Being Vegito after defusion

Chapter 14: Womens discussion

The Son household was unusually quiet this afternoon. With Goku out training with Gohan and Goten away in space with Vegito, Chi-Chi found herself with something rare and precious:

free time. She had spent the morning cleaning, then preparing food for when Goku inevitably returned starving, but now she sat on the porch with a cup of tea, enjoying the peaceful mountain scenery.

Her moment of tranquility was interrupted by the sound of an aircraft approaching. Looking up, she recognized the sleek Capsule Corp vehicle as it descended toward her yard.

Moments later, Bulma emerged, waving casually.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything important," Bulma called out, making her way to the porch.

"Just enjoying some peace and quiet," Chi-Chi replied, gesturing to the chair beside her. "Which is practically a miracle in this household. Tea?"

"Please," Bulma nodded, settling into the offered seat. "I needed to get out of the lab for a while. Been working non-stop on some new projects since the boys left."

Chi-Chi poured a cup of tea for her friend. "It's been, what, five days now? I still can't believe we let them go."

"I know," Bulma sighed, accepting the cup. "Though the daily check-ins have been reassuring. Trunks actually seemed excited about the studying part yesterday, which is a first."

"Goten too," Chi-Chi agreed with a small smile. "Whatever Vegito's doing with them, it's working better than my usual approach."

A comfortable silence fell between them as they sipped their tea, both women contemplating the unusual situation they found themselves in - their sons in space with a being who was, in a way, both their husbands and yet neither.

"Have you thought much about him?" Bulma asked suddenly. "Vegito, I mean."

Chi-Chi nodded slowly. "More than I expected to, honestly. It's... complicated, isn't it?"

"That's putting it mildly," Bulma replied with a short laugh. "He's been with us for what now, almost three months since the wish? And I still don't know quite how to think about him."

"I know what you mean," Chi-Chi said, setting her cup down. "He has Goku's memories, Goku's face - well, partly - but he's so different at the same time."

Bulma leaned back in her chair, her expression thoughtful. "Have you noticed how he sometimes looks at us?

Not inappropriately or anything, but there's this... moment where he seems to catch himself, like he's remembering something he shouldn't."

Chi-Chi nodded emphatically. "Yes! I've seen that too. Especially when Goku and I are together. He gets this expression - almost pained - and then quickly masks it."

"Vegeta noticed it too," Bulma admitted. "Though he'd never say it directly. But I can tell it bothers him."

"Do you think..." Chi-Chi hesitated, choosing her words carefully. "Do you think Vegito still has their feelings? For us, I mean?"

Bulma considered this for a long moment. "I think he must, in some way. He has their memories, after all. But he's been very careful to maintain boundaries."

"It must be awful for him," Chi-Chi said softly, surprising herself with the depth of sympathy she felt. "Can you imagine?

Having all those memories of being married to someone - loving them, building a life with them - and then suddenly being a different person, watching them with... well, with yourself, in a way?"

"I've thought about that too," Bulma admitted. "It's like he lost both of us in the same moment he came into existence. And he's been so stoic about it."

Chi-Chi shook her head sadly. "That first month after the wish, when he was staying here part-time... I caught him once, just staring at our family photos with this look of such longing.

When he noticed me watching, he just smiled and made some joke about Goku's ridiculous hair. But I could tell."

"He did the same at Capsule Corp," Bulma said. "I found him in the garden one night, in the spot where Vegeta and I used to... well, you know." She blushed slightly.

"He apologized for 'intruding' and left immediately. As if he could intrude on his own memories."

"And yet he's never once crossed any lines," Chi-Chi noted. "He's been nothing but respectful. More than respectful - he's deliberately created distance."

"That's what makes it so sad," Bulma agreed. "He's clearly made a conscious decision to bury whatever feelings he has from those memories. To step aside completely."

Chi-Chi took another sip of her tea, her brow furrowed in thought. "I wonder if that's part of why he's so focused on the boys.

They're the only family connection he can maintain without... complications."

"That makes sense," Bulma nodded. "Trunks adores him, you know. Talks about him constantly. 'Vegito showed me this technique' or 'Vegito says this' or 'Vegito's even stronger than Dad.'"

She chuckled. "That last one drives Vegeta crazy."

"Goten's the same way," Chi-Chi smiled. "It's like they got a bonus father - one with all the best parts of their actual fathers, plus something uniquely his own."

Another silence fell between them, more contemplative than the last.

"You know," Chi-Chi said hesitantly, "sometimes I feel guilty."

"About what?"

"About being happy that Goku came back. Because his return meant Vegito had to... give up everything. He's still part Goku so I feel bad for hurting him. It's... weird.

His whole existence was essentially split apart, and then he had to watch as his components went back to their lives - lives that he remembers as his own."

Bulma nodded slowly. "I've had similar thoughts. Especially when I see how lonely he seems sometimes, even surrounded by people.

He doesn't really have anyone of his own, does he? Everyone in his life was first connected to either Goku or Vegeta."

"Exactly," Chi-Chi said. "And it's not like he can just go out and start dating.

Can you imagine? 'Hi, I'm Vegito, I'm the fusion of two aliens, and I have memories of being married to other women, but don't worry about that...'"

Both women laughed at the absurdity of it, though there was a melancholic edge to their amusement.

"You know what's really strange?" Bulma said after their laughter subsided. "Sometimes I catch myself wondering what it would be like - being with him instead of Vegeta."

Chi-Chi's eyes widened. "Bulma!"

"Oh, don't act so scandalized," Bulma waved dismissively. "I'd never actually do anything! I love Vegeta. But you can't tell me you've never had the thought cross your mind.

Vegito is essentially Goku and Vegeta combined into one incredibly handsome, impossibly powerful package."

Chi-Chi's cheeks colored slightly. "Well... maybe once or twice. In a purely hypothetical sense."

"Exactly," Bulma nodded triumphantly. "Purely hypothetical. But it does make you think, doesn't it? If circumstances were different - if we'd met Vegito first, before Goku or Vegeta..."

"I suppose he does have a certain... appeal," Chi-Chi admitted reluctantly. "He has Goku's warmth but with more... awareness. And he's so good with the boys."

"And that confidence," Bulma added with a slight smirk. "Not Vegeta's arrogance, but something more... assured. Plus, have you seen him training? Those muscles..."

"Bulma!" Chi-Chi exclaimed again, though she couldn't help laughing. "We're married women!"

"Just stating facts," Bulma shrugged innocently. "Besides, we're only talking about this because we feel sorry for him, right? It's empathy, not attraction."

"Right," Chi-Chi agreed quickly. "Empathy."

They exchanged knowing glances and burst into laughter again.

When they'd composed themselves, Chi-Chi's expression turned more serious. "All joking aside, I do wish there was something we could do for him. He deserves happiness too."

"I've thought about that," Bulma admitted. "But what can we do? The situation is what it is."

Chi-Chi was quiet for a moment, her mind working through a sudden, outlandish idea. "What if... what if we did what he did?"

"What do you mean?"

"The fusion. The Potara earrings. What if... we used them, and then used the Dragon Balls the same way, to create someone new while keeping ourselves separate?"

Bulma stared at her, mouth slightly agape. "Are you suggesting we create a fusion of ourselves... for Vegito?"

"When you put it that way, it sounds crazy," Chi-Chi admitted. "But think about it - we've both admitted that in different circumstances, we might have been attracted to him.

A fusion of us would have those same potential feelings, but without our existing commitments."

"Chi-Chi, that's..." Bulma shook her head, trying to process the suggestion. "That's ethically complicated, to say the least.

Creating a conscious being specifically to be someone's partner? It feels... I don't know, manipulative somehow."

"Would it be, though?" Chi-Chi pressed. "The fusion would be her own person, just like Vegito is his own person. She'd have free will. She might not even like him that way."

"But we'd be creating her with the intention of her being with Vegito," Bulma pointed out. "That's a lot of pressure to put on someone from the moment they exist."

Chi-Chi frowned, considering this. "I suppose you're right. It was just a thought."

They sat in silence for a while, both contemplating the ethical implications of Chi-Chi's suggestion.

"Let me ask you something," Chi-Chi said finally, turning to face Bulma directly. "If you weren't in love with Vegeta - if you'd never met him - do you think you could fall for someone like Vegito?"

Bulma didn't answer immediately, taking time to honestly consider the question. "Yes," she admitted finally. "I think I could. Easily, even. He has so many qualities I admire."

"And I feel the same way about him in relation to Goku," Chi-Chi nodded. "So isn't it reasonable to think that a fusion of us - someone with our combined values and perspectives - might naturally be drawn to him?"

"Maybe," Bulma conceded. "But creating someone just so Vegito won't be alone still feels questionable."

"What about looking at it another way?" Chi-Chi suggested. "We're not creating someone just to be with Vegito.

We're creating someone who has the right to exist in her own right, just as he does. Someone who might understand him in a way no one else could."

Bulma's scientific mind was clearly engaged now, considering the various angles. "And who's to say she wouldn't choose a completely different path?

She'd have our memories but her own identity. She might decide she wants nothing to do with any Saiyans."

"Exactly," Chi-Chi nodded enthusiastically. "She'd have complete freedom to make her own choices. We'd just be... creating the possibility."

"It's still a huge step," Bulma said, though her tone was more thoughtful than dismissive now. "Creating a whole new person is no small thing."

"Neither was creating Vegito," Chi-Chi pointed out. "But now that he exists, I think we'd all agree the universe is better for it. He's already done so much good, and he's only been around for a few months."

Bulma tapped her fingers against her cup, deep in thought. "We should at least consult Shenron first, when the Dragon Balls are active again.

Make sure the consciousness would truly be separate, like it was for Vegito."

"Of course," Chi-Chi agreed quickly. "We'd need to be absolutely certain about that part."

"And we'd need to find Potara earrings," Bulma added. "The Supreme Kai isn't exactly listed in the phone book."

"Goku could find him," Chi-Chi said confidently. "Or Vegito himself, when he returns."

"We'd also need to think about logistics," Bulma continued, her practical nature asserting itself.

"Where would she live? What would her legal status be? We can't just create a person and then leave her to figure everything out on her own."

"We'd help her, obviously," Chi-Chi said. "Just like we've been helping Vegito adjust. She could stay with one of us until she decides what she wants to do."

Bulma shook her head, a bemused smile on her face. "I can't believe we're seriously discussing this."

"Is it really any stranger than anything else that happens around here?" Chi-Chi asked with a shrug. "We're married to aliens who can change their hair color and shoot energy from their hands.

Your dead father-in-law is a alien monkey king. My son can fuse with your son and turn into a ghost-summoning teenager with ridiculous hair."

"When you put it that way," Bulma laughed, "creating a fusion of ourselves to potentially be a companion for the fusion of our husbands seems almost normal."

They both laughed at the absurdity of their lives, the tension of the serious ethical discussion broken for the moment.

"We don't have to decide anything right now," Chi-Chi said after they'd settled down. "The Dragon Balls won't be active for months anyway. We can think about it, talk through all the implications."

"Agreed," Bulma nodded. "And maybe we should discuss it with Vegito himself at some point. It would affect him more than anyone."

"That's a good point," Chi-Chi acknowledged. "Though I'm not sure how to even begin that conversation.

'Hey Vegito, we've noticed you seem lonely, so we were thinking of fusing ourselves to create a potential wife for you. Thoughts?'"

Bulma snorted into her tea. "Maybe we workshop that opening a bit."

They fell into comfortable laughter again, the afternoon sun warming the porch as they continued to chat,

moving on to other topics but with the seed of their unusual idea planted firmly in both their minds.

As the conversation drifted to more mundane matters - Gohan's new research position,

Bulma's latest inventions, the daily video calls with their sons from space - both women found themselves occasionally returning to thoughts of Vegito, seeing his situation in a new light.

Whether or not their idea will come to fruition remains to be seen.


(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

I wanted to explore how Chi-Chi and Bulma might view Vegito's situation from their perspective -, how did you all find it?

Also, those moments that appear 'pained' aren't for the reason they think. It's geniunely awkward for him to remember those memories.

Like ever have it that when your in bed, embarressing memories pop up, and you just want to smother yourself to sleep to not think of them?

Just me?

Hope not.

The longing though is more because of those paternal feelings - still feeling also a bit guilty not wanting to 'steal' Vegeta and Goku's sons from them.

So yeah, I hope to see you all later,


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