Begin Again In Marvel

Chapter 185: The Trial Of Loki


It was time for Loki's Trial, and I was selected as one of the judges on the Tribunal. Zircon was Loki's Defense Attorney. I was letting this whole thing happen for two reasons. Earth wants out of the treaty, but not completely. And I think this will be funny. The Tribunal consists of three members. Myself, Eitri, and an elf named Caleth. We were chosen due to me being from Earth and the other due to their likely impartiality.

Caleth: "We are gathered here for the trial of one Loki Odinson. On the charges of Invading Earth to steal all the horses for his own perverted desires. How does the defendant plea?"

I have to try very hard to keep a neutral face when the charges are read. I may have entered that as the charges myself. You may be wondering why it's that charge well I thought humiliating Loki would be funny. Loki's statements could be seen as claims to exterminate Earth and its inhabitants. So humiliation and prison time is better than becoming a head shorter.

Loki: "Wha? Bu? What?! I did not invade Earth to steal the horses! I am not a horse fu@#$*!"

Rio: "Language! There could be kids watching."

Caleth: "Is the defendant refusing the charges?"

Loki: "I do not have a thing for horses."

Rio: "According to Earth mythology, you transformed yourself as a mare to lay with a stallion. That and we have audio evidence stating your love for horse cocks."

Loki: "Pwah... Wa... Bu... T-t-that's impossible."

Rio: "I suggest we play exhibit A. All in favor."

All 3: "I!"

We play the audio recording of Loki singing about his love of Horse Cocks.

(AN: If you want to know what song I am referring to, it's a meme song called 'No Cock Like Horse Cock' This song makes me laugh every time I hear it. I can't even remember where I first heard of it. I won't write the lyrics because they are something that you just have to hear. )

Song plays

Loki looks mortified because the voice singing the song is his.

Odin: "I never knew you were into such things, Loki. I... I don't what to say."

Loki: "Father, no, I..."

Thor: "Loki, I guess this explains why you never took a liking to any women I showed you. If I had known this was what you liked I would have taken you to the stables."

Loki: "Thor! This isn't what it sounds like."

Frigga: "Loki, I... I will support you in whatever you find attractive. I am sure I can find some suitable Stallions for you."

Loki: "Mother, not you, too!"

Rio: "Ehem, as you can hear, the evidence is quite clear."

Loki: "That... I never said or sang that!"

Eitri: "Are you saying that everyone here is mishearing you? Even those with such superior senses."

Loki: "Well, no... but..."

Rio: "Then it is settled this evidence clearly states you have a strong love for horses and we have pictures of you and the Chitauri stealing horses."

Loki: "There must be some mistake. I don't... I am not attracted to horses!"

Caleth: "So the defendant is suggesting we forgo these charges? Do you understand that the alternative gives a high chance of execution?"

Loki: "Well, I... I... C-can I get a recess to discuss this with my counsel?"

We look at each other and agree.

Caleth: "The court will be in recess for 30 minutes. If the defendant does not come to a conclusion on what charges he will be pursuing, then this Tribunal will press forward with additional charges. Does the defense agree?"

Zircon: "Yes, your honors."

POV Loki

I follow my attorney to an adjacent room, and then we close the door.

Zircon: "What the HECK are you doing out there?! Do you have any idea how bad a situation you are in?"

Loki: "I do not, nor have I ever had sexual relations with a horse."

Zircon: "You clearly don't understand how badly a situation you are in. If you refuse these charges, they will go with the higher charges. Those will be for the attempted Genocide of Earth. If you get tried for that, there is a 98% chance of you getting executed."

Loki: "My father would never..."

Zircon: "News Flash! Asgard has almost no power. Political, Economic, Military, or anything else. Odin can't do squat to get you out of this. If you aren't punished, it undermines the entire alliance. Even if you managed to get out of the death penalty, the alternative is losing all your powers and godhood. You will be turned into an average Human. And you would still likely spend the rest of your life in prison."

I pause when they lay out everything before me and I realize I might actually get in serious trouble. It must show on my face as Zircon sighs.

Zircon: "Sigh. Look, I know you may want to keep your sexual preferences secret, but honestly, is it worth dying over? The punishment for the current charges is minor. A minimum of a year in prison. With 15 years of Supervised Parole. The worst you could get is a century in prison. But that would only happen if you refused any wrongdoing until the end. In fact, you would likely be placed in an Asgardian prison. What is being offered is the best deal. I could also likely get them to go easy on you if you testify against the person who helped you invade Earth."

I freeze when he offers that. I got nervous as I was still very iffy about saying anything about Thanos.

Zircon: "You were very lucky that there were no causalities and only a few dozen injuries. At least the ones they are going after you for. The representative from Earth has hinted that you could be held responsible for the attack on Kamar Taj and the extermination of their order. But if you testified and honestly told them who was really behind you, then they could have a political excuse to go easy on you."

Loki: "But do they have to have the charges of invading Earth to make a horse harem? Can't it instead be for trying to liberate the horses from their servitude? Almost anything is better than the current wording. As if it stays as is I would never be able to rule Asgard."

Zircon: "I am going to be straight with you Loki. I will try to get the charges wording to be changed but it's unlikely. The more important thing is that you will never rule Asgard. The Alliance would never accept you as the ruler of Asgard due to your past actions. Even if you were the last living member of Asgard's Royal family. If you tried you would be forcibly deposed by the combined might of the Alliance and BCA."

I think about what he said as he goes to talk with the Tribunal.

'Their right. I have ruined any chances of getting the throne. Even if they change the charges the rumors will still spread and my reputation is already not the greatest. The Alliance and BCA are too strong for Asgard to fight against and we have too many potential enemies. Not to mention Thanos will come for me eventually to get revenge.'

The door opens and I see Zircon unfortunately based on their expression, I can tell my last attempt has failed.

Zircon: "Sorry but they refused. Now tell me what charges are you taking as I need to know so I can start preparing now."

Loki: "Sigh. I will take the current charges."

We slowly walk back into the courtroom where undoubtedly, my future will be decided.


We had just finished the deliberation from the evidence and the conclusion was clear.

Caleth: "We this Tribunal have come to decision. Loki Odinson. We find you guilty of all charges."

Loki just sits down and I can sense the utter defeat and despair from him. He knows his political career is likely over.

Eitri: "For your crimes, this Tribunal has decided on your punishment. You will serve 400 Earth Standard Days in an Asgardian Prison. You will be banned from holding any political office. You must pay reparations to Earth for the damage you caused. You will serve 5 years of supervised probation that Heimdal of Asgard will do. Lastly, you will pay child support for your daughter Sleipner in the sum of 15 years of back pay for her upbringing."

Loki: "I am not her father!"

It seems that gets him riled up.

Eitri: "Would like for us to increase the punishments?"

Loki freezes and Zircon whispers into his ears.

Loki: "No I... I... I will accept the fair decision of this Tribunal."

Caleth: "Then this Tribunal has ended. If anyone should have any additional comments now is the time to share them."

No one says anything.

Caleth: "Then we are adjourned."

With the slam of the gavel, the trial ends and we go into the signing phase. Which is followed by a meeting. This meeting is where I make the move.

Rio: "Earth is unhappy with the situation happening. We avoided deaths by technicality but it is clear that this alliance is unable to protect Earth. As such I would like to request Earth be permitted to move to association status."

Surtur: "But wouldn't that make you less protected?"

Rio: "Yes and no. Officially we will be seen as a member of the alliance but between us we will know Earth is not an official member. Earth is protected but not obligated to reciprocate."

Many agree with my statements, but I discussed this before with them and somewhat guilt-tripped them. Asgard and Jotunheim were the easiest as it turns out Laufey cares for Loki even if he tries to hide it. So part of the easier punishments was thanks to them agreeing to support me in this endeavor. The reason I needed the support is that part of the treaty states that to leave the Alliance you needed a majority vote. Which means I needed 5 Votes as you cannot vote for your own proposal. In the end, I barely managed to get the needed votes. Nidavellir, Muspelheim, and Svartalfheim voted against Earth leaving.

Rio: "Then it has passed and as part of the agreement. Earth's leaving will be kept a secret to maintain the illusion that the Alliance is still united. Now what should we do about Thanos?"

Odin: "What can we do? He is out of our reach and fighting him would be dangerous to all of us."

Laufey: "I have to agree with Odin. Except I think we should heighten our guards. It should dissuade him from attacking again. At least for now."

The nice advantage of association status instead of membership is that I still get a vote but I don't have to follow the resolutions nor do I have to help the other realms. Technically they don't have to do the same for Earth and the vote is only valid in the case of the need for a Tiebreaker. Since there are exactly 8 member states now. The BCA doesn't get a vote which is fair. The rest of the discussion was not that interesting basically they just agreed to beef up their securtiy but they were too scared to do anything else. As for the fact that he was trying to take at least 2 different Infinity Stones. They decided to ignore that.

'Well, this was productive. But let's go home.'


Authors Note:

Loki gets trolled pretty hard. But he kind of deserves it as logically he should have been punished more in the original story. I mean he attempted to destroy Earth. Sure he failed but that doesn't change the fact that what he did was wrong. As for Rio getting Earth out of the treaty, it's because it would only drag him into conflicts. At this point, Earth under the Crystal Imperium is more than safe from outside threats. The next chapter will be about the first public appearce of Rio in his Alicorn form. Until next time Ciao.

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