Chapter 186: First Public Apperance
Today was the big day. I was finally going to show the world my true form. But to ensure my civilian identity didn't get exposed, I purchased a perk.
{Name: The Clark Kent Effect
Unless someone knows your secret identity or you specifically say that it is your secret identity no one will be able to connect your real identity and secret identity. This applies to those that you specify and that agree to accept the effects. }
With the perk, I was confident in keeping Rio Magus the CEO of the Techno Union separate from me for the time being. Even if someone suspects it they would have to figure out how a clearly equine being is the same as a clearly human being. Moreover, there is literally no proof that I am the CEO of the Techno Union. I made sure of that. Once I was sure that I was ready I teleported to the meeting hall. Which was chosen to be Geneva due to its historic neutrality. Even now it remains neutral. It doesn't fall under the influence of the Crystal Imperium, Hydra, or the Ten Rings.
Rio: "How do I look?"
Yularen: "Perfect, Your Highness."
I smiled at him.
Rio: "How many times do I have to request you call me Rio in private?"
He smiles right back.
Yularen: "This isn't in private, Your Highness."
He put extra emphasis on the title. I just rolled my eyes.
Rio: "Yes well, is everything set?"
Yularen: "Yes, security is perfect. We confirmed that Hydra has activated all of their Winter Soldiers. They seem dead set on killing you."
Rio: "Well they can take the shot if they want. Just make sure none escape."
Yularen: "It's already handled. The Spartans will capture them alive. Now you better start we only have 30 seconds before the cameras go live."
I walk out onto the stage and all the chatter stops abruptly. I can sense nearly the entire crowd is shocked and surprised. Though I feel a few that are, aroused? I just look at the people in question and they blush when I make eye contact.
'It must be my Charisma Stat. Well, let's get this started.'
Rio: "Good evening everyone. I hope your trips here were pleasant. My name is Rio Magus Crepusculum the Emperor of the Crystal Imperium. And before you ask yes I am real and no you are not hallucinating. Now I believe everyone across the world must have many questions. But please I will call upon one of you at a time."
I point to the first person to raise their hands.
Reporter 1: "You speak such fluent French, are you from France?"
Rio: "No, I actually speak all languages and instead what you are hearing is the effects of an auto-translation spell. Whoever hears me will hear me in their most fluent language."
Reporter 2: "Magic is real? Surely you must be joking?"
I smile.
Rio: "Yes magic is real. And before you ask yes Humans can learn it. It just depends on how you go about it. In fact, the Imperium is just now opening a magic academy where all those who meet the requirements can learn magic. As for an example of magic observe."
I use a spell that turns off gravity in a specified place. When everyone starts floating I undo the spell and everyone lands back on the ground.
Reporter 3: "What are you?"
I flare out my wings and respond.
Rio: "I am an Alicorn. You can think of me as a magic combination of all Equines. I am also the ruler of all Equines. There is a fairly accurate show about Alicorns on TV right now."
Reporter 4: "Does that show a depiction of accurate events?"
Rio: "Yes, but not for this Universe. Think of it as the events of an Alternative Universe. And before you ask yes the Multiverse is real. And yes it can be observed and even interacted with."
That seems to shock most of them as they get a little excited and try to ask a bunch of questions all at once. I silence them with a simple look and a bit of my Aura. Once they calm down I call on the next reporter.
Reporter 5: "You don't seem to be from Earth, so where do you come from?"
Rio: "Despite how I may look I am from Earth. Born and raised. The Imperium has numerous sentient species as citizens. Most of which are from Earth. Most of your myths and legends are about real creatures. From Griffins to the Loch Ness Monster and almost everything in between."
Reporter 6: "If they are real why don't we have evidence of their existence."
Rio: "Because Humans hunted many of them to extinction. And those that survived until now were saved by me and placed into a sanctuary. They have just recently returned to Earth where they have become full citizens under my reign. And before you ask, I do not hold a grudge against the actions of your ancestors. Despite what some may say the father's sins are not the children's responsibility."
Reporter 7: "You mentioned that most of your citizens are from Earth does that mean that you have Aliens in your empire?"
Rio: "Yes, like I said the Imperium is a multi-species empire. I do not discriminate against anyone because of what they were born as. Nor do I care what race, gender, species, orientation, or anything else you can think of. All I care about is if you are evil or not. And I can easily tell if someone has sinned or done something bad. Like you. You stole your brother's car when you were 15 to go on a joyride and drove into a lake. You never told anyone what you did. And you. You drove someone to suicide when you were in the 10th grade by bullying and harassing them. No sins or wrongdoings are hidden from my eyes. I am very close friends with Santa. I even helped deliver gifts last year and the year before that."
Reporter 8: "So you are saying Santa exists?"
Rio: "Yes. What did you think that the lumps of coal you got last year were just a prank from a relative? No, you were on the naughty list and you still are. I would suggest, stop stalking her. It's wrong and it's a crime."
Reporter 9: "Ehem, well back on to the previously discussed topic. What kind of Aliens are under your rule? And could we see proof?"
Rio: "I actually invited a member of the royal family of one of the planets under my reign to come here. Some of you will know his species as a famous Admiral who appeared in a movie series. Please welcome King Lee-Char of Mon Cala."
Lee-Char: "Thank you for inviting me, Your Highness. It is an honor to come to your home planet."
Lee-Char stands next to me as I point to the next reporter.
Reporter 10: "His existence suggests that Star Wars is a work of Non-Fiction. Is that true?"
Rio: "Indeed it is. In fact, I am the current head of the only order of Force Wielders in the Universe. As for the Death Star and the like you won't have to fear about that. At least for the most part."
Reporter 11: "What do you mean for the most part? Do you own a Death Star?"
Rio: "No, I don't but there are planet-killing weapons out there and they are being used as we speak in an Inter-Galactic War. It is thankfully not in our Galaxy but that won't be true forever."
That seems to make many of them panic.
Reporter 12: "Wait are you saying that such a weapon exists and is a threat to Earth?"
Rio: "Technically I didn't say. I just said that it won't stay out of the Milky Way forever. To be blunt, uh yes it is very possible that the weapon could be used in the Milky Way in the next decade or less. But you don't have to worry as the Crystal Imperium has easy access to space travel and is fairly well defended against enemy invasion."
It gets quiet for a while as everyone processes what I just said but eventually, someone raises their hand to ask another question.
Reporter 13: "You mentioned planets. How many do you have?"
Rio: "The Crystal Imerpium has 7 Inhabited Planets and controls over a hundred star systems. And we just recently finished terraforming Mars. A few years ago the Imperium fought against a race of zealous aliens that intended to cleanse Earth. We fought them and annihilated them. Here is some footage of the battle."
I showed the recordings of the battle and everyone was shocked, to say the least. Once the video ended I called on the next reporter.
Reporter 14: "If you are so technologically advanced why don't you conquer the world?"
Rio: "Because that would lead to death and destruction. I prefer to make the Imperium a utopia where anyone is welcome. Immigration is open to anyone who wants to join. Those who join are given a guaranteed home to live in. Food is free in the Imperium and so is clean water. A few other utilities are free as well but if you want more then you can get a job which there are plenty. And if you meet certain requirements you can apply to change species. I have an artifact that can allow anyone to become another species permanently. It is a completely optional decision and even if you apply you are not guaranteed to qualify. But once it is done you can become things of your imagination. Pegasi that control the weather, unicorns with magic, kitsunes with pyromancy, dragons with fire breath."
Reporter 15: "Anyone can become a citizen?"
Rio: "Yes, but anyone who is trying to become a citizen for evil reasons or to be a spy will be either killed or sent back to where they came from. Know that anyone who tries to enter my country will have all their past deeds judged. If they are found to be evil or bad people they will be removed or killed depending on the severity. And the crimes they committed will be broadcast to the world."
Reporter 16: "And we just have to trust that you are telling the truth? What gives you the right to judge and execute these people?"
Rio: "The right is that they give up anyone's rights if they commit heinous actions. Pedophiles, rapists, serial killers, cannibals, monsters in human skin. These kind of people deserve no mercy. And I will gladly remove such evil from the universe. The Crystal Imperium has no need for these evil individuals. Nor will I send them back to their home where they can commit more crimes. Everyone has a Karma Value. Humans all start at 100. If you go to -100 then you are too far gone and cannot be saved. Everything they do wrong will be made clear to everyone when they are executed so everyone knows what they did. Does this answer your question?"
They nod and I move on to the next question.
Reporter 17: "You said you Terrafomed Mars. Is this true?"
Rio: "Yes it's true. You will see once Mars is in view of Earth but here is a current video of Mars from orbit as we speak."
Reporter 18: "Do you have any further proof that Star Wars is real?"
Rio: "Sure, go outside and look up."
They look and see the Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera. This seems to make everyone believe me completely.
Reporter 19: "For those that want to immigrate to the Imperium but can't travel what do you say to them?"
Rio: "If before you go to bed you wish with all your heart I will appear in your dreams and test you. If you pass then you will wake up in the Imperium. If you fail I will let you know why. And yes, I can dream walk like Princess Luna."
Reporter 20: "Speaking of her is the Mare in The Moon related to her?"
Rio: "Hmm, let's just say that some things are best left alone. And that travel to the Moon is forbidden from now on."
Reporter 21: "Surely you don't mean that..."
Rio: "Like I said it's best left alone."
Reporter 22: "What are the plans for the future?"
Rio: "The Crystal Imperium will still accept those who join for the right reasons but otherwise I will be focused inwards. A technology showcase will be made at the upcoming Stark Expo. Which will be mostly streamed online due to the lack of easy transportation. I can tell you now that the Crystal Imperium is the most technologically advanced nation in the Universe. With only one other nation coming close and they are... a unique case."
Reporter 23: "If you have such technology why don't you share it?"
Rio: "The same reason that the US doesn't give all its schematics and tech to China. There is no trust. While I have no want or need for war the more fanatical of your kind will not be so worried about such things. As such you cannot be trusted with the technology. I do not want to see humanity kill itself because they used technology unchecked. I have seen similar cases in the past. And humanity has almost killed itself with nukes several times in the past. So no, only my citizens will be given access to the technology. That being said I will still be trading food at cheap prices across the world and with our tech we will be able to deliver it anywhere it is needed. Which will be done with companies that are given partnerships with the Crystal Imperium."
Reporter 24: "Are you single?"
I was a bit surprised by the comment but noticed that the one asking was the reporter from earlier who was aroused by my Charisma Stat. I smiled.
Rio: "Yes, I am single but not ready to mingle."
Some giggle or laugh at the joke while the reporter blushes up a storm. After that, there are a few more questions that are more technical info but eventually, the conference ends with a bang.
A 950 caliber round hits my forehead but just flattens and drops on the ground. I had my full regalia on and my defenses were more than strong enough to barely feel the hit.
Rio: "I almost felt that."
The reporters were shocked but I calmed them down by showing them I was fine and further showing that the criminals were apprehended. I even explained who they were. Needless to say, Hydra is going to be trying to run damage control to fix this mess.
Authors Note:
A fairly long chapter but I thought of a lot of questions that would be asked. The 950-caliber was the highest-caliber sniper I could think of. The bullets are chunky looking. Gacha is in 2 chapters. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and until next time Ciao.