Chapter 41: 2 And A Half Years Later
Having no solid concept of what was considered exceptional in this World of Cultivation, Knox had no idea at the time that the person he killed was a rather big deal in the Water Kingdom. In fact, in just the Water Kingdom alone, the man was ranked within the Top 50 on the Ordinance List, putting him among the Top Sons of Providence.
And he would remain unaware of this information and his new shiny Ordinance Value Number even after he entered Seclusion to consolidate his cultivation. Naturally, this secluded cultivation was just an excuse he used to run away from the toppled city with all of Tear-Drop Child's treasures. An action that made him not only a thief and murderer but also a genocidal maniac.
As for the matter with his Elder Sister, he figured he'd go see her sometime after finishing his cultivation seclusion. She was a fossil, so it wasn't like she'd care about the passing of time anyway.
Nonetheless, time ceaselessly trudged on in an abandoned cave abode that Knox located outside what he thought to be a disbanded Mountain Sect.
— 2 and a half years later —
Unknowingly, Knox's 18th birthday passed him by. And though one officially became a full-fledged adult in this world at 15, it was nice to know that he wasn't engaged to a minor anymore.
On a side note, consolidating his cultivation in the Early Foundation Establishment Realm took a ridiculous amount of time. Apparently, cultivating to the 15th Stage of Qi Condensation as a mere Mortal was defying the Will of Heaven or some shit, so yeah… fuck him sideways.
Just then:
"Senior, we don't mean to disturb your cultivation, but our Elders have ordered us to understand why it is that you've been cultivating in our Territory for the last couple of years."
"Who the hell is it this early in the morning!?" Knox shouted what he meant to keep inside his head. "Wait… Did you just say your Territory…? What Territory??"
"S… Senior," said a Peak Foundation Establishment Realm Cultivator standing outside a vine-covered cave abode. "This mountain and the surrounding mountains, as well as everything within a thousand-mile radius, belongs to the Voidborn Sect. We of the Voidborn Sect have been walking this world in the shadows for tens of thousands of years. Our Ancestors, mighty beings who we've never seen, are even rumored to have exceeded the Soul Transformation Realm in the Last Era. Also—"
"Yeah, I don't care," Knox interrupted, rising from his cultivation mat. "Just lead me to whoever's in charge of your Voidhobo Sect," he commanded as he blink-stepped out of his cave, appearing beside the nervous Voidborn Sect Cultivator. "Furthermore, stop referring to me as Senior. Although I'm older than you, I'm young at heart. Moreover, my cultivation is below yours."
The Voidborn Cultivator's pupils erratically flickered as he hadn't even noticed the approach. That was when he registered what had just been said.
"Seni—I mean, fellow brother, the name of my Sect is the Voidborn Sect. And there's no need for brother to lie to me; even a blind man could see that you're a powerful senior cultivator. Your presence is overwhelming, haha."
Knox clicked his tongue. "Well, whatever," he said. "Just lead me to someone higher in authority. I wish to have a 'friendly' conversation with them."
Seeing the creepy smiling face made the Peak Foundation Establishment Realm Cultivator shudder. He wryly laughed while gesturing toward the winding, rocky path that led down the mountain.
"R-Right this way, brother," he said with a strained voice. "Our Sect is just down there. That's also where you'll meet the Elders."
"The Elders, eh?" Knox asked as he expanded his Divine Sense enough to cover the small grouping of buildings that definitely wasn't there before. "Hmm… Hmm?? This is…"
For some reason, the Voidborn Member's expression gushed with pride when he saw the visible surprise on Knox's face. He pointed his nose upward, becoming a little haughty.
"Impressive, aren't they?" he said. "Our Sect's Elders possess incomprehensible methods that make even Golden Core Realm Experts admit their inadequacies!"
"...They're certainly impressive…" Knox muttered in disbelief. "And I'm sure their methods are as awesome as you say they are."
"Hoho, I'm glad to have found another admirer of our glorious Sect's Elders!" said the Voidborn Member, beaming from the top. "I feel like we have a kinship; what say we become martial brothers!? Brave through fire and water together—"
"Sure, sure, do whatever you want," Knox said dismissively, his mind still fixated on the other cultivators in this so-called Voidborn Sect.
'This kid's obviously being scammed silly,' he thought to himself as he did a more in-depth scan of the Elders of the Sect. 'And to think these geezers actually managed to con what seems like a relatively talented young lad. I'm… severely lacking…'
What the Voidborn Member thought to be him shaking his head due to realizing how inferior his cultivation was turned out to be because of something else entirely…
Regardless, they made their way down the winding path. Once at the bottom, a large, withered Gate entered their sights. Barely hanging by a screw on the top of the Gate was a sign that read, 'Voidbarn Sect.'
'Damn,' Knox thought. 'These idiots couldn't even bother themselves to spell the name of their Sect correctly. Though, if I'm being honest, this name fits them better.'
As they passed through the Sect Gates, they were immediately greeted with the sight of an old, pot-bellied man snoring on a crickety rocking chair. His cultivation was of the Early Core Formation Realm, whereas his age was in the three digits.
"That's Elder Loong!" the Voidborn member said excitedly. "He's one of the Sect's most mysterious and renowned Elders, his reputable fame known throughout the land!"
"...Hey, kid," Knox said. "What's your name?"
"It's Josop, senior brother. Why?"
"No reason," Knox answered. "I was simply wondering what name I should be keeping an eye out for on an unfortunate statistics sheet. That's all."
Josop nodded, though did so with a very confused gleam in his gaze.
They approached this 'Elder Loong,' their opinions of his image differing greatly. To Knox, the man was a lazy bum. To the naive Josop, however, he was like a God that should be bowed to at every given opportunity.
Doing just that, Josop's back bent at a 90° angle, his reverence off the charts.
"Greetings, Elder Loong! I've told the Senior Cultivator as instructed!"
"Hwa!? W-Who's here to steal my panties!??"