilt even a little. This might be the reason why I wanted to know more about the princess and also the reason why I can act like a brother to her.

I just watch her hitting the moving targets one after another and can't help but feel a bit proud knowing that she really deserves winning the hunting alongside me.


Third Person's Pov

After some time when the princess hits and use almost every training part she decided to stop and went back on her room without knowing that she's amaze the prince's one more time with her archery prowess that they can compare to their own if not much better than them.


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