Berserk : The Deviant

Chapter 14: chapter 14 : Hunting and murder

Because the falcons were recovering, and the king greatly appreciated them, he decided that they would be his guards this year for the traditional hunting season held every year. This news shook the palace because this honorable task had until now been assigned to the white dragons as a mark of the king's esteem and trust.

However, this year the role belonged to the falcons, commoners who were a mercenary army just a few months ago.

Count Julius was greatly upset and angry by this, he hated Griffith, he hated the falcons and everywhere he went they were praised. His white dragons were losing prestige more and more to the falcons. 

The day of the first hunt began and everything was going well, Griffith was assigned to the exclusive protection of the princess and the rest of the falcons were watching over the place.

Griffith was trying to distract the princess who clearly wasn't comfortable with this kind of violent activity and he taught her how to whistle into a tree leaf.

Guts watched this scene with amusement knowing that Griffith had the princess in his calculations but he also noticed Casca's reaction who walked away from there with an upset face. 

"If I had believed three years ago that we would take part in this kind of activity, I would have bitten my tongue" Judeau said as he came on his horse near Guts. 

Guts: It's true that you come from far away, from mercenaries to the king's privileged guards. 

Rickert : What do you mean "You"? You are a full member of the troop, Guts. You are almost as important as Griffith. 

"Almost as important as Griffith ? Do you realize what you're saying...? » Corkus asked Rickert when Guts coldly asked him if he had something to say and Corkus scared just closed his mouth to leave there with his tail between his legs.

Guts in this reality didn't let anyone walk all over him and had on multiple occasions broken the mouth of Corkus who wanted to annoy him a little too often. 

Judeau looked at Guts strangely after Rickert's remark and wanted to ask him something when something happened, the princess's horse panicked because of a wild boar and it escaped his control to run away with her on its back and Griffith went to her rescue.

They didn't waste any time and followed them immediately, they caught up with them near a stream where Griffith had regained control of the situation and calmed the horse then the frightened princess. 


 "Everything's fine..." He said as a crossbow bolt was fired from a certain direction to hit Griffith in the chest, the action happened very quickly as Griffith fell heavily into the water. 

"GRIFFITH..." Guts jumped off his horse to run towards his best friend with Casca in tears right behind him as the princess remained paralyzed by the shock.

Guts immediately sent men to find where the shot came from when Griffith told them he was fine, he removed the arrow and asked that no one touch it as it was probably poisoned.

They asked him how the projectile didn't hit him and he took out his Beherit saying that his lucky charm was at the very point of impact, the others immediately praised his luck.

"The Emperor's egg...just Lucky ? No, it's more than that." Guts thought to himself as Griffith looked at him with his usual smile. 

"YOUR MAJESTY, THEY'RE HERE..." Someone said and the king and the other nobles arrived. He asked what happened and Guts looked at Griffith for a moment to figure out what to do. 

"Your Majesty, the princess's horse freaked out and ran away with her on its back. Griffith was able to catch up and save the princess from a potentially fatal fall from the horse but unfortunately, someone took advantage of the situation to attempt to assassinate the princess but once again, Griffith saved her and took the arrow instead. » Guts made a quickly creative report while prostrating himself while where he was, a delicate smile appeared on Griffith's lips. 

Julius : How do you know that it was an assassination attempt on the princess ? 

"There is poison on the tip of the arrow and between the princess and a simple knight you think that the knight would be the target Count Julius ? You weren't there but seem to have an opinion on the potential target. Do you have any information on this case ? " Guts explained then asked the question to the count who remained speechless. 

The king got off his horse and went to see if his daughter was okay before coming in front of Griffith who wanted to prostrate himself but the king immediately made him get up before putting his hands on Griffith's shoulders. 

"You flew to the aid of your king against Tudor and today, twice you save the life of my precious daughter. The entire royal family of Midland owes you their salvation as their guardian angel" the king said with emotion. 

Griffith: I owe my survival only to my old lucky charm majesty but I am honored to have done my duty and if I had to do it again, I would do it again. My only regret is that the princess must have been traumatized by these events, please forgive me majesty. 

"Nonsense! There is nothing to forgive my boy, I will know how to show you my gratitude or else I am not the king of this kingdom. (to Julius) COUNT, MAKE YOURSELF USEFUL AND FIND THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS INFAMY." the king said and Griffith looked meaningfully at the count who had the impression that the boy read him and knew that he was the instigator of this assassination attempt. 

 Further into the forest, Ros stood with her foot stomping on the shooter's back as Judau and a few hawks arrived there. She demanded that he be ripped off and gagged to be taken away discreetly away to question him and find out who hired him .

Griffith was very happy to know that the shooter had been caught, they interrogated him painfully to understand that it was the work of Count Julius, They extracted other information from him before killing the archer. 

Two days after this affair, in the night, Guts dressed in a black cloak snuck into Julius's house in the darkness of the night without his greatsword.

He entered from the heights and carefully made his way to find Julius in his living room and sitting by the fireplace after a training session with his son Adonis.

Without making any noise, he entered through the window and armed his crossbow before firing a bolt directly into the Julius' head who died instantly, no need for a sword duel when Barkha had taught him how to handle a crossbow as well. 

He took a paper on which was written something "For my son, missing the assassination of the princess did not allow him to kill my son. Now you know why he died... " implying that Julius was responsible for the attempt on the princess but he had barely left the paper when Someone opened the door.

"Father? I'd like-(interrupted)" Adonis entered, surprising Guts who reflexively threw a throwing knife that immediately lodged in the child's head, killing him instantly and when Guts realized what he had just done, he was paralyzed for a few moments before fleeing the way he had come.

Once in a safe place, Guts began to vomit before crying thinking about what he had done today, he had just killed an innocent child.

That night he didn't seek out Griffith but did the only thing that could put his mind away from all his thoughts, swing his sword.

Guts took his combat sword to practice strikes until dawn and next day, the terrible news of the assassination of the count and his son shook the capital and the letter had been brought to the king to make him understand that it was his brother who was responsible for the assassination attempt on Charlotte a few days ago.

This letter was Griffith's idea so that the king would start to distrust all the nobles of his court to trust mostly the savior of his daughter twice, Griffith himself.

For Guts, he had felt that something had changed a little in him and Griffith asked him if he was angry with him for asking him to kill Julius. 

"You did nothing wrong, you just stayed true to your dream. It was me who killed that child, not you..." Guts had answered him in a way that had made Griffith silent.

A week later Griffith was granted a title of nobility but no longer as a Baron as was intended but as a Viscount, some were delighted and others were upset but knowing what he had done so far his ascension was rightful to the common people .

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