B-ronken-R-ing 159...

Chapter 20: Chapter - 223


"My dearest Inés," Cárcel's letter began.

"I hope you are spending a beautiful afternoon in Mendoza as you read this. The first love letter that you wrote to me from Mendoza was delivered to me today."

"Today...?" Inés murmured.

She quickly realized that this letter had not been written that same morning. Since she had sent her letter a couple days ago, Cárcel had most likely read it yesterday afternoon and penned his response shortly after.

Inés felt an unexpected twinge of disappointment, which quickly gave way to a blend of relief and confusion when she found another letter and a pressed leaf nestled inside the envelope. She puzzled over how he had managed to write these letters if he had departed for Mendoza so swiftly. At that moment, two words on the letter caught her eye.

"Love letter...? It was nothing of the sort," she muttered, furrowing her brows. But her flushed ears betrayed her true feelings.

Without thinking, Inés lifted the teacup that she had filled to the brim before opening the envelope, bracing herself for the embarrassment she might feel while reading the letter. She had completely forgotten she had drained it as soon as she ripped open the envelope. Realizing it was empty, she awkwardly set the cup back down.

Why was she being so clumsy? Was it simply because she had mistaken the empty cup for a full one? Or was it because she had just realized that Cárcel Escalante was indeed correct?

She couldn't deny it any longer-it had been a love letter after all. She had confessed her longing for him and asked him to come to Mendoza.

Struck speechless with shock, she looked away from the letter. Had she really written a love letter? Unbelievable!

Cárcel's letter continued: "I was overwhelmed with joy when I received the letter brimming with your longing for me for the first time. It shall take its revered place within the records of House Escalante. I am certain that our descendants will one day recognize its invaluable significance and the heartfelt confession it bears..."

"In the records?" Inés whispered incredulously.

In that instant, her attention was drawn to Juana's mumbling. "I must say, the depth of your bond is simply remarkable," she commented, her tone laced with sheer awe. "Good heavens, I never imagined it to be quite..."

Inés tore her gaze from the top of the letter, directing a disapproving glare at Juana. She had been a constant distraction ever since she had stepped into the room. In fact, it was Juana's incessant chatter as she cleaned the bedroom that had prevented Inés from making much progress through the letter. Juana wasn't even attending to her duties properly. She seemed more preoccupied with scanning the room for proof of her mistress's impassioned lovemaking.

Finally, Juana's gaze fell squarely on Inés. "Did you sleep well, Madam? I heard Lord Cárcel visited you last night... but it seems your bedroom has been ransacked instead!"

Inés stared at her lady's maid unabashedly, in stark contrast to the embarrassment she had felt upon reading the affectionate words on the letter. So what if they had spent a particularly loud night? It was only natural for a married couple to indulge in passion after being separated for so long. It was unreasonable to expect the two of them to simply retire after their tryst in the bathroom. That would be an utter waste of both their time and the splendid expanse of their bedroom.

Inés vividly remembered how Cárcel had torn apart the nightgown and fresh undergarments he had carefully dressed her in after the bath. Even before that, she had eagerly relieved him of the shirt that he had donned with reluctance.

And then there was the moment when Cárcel had carried her back to bed and she began to shower him with kisses, prompting him to set her down on the console table. Perhaps he simply wished to gaze into her eyes. However, even if his intentions were innocent, it quickly gave way to a burgeoning passion. Every gesture-his setting her on the table and her pulling him back in-was driven by the mutual understanding that Inés would drift off to sleep as soon as her head touched the pillow.

Sometimes, the awareness of being short on time was enough to drive one to perform the wildest actions.

Juana's grumbling broke Inés out of her musings. "I can't believe my little lady is all grown up now!"

Inés shot her a slight frown. "We grew up together. You didn't raise me."

Juana remained unfazed. "If I'm being honest, Madam, I knew you would become so naughty one day," she muttered rudely under her breath, crouching near the console table to gather up Cárcel's shirt buttons scattered across the floor. "I mean, I thought I had seen it all when I was cleaning under the bed and in the bathroom. But no! Even the way back from the bathroom..."

Juana had Inés's nightgown and Cárcel's shirt draped over her arm. Both were beyond repair, much like the clothes from yesterday that were now piled on the table.

Inés couldn't bring herself to scold Juana for cleaning up the room unbidden, despite all the muttering and grumbling. After all, if other maids found those clothes and sent them to be mended, the entire household would be gossiping about the passionate night Inés and Cárcel had shared.

"It makes sense, I suppose," Juana continued. "Everything about you is stunning, and you always treat men like absolute rubbish-"

Inés finally decided to interrupt. "That is quite enough, Juana."

It was like Juana didn't hear her. "I suppose even the famed Lieutenant Escalante has no way of resisting when his own wife is bossing him around. I mean, I'm sure you treat him like some servant! As a noble lord, I bet that's something he's never experienced before."

Once again, Inés could not help but chime in. "I've never bossed him around or treated him like a servant."

"You grew up so fast, Miss! You're a true woman of Perez now! Look at you, making such passionate love and being honest with your own desires... Just look at all this. You basically gobbled him up! I can't believe the Duchess thought you would never marry. I mean, I've always thought otherwise, but seeing this..." Gesturing around herself, Juana sniffled dramatically. "I'm happy for you, I truly am! But it is also bittersweet to know that you're a big lady now."

Perhaps this was so monumental for Juana because she had never seen Calztela with her own eyes. Even though she didn't show it, she must have been worried sick because of Inés's confrontational personality and Cárcel's previous history with women.

It was obvious that Juana was deeply moved by either her salacious or joyful thoughts. However, Inés could only conjure up a hint of annoyance in response to her loyal lady's maid as she turned her attention back to the letter. That piece of paper was the only thing that mattered now.

Cárcel's writing flowed gracefully across the paper. "I am very sorry that your time in Mendoza has been dull, Inés. Perhaps it will soothe your heart to know that Calztela, without your presence, is just as monotonous as Mendoza.

I can no longer recall what this city was like before your arrival. How in the world did I manage to survive in this dull port city before marrying you? If I were to abandon the remnants of my pride, I would also admit that I don't know how I've endured the past month without you.

One month... How sorrowful is it that those days managed to pass me by without you at my side?

My mind is consumed with thoughts of you, Inés Escalante. When I rise in the morning, I reach out, hoping to pull you closer to me as you slumber. My nose seeks out your scent before I even open my eyes. My heart dreams of burying my face in your neck in the morning sun, inhaling your sweet scent as I escape the grip of sleep... Nothing feels real without you, Inés. It all feels like a dream.

Indeed, I sometimes wonder if I am trapped in a nightmare that I can never escape from. Only your return will be able to help me break free... My life is nothing but a dull dream without you, Inés. Whenever I depart from headquarters on my horse, I convince myself that I'll see you back at our home. I somehow manage to fool myself into thinking that once I step through the front doors, I'll be able to ask a servant for your whereabouts and receive an answer.

Once I suppress my foolish hopes and ascend to the second floor, I imagine peeking through the study door and seeing you writing. I tell myself that I'll find you in the bedroom, dozing off against the windowsill...

Your absence has turned me into a complete fool, Inés. You must know what your letter has done to me."

"Just what are you staring at?" Juana interrupted.

Inés offered no response, her gaze steadfastly locked on the letter.

Juana called out to her once again. "Madam?"

"Hence I am coming to see you, Inés," promised Cárcel's graceful handwriting.

"You cannot blame me. You have given me the best excuse, and you told me you missed me... I am planning on hugging you so tight that all the breath escapes your lungs, no matter how much you grow annoyed with me. I will fill my lungs with your scent and kiss you with enough passion to consume your entire being.

Oh, Inés, my beloved Inés... Sometimes I feel the urge to swallow you whole, even when you're not with me. I always imagine myself inside you, but when even that is not enough..."

The rest of the letter was filled with sweet and increasingly lewd words. None of the things that he described would be very shameful if acted out in real life, but the explicit detail written in blunt tone made Inés unbearably embarrassed. She folded the letter back up, casting a quick glance in Juana's direction.

However, this did not last long. Keeping a careful eye on her lady's maid, Inés unfolded the very bottom of the letter to study Cárcel's written farewell.

"Your Cárcel Escalante de Esposa, writing to you in your small study in Calztela."

Juana called out once again. "Madam Inés?"

"How...strange," whispered Inés.

Now, Juana sounded more concerned. "Why are you hanging your head like that, Madam?"

"My chest feels like it's about to burst," Inés muttered in response. "It feels so strange...and painful."

"Good gracious!" shrieked Juana.

Inés heard Juana hurriedly approaching the table, worry etched across her face. Disregarding her for the moment, Inés managed to raise her head and take out the remaining letter inside the envelope.

"Good morning, my dear Inés," the second letter began.

"I beg your forgiveness for being insolent enough to not be present by your side when you open your eyes. Nevertheless, I hope your sleep was dreamless and restful enough to soothe your exhaustion. I hope there is a smile on your face as you read this letter."

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