Chapter 11: Chapter 11
Third person's Pov
"We are going back to the capital tomorrow and Prince Alucard agrees to come along with us with the other prince's" the emperor said as he speak to Lady Miya with a smile on his face.
"I understand your Majesty, I'm glad that you're able to convince the crown prince just like how you want it" Lay Miya answered.
The emperor and Lady Selena by his side both smiled to each other knowingly.
" Your right my Lady , I'm also happy that my son finally wants to go to the capital with us" lady Selena said. "It's all thanks to My Ladys' help" she added looking at Lady Miya with a bright smile.
The Lady seems to feel that the emperor and the Lady seems to hide something from their gaze and smiles.
" I didn't do anything my Lady its just that the crown prince might also finally understand his majesty's intention for him" the lady politely answered which is how she genuinely see it .
The emperor and the Lady only smiles with the same thought " that child will not change his mind if we talk to him alone , finally learns to have interest on woman "
Miya's pov
The emperor and the lady are really happy with the crown prince's decision to come along to the capital. Actually his majesty already accepts the fact that he might be going back alone again since its been four years that his trying to convince the prince but always failed to. And the lady Selena also won't come with him not unless the crown prince will.
I'm also happy for his majesty no matter what reason does the crown prince has in agreeing I am really thankful that he madesuch decision this time.
The way back to the capital I'll need to be more cautious with their safety more than ever since the whole royal family will be with us this time not just the emperor.
I left the study as we already agreed that on the carriage the emperor and Lady Selena will be together. The prince's carriage will supposed to be next before mine but his majesty said that the crown prince insist that we must stay together on the same carriage so in the end all the other prince's will also be with us we will use a large carriage instead.
This is actually not a bad idea it will also help me watch for the crown prince's safety much better while Tigreal with Marco and the others will focus on his majesty's and the lady's safety.
We will be leaving tomorrow early morning before the sun rises. I'm now on my room and is currently laying on my bed already I just let Hilda leave a while ago to rest since I also ask his majesty to let her be my personal maiden moving forward which he agrees without second thought earlier.
I somehow feel like this will be a long journey than before. Let's just sleep for now tomorrow I'll need to act more like a lady to avoid the prince's doubt of my identity for the meantime since his majesty won't let me say it yet.
Early morning arrives...
"My lady this is me Hilda can I come in" I hear from the outside. Ive been awake since an hour ago and been stretching and exercising since then.
"Come in Hilda" I said a bit out of breath due to exercising. I feel much awake and energize as I sweat all over my body.
"My lady it's time to prepare to change now" she said .
"Just a bit more " I answered while I do more sit ups.
"But my Lady we still need to do your make up and hair please " she said pleadingly. Remembering the things a lady should prepare gives me a headache.
"I understand. I really hope his majesty will agree to give me back my identity as soon as we arrive in the capital" I can't help but say to her.
" I know how you want to have less of this preparation my Lady but right now we should really make haste or you'll be late " she smiles at me knowing how I feel. Hilda really understands me so well despite of knowing me for only about a week or so. I'm really glad to have met her this time.
"Fine , this is a battle I can't win this time" I said in defeat since I know I still need to bare this for a few more days.
I took a bath myself before letting Hilda help me with the dress and everything else needed. This is definitely a battle ground for woman. I'm lucky that Hilda is also very capable of attending me alone so I wont need to be weary of other people.
"My lady is really beautiful no matter what you wear" she suddenly exclaims excitedly.
I can't help but laugh a little " you're being too good at speaking flowery words Hilda"
She pouts at me " my Lady doesn't know how true my words is, just look at yourself in the mirror see how I'm telling the truth" she insists even exaggeratedly show myself in the mirror.
I smile while do as she says and sigh " I really an not use to seeing myself with this much of accessories and not having my hair tied up" this things limit myself from moving as I like.
" Don't worry my Lady you will definitely get use to it better than your armor sooner or later" she said with determination all over her face. Like a warrior promising to do her duty with her life on the line so I can't help but laugh again and just let her do what she wants.
" If you're one of my soldier you'll be one of the best with that determination and strong sense of duty" I said .
"Of course of course my Lady since you have seen my worth I will never disappoint you" she said proudly and I believe her.
"I'll be in your care then , now let's go prepare to depart to the capital then" I said then we make our way to meet everyone who will go with us to the capital.