Being Vegito after defusion

Chapter 16: Paradis

The planet looked unremarkable from orbit - a dusty brown sphere with patches of blue-green vegetation concentrated around shallow seas.

Yet according to the ship's scanners, this unassuming world housed one of the largest remaining Frieza Force outposts in the sector.

"Approaching target," I announced, taking on a professional tone, as our vessel began its descent through the atmosphere. The kids need to learn how command structures work and how to speak in them in the future.

After all, they will be princes of the new Empire.

"Final scans confirm significant energy signatures consistent with Frieza Force technology and approximately two hundred life forms concentrated in the main compound."

Goten and Trunks pressed their faces against the viewport, their excitement palpable.

After twelve days in space, our search for Vampa had led us through several former Frieza territories, each providing valuable intelligence about the state of the fallen empire.

"Are we really going to take over a whole Frieza base?" Goten asked, his eyes wide with anticipation.

"That's the plan," I confirmed, guiding the ship toward a landing zone several kilometers from the main compound.

"Remember your training. This isn't a game - these soldiers may be weak compared to us, but they're still dangerous and won't hesitate to kill if given the opportunity. Don't let your guards down."

"We know," Trunks replied with surprising seriousness. "We've been practicing the non-lethal takedown techniques you showed us."

I nodded approvingly. The boys had made remarkable progress during our short journey. Our daily training sessions in the gravity chamber had honed their skills considerably, and they'd shown unexpected discipline in their studies as well.

"Good. We'll approach from the east, using the ridge line for cover. I'll take point, you two maintain the formation we practiced. Our goal is to secure the command center with minimal casualties."

As the ship settled onto the planet's surface with barely a tremor, I performed a final equipment check. The specialized armor Bulma had designed for me fit perfectly, offering protection while maintaining flexibility.

The boys wore their normal clothes, but with a symbol on it. I proudly emblazoned their clothes with a stylized "V" that had become my personal emblem during our journey.

"Remember," I cautioned as we prepared to disembark, "this isn't about conquest for conquest's sake.

We're establishing order in a region that's fallen into chaos. These outposts have been extorting and terrorizing nearby systems since Frieza's death."

"Right," Trunks nodded. "We're the good guys."

"The awesome good guys," Goten added with a grin.

I couldn't help but smile at their enthusiasm. Despite the seriousness of our mission, their youthful energy was infectious. "Let's move out."

The planet's gravity was slightly higher than Earth's, but after training at 500G, it felt negligible. We moved swiftly across the barren landscape, our ki suppressed to avoid detection.

From the ridge overlooking the compound, I could see the typical design of Frieza's outposts - a central command building surrounded by barracks, landing pads for space pods, and defensive turrets.

"Those turrets are automated," I observed, pointing to the weapons systems scanning the perimeter. "They'll target any unauthorized approach. We'll need to disable them first."

"Can I do it?" Trunks asked eagerly. "I've been practicing my precision ki blasts."

I considered this for a moment. "Alright, but wait for my signal. Goten, you'll take out the communications array simultaneously. We don't want them calling for reinforcements."

Both boys nodded seriously, their playfulness temporarily set aside as they focused on the mission.

"On my mark," I said, watching the patrol patterns of the guards. "Three... two... one... now!"

Two precisely aimed energy beams shot forth - Trunks' striking the power conduits connecting the turrets, while Goten's demolished the communications array with surgical precision.

The resulting explosions were relatively small but effective, immediately plunging sections of the compound into confusion.

"Phase two," I announced, and we descended toward the compound at blinding speed.

The guards barely had time to register our presence before we were upon them.

I moved through their ranks like a ghost, delivering precise strikes that rendered them unconscious without causing permanent harm.

From the corner of my eye, I could see the boys executing their own takedowns with impressive skill - Goten using Goku's fluid style, while Trunks employed Vegeta's more economical movements.

Within minutes, the exterior guards were neutralized, and we stood before the main entrance to the command center.

"Remember, we want the commander alive," I reminded the boys. "He'll have valuable intelligence about the remaining Frieza Force operations."

The doors slid open as we approached, revealing a squad of elite soldiers in the distinctive armor of Frieza's special forces. Their scouters beeped frantically as they attempted to read our power levels.

"Intruders!" their leader shouted. "Open fire!"

A barrage of energy blasts erupted toward us, which I casually deflected with one hand while keeping the boys safely behind me.

"Is that really the best you can do?" I asked, my voice carrying easily over the chaos. "I expected more from Frieza's elites."

The soldiers faltered, exchanging nervous glances as their attacks proved completely ineffective.

"Who... who are you?" the leader demanded, his scouter continuing to malfunction as it attempted to quantify my power.

I stepped forward, allowing a fraction of my energy to surface - just enough to create a golden aura that illuminated the corridor. "I am Vegito, and as of today, this outpost falls under my protection. Surrender now, and no one else needs to be harmed."

"Vegito?" one of the soldiers whispered, his face paling. "I've heard stories... a Saiyan warrior said to be more powerful than Lord Frieza himself..."

Good, seems the rumours I planted have spread well and far.

"The stories are true," I confirmed, taking another step forward. "Though I assure you, my rule will be considerably more benevolent than Frieza's - for those who cooperate."

The leader, to his credit, maintained his composure. "We serve Lord Frieza! We don't recognize your authority, Saiyan!"

"Lord Frieza is dead," I stated flatly. "Killed by a Saiyan, as it happens.

His empire is fractured, and his remaining forces are either scavenging like vultures or continuing to terrorize innocent worlds out of habit rather than purpose."

I gestured around us. "Look at yourselves. This outpost is deteriorating. Your supply lines are disrupted.

You've been forgotten by whatever remains of Frieza's command structure. I'm offering you a purpose - and survival."

Uncertainty flickered across the soldiers' faces.

I could see the calculations happening behind their eyes - weighing loyalty to a dead tyrant against the reality of their situation and the overwhelming power standing before them.

"What... what would serving you entail?" one of the soldiers asked hesitantly.

"Protection of nearby systems rather than exploitation," I replied immediately. "Fair governance, resources distributed based on need rather than fear.

Those who choose to serve will be treated with respect, not as disposable pawns."

The leader's resolve visibly wavered. "And if we refuse?"

"Then you'll be detained until arrangements can be made for your relocation," I stated simply. "I have no interest in unnecessary bloodshed.

But make no mistake - this outpost will serve my purposes, with or without your cooperation."

A tense silence fell over the corridor as the soldiers exchanged glances. Finally, the leader lowered his weapon.

"Lord Frieza has been gone for years," he admitted reluctantly. "We've received no new orders, no supplies... we've been surviving on what we can extract from nearby systems."

He hesitated, then added, "Many of us were conscripted, not volunteers. We serve because the alternative was death."

"Then consider this an opportunity for redemption," I offered. "Take me to your commander. It's time to negotiate the terms of this transition."

The soldiers parted, allowing us passage deeper into the facility. As we walked, Goten and Trunks fell into step beside me, their expressions a mixture of awe and excitement.

"That was awesome," Goten whispered. "You didn't even have to fight them!"

"Sometimes words are more effective than fists," I replied quietly. "Remember that lesson - true power isn't just about who can hit hardest."

The command center was a large circular room dominated by monitoring screens and a central holographic display showing nearby star systems.

A diminutive, elderly female alien with blue skin and large eyes sat in a hovering chair, her expression shifting from annoyance to mild curiosity as we entered.

"Commander Appula," the lead soldier announced nervously, "this is... Vegito. He claims authority over this outpost now."

The blue-skinned commander studied me with a calculating gaze, showing remarkably little fear compared to her subordinates. "A Saiyan?" she observed coolly. "Have you come to finish what your kind started with Lord Frieza?"

"I've come to restore order to a region that has fallen into chaos," I replied calmly. "Frieza's empire was built on fear and exploitation.

I intend to replace it with something more sustainable - the foundation of the Paradis Empire."

"Paradis Empire?" The commander's delicate eyebrow arched. "And I suppose you fancy yourself the new Emperor?"

"That's exactly what I am," I stated with unwavering confidence. "The universe needs leadership -not tyranny like Frieza's, but firm guidance toward prosperity and order. I intend to provide that leadership."

"And why should I surrender my command to you?" Appula demanded, her tone measured despite the obvious power disparity between us.

In response, I allowed more of my power to surface - not enough to damage the facility, but sufficient to make the very air vibrate with energy.

The monitoring equipment in the room began to malfunction, screens flickering as my power interfered with their sensors.

"Because I could destroy this entire facility with a thought," I stated matter-of-factly. "But I'm offering you and your soldiers something Frieza never did - a choice."

Appula's eyes darted to the malfunctioning equipment, then back to me. "What... what choice?"

"Serve under my authority as officers in the Paradis Empire, helping to transform what remains of Frieza's territories into something that benefits the worlds it once terrorized,

or be detained and eventually relocated to a world where you can live in peace, away from military matters entirely."

I gestured to the holographic display. "These systems you've been exploiting could become a network of allied worlds,

sharing resources and technology for mutual benefit rather than serving as unwilling tributaries."

The commander's expression shifted through several emotions - disbelief, calculation, and finally, a reluctant acknowledgment of reality.

"The empire has been crumbling since Lord Frieza's defeat," she admitted finally. "We've been operating without direction, simply maintaining control because it was all we knew to do."

She studied me carefully. "You truly believe you can create something better from these ruins?"

"I know I can," I replied with absolute confidence. "And those who help me build it will be rewarded accordingly."

Appula seemed to reach a decision. With a deliberate movement, she removed her insignia of rank and placed it on the console before her.

"The outpost is yours, Emperor Vegito," she declared, the new title sounding strange yet fitting. "Most of my soldiers will likely accept your terms - they've had little loyalty to Frieza's memory these past years, only to survival."

"A wise choice," I acknowledged. "Now, there's information I require - specifically about a planet called Vampa."

Appula's expression turned curious. "Vampa? That barren rock in the outer reaches? What possible interest could you have in such a place?"

"Let's just say I'm looking for someone who might be there," I replied. "Do you have coordinates or any information about it?"

The commander moved to a console and input a series of commands. The holographic display shifted, zooming out to show a much wider section of the galaxy before focusing on a distant, isolated planet.

"Vampa," Appule confirmed. "Uninhabited except for indigenous life forms. No resources worth exploiting, which is why the Frieza Force never established a presence there." She glanced at me curiously.

"It's a desolate place - nothing but harsh terrain and dangerous creatures. If someone's there, they must be either stranded or hiding."

I kept my expression neutral, though inwardly I felt a surge of satisfaction. My information was correct - Vampa existed in this timeline just as it had in my knowledge from my previous life.

And if Vampa existed, then Broly and Paragus were almost certainly there.

"How long would it take to reach Vampa from here?" I asked.

Appule calculated briefly. "In your vessel? Perhaps three standard days, assuming you have the hyperdrive capabilities I detected when you arrived."

"Excellent," I nodded. "We'll depart for Vampa soon, but first, we need to establish proper governance for this outpost and the systems it oversees."

Over the next several hours, I outlined my vision for the Paradis Empire.

Soldiers who had lived their entire lives under tyranny listened with a mixture of skepticism and hope as I described a system based on mutual benefit rather than exploitation.

By the end of the day, the outpost's insignia had been replaced with my stylized "V" symbol, and the first orders had gone out to nearby systems-

not demands for tribute, but offers of protection and cooperation under the banner of the newly formed Paradis Empire.

As night fell on the alien world, I stood on the command center's observation deck with Goten and Trunks, watching the unfamiliar stars emerge in the darkening sky.

"You were amazing today," Trunks said, a note of genuine admiration in his voice. "You conquered a whole Frieza base without even throwing a punch!"

"Not conquered," I corrected gently. "Transformed. There's a difference."

"But we're still going to Vampa, right?" Goten asked. "To find that other Saiyan you mentioned?"

"Yes," I confirmed. "There, there is someone... important. If my information is correct, he possesses extraordinary potential - potential that Frieza would have exploited had he discovered it. I intend to offer him something different."

"Another ally for your empire?" Trunks guessed with excitement.

"Potentially," I nodded. "But more importantly, a chance at a better life than isolation on a desolate world."

As the boys peppered me with questions about this mysterious Saiyan, I found myself mentally calculating our timeline.

Twelve days into our month-long journey, with three more to reach Vampa.

That would leave us roughly two weeks to find Broly, establish contact, and begin our return journey to Earth before the deadline Chi-Chi and Bulma had set.

"We need to be efficient with our time," I told the boys, interrupting their increasingly elaborate theories about Broly's potential abilities.

"Remember, we promised your mothers we'd be back within a month. After Vampa, we'll need to head straight home."

"But what about the rest of Frieza's bases?" Trunks asked. "Aren't we going to take them over too?"

"This is just the beginning of the Paradis Empire," I assured him. "We've established a foothold and gathered critical intelligence.

After we return you two to Earth, I can continue this work - perhaps with occasional visits from my two junior commanders, if your mothers permit."

This prospect seemed to satisfy them, though I could tell they were already plotting ways to convince their mothers to allow future space adventures.

"For now," I continued, "you should complete your evening studies and get some rest. Tomorrow we'll prepare the ship for departure to Vampa."

Their groans of protest were halfhearted at best - they'd grown accustomed to the routine I'd established during our journey.

As I watched them head off to their quarters, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in how they'd handled themselves today.

Turning back to the viewport, I gazed out at the stars once more. Somewhere out there, Beerus slumbered, unaware of the changes taking place in his universe.

Somewhere, Zeno perhaps existed in his realm, potentially judging the worth of entire realities.

And here I stood, a being from another world systematically reshaping a universe to better withstand the threats only I knew were coming - the first steps toward establishing myself as the Emperor of the universe.

Not a tyrant like Frieza, but a ruler who would bring order, prosperity, and the strength needed to face the threats looming on the horizon.

"Paradis," I murmured, testing the name of my nascent empire. "A paradise for all who join it willingly - and a power that even gods will have to respect."

My contemplation was interrupted by the ship's communication system signaling an incoming transmission. The screen flickered to life, revealing Bulma and Chi-Chi's faces.

Their expressions were unusually serious, lacking the typical worried mother looks I'd expected during our check-in calls.

"Vegito," Bulma greeted me. "Good to see the mission was successful. How are the boys?"

"They performed admirably," I replied, sensing something unusual in their demeanor. "They're just heading to their quarters for evening studies before bed."

"Are they out of earshot?" Chi-Chi asked abruptly, her voice lower than usual. "We need to speak with you privately."

I frowned, puzzled by the request. "They're heading to their quarters, but they could still overhear if they wanted to." I studied their expressions more carefully. "Is something wrong?"

"Could you ensure they can't hear this conversation?" Bulma pressed, her scientific mind clearly having considered this possibility. "It's... important."

Still confused but intrigued, I raised my hand, creating an energy barrier around the communication console - a technique I'd developed during our journey that could contain sound within a defined space.

"They can't hear us now," I confirmed. "What's this about? Has something happened on Earth?"

Chi-Chi and Bulma exchanged a meaningful glance before Bulma took a deep breath.

"Vegito, we've been thinking a lot about your situation since you left," she began carefully. "About how... unique your existence is."

"And we've made a decision," Chi-Chi continued, her cheeks coloring slightly. "Well, not exactly a decision, but we've taken a step that-"

"We used the third wish from the Namekian Dragon Balls," Bulma interrupted, clearly deciding that directness was the best approach.

"We wished that if we ever use the Potara earrings to fuse, the fusion would exist independently while we both return to our original forms. Just like what happened with you."

I stared at the screen, momentarily speechless as the implications of what they were saying registered. My eyes widened involuntarily before I carefully composed my expression.

"You... you're planning to create a fusion of yourselves?" I asked, my voice carefully controlled. "But why would you do that?"

"We've noticed how you look at us sometimes," Chi-Chi said softly. "And then catch yourself. We understand what it must be like, having all those memories but being a different person."

My hand tightened imperceptibly on the console edge, a gesture so subtle I almost didn't even notice it myself.

"I appreciate your concern," I said evenly, "but this isn't necessary. I've adjusted to my situation. I care for both of you as the mothers of Goten and Trunks, as friends, but I'm not-" I paused, searching for the right words.

"I'm not in love with either of you. Those memories belong to Goku and Vegeta, not me."

Bulma's eyes narrowed slightly, her scientific mind clearly analyzing my micro-expressions. "Are you sure about that, Vegito?

Because we've both seen how you sometimes look away when Goku and Chi-Chi are together, or when Vegeta puts his arm around me."

I swallowed, a bit embarressed, "That's just... awkwardness from having memories that aren't mine. Nothing more." Which is true, it is awkwardness.

It's weird remembering things from that perspective and seeing it from the outside.

"We've given this a lot of thought," Chi-Chi continued gently. "It's not just about you. The fusion would be her own person, just like you are. She would have her own choices, her own life."

"Exactly," Bulma nodded. "We're not creating someone specifically to be with you. We're creating the possibility of someone who might understand you in a way no one else can."

My jaw tightened slightly, they shouldn't be making such a big decision based on uncontrolled emotion. "You shouldn't make such a significant decision based on concern for me. Creating a new life is... it's not something to be taken lightly."

"We know that," Chi-Chi assured me. "That's why we've only set up the framework. We haven't decided for certain yet."

"But we wanted you to know," Bulma added, "that we see you, Vegito. Not as an extension of Goku and Vegeta, but as your own person. A person who deserves happiness."

I looked away briefly, not knowing how to look at such sincere gazes. 

I have no interest in their pity - I don't need it. Sure my situation is complicated, but it is mine - I am dealing. 

"I am happy," I insisted, turning back to the screen. "I've found purpose in my existence. This empire I'm building, the good I can do with my power - that's what matters to me now."

"Purpose isn't the same as connection," Chi-Chi said softly. "Everyone needs someone who truly understands them."

I felt a strange tightness in my chest at her words, and my expression must have betrayed something because both women exchanged a knowing glance.

"Listen," I said, my tone more firm now. "I appreciate what you're trying to do, but this isn't the solution.

I've moved beyond those memories, beyond needing that kind of connection. I'm not Goku or Vegeta. I'm Vegito, and my path is different."

As I spoke, my hand unconsciously moved to adjust the collar of my armor - a nervous gesture I wasn't even aware of making till I made it - their words were getting to me.

Yes, I desire someone to understand me - to truly connect with, but I don't need it.

I don't.

"Of course," Bulma replied, her tone gentle but knowing. "We just wanted you to be aware of the possibility. The decision is still ours to make, and we haven't made it yet."

"But if we did," Chi-Chi added, "would you at least be open to meeting her? Not with any expectations, just... as someone new in your life?"

I hesitated a fraction too long before answering. "I... suppose that would be reasonable. But again, this really isn't necessary."

The communication began to waver slightly, the connection becoming unstable as the outpost's systems experienced a power fluctuation.

"We're starting to lose you," Bulma observed, her voice beginning to break up. "We'll talk more when you return to Earth."

"Just think about what we've said," Chi-Chi added, her image flickering. "And know that whatever you're feeling, it's okay to acknowledge it."

I opened my mouth to respond, to once again insist that I was fine, that I didn't need what they were offering, but the screen went dark as the connection was finally lost.

I stood there for a long moment, staring at my reflection in the blank monitor. The face looking back at me was composed, controlled - but in my eyes, I could see a flicker of something like curious wonder - something I didn't care to admit.

Turning away from the console, I took a deep breath, pushing the conversation to the back of my mind.

Vampa awaited, and with it Broly - a mission that required my full attention. These... personal matters would have to wait.

Yet as I walked toward my quarters, I couldn't help but wonder what a fusion of Bulma and Chi-Chi would be like - I know I was attracted to them, physically at least.

But that isn't love.

I didn't desire them to be with me - hell most of the time remembering Chichi's nagging makes me glad I am not Goku, or Bulma's bossiness is also annoying as hell when I remember being on the end of it as Vegeta.

I want a woman who understands me, and understands my own need for control - I am going to become an Emperor for God's sake!

And yet, I the thought of a fusion of them lingered in my mind far longer than I cared to admit.

Damn it, they are just that incredibly beautiful.

I shook my head once and began focusing once more on the mission.

Anything else can come later.


(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

Do tell me how you found it.

Vegito's plan, the conversations, etc.

I am very interested in your comments.

Well, I hope to see you all later,


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