Chapter 15: Consulting Porunga
(Author note: If we go with the Chima fusion, this is what she would look like: Picture here
Though with less revealing clothes, since Vegito wouldn't like it)
The Namekian sky, with its peculiar green hue, stretched endlessly above them as Bulma and Chi-Chi stood beside Goku and Dende.
The journey here had been instantaneous - a disorienting blur of sensation as Goku's Instant Transmission transported them across the vast distance of space to New Namek.
"I still don't think I'll ever get used to that," Bulma muttered, steadying herself against Chi-Chi's shoulder. "It feels like being turned inside out and back again in less than a second."
"At least you didn't throw up this time," Chi-Chi remarked with a sympathetic pat on her friend's back.
"Small victories," Bulma agreed, taking a deep breath of the alien air.
They had chosen their moment carefully. With Vegito and the boys still in deep space - their last communication placing them near the outer rim of the galaxy -
and Vegeta occupied with an intense training session in the gravity chamber, they had the perfect opportunity to pursue their unusual inquiry without awkward explanations.
Convincing Goku to bring them to New Namek had been surprisingly easy. They'd simply explained they had an important wish that couldn't wait for Earth's Dragon Balls to reactivate.
Goku, being Goku, hadn't pressed for details beyond confirming it wasn't for anything dangerous or harmful.
Dende, however, had been more perceptive.
The young Namekian guardian had given them a curious look when they'd approached him about accompanying them, but had agreed to serve as translator without demanding an explanation.
Now, they stood in a grassy field surrounded by curious Namekians who had gathered to witness the summoning of their dragon.
The seven Namekian Dragon Balls lay before them, larger and more ornate than their Earthly counterparts, pulsing with mystical energy.
"Are you sure about this?" Bulma whispered to Chi-Chi as Dende prepared to begin the summoning ritual. "Once we ask, there's no going back."
"We're just gathering information," Chi-Chi reminded her. "We're not committing to anything yet."
Bulma nodded, though the gravity of what they were considering still weighed heavily on her mind. Creating a new sentient being was no small matter, regardless of the circumstances.
"The Grand Elder has given his permission for us to use the final wish," Dende announced, turning to the small group. "The first two wishes were used to restore the Saiyan tails as requested. Are you ready to proceed with the third?"
Goku, who had been distracted by a small flying insect that resembled a dragonfly with four wings, perked up at this. "Hey, that's right! We've still got one wish left! What are you two wishing for, anyway?"
"You'll see," Chi-Chi replied, her tone making it clear that further questions wouldn't be answered.
Goku shrugged good-naturedly. "Alright, alright. Just curious."
Dende stepped forward and raised his hands over the Dragon Balls. In a clear voice, he spoke the ancient Namekian incantation that would summon Porunga, the dragon of dreams.
The sky darkened dramatically, green giving way to an ominous black as lightning crackled across the heavens. The Dragon Balls glowed brighter, then shot a brilliant beam of light upward.
The light twisted and coiled, gradually taking the form of an enormous muscular dragon with red eyes and spiked protrusions along its body.
"I AM PORUNGA, DRAGON OF DREAMS," the massive being announced, its voice reverberating across the landscape. "I HAVE ALREADY GRANTED TWO WISHES. SPEAK YOUR THIRD WISH, AND I SHALL FULFILL IT IF IT IS WITHIN MY POWER."
Dende turned to the two women. "What is your wish? I'll translate it precisely."
Bulma and Chi-Chi exchanged a glance, silently confirming their resolve.
"Not a wish, but we want to ask Porunga a question about fusion," Bulma began carefully. "Specifically, we want to know if what happened with Vegito could happen again."
"What do you mean?" Goku asked, suddenly more interested.
"When Shenron granted the wish that separated you and Vegeta from Vegito," Chi-Chi explained,
"he somehow allowed Vegito to continue existing independently while restoring both of you. We want to know if that same process could happen again."
Understanding dawned on Goku's face. "Oh! You want to know if someone else could use the Potara, then have the dragon separate them while keeping the fusion alive too? That's actually pretty interesting!"
Dende nodded thoughtfully. "I see. Let me phrase this carefully." He turned back to the massive dragon and spoke in Namekian, his voice clear and precise.
Porunga's red eyes glowed as he considered the question. After a moment, he responded in the Namekian language, his deep voice rumbling like thunder.
"Porunga says," Dende translated, "that what happened with Vegito was unusual but not unique. The dragon's power did not truly separate the fusion - that would have been impossible.
Instead, it recognized the new soul created by the fusion as a distinct entity and reconstructed bodies for the original components from their essence that remained within the fused being."
"A new soul?" Chi-Chi repeated, her eyes widening.
"Yes," Dende confirmed. "According to Porunga, when two mortal beings fuse with the Potara earrings,
the energy released from their merging creates an entirely new soul instead of merging them like with divine beings - a unique consciousness forms that is neither one nor the other.
The original souls remain present but dormant within the fused body. So they would most definitely want to remain existent and then seperated from the components if they knew it to be possible."
"The process is almost exactly what Elder Kai told Vegito," Goku interjected. "He explained it to us after he got back from visiting him. Not about the divine beings part though, hmm..."
Bulma's scientific mind was racing with implications. "So Shenron didn't actually undo the fusion - he created new bodies for you and Vegeta based on the dormant souls within Vegito."
"That appears to be correct," Dende nodded. "Would you like me to ask Porunga if this process could be repeated with different individuals with intention?"
"Yes, please," Chi-Chi said, her heart beating faster as they approached the critical question.
Dende turned back to Porunga and spoke again in Namekian. The dragon's response came quickly this time.
"Porunga says that the process could indeed be repeated," Dende translated. "Any Potara fusion creates a new soul while preserving the original souls within it.
A wish properly phrased could reconstruct bodies for the original beings while allowing the fusion to continue existing independently."
"And the fusion would truly be its own person?" Bulma pressed. "With free will and independent consciousness?"
Dende relayed this question, and Porunga rumbled his response.
"Yes," Dende confirmed. "The fusion consciousness is not simply a combination of the original - it is something new entirely, with its own distinct identity and free will.
It inherits memories and characteristics from its components but integrates them into a unique whole."
Chi-Chi and Bulma exchanged significant glances.
This confirmed what they had suspected from observing Vegito - despite his own statements, this was more believeable for it was objective evidence - he wasn't simply Goku plus Vegeta, but a new being entirely.
"There's something else you should know," Dende added after another exchange with Porunga. "The dragon says that while this process is possible, it requires significant power. Earth's Shenron was barely able to manage it with Vegito.
For beings of lesser power than Saiyans, the process might be more straightforward."
"That makes sense," Bulma nodded. "The energy involved would be proportional to the power levels of the individuals."
Goku, who had been following the conversation with unusual attention, suddenly spoke up. "Wait a minute... are you two thinking about fusing?"
Both women froze, caught off guard by his unexpected insight.
"What makes you think that?" Chi-Chi asked, trying to sound casual and failing miserably.
"Well, you're asking all these specific questions about fusion and whether the dragon could do for others what it did for me, Vegeta, and Vegito," Goku reasoned, displaying one of those moments of clarity that occasionally broke through his typical obliviousness.
"And you're being all secretive about it. Plus, you both keep giving each other these looks."
Bulma sighed, realizing there was no point in denying it now. "We've been... discussing the possibility. Theoretically."
"But why would you want to fuse?" Goku asked, genuinely puzzled. "Is there some threat coming that I don't know about?"
"No, nothing like that," Chi-Chi assured him. "It's more... personal."
Understanding slowly dawned on Goku's face, his expression shifting from confusion to surprise. "Wait... is this about Vegito?"
Both women stared at him in shock.
"How did you-" Bulma began.
"I'm not completely clueless, you know," Goku said with a hint of defensiveness. "I've seen how he looks sometimes when you guys are around.
And I remember what it was like - having all those memories of being married to Chi-Chi, but suddenly being a different person."
"You never mentioned that," Chi-Chi said softly.
Goku shrugged. "It didn't seem important once I was back to being me. But for Vegito, those memories are his, but also not his. It's gotta be tough."
"That's exactly what we've been thinking," Bulma admitted. "He seems... lonely. Everyone in his life was connected to either you or Vegeta first. He doesn't have anyone who's truly his own."
"So you thought maybe a fusion of you two might understand him better?" Goku guessed, displaying surprising emotional insight. "Someone who would be to him what you are to us?"
"Something like that," Chi-Chi nodded, still somewhat taken aback by her husband's perceptiveness. "Though we're still just considering it. There are a lot of ethical questions involved."
"Like what?" Goku asked.
"Like whether it's right to create a person with the hope they might form a specific relationship," Bulma explained.
"Or whether such a being would feel pressured by the circumstances of her creation."
Goku considered this for a moment, his expression unusually thoughtful. "I don't think Vegito feels pressured to be anything because of how he was created.
He's just... himself. Wouldn't it be the same for anyone else?"
"That's a fair point," Bulma acknowledged. "Vegito has definitely established his own identity, separate from either of you."
"I think the bigger question," Dende interjected gently, "is whether you would be comfortable with the existence of such a being - someone with all your memories, including your most private ones."
Both women fell silent, considering this aspect. They had discussed it between themselves, but hearing it stated so directly by someone else made the implications more real.
"We've thought about that," Chi-Chi said finally. "And we've decided we could accept it, given the circumstances. After all, Vegito has all of Goku and Vegeta's memories, and we've all adjusted to that reality."
"I have one more question for Porunga," Bulma said, turning to Dende. "Could you ask if the fusion would have the same... feelings... toward others that we do? Or would those emotions be transformed as well?"
Dende nodded and translated the question. Porunga's response was longer this time, his massive form shifting slightly as he spoke.
"Porunga says," Dende translated carefully, "that emotional connections are complex. The fusion would inherit the memories of emotional bonds, but how those translate into her own feelings would depend on her unique consciousness.
She might feel echoes of your attachments, but would develop her own emotional responses based on her distinct personality."
"So she wouldn't automatically love who we love," Chi-Chi clarified.
"Correct," Dende confirmed. "She would have her own heart and mind."
"That's reassuring," Bulma said. "The last thing we'd want is to create someone who feels bound by our existing relationships."
"IS THERE A SPECIFIC WISH YOU WOULD LIKE TO MAKE?" Porunga's booming voice interrupted, now speaking in the common tongue rather than Namekian. "MY PATIENCE GROWS THIN."
The group exchanged startled glances at the dragon's sudden shift to their language.
"We're not ready to make that wish yet," Bulma called up to the massive being. "We were just seeking information."
Chi-Chi and Bulma looked at each other, realizing they hadn't prepared an alternative wish.
They had been so focused on getting answers to their questions that they hadn't considered what to do with the actual wish.
"We should use it for something," Chi-Chi whispered. "It seems wasteful not to."
"But what?" Bulma whispered back. "We didn't plan for this part."
Goku, overhearing their dilemma, stepped forward with a suggestion. "You know, if you're really thinking about this fusion idea, why not use the wish for that? Instead of just asking questions?"
"What do you mean?" Chi-Chi asked, surprised by her husband's insight.
"Well," Goku continued, scratching his head thoughtfully, "you could wish that if you two ever use the Potara earrings,
it would automatically do what happened with me, Vegeta, and Vegito - create the fusion but also let you both go back to normal right away."
Bulma and Chi-Chi exchanged startled glances.
"That's... actually brilliant," Bulma admitted, her scientific mind immediately grasping the efficiency of the idea.
"We wouldn't need to gather the Dragon Balls again later or figure out how to phrase the wish correctly when the time comes."
"It would just be built in," Chi-Chi nodded, warming to the concept. "If we ever decide to go through with it, the separation would happen automatically."
"And you'd still have time to think about whether you actually want to do the fusion part," Goku added with a shrug. "This just sets it up in advance."
"I'm surprised you're so supportive of this idea," Chi-Chi remarked, studying her husband curiously.
Goku's expression turned unusually thoughtful. "Just like I said I remember what it was like - having all your memories but suddenly being a different person.
For me, it was temporary, but Vegito has to live with that every day. If this could help him be happier, why not?"
He looked directly at Chi-Chi, his normally carefree face softening with unexpected tenderness. "Besides, no matter what you'll still be my Chi-Chi.
The fusion might have your memories, but she won't be you - just like Vegito isn't me or Vegeta. You'll always be the woman I love and married."
Chi-Chi's cheeks flushed a deep crimson at this rare display of emotional awareness from her husband. "Goku..." she whispered, clearly touched by his words.
Bulma watched this exchange with a small smile, surprised but pleased by Goku's sensitivity to the situation.
"Let's do it," Bulma decided firmly. "It doesn't commit us to anything yet, but it creates the possibility."
"I agree," Chi-Chi nodded, still blushing slightly as she glanced at her husband. "If we ever decide to go forward with the fusion, this takes care of the most complicated part."
They quickly explained their decision to Dende, who listened attentively before turning to face Porunga.
"Our wish," Dende called out in Namekian, "is that if Bulma Brief and Chi-Chi Son ever use the Potara earrings to fuse, the fusion will immediately be followed by their separation -
with both women returning to their original forms while the fusion continues to exist as her own independent being, just as happened with Vegito."
Porunga's eyes glowed brightly as he considered the wish. "THIS IS A COMPLEX WISH THAT CREATES A STANDING MAGICAL EFFECT," he announced in the common tongue. "BUT IT IS WITHIN MY POWER. IT SHALL BE GRANTED."
The dragon's eyes flashed with brilliant light, and a surge of energy washed over Bulma and Chi-Chi.
They felt a strange tingling sensation throughout their bodies, as if something fundamental had been altered at the cellular level.
"THE ENCHANTMENT IS SET," Porunga declared.
With that, the massive dragon dissolved into light, which separated into seven streams that shot off in different directions as the Namekian Dragon Balls scattered across the planet, turning to stone until they could be used again.
The sky gradually returned to its natural green hue, and the assembled Namekians began to disperse, returning to their daily activities now that the spectacle was over.
"Do you feel any different?" Goku asked curiously, studying the two women.
"Not really," Bulma replied, examining her hands as if expecting to see some visible change. "Just a little tingly, but that's fading already."
"Porunga's magic is subtle but powerful," Dende explained. "The enchantment is now tied to your life energies, dormant until the conditions are met."
"So now we just need to decide if we actually want to go through with the fusion part," Chi-Chi said, a hint of nervousness in her voice now that the possibility was real.
"And find some Potara earrings," Bulma added. "Those aren't exactly common items."
"Supreme Kai would have some," Goku suggested helpfully. "I could ask him, if you decide to go ahead with it."
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Chi-Chi cautioned, though she moved slightly closer to Goku as she spoke, still warmed by his earlier words.
"We still need to think about this carefully. And we should definitely talk to Vegito first."
"That conversation will be... interesting," Bulma said with a wry smile.
"You still think the best approach is 'By the way, Vegito, we've been thinking about creating a fusion of ourselves to keep you company. Thoughts?'"
Chi-Chi couldn't help but laugh once more at the absurdity of it. "No, we still have to find a more tactful way to phrase it by then."
"There's something else we should consider," Bulma added, her expression turning more serious. "What if Vegito lies about wanting this?"
"Why would he lie?" Chi-Chi asked, surprised by the suggestion.
Bulma sighed, her scientific mind analyzing the psychological aspects of their unusual situation. "Think about it. He has Vegeta's pride and sense of honor.
If he believes we're offering this out of pity, or that we're sacrificing something for his benefit, he might reject the idea outright even if he desperately wants it."
"That... actually makes sense," Chi-Chi admitted, thinking about how Vegito had been so careful to maintain boundaries and never impose on their existing relationships.
"He's been so determined not to disrupt our lives or make anyone uncomfortable."
"Exactly," Bulma nodded. "He might see our offer as some kind of sacrifice or obligation, especially since he knows we're happily married to his component parts.
His pride - particularly the Vegeta side - would never let him accept something he perceives as charity."
"So how do we know what he truly wants?" Chi-Chi wondered.
"I'm not sure," Bulma admitted. "We'll have to be very careful about how we approach this. Maybe observe his reactions rather than just listen to his words."
"Ready to head back?" Goku called to them, waving from where he stood with Dende.
The women rejoined the others, each lost in her own thoughts about the implications of what they'd just done and the possibilities that lay ahead.
"Thank you for your help, Dende," Bulma said sincerely. "And for not judging our unusual request."
"The universe is full of wonders and possibilities," the young Namekian replied with a gentle smile. "Who am I to judge which ones should be explored?"
With that philosophical observation lingering in their minds, they gathered close as Goku prepared to transport them back to Earth.
In an instant, the green landscape of New Namek vanished, replaced by the familiar surroundings of Capsule Corporation.
As they said their goodbyes, with Goku heading off to resume his training and Dende returning to the Lookout, Bulma and Chi-Chi found themselves alone again, contemplating the path forward.
"Do you think we're crazy for even considering this?" Chi-Chi asked softly.
Bulma shook her head. "In a world where people can change their hair color by powering up, fuse into new beings,
and travel between dimensions, creating a new person through fusion hardly seems like the strangest thing we could do."
"When you put it that way," Chi-Chi smiled, "it almost sounds reasonable."
"Almost," Bulma agreed with a laugh. "But we've got time to think about whether we actually want to go through with it.
And we need to figure out how to approach Vegito about it in a way that lets us know his true feelings, not just what his pride might let him say."
"That won't be easy," Chi-Chi noted. "He's become quite good at masking his emotions when he wants to."
"We'll find a way," Bulma said with determination. "One step at a time."
(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!
So, thoughts?
Keep in mind though, Vegito may not be in love with Bulma or Chichi, but he would
A) Want someone he could relate to - transmigrated soul or not, the part of having been fused with parts of others is still something about him that is true, and makes him feel completely alone in that feeling.
B) He is attracted to them physically - that is undeniable even to him.
Besides that, Android 21 and Vegito together is... Not really easy.
How would they logically meet? How would I incorporate her into canon? Majin Buu died like what 3 months ago, so how can anyone have studied him enough to merge his DNA with hers?
Besides her Kefla herself is a fusion herself, we got to get to TP and that's way too long for me to not incorporate romance, since Vegito himself is feeling lonely.
You can't have memories of two lifetimes of having a wife, and then find it normal to not have one.
So yeah, I hope this cleared it up, hope you guys still stick around and see you all later,